Тест на конец 8-9 кл.
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Систематизация и закрепление пройденного материала.


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                                   English Level Test

                                                                               Score:  … / 30

Choose the best option in order to fill in the gaps in the sentences below.

01 Would you like a cup of tea?      - Yes, I ___.

     a)  do         b)  like         c) would          d)  will

02 Please don't talk to me now. I ___ to finish my test.

     a) will try       b) try       c) have tried       d) am trying

03 Does he smoke?     - Yes, he ___ twenty a day.

     a) smokes    b) is smoking    c) smoke    d) has smoked

04 Can I help?      - Yes, I'd like ___.

     a) the information    b) to inform    c) any information    d) some information

05 I'd like some coffee.      - I'm afraid there isn't ___.

     a) more     b) anything    c) any    d) some

06 Where is your book?       - I ___ it last week.

     a) have lost     b) lose    c) was losing    d) lost

07 Is John ___ Paul?      - No, I don't think so.

     a) more taller than    b) so tall as    c) taller than    d) tall like

08 Can I help you?      - Yes, I am looking ___ Mr Smith's office.

     a) for     b) at     c) after     d) to

09 Why are you running?      - There isn't ___ time. The film's going to begin soon.

      a) many     b) any     c) much     d) some

10 Where are you staying?      - I'm living ___ Mr Smith and his family.

     a) by     b) at     c) with     d) among

11 Has he written to his brother?      - Yes, he ___ him a letter last night.

     a) has written    b) was writing    c) had written    d) wrote

12 She likes living in a warm climate ___?

     a) wouldn't she    b) doesn't she    c) won't she    d) isn't she

13 Do you smoke?      - Not now, but I ___.

     a) use to    b) am used to    c) was used    d) used to

14 This is my first visit to the doctor.      - Who ___ to before?

     a) are you going    b) went you     c) you went    d) did you go

15 Did you do any homework?      - Yes, but only ___.

     a) any     b) not much     c) a few     d) a little

16 Could you lend me some money? I'm very ___ of cash at the moment.

     a) down     b) scarce     c) low     d) short

17 Do you know who she is?      - No, she didn't ___ her name.

     a) say me    b) say to me    c) tell me    d) tell to me

18 Everyone understood. The teacher ___ to explain again.

     a) may not    b) musn't   c) didn't need     d) needn't

19 That house is in a terrible state. You can see it ___ for years.

     a) hasn't been    b) wasn't repaired    c) isn't repaired    d) hadn't been

          repaired                                                                       repaired

20 My watch is broken but it's not worth ___.

     a) repairing    b) to repair    c) to repair it     d) to be repaired

21 I'm terribly tired.      - Well, I suggest ___ to bed.

     a) you go     b) you to go     c) you going     d) you went

22 Why didn't you tell me?      - You ___ angry if I had.

     a) were     b) were to be     c) had been     d) would have been

23 Here is your Ј5 back.      - Thanks, but I don't remember ___ it to you.

     a) to lend      b) lending      c) my lend      d) me to lend

24 Is he coming to the meeting?      - Well, I asked him ___.

     a) if he will come    b) will he come    c) if he was coming    d) would he come

25 I'm fine, it's only a little cut.      - ___ you better see a doctor.

     a) wouldn't      b) shouldn't      c) won't      d) hadn't


26 Do I have to get ready now?      - Yes, it's time we ___.

     a) went     b) would go     c) will go     d) should go

27 Do you like your new flat?      - Yes, it's small but it ___ my needs perfectly.

     a) settles        b) meets        c) supplies        d) fills

28 I suppose tomorrow's bus strike means ___ the start of class.

     a) have delayed     b) delay     c) to delay     d) delaying

29 I wrote to the manager ___ to getting my money refunded.

     a) in the hope    b) on the question    c) with the aim    d) with a view

30 Did you know everybody at the party?      - No, nobody ___ the host.

     a) except       b) apart       c) other       d) rather

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