English literature Test
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Для 10 класса тест по курсу английской литературы


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test1. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D

Variant 1

1. The dialect of what language did Angeles, Saxons and Jutes speak on?

  1. Romans
  2. English
  3. West Germanic
  4. Celtic

2. Who was Britain conquered by in the 1st century BC?

  1. Jutes tribes
  2. Anglo-Saxons
  3. Barbaric peoples
  4. the Romans.

3. The main theme of epics was

  1. life of gods
  2. the King’s ruling
  3. adventures of brave men
  4. none of these answers

4. What «vision» did Caedmon see?

  1. the Devil ordered him to write his songs
  2. the God asked Caedmon to write Bible Stories
  3. his sheep asked him to sing his songs to them
  4. an Angel asked him to sing his songs

5. Who was Alfred the Great?

  1. a famous traveller
  2. a monk
  3. a Latin scholar
  4. a shepherd

Variant 2

  1. Who govern the ancient Britons?
  1. the King
  2. the Queen
  3. the Druids
  4. the warriors

  1. What does the word «castra» mean?
  1. «village»
  2. «camp»
  3. «castle»
  4. «town»

  1. How did Beowulf die?
  1. he was eaten by a monster
  2. he didn’t die – he married his girl friend
  3. he was wounded and died because of it
  4. Grendel’s mother cut out his head

  1. What part of speech begins to be used more often in Britain because of the Danish influence?
  1. noun
  2. participle
  3. verb
  4. pronoun

  1. What writer of the Middle Ages wrote a poem «Paraphrase»?
  1. Caedmon
  2. Asser
  3. Bede
  4. Alfred the Great

Variant 3

  1. Saсred plant for ancient Britons was
  1. pine-tree
  2. birch- tree
  3. maple- tree
  4. oak – tree

  1. Angles, Saxons and Jutes were
  1. Catholics
  2. pagans
  3. Buddhists
  4. none of these answers

  1. Beowulf was
  1.  the King of the Danes
  2. the Viking from Norway
  3. the sea-monster
  4. an ancient poet

  1. Where was the first church in England built?
  1. in London
  2. in Canterbury
  3. in Worcester
  4. in Liverpool

  1. What did Asser write?
  1.  Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
  2. a life of Caedmon
  3. a life of King Alfred the Great
  4. a history of English navy

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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