урок с презентацией по теме "Сaucasian Mineral Waters."
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Речкина Нина Владимировна

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Caucasian Mineral Waters Разработала: Речкина Нина Владимировна Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №2 им. А. С. Пушкина г . Моздок РСО-Алания

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The Caucasus is one of the most beloved destinations of Russian travelers. And not by chance – you will find such combination of the wonderful weather, landscapes, which take the breath away, the unique flora, ancient monuments and mineral resources nowhere else.

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Caucasian Mineral Waters are situated in the middle of 700-km isthmus between the Black and the Caspian seas on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian ridge, only in 90 km from the highest mountain in Europe – Elbrus, a two-headed top of which is well seen almost on the whole territory of the region. Occupying the territory, area of which is 6,000 sq km, the region is noted for large contrasts of natural settings .

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In the environs of Caucasian Mineral Waters there are many wonderful places which attract by beauty of the nature, interesting tourist’s routes. People gravitate to these places owing to nearness of mountain tops, beautiful intermontane valleys with smart verdure, fresh Alpine meadows, noisy azure-blue waterfalls, impetuous clear rivers, abundance in mineral springs, only clear, always cool air, saturated with phytoncides with tart smell of rosin and needles.

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You can have bus excursions to Teberda , Dombai , Arkhiz , Baksanskoe gorge, Tchegemskoe gorge, to the foot of Elbrus, the Blue lakes.

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Caucasian Mineral Waters is the world-recognized balneological resort. It is usually called « KavMinVody ». It includes Pyatigorsk , Е ssentuki , Kislovodsk and Zheleznovodsk .

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Description of the resort towns Pyatigorsk Pyatigorsk is the largest balneological and curative mud resort with the population of approximately 180 000 people.

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Pyatigorsk is called so because of the five peaks of Mount Beshtau and means “five mountains” ( pyat -five, gor -mountains) in Russian. Pyatigorsk is one of the efficacious spas of Russia that was developed on the basis of local curative springs, medical mud taken from the Lake Tambukan and the moderate climate of the area. Mineral waters of Pyatigorsk help people with nervous, skin and gynecologic problems. Pyatigorsk is one of the oldest resorts of this area and even during the time of tsars the nobles used to come here to rest, to drink and to bathe in mineral waters in order to recover their health.

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A cult place is Pirogovsky baths . A wooden soldier hospital, in which the Great Russian surgeon demonstrated, doctors an anesthetization procedure for operations in the field. Now there are 22 baths with using sulfide mineral waters. Doorway is decorated with a memorial wall with a bas-relief portrait of N. I. Pirogov . Such procedures as shower-massage, whirlpool baths, foot-controlled chamber settings, and sulfide baths with oxygen inhalation are provided in Pirogov’s baths. More than 650 procedures are carried out for a shift. Sights

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On the northern slope of Goryachaya Mountain there is Diana’s grotto (park Cvetnik ). According to contemporaries Lermontov was a frequent visitor of Diana’s Grotto. And a week before his tragic death the poet organized a ball in this grotto. Pergolla “ Eol’s harp”. The small stone pergola is one of sights of Pyatigorsk . A wooden case with two harps was mounted into the stone floor; a weathercock on the dome of the pergola, turning under the influence of the wind, geared a device, touching strings, - melodic sounds were heard, hence the name of the pergola “ Eola’s harp” ( Eol – a god of wind). M. J. Lermontov used to come to Eol’s harp and mentioned it in story “Princess Mary”.

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Proval is an amazing monument of nature in Pyatigorsk on the mountain Mashuk , formed under the action of mineral waters. The lake is located in an underground cave karst origin. It was found in the collapse of the code, where through the hole the blue lake became visible (color gives sulfur and special bacteria).

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Zheleznovodsk Zheleznovodsk , the smallest of all spa towns, is situated in a narrow wooden valley between Mount Beshtau and Mount Zheleznaya .

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The name of this famous Russian resort means’ Iron Waters’ as the mineral waters of Zheleznovodsk were believed to have high content of iron. There are several hot and warm mineral springs there that help people with digestion and metabolism problems. These waters can be tasted during the unforgettable walks in the Lechebny Park which spreads like a carpet at the picturesque slopes of Mount Zheleznaya .

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Smirnovsky spring A colour music fountain occupies a ground before the Smirnovsky spring. It is one of the beloved places of rest of adults and children . Sights Slavyanovsky spring , which acquired the name of its discoverer, is situated in the park in the center of a chestnut alley.

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Cascade stairs in the resort park of Zheleznovodsk appeared in the 30-s of last century during the reconstruction of the city. Decorative lake . This artificial lake decorated the city in 1954 and appeared owing to citizens of Zheleznovodsk , who dug it by spades without assistance, gathering after their working day .

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Pushkin’s gallery , which was erected in 1901, was bought at fair in Nizhniy Novgorod and it is notable for the fact that together with Lermontov’s tower in Pyatigorsk and Eifel tower in Paris represents first samples of erections which were assembled of ready constructions. Near Pushkin’s gallery there is another sight of the park – the northern building of sanatorium of E. Telman – a former palace of emir Bukharsky .

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Kislovodsk Kislovodsk is a splendid place for vocation with its mountainous air, beautiful scenery, the richest park with the unique paths for promenade more than 70 km length and curative “narzan” mineral waters.

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Narzan gallery was built in medieval English style in 1848-1953 by architects S. Upton, H. Fransua . There is “Boiling well” (a spring of Narzan ), drinking well-rooms and a resort library with reading-room in it. Sights One of magnificence of the nature is legendary Ring-mountain , more precisely, a reach-through hole in it.

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Rock of guile and love . A legend says that a rich and cruel prince Alikonov lived here very long ago. Its heart was like a piece of rusty iron. He knew love and compassion neither on strange people nor relatives, only his only daughter, who was brought up as a lonely flower among wild rocks and grey stones whose eyes were like stars, Dauta he loved and cherished. In her childish games Dauta knew only one boy – a son of an old herder. Running years quickly turned the adolescents into gay, slim, like poplars, youth and girl.

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Friendship grew into love but it brought also a disaster with it. Prince Alikonov didn’t give his loved daughter in marriage. Prince Alikonov took care of his daughter Dauta for a rich and noble family. And then the young people decided to die together. Having glanced at his lover, the youth cried out: “Farewell! I am not afraid of dying with my lover”. The youth jumped down into the sinister precipice, in arms of the death. The daughter of the cruel prince was frightened, rushed back to the father’s house with words: “No, I won’t die!” A rich fiancé was waiting for her in the castle. Since that time the rocks have been called Castle of guile and love.

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Medovie waterfalls . In its free fall from height of 18 m the waterfall forms thick jets, rushing down with noise. It is the main waterfall. Valley of roses ( A legitimate proud and one of main sights of the park). It is situated beside the temple of the air. This wonderful nook was created after the war owing to loving labour of Kislovodsk . Curtains of hundreds bushes of thirty sorts of roses stretch on the ground, area of which is about 5 ha .

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Essentuki , history and sights Among resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters there is a town with an unusual name. An ancient legend narrates about the time when these places were deserted steppe. A young family stayed here for a night. A baby was very feeble: he was often ill, hardly walked and hair doesn’t almost grow on its delicate head. In the morning the mother saw that the son disappeared and rushed to search. She found him at the spring where the boy washed himself and drank cool tasty water. The baby cheered up, grew strongly and thick, shining hair began to grow on his head in some time. Since that time the legend narrates that people become to call this small river Essentuki that means “living hair”.

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In Essentuki there is no intricate rock, waterfall, of which its “neighbors” are proud. 2 extensive resort parks – Glavniy and Komsomolsky – side with the resort from the north and the south. Flower beds, shady alleys, fountains, decorative pergolas, after which careful citizens of Essentuki look, other forms of small architecture invite to have a rest. Here there are also routes of dosated walking.

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Main sight of the resort is a dacha-museum of the famous surgeon Razumovsky . Sights of the resort In Essentuki one may visit the oldest construction of the resort – Drinking gallery of Spring 17, which was laid in 1848 .

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The names of many outstanding people of our country are associated with the Caucasian Spas. Two Great Russian poets Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov spent considerable time there and dedicated many poems and prose writing to that period of their life. The house in which Leo Tolstoy stayed at these Spas is preserved by the state and became museum now. Anton Chekhov, Maxim Gorki and Vladimir Mayakovski also visited these famous resorts at the beginning of the century. There are many monuments there celebrating events as well as the life and activities of outstanding leaders of the state. Outstanding people

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Lermontov M.U.

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Duel place (a foot of Mashuk ). Distance from Lermontovskaya station to the duel place is 1.5 km. The duel was held in the evening of the 15th July of 1841, Lermontov considered a cause for the duel is vain and expressed his unwillingness to shoot, but his opponent aimed carefully. A small stone pyramid was erected in the place of the duel in 1881, a temporary monument of gypsum and wood was erected in 1901. The present monument was constructed by project of the famous sculpture B. M. Mikeshin in 1915. It is a stone obelisk with the poet’s high relief in the center.

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Pushkin A.S. in Zheleznovodsk L. N. Tolstoy

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