КВН по теме Австралия
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

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in  the Club of Merry and Quick-Witted.


Form 11

Tasks:1 To perfect the skills of oral speech and auding.

2.To develop quick wits, mentatity.

3.To bring up the sense of mutual aid,respect of customs and traditions of other countries.

Equipment: Cassette recorder, placards.

Teacher: Girls and boys ! Ladies and gentlemen ! Today we have an unusual lesson, we are in the Club of the Merry and Quick-Witted. The theme of our meeting is the

Commonwealth of Australia. Two teams will compete today. Let’s greet them. The

first team is “Brave Captains” and the second one is “Kookaburras”.


The first team is going with the song “ Brave Captain”.

Once there lived a captain brave,

And he crossed the ocean wave,

And he called on many lands on his way,

Fiffteen times he tried to sink,

Sharks could catch him on the brink.

But he never really never, gave a wink.

And in trouble, and in war

Always sang the captain brave on sea and shore:

Captain Brave , Captain Brave , give a smile,sir.

For a smile is like the flag of a ship.

Captain Brave , Captain Brave,cheer up , sir,

For the sea surrenders only to the quick.

Pupil  1.    The captain of our team

                  is Afanasieva Lena.

                  She is the beautiful girl ,

                  Industrious and very clever.

Pupil  2.     Olga is the kindest of all

                 the friends, I  know.

                  She gives to copy the hometask.

                  That’s why we love her so.

Pupil  3.     Dima like an athlet:

                   Smart and very strong,

                   goes  in for soccer

                   and well sings  songs.

Pupil  4.     Who  is jolly? Who is gay?

                   This is Gololobov Andrei.

                   Ahd we are very glad to say:

                   “you are a real friend , Andrei !”

             The second team is going with the song “ Kookaburra”:

                    Kookaburra sits on an old gum  there,

                    Merry, mery king of the bush is he.

                    Laugh , kookaburra, laugh , kookaburra ,

                    Gay your life must be.

Pupil  1.      This boy’s name is Ryzhov Sergey.

                    He likes to sleep and always lates.

                    But he is the best of  all my classmates.

Pupil  2.       She likes to read and does it well

                 And always ask then: Why? How? When?

Pupil 1.        Many dreams of English the whole days and nights,

                 And does’t imagine her future without being the Englishman’s wife.

Pupil 1.        Natalie like raspberry, look at he lips,

                 Look at her breasf, and in the studies she is the best.



Teacher:       Let’s pass on to the next competition – warming-up. The teams will work on the            

                     computers. The task is “Choose the rihgt aswer”.

                 Where does Australia lie?

south – west of Asia

south – east of Asia

in the Pacific Ocean

What is it’s area?

7,7 mln klm

9 mln klm

10 mln klm    


                     How many nations live there?




What is the capital of Australia?




Who discovered Australia?

Ch. Columbus

Lewis and Clark

Captan Cook

When did Europeans settle in Australia?




Who are the Austrelian natires?




Which two animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms?

Kangaroo and dingo

Kangaroo and amu

Koala and parrot


                     Which is the largest and the oldest city?




Teacher: “The results of these competition are ...”. Our third competition is “Aсtors”. Listen to the story and then represent the content without words, but with the help of actions, pantomime.

                          He won ( listening from the tape)

An Austrelian and an Englishman were talking about the wonderful things each had ever  seen  

during  his life.Soon        the competilion  betwin then  bicame heated and stories grew more and

more incredible.At last an Australian said : “I gues the most wonderful thing I evr sav wes when

I crossed from England to Australia.A fellow dired off the harbour just as the ship was ieaving

and follored us all the way over arriring 5min.ahead of us “

But the Englishman was not to be beaten .

“  Quite all right,he said,the fellous was me.”

Teacher : the best actors ake... Good for you.

V. Now weakecoming fo the fourth competiton.

Ccaptains come neke. It’s yuor turn now.

Your fask is-gike Australien-English rvaraint of

some British words and transtate them into Russian.

(дети пишут маркером на больших листах на время. Побеждает тот, кто больше написал.)

British                                          Australian                                         Russian

Flat                                               flat                                                    квартира

Maize                                           corn                                                  кукуруза

Sweets                                          Collies                                              конфеты

Form                                             year                                                  класс

Infants schol                                 kindergeirten                                    детсад

Unterground                                 railwey station                                 метро

The cinema                                   the movies                                        кино

Lorry                                            truck                                                 грузовик

Path                                              footpath                                            дорожка

Main road                                     free way                                           шоссе

Football                                         soccer                                              футбол

Trainers                                         runners                                            кроссовки

Teacher : the scoke is  ... in favour of team...

VI. and now the competition of fans

Let’s play the game “20 questions” . the fans of each team think of any object of intekest or a famous person. The onhers by means of questions, try to quess it. The questions must be general.

F ex. Is it a house (a museum, a monument, a person...)?

        Is it in Sydney (Canberra...)?

Teacher: Guess as meny words as you can. One minyte for you.

VII. geographical names

1.nerblmueo,  raebrcna, astamani, eidadale, dlanqueesn, iasuaratl

2. Animals and birds

alkoa, okaognar, torpar, isetroto, rsaemht, biarbt

Teacher: team I gets ...

              team II gets ...

Now the competition of story-tellers.

I need two persons. Cyoose the proverb and make up a story wits it.


        So many men, so many minds.

Time does fly.

Two heads are better then one.

When two Sundays come togeser

Like and learn.

He laughts best who laughs last.

Better late than never

IX. Well done. The results are...

The next competition is “the Hometask”

The children are acting out the situations

I team. A Lucky explorer.

Autor: Two Australians met in the National Park.

Hello. What a fine day!

Hello. The day is wonderful. I remember I wentfor a walk on such fine day not very long ago.

Why did you remember that day?

Because I found myself face to face with a big fider!

How auiful. Well theke are a lot of wild animals in Australia and what did you do?

I looked at him, put my hands in my pockets and said: “What will be, will be.” Then i turned round and went home.

And didn’t the tiger rush at once on you?

He couldn’t. It was at the zoo/


Team 2  Doktor”s Recommendations

Author: One dau an old Australian came to see a doktor.

The man looked very ill.

Good afteroon, doktor!

Good afternoon, what”s the matter with you?

What is troubling you?

Oh , my heart.

Let me sound your heart. Do not breathe!

Breathe, please.

Now, I want to test your blood pressure.

Oh, my sfomack

Let me see. Does it hurt when I press here?

A bit.

Author: Doctor examined him very carefully. He tested his throat, his eyes, his knees...

Then he saed

No  medicine  can help you

If you want to be well again , you must hare a good kest . Go to a guite place for a month, go to bed early, drink lots oy rich milk, but don’t smoke moke than one cigur  a day.

   -    Thank you , doktor. Good byu !



Author:         A month later the gentleman walked into the doktors office . He was a diffekent                          


Oh , doktor, trank you rery much.

How ake you?

Ekerything is fine. I am well again. But doktor, it’s not easy to begin smoking at my time of life.

X. Teacher: You acted very klalistically

        All teams  receive  ... points.        

        And we are coming to our last compition        

        Each team prepared charades and funny  

                    Questions let’s listen to them and try to quess

Team 1:  My first is a modal verb

              My second is a verb which helps to form tences

             My third is double letter r

             My last is an indefinite article

            My whole is a name of  the cite.(Can-be-rr-a)


Which man in Australia wears the largest hat?

(the man who has the largest head)

Team 2:My first is an indefinite article,

            My second is a pronoun.

             My third is the first three letters of the word train,

             My fourth is the first three letters of the word liana

            My whole is the name of the country.(A-us-tra-lia)

What can be seen twice in Canberra, once in Brisbane and never in Sydney?(letter r)

11 Teacher:I am happy to announce the results of the competition...

     Thus, you have finished with the score ...

     You all did your best to win.Congratulations to everybody.(                                                                    

Fans shout: Cheer up!Keep your chin up!Don’t give in!We are with you! Wonderful!Capital !)

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