Тест "Музыка"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Осипова Ольга Валерьевна


Проверка ключевых навыков по данной теме, содержит грамматическую проверку по пассивному залогу, лексике, а так же определение музыкальных стилей.


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Онлайн-тренажёры музыкального слуха
Музыкальная академия

Теория музыки и у Упражнения на развитие музыкального слуха для учащихся музыкальных школ и колледжей

Современно, удобно, эффективно

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Предварительный просмотр:

Test №2 “Music”

  1. Translate from Russian into English
  1. Музыка вдохновляет и развлекает людей.
  2. Эта песня рисует в воображении счастливые дни.
  3. Эта раздражающая мелодия (melody) разрушает меня.
  4. Хорошая музыка может изменить человека.
  5. Эти звуки (sounds) прекрасны.

  1. Grammar. Phrasal verbs.
  1. You should avoid (listen) to such sacrilegious music.
  2. My parents want (spend) free time outdoors.
  3. Give up (smoke) and (drink)! It’s bad for your health.
  4. I look forward to (meet) with my American friends.
  5. Mary has decided (marry) John.
  6. Students don’t like (do) much homework.
  7. I would like (go) with you.
  8. I hate (read) boring books.
  9. My little brother enjoy (spend) time with his grandmother.
  10. My friend can’t help (watch) this film.

  1. Grammar. Passive voice.
  1. John (surprise) by the news.
  2. The window (open) by the wind.
  3. The child (punish) by his parents.
  4. The colours (mix).
  5. The juice (make) of oranges.
  6. The letter (post) by my brother.
  7. The man (kill) by a woman.

  1. Matching activity.
  1. Jazz
  2. Rap
  3. Blues
  4. A musical
  5. A libretto
  6. An opera house
  7. Spectators
  8. Audience
  1. An American style of music based on variation.
  2. Those who watch outdoor events such as matches or races.
  3. The lyrics of a musical play.
  4. A play with a dialogue, songs and dances.
  5. A musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.
  6. A type of music that has its origins in American’s black community.
  7. Those who watch theatrical performance or other entertainments.
  8. A place where operas and ballets are performed.

  1. Name Pros and Cons of modern music.
  2. Write a composition about your favourite group. 7 sentences.