контрольная работа для 10 класса (три варианта)
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

контрольная работа для 10 класса (три варианта)


Предварительный просмотр:


Put the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets,

Last week, I went into town to buy a birthday present for my 1) ... (old) sister. You couldn’t meet a 2) ... (wonderful) person ... her. She is one of 3) ... (charming) and 4) ... (funny) women I know. She is also 5) ... (generous) person I’ve ever met. 6) ... (bad) thing is that she has a 7) ... (quick) temper ... me. Mother says she could also be a bit 8) ... (tidy) ... she is. Anyway, the present I wanted to buy her had to be 9) ... (good) I could afford. Eventually, I came across 10) ... (beautiful) scarf I had ever seen. It was 11) ... (long) ... the one she already had and much 12) ... (colourful). Imagine my disappointment when I discovered the next day that mother had bought her exactly the same scarf.

Fill in like or as.

Terry McCain works 1) ... a pianist in restaurant in Atlanta. No one in town plays the piano 2) ... well 3) ... he does. He looks a bit 4) ... Stevie Wonder, that is why he is known to his friends 5) ... “Stevie”. One night he was playing in the restaurant 6) ... usual, when he was approached by the leader of the biggest jazz band in America. He offered Terry a job 7) ... lead pianist in his band. This made him so happy he felt 8) ... dancing on his piano. So he did!

Fill in blanks with responses using so or neither.

Dan: Hi, I’m Dan. I arrived yesterday.

Sam: 1) So did I. The college looks like a nice place. I like it very much.

Dan: 2) ... . I don’t know many people though.

Sam: 3) ... . Actually, I haven’t spoken to many students.

Dan: 4) ... . What are you studying? I’m going to study History.

Sam: 5) ... ! I loved it at school.

Dan: 6) ... . I wouldn’t like to teach it though.

Sam: 7) ... . I want to be an archaeologist.

Dan: 8) ... . I think it’s a fascinating subject.

Sam: 9) ... . I can’t imagine spending two years studying Maths.

Dan: 10) ... . We seem to agree about everything, don’t we?

Complete the sentences with the following adjectives: incredible, violent, cautious, liberal, aggressive.

The men were drunk, ... and looking for a fight.

He met a ... death at the hands of the mob.

It’s ... how much Tom has changed since he met Sally.

I’ve always been very ... about giving my address to strangers.

Young people nowadays take a more ... attitude towards facism.


Put the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

 What was life like when I was a child? Well, I think it was 1)...(good) than life now. It was 2) ... (good) time of my life. When I was 3) ... (young), people were 4) ... (happy) and 5) ... (polite) ... they are now. Also, things were 6) ... (cheap) and money lasted a lot 7) ... (long) ... nowadays. Some say that life is 8) ...(exciting) nowadays. It’s true that you can travel 9) ... (far) and 10) ... (fast) ... when I was a boy and there is a lot 11) ... (much) choice of entertainment. But, on the whole, I think life is much 12) ... (bad) now.

Fill in like or as.

Jill: What do you want to do when you grow up, Ted?

Ted: I’d like to work 1) ... a chef in a big hotel.

Jill: Oh no! I’ve worked in a kitchen before. It’s 2) ... working in an oven.

Ted: At least it wouldn’t be 3) ... boring 4) ... working in a bank.

Jill: Don’t you want to be something more interesting, such 5) ... a lawyer, or a doctor?

Ted: No, I’d prefer to do something creative 6) ... cooking. I could never see myself 7) ... a lawyer or a doctor.

Jull: You’re just 8) ... my brother.

Fill in blanks with responses using so or neither.

Kate: I like roses.

Mike: 1)  So do I. I have never seen a blue horse.

Kate: 2) ... . Yesterday I read the magazine “My Garden”.

Mike: 3) ... . I couldn’t find the information about tulips.

Kate: 4) ... . I am going to the library on Saturday.

Mike: 5) ... . I was in our school library yesterday.

Kate: 6) ... . I must prepare a report.

Mike: 7) ... . I will watch TV first.

Kate: 8) ... . What programme do you prefer? I don’t like talk-shows.

Mike: 9) ... . Let’s see “Mr And Mrs Smith”. My brother liked it.

Kate: 10) ... . I saw it last week.

Complete the sentences with the following verbs: to rebel, to conform, to identify, to try out, to reject.

You must ... to the rules or leave the school.

At the moment he is writing the story about a teenager who ... against his father.

Why did Sarah ... her brother’s offer of help?

Jamie could hardly wait to ... his new bike.

I didn’t enjoy the movie because I couldn’t ... with any of the characters.



Put the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

The sinking of the Titanic is one of 1) ... (famous) shipwreck stories  of  all time. The Titanic was said to be 2) ... (safe) ocean liner in the world. When it set sail, all the cabins were full, from 3) ... (expensive) to 4) ... (cheap) ones on the lower dock. Some of  5) ... (rich) people of the world set sail for America on one of 6) ... (long) and ... (dangerous) crossings attempted by such a liner. The captain was one of 8) ... (good), but he made a big mistake which caused hundreds of deaths. As they sailed on, the going became 9) ... (difficult). Suddenly the captain saw an iceberg ahead but, by then, it was too late to do anything. They sailed 10) ... (close) until finally they hit it. Everyone rushed to the lifeboats. Some survived but many died. The survivors said it was 11) ... (frightening) experience ... their lives and they felt like 12) ... (lucky) people on earth to have survived.

Fill in like or as.

Her perfume smelt ... lilac.

People say she looks ... Sophie Lauren.

Nick’s father worked ... a postman in the town.

... usual, Harry was late for work.

This is a nice surface – it feels ... silk.

Molly doesn’t sing ... well ... her sister.

I don’t think you could describe Leo ... a polite person.

Some sportsmen, such ... Marat Safin, are always in the news.

Fill in blanks with responses using so or neither.

Mrs Green: Doctor Jones doesn’t like chocolate

Mrs Brown: 1) Neuther do his children. Pete didn’t wear a warm jacket yesterday.

Mrs Green: 2) ... his brither John. They aren’t cold.

Mrs Brown: 3) ... my grandson. He is at school now.

Mrs Green: 4) ... my boys. John can sing very well.

Mrs Brown: 5) ... my son. But he can’t play the piano.

Mrs Green: 6) ... you. I’ll buy the piano next year.

Mrs Brown: 7) ... Mr Jones. But he doesn’t want to spend much money.

Mrs Green: 8) ... I. I have got nice cottage in the country.

Mrs Brown: 9) ... Mr Jones. He is going to live there.

Mrs Green: 10) ... my children and I.

Complete the sentences with the following words: mainstream, option, disaster, to approve of, distinct, bonehead. There is one extra word.

The behavior of men as individuals is ... from their behavior in a group.

Teenage mothers often have no ... but to live with their parents.

The 1987 hurricane was the worst natural ... to hit England for decades.

Environmental ideas have been absorbed into the ... of European politics.

Catherine’s parents now ... her marriage.

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