Проблемы экологии на уроках английского языка
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Печкурова Елена Анатольевна

Тип урока- обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений разных видов речевой деятельности по теме «Актуальные проблемы экологии в наши дни».

Практическая задача урока – совершенствование речевых навыков по теме “Going Green” учебника Spotlight 10 (8 модулей)

Цель урока – формирование коммуникативных навыков и компетенций по учебнику с помощью визуальных стимулов, повышение уровня подготовки учащихся в области современных технологий.

The steps of the lesson

1/Opening teacher’s speech

2/Captains of each team introduce their teams (members, motto, emblem and the name of the team)

3/Work with teacher’s presentation

4/Each team defends its own presentation

5/ Jury’s word

6/Conclusion (closing teacher’s speech)

The question about the state of environment should worry everybody. Our health depends on its state. Environment is water that we drink, the air which we breathe. Caring about the world we care about ourselves.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Opening lesson: ”Ecological problems in our days ”. Teacher of English language Pechckurova Helen. Form 10 “A”. Secondary School No 17, t. Podolsk, Moscow region. Our future depends only on us. The rule of 3Rs

Слайд 2

23/04/2012 среда 1-2 уроки.103 кабинет Тип урока- обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений разных видов речевой деятельности по теме «Актуальные проблемы экологии в наши дни» . Практическая задача урока – совершенствование речевых навыков по теме “Going Green” учебника Spotlight 10 (8 модулей) Цель урока – формирование коммуникативных навыков и компетенций по учебнику с помощью визуальных стимулов, повышение уровня подготовки учащихся в области современных технологий.

Слайд 3

The steps of the lesson 1/Opening teacher’s speech 2/Captains of each team introduce their teams (members, motto, emblem and the name of the team) 3/Work with teacher’s presentation 4/Each team defends its own presentation 5/ Jury’s word 6/Conclusion (closing teacher’s speech)

Слайд 4

Let’s remember Some months ago: you pulled your lot (a module and a turn of speaking): 1/ Team 2 “Clean air at home” - (Nebogin Artyom, Gorbachyova Anastasiya, Chyobotov Vitaly) – module 2 2/ Team 5 “Marine Litter” - (Osipova Alla, Trefilyev Andrew) module 5 3/ Team 3 “Endangered Species” – (Bacherikov Paul, Filin Alexander ) module 3 4/ Team 1 “The recycling loop” - (Korolkova Victoria, Maksimova Alyona) module 1 5/ Team 6 “Organic farming” - (Kozlova Helen, Sokolova Kristina) module 6 6/ Team 7 “Paper” - (Surayev Dmitry, Gordiyenko Angelina) module 7 7/ Team 8 “ Alternative Energy” - (Varkchchyova Yugine, Yedzova Darya) module 8 8/ Team 4 “Tropical Rainforests” (Petrosyan Peter, Sadikova Sabina) module 4

Слайд 5

The question about the state of environment should worry everybody. Our health depends on its state. Environment is water that we drink, the air which we breathe. Caring about the world we care about ourselves.

Слайд 6

People buy a lot of unnecessary things. Only buy what you really need and use all of it. Thinking about buying something new? Try the 30-day rule – only buy it if you still want it 30 days after you first saw it!

Слайд 7

Always switch off the lights when you leave an empty room. Use light bulbs that save energy. We need to protect the natural materials.

Слайд 8

Save on paper. Try to cut down on the amount off paper you use. Use a computer and proofread your writing on the screen before your print it out. Use both sides of paper and then recycle it

Слайд 9

Our world has lots of litter. Buy things with simple packaging that can easily be recycled.

Слайд 10

Let’s plant trees. Our future depends only on us. Let’s make it happy and bright.

Слайд 11


Слайд 12

1.Match the words to make up phrases. Put the letters in the correct order. 1 . writing a) lunch 2 . vegetable b) consumption 3 . compost c) paper 4 . packed d) heap 5 . energy e) peelings 6 . excessive f) packaging

Слайд 13

2.Match the words to make up phrases. Put the letters in the correct order. There is one extra letter. 1 . global a ) programmes 2 . modern b ) warming 3 . power c ) stations 4 . conservation d ) lifestyles 5 . natural e ) crops f ) habitat

Слайд 14

3.Guess the words and unscramble them. Don’t 1)TASEW fruit and vegetable material. Make a 2)POSTMOC PEHA in your garden. Then you will have good 3)TILIREFRES for your plants.

Слайд 15

4.Guess the words and write them correctly. I always switch off the 1)….(l - - h - s) when I leave an empty room. Besides, I use only light bulbs that save 2)….( - - e - g -). Finally, I turn down the 3)…..( - e - t - - g) when it is warm in the room.

Слайд 16

5.Guess the words and fill in the gaps. -How can we use the rule of 3Rs to protect the environment? -First, we should 1)…. glass, paper and plastic. More than that, it is essential that we 2)… old boxes , jars and bottles. Next, we should do our best to 3)… energy and paper consumption, rubbish, the amount of water we use.

Слайд 17

6.Complete the sentences using the best answer. We care about the environment so we have come 1) …. with some practical ways of protecting it: -Always switch 2)… the lights and the electrical appliances when you don’t need them. -Turn 3)… the heating and put 4)… warmer clothes if you cold. -Think carefully how you can reuse old things before you throw them 5)… . -Try to cut 6) … packaging and paper. 1. A on B up C to 2. A off B on C at 3. A on B up C down 4. A up B out C on 5. A away B into C about 6. A on B down C down on

Слайд 18

7. С hoose the right answer -They say you have an environmental awareness day at school today. What does it mean? -It’s a special day when we learn what we 1) don’t have to/should do to protect the environment. You know, how we 2) can/mustn’t help to save the planet. -That sounds interesting. What do you do? -Well, for a start, everybody 3) should/can’t walk or cycle to school to save energy. And we 4) mustn’t/must make sure we don’t waste energy. -I see. Besides, we 5) ought/should recycle paper, glass and plastic. -You are right. I think you 6) had better/have to have an environmental awareness day at your school, too.

Слайд 19

8. Make up tips from the following words 1.cut/consumption/try/down/on/energy/to/should/you 2.both/paper/you/before/sides/must/use/of/you/it/recycle 3.can/magazines/swap/books/and/you/your/friends/with 4.mustn’t/throw/old/away/you/bottles/jars/and

Слайд 20

9.Correct the mistakes in the statements. 1. People can’t ignore the affects of global warming. 2. We will loose many species if rainforests continue to disappear. 3. The whether is becoming more and more unpredictable. 4. Large areas of land are in danger of becoming desserts.

Слайд 21

10.Fill in the gaps choosing the best answer. -I think we can’t live without cutting down trees because it 1)… us with wood and paper and space for new roads and buildings. -Yes, you are right but it 2)… wildlife habitats and 3)… the amount of pollutants and CO2 emissions in the air. So cutting down trees 4)… global warming and climate change. -May be you right but what do you think of modern transport? It 5)… our towns and cities and 6)… the environment. -Yes, it’s a problem but modern transport 7)… us time and effort. 1. A increases B provides C improves 2. A destroys B builds C plants 3. A decreases B increases C pollutes 4. A cuts down B congests C causes 5. A congests B destroys C provides 6. A saves B pollutes C provides 7. A causes B improves C saves

Слайд 22

Thank you for your attention!

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Чупина Людмила Александровна

Спасибо за нужный и интересный материал, Елена Анатольевна.