A fragment from the lesson"What is conflict?"Student's Book 9,Biboletova
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Vidyulina Clare Revgatovna

Обобщающий урок  в 9 классе по теме "Что такое конфликт?" с использованием мультимедиа. Учебник под редакцией Биболетова М.З


Предварительный просмотр:

Фрагмент открытого урока для 9-го класса по теме «Что такое конфликт?»


Good morning, dear children!

Now let’s start our lesson.

Today we are going to discuss the topic “What is the conflict. Can we learn to live in peace?”

Look at the first slide and read the definition of the word “Conflict”….Do you understand the meaning of this word?

Now I’d like you to watch an episode from “Shrek” movie, and answer my questions.

What has happened between two friends?

How can you prove that it was a conflict?

Have they resolved this conflict situation?

What is your attitude to conflict situations? Do you like them? Of course, nobody does. But we often collide with them in our everyday life.

In a transport…..

In school….

In the family….

Why do they often happen? What are the reasons ? (disagreement, lie, betrayal, envy, etc.)

The consequences of conflicts can be terrible for us. They may lead us to: (bad relations, stress, quarrels, divorces etc.) even to wars, international conflicts and nature disasters.

Have you ever had conflicts? No doubt, sometimes you have. Unfortunately it’s a natural thing to happen.

I wonder if we can resolve conflicts peacefully. How to cope with them?

  1. We should remember that we are different and everybody has the right to disagree with other people’s point of view.
  2. To use sense of humor, do not let your emotions to get out of your hands.
  3. We must respect each other’s opinion.
  4. Not to be afraid to say “Sorry” and ask for somebody’s advice.
  5. Do not use words that may hurt other people.

How clever of you!

Remember that being out of control will keep us from solving the problem and sometimes discussing two contrary ideas may lead us to a better solution or way out.

In case you lost your temper to cool off you can try to do the following:

Slide 1………….

What is your usual way of avoiding conflicts?

Slide 2………

I ‘ve  absolutely forgotten that some our students  shot episodes from their real life. Let’s invite them.

At home:

Mum:         Don’t you know it’s 11 sharp! I ‘ve told you not to be late!

Son:        I didn’t hear it! Besides, I’m a grown –up already and I have the right to come home whenever I want.

Isn’t it a familiar situation? This situation wouldn’t happen if the participants behaved in a different manner. Now let’s rewind this film and watch it once again.

Mum:         Why have you come so late? I am worrying. It’s time to be at home. Couldn’t you call me?

Son:        Sorry, Mum, but I missed the bus and my phone battery is flat and I couldn’t call you!

Mum: OK.

Son:        Next time I’ll be in time, Mum.

Do you feel the difference?

At school:

Teacher: Give me your record book, Petrov. I’ll give you a bad mark! You never do you your homework! You always forget it.

After rewinding

Teacher: I  wonder why you haven’t done your homework? What’s the reason?

Student: I’m sorry, but I was ill yesterday and I couldn’t get the task from my friends.

Teacher: OK, next time let your parents or you inform me in advance.

You see that it’s not so difficult to prevent conflicts. You should try to observe the laws of coexistence. Please remember that we should be tolerant and do not allow the hard feelings, hostility, anger to come over you as they are very harmful for your health.

Thank you for your time and cooperation. Bye!


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Can we learn to live in peace? What is conflict?

Слайд 2

Conflict Conflict (from the Latin. Conflictus ) - clash or struggle, hostility. Conflict is actual or perceived opposition of needs , values and interests

Слайд 3

Why do they often happen? Conflicts may lead us to … Can we resolve them peacefully?

Слайд 4

Remember that being out of control will keep from solving the problem. Here is some advice how to cool off. Count down backwards from 10. Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Think of a peaceful place or something that makes you happy. Slowly say over and over to yourself, "Take it easy."

Слайд 5

What is your usual way of addressing conflicts (avoidance, collaboration, compromise, competition, accommodation)? Does your approach differ depending on situation?

Слайд 6

We should learn to observe the laws of coexistence

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