Тест к презентации на тему: "American Economy".
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Власкина Людмила Витальевна

Данный тест предназначен для презентации на тему :"American Economy".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test on American Economy

  1. The USA leads the world in  agricultural  and ### production.

+: industrial

  1. One of the reasons for the US prosperity is its richness in ###.

+: mineral resources

  1. The USA is rich in the minerals, but imports them because of ###.

-: economizing them

-: lack of equipment for mining

+: high mining costs

  1. The USA imports minerals from the countries where###.

-: people do not use the recourses

+: the mining costs are lower

-: the usage of minerals is lower

  1. The trade with other countries has been facilitated by the US ###.

+: location

  1. Comparative safety during the wars was reached with the help of the US ###.

+: location

  1. US monopolies have profited during the 20-th century from ###.

+: wars

  1. The USA does not neighbor with ###.

-: Canada

-: Mexico

+: Venezuela

+: Guatemala

  1. The USA have exploited its neighbours’ resources because they are….

+: less developed

-: frightened of US military forces

-: politically dependent

  1. The Federal government promotes economic development of new industrial areas through ###.

+: tax relieves

-: tax abolishing

+: credit arrangements

-: signing bonus

  1. The aerospace industries have turned ### into one of the major industrial centres in the USA.

+: California

  1. California has been turned into one of the major industrial centres in the USA by the development of the ### industry.

+: aerospace

  1. The government which plays an important role in the country’s military-industrial complex is the ### government.

+: Federal

  1. The Federal government plays an important role in the country’s ### complex.

+: military-industrial

  1. Industry contributes ### times as much as agriculture to the national income.

+: 10

+: ten

  1. The USA produces about ### of the world output of oil.

-: 1/2

-: 1/3

+: 1/4

-: 1/5

  1. The largest producer of oil & natural gas is the state of ###.

+: Texas

  1. In the West the oilfields of ### & ### are the principal producers.

+: California

-: Oregon

-: Nevada

+: Alaska

-: Utah

  1. Most of the oil refining areas are concentrated in the ### on the continental USA.

+: North

  1. The country gets most of the iron ore from the deposits lying on the shores of ###.

+: Lake Superior

  1. Most of the iron-and-steel works are located near.

-: Sault Lake

+: the Great Lakes

-: the Mississippi

-: the Pacific

  1. The industry which  is not the fastest growing among engineering is ###.

-: electronic engineering,

-: electronics

-: aircraft

+: aerospace

  1.  The USA now produces over ### % of the world computer output.

+: 60

-: 70

-: 50

-: 40

  1. Today the US motor vehicle industry is mostly concentrated in the states of ###.

+: Michigan

+: California

-: Ohio

-: New Mexico

-: Texas

  1. The largest country’s producer of aircraft, rockets and missiles is the state of ###.

+: California

  1. Most textile factories are concentrated in the ###.

+: North

-: East

-: South

-: West

  1. Cotton industry is concentrated in the ###.

-: North

-: East

+: South

-: West

  1. The areas in the continental USA which are unsuitable for cultivation are ###.

-: the coastal strip along the Pacific coast

-: the western part of the Great Planes

+: the high mountain areas in the Cordillera

+: the Appalachians

+: swamplands in the coastal strip along the Atlantic coast

  1. In the country as a whole all ### crops can be cultivated.

-: subtropical

+: temperate-zone

-: tropical

  1. The rather dry climate in the Central Lowland & the Great Plains makes ### necessary.

+: irrigation

-: cultivation

-: drainage

  1. Livestock farming produces 2/3 of the total agricultural production is produced by ###.

+: livestock farming

  1. Cattle-farming is not spread in the ###.

-: North

+: East

-: South

-: West

  1. Pig-breeding is spread in the ###.

+: North

-: East

-: South

-: West

  1. Sheep-breeding is spread in the ###.

-: North

-: East

-: South

+: West

  1. The economic region which is not presented in the USA is the ### economic region.

-: North

+: East

-: South

-: West

  1. The contribution of the North economic region to the country’s economy has decreased because of ###.

-: exhaustion of resources

-: demography crises

+: progress in the South and West

  1. The highly urbanized territory is ###.

+: coastal strip along the Atlantic

-: coastal strip along the Pacific

-: the central USA

-: the south-east of the USA proper

  1. A national leader in business, finance, manufacturing, fashion, music and literature is ### City.

+: New York

  1. The largest cities of the North are ###.

+: New York

-: San Francisco

-: Miami

-: Los Angeles

+: Chicago

-: Houston

+: Philadelphia

  1. The largest cities of the South are ###.

-: New York

-: San Francisco

+: Miami

-: Los Angeles

-: Chicago

+: Houston

-: Philadelphia

  1. The largest cities of the West are ###.

-: New York

+: San Francisco

-: Miami

+: Los Angeles

-: Chicago

-: Houston

-: Philadelphia

  1. The nation’s largest railroad terminal is ###.

+: Chicago

  1. The US automobile capital which is also known as the “automobile capital of the world” is ###.

+: Detroit

  1. The South is going through a process of transition from agricultural to ### regions.

+: industrial

  1. The city which leads the USA in production of aircraft is ###.

+: Los Angeles

  1. Hawaii & Alaska form part of the Western USA.

-: Northern

-: Eastern

-: Southern

+: Western

  1. The USA competes in trade with the European Union and Japan.

-: China

+: the European Union

-: Russia

-: Canada

+: Japan

  1.  The correspondence is …

L1: The USA exports

L2: The USA imports

R1: manufactures

R2: raw materials

R3: aircraft

R4: products

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