Проектная работа по английскому языку по теме "Future career"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски английского языка (11 класс) на тему

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Слайд 1

The project "Future career"

Слайд 2

New life New friend New difficulties New impressions Labor, dreams, etc Money, aims and feelings It’s ones of million news in our life What is for us future career?

Слайд 3

Careers do not just happen. People train for them. How much training is needed depends on the kind of career chosen. Some jobs take only a few months of training. Over take several years. Certain careers need college or university graduation. There is a song that says, ”People who like people are the luckiest people in the world”. So the people who feel like this might like a job that deals with people all the time. It may be hotel or restaurant management, or tourist business. Or maybe a career that helps keep people healthy in mind and body. Career

Слайд 4

There are some kinds of jobs that deal with the environment we live in. Ecologist, for example, study how living things and the environment are related. They find ways for us to reduce pollution. They tell us which things are harmful either to ourselves or to the plants and animals we depend on for food. Ecologists

Слайд 5

There are many different kinds of job in a small business. A business must have an owner who makes decisions about the way the business is run. Also two or more people could be responsible for the business and form of partnership. The owner needs others people to help run the store. A clerk helps people find what they want in the store. A stock clerk orders and takes care of the products that the store sells. A bookkeeper or accountant keeps records of sales and expenses. Small business

Слайд 6

A person who has a job writing about the news is called a journalist. Journalists work on newspapers and magazines or at radio and television stations. Some journalists have university degrees. Others receive their experience by working at a newspapers office or at a television station. Some journalists write stories about news events that happen anywhere in the world. Others write about sport, entertainment, or business. Journalists

Слайд 7

Nurses help people keep healthy. They also help people get well when they are sick. Schools, factories, and many offices have nurses. These nurses give first aid when someone is hurt or sick. They also do things to prevent illness. One of these is to give shots. Another thing nurses do is to take blood pressure. In hospitals, nurses take care of sick people. They assist the doctor in the operating rooms. People who want to be nurses study science in school. Nurses

Слайд 8

Teeth are important to people. Without them, eating is hard. People who lose their teeth may have false teeth made. Dentists and their assistants are people who help others take care of teeth. In their jobs, they try to help others. A person who wants to became a dentist goes to a special medical college. Dentists

Слайд 9

Geologists are scientists who study the Earth. They learn how rocks, mountains, and rivers are formed. They know that these things are still forming today. Geologists help find mineral deposits, such as science. If you like to work outdoors, you may want to be geologist. Geologist

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