Проектный урок "Start a reading club" /К.Кауфман,М.Кауфман "Happy English.ru-8"/
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Солодкая Cветлана Валентиновна

Проектный урок  «Открываем читательский клуб»

Цели занятия:

  • Развитие учебно-познавательной компетенции – использование изучаемого языка в соответствующей ситуации.
  • Развитие социо-культурной компетенции – расширение объема знаний по теме “Моя любимая книга”, развитие творческой активности учащихся.
  • Коммуникативная компетенция - развитие и воспитание способностей работы в группе, толерантного отношения друг к другу;


  • Учебный аспект– развивать речемыслительную деятельность: аудирование, говорение, письмо.
  • Познавательный аспект– развивать навыки поисковой деятельности;
  • Развивающий аспект – развивать самостоятельность, позитивную психологическую установку; творческий потенциал учащихся;
  • Воспитательный аспект– воспитывать толерантное отношение к себе и другим людям;


  • компьютер;
  • проектор, экран для демонстрации презентаций, фильмов;
  • сопутствующая презентация для учащихся.


1.     “English.ru” для 8 класса Кауфман К., Кауфман М.

2.     Книга для учителя к учебнику англ. яз. для 8 класса Кауфман К, Кауфман М..

Topic: “Start a reading club”


  • To review the words on the topic “My favorite book”, “Famous writers and poets”
  • To practiсe listening, speaking comprehension skills.
  • To teach the students to express their ideas supporting or opposing to somebody's views.
  • To improve the skills of working in groups.
  • To bring up to be tolerant, merciful and just.


  • Сomputer, projector and screen.

План-карта урока



Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Форма взаимодейств.

2 min


Приветствие учителя.
Объявление темы и цели занятия

Good afternoon, boys and girls! I'm glad to see you on our project-lesson. And the theme of our show today is “Start a reading club”, the main aim is to introduce  your favorite books and books which you recommend to other readers.

Приложение1 (слайд1)


Teacher - children

3 min

Brain- storm

Учитель проводит “Мозговой штурм”, чтобы вспомнить активную лексику по теме.

T: But before we start our show lets remember:

Why do people read books?What is the role of books in our life? (слайд 2)

Ученики должны сказать о роли книг в нашей жизни.

Teacher- pupil

8 min


Учитель предлагает вспомнить тему прошлого урока («Bannedbooks») и дает дополнительную информацию о книгах, которые были запрещены.


  • Give the definition of banned books.


  • Now tell me, please, what banned books do you know?
  • Why were they banned?

(слайд 4)

  • I have found some interesting information for you about some more books, which were banned.


Look on the screen and say if you know these books. Perhaps, you will tell about them in your reading club.








Учащиеся работают по предложенным в слайдах материалам.


Working in pairs, in groups.

P1:Banned booksare books to which free access is not permitted. The practice of banning books is a form of censorship, and often has political, religious or moral motivations.


P2: “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelly














25 min

 (5 min for group)

А) Preparation










Б) Presentation

Учитель предлагает жеребьёвку при помощи паззла.


Book clubs give readers a reason to meet, discuss and socialize. The next step of our work is to represent your reading clubs.

Take one pazzle from the picture and read who will be the first, the second and so on.



Учитель нацеливает учащихся, слушающих проекты, на работу с “толстыми” и “тонкими” вопросами, схемы которых предоставлены.

During listening you should write two “thin” or one “thick” question.

Начинается работа по представлению проектов.

1-й выступающий говорит о теме, целях и задачах проекта.


Презентация проектов, заполнение таблицы “толстых” и “тонких” вопросов;



Individual work, which material was prepared by groups before hand.



P1: Our club is “Happy readers”. We would like to tell about our favorite books, which we have read many times. The task of our club is to represent the most interesting books (…)

P2: The name of our reading club is “The club of free readers”. Free people read freely. We’ll discuss such books as … It’s pleasant to share our favorite material (…).

P3: Join our Online Book Club. Every day, Monday through Friday, you will receive in your email a five-minute selection from a chapter of a book. By the end of the week, you’ll have read 2-3 chapters. Every Monday we start a new book…

P4: Members of our group can take turns selecting books, or you can find a list of books online and just work your way down the list. Or, to keep things informal, ask members to bring book suggestions to each meeting and then discuss.

3 min


What are your questions?

Учащиеся задают вопросы по прослушанным проектам


2 min


Now look at the analyses tables and complete them.

Учащиеся заполняют таблицу анализа выступлений


Individual work

2 min


Учитель проводит рефлексию, используя прием незаконченного предложения.

(Слайд5)During today's lesson I have:

  • -found out…
  • -learnt…
  • -remembered…
  • -known…

Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение по уроку.




Дополнительный материал к уроку (в помощь учителю)/Appendix/

(Слайд3)Banned booksare books to which free access is not permitted. The practice of banning books is a form of censorship, and often has political, religious or moral motivations.


(Слайд 4)


The Diary of Anne Frank (1947)

The Diary of a young girl

Anne Frank


Banned in Lebanon for "portraying Jews, Israel or Zionism favorably".

Frakenstein (1818)

Mary Shelly


Banned in apartheid South Africa in 1955 for containing "obscene" or "indecent" material

(Слайд 5)


Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland(1865)

Lewis Caroll

Children's Novel/Adventure

Used to be banned in the province of Hunan China, beginning in 1931 for its portrayal of anthropomorphized animals acting on the same level of complexity as human beings. The censor General Ho Chien believed that attributing human language to animals was an insult to humans. He feared that the book would teach children to regard humans and animals on the same level, which would be "disastrous."


Jewish and Christian

Religious text

Censored in dozens of countries, both historically and in the current era. Currently, the Bible is banned or greatly restricted in a number of countries including North Korea[ and Eritrea . Sometimes, the ban is on distributing the Bible in certain languages or versions.

The Da Vinci Code(2003)

Dan Brown


Banned in Lebanon after Catholic leaders deemed it offensive to Christianity.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin(1852)

Harriet Beecher Stowe


Banned in the Southern US during the Civil War due to its anti-slavery content. In 1852, Uncle Tom's Cabin was banned in Russia under the reign of Nicolas 1 due to the idea of equality it presented, and for its "undermining religious ideals." 

How to do a project?


1.What is the name of your project?

2.What do you want to do?

3.What do you want to inform?

4.What problem do you want to solve in your project?

5.Why is it important for you?

6.What is the main aim of your project? (Why do you make it?)

7.What are the tasks of your project? (What do you do for its realization ?)

8. The list of your group and their duties in this project. 


Office presentation icon start_a_reading_club.ppt329 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

-to give knowledge; - to teach; - to inform; -to entertain; to show the world; - to have fun; What is the role of books in our life?

Слайд 3

Banned books are books to which free access is not permitted. The practice of banning books is a form of censorship, and often has political, religious or moral motivations.

Слайд 4

Frankenstein (1818) by Mary Shelly Banned in apartheid South Africa in 1955 for containing "obscene" or "indecent" material obscene – непристойный, неприличный indecent – неподобающий; The Diary of Anne Frank (1947) by Anne Frank Banned in Lebanon for "portraying Jews, Israel or Zionism favorably".

Слайд 5

Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland (1865) Lewis Caroll Children's Novel/Adventure Used to be banned in the province of Hunan China, beginning in 1931 for its portrayal of anthropomorphized animals acting on the same level of complexity as human beings. The censor General Ho Chien believed that attributing human language to animals was an insult to humans. He feared that the book would teach children to regard humans and animals on the same level, which would be "disastrous." Bible Jewish and Christian Religious text Censored in dozens of countries, both historically and in the current era. Currently, the Bible is banned or greatly restricted in a number of countries including North Korea [ and Eritrea . Sometimes, the ban is on distributing the Bible in certain languages or versions. The Da Vinci Code (2003) Dan Brown Novel Banned in Lebanon after Catholic leaders deemed it offensive to Christianity. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) Harriet Beecher Stowe Novel Banned in the Southern US during the Civil War due to its anti-slavery content. In 1852, Uncle Tom's Cabin was banned in Russia under the reign of Nicolas 1 due to the idea of equality it presented, and for its "undermining religious ideals."

Слайд 6

During today’s lesson I have found out… learnt… remembered… known …

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