Тесты по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Андреева Светлана Владимировна

Предназначены для проверки наний по английскому языку в 10 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:





You will hear the information about national parks.

For questions 1-6, write down the missing information

  1. Yellowstone was _____ American National Park.
  2. Yellowstone National Park was established in _____.
  3. Yellowstone National Park had an area of _____ acres.
  4. In the 1980s, the National Park System included about _____ different areas.
  5. _____, the Everglades, and the Sequoia National Parks are just some of the best-known national areas.
  6. The System of National Parks and National Reserves has an area of over _____ square miles.


Read an article from the Newsweek magazine.

1. Decide which title A, B, or C is the best one for the article






2. For statements 1-5, decide which of them are TRUE and which are FALSE. Tick (√) the necessary box



  1. The harshest winter weather claims the lives of hundreds.
  2. They report about death among animals.
  3. Notwithstanding the severest cold snap the Thames didn’t freeze.
  4. By New Year’s Day Parisians ice-skated in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower.
  5. In London, brave bathers took the annual New Year’s Day dip.


1. A tourist is traveling around the USA.

Complete the questions (1-5) he is going to ask. There is an example at the beginning (0)

0. - I want to visit the Bronx Zoo.

   Do you know where the Bronx Zoo is?

1. – I’d like to visit Central Park.

   Could you tell me, how far ___________?

2. – I want to see the Statue of Liberty.

   Could you tell me, what transport __________?

3. – I’d love to go on an excursion to Yellowstone.

   How much __________?

4. – I want to buy a souvenir.

   Could you tell me, where ___________?

5. – I’d like to have a snack.

   Where __________?

2. Below is a short article about tourism in Britain.

Form a word that fits in the blank space from the word in capitals. Fill in each gap with the new word. There is an example at the beginning (0)

  1. I think these were really (EXCITEMENT) exciting holidays.
  2. Every year more than eleven million tourists visit Britain, in fact, tourism is an (IMPORTANCE) _______ industry, employing thousands of people.
  3. Most (VISIT) _______ come in summer months when they can expect good weather.
  4. Tourists (USUAL) _______ spend a few days in London, then go on to other well-known cities.
  5. Perhaps the least visited places in England are old (INDUSTRY) _______ towns.
  6. But many people think that nineteenth-century cities show the (REAL) _______ of Britain.


What do you know about the geographical position and the life of the people in the USA, the UK, Australia and Russia?

For statements 1-5, decide which country the following information is related to. Tick (√) the country





  1. It’s sometimes called the Land Down Under.
  2. It’s known for the frontier experience.
  3. It’s situated in two continents.
  4. No place in it is more than 120 kilometres from the sea.
  5. Many people live in the outback there.


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