English literature
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презентации по теме: "Английская литература"


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Alice in Wonderland

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Lewis Carroll, real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Born in January 27, 1832 in the house of rectory in in the village of Daresbury, county Cheshire. In early 1851 he moved to Oxford, where he enrolled at a Christ Church, one of the most aristocratic college at Oxford University H e began his writing career during college. He wrote poems and short stories and sent them to various magazines under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll In 1864 he wrote his famous work « Alice in Wonderland » n 1867, Dodgson visited Russia, it was the only overseas trip of Carroll. He described it in the « Diary of travel in Russia in 1867 » A uthor

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Opening the book "Alice in Wonderland" you dive into the world of a little girl-adventurer. Alice falls into a deep rabbit hole. On her way, she meets many unusual characters. The book is filled with "winged" phrases that we still use . Briefly about the book

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Alice was lying under a tree and suddenly saw the White Rabbit with a clock, and chased him down the rabbit hole and got into the strange world ... Alice and the White Rabbit

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After a long adventure where Alice met a mouse, different birds ( friends of the mouse), a caterpillar she got to the house of the Duchess where she met the Cheshire Cat ...

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… In the Duchess’ house Alice met the Cheshire Cat who could talk, smile, disappear and disappear in parts so that the only thing that was left was his smiling. After leaving the house she met the Cheshire Cat again and asked him where she should go, the cat, smiling, explained that if she said she did not care where she came from , then she could go in any direction. Alice and the Cheshire Cat

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Finally, after all adventures, Alice came back home. But while travelling she changed a lot. She became older, more courageous and open-hearted… And for sure she would have incredibly fascinating life. W onderful Garden

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1) Ismailov Roman 2) Gorshkov Daniil Joanne Kathleen Rowling and Harry Potter book.

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Joanne Kathleen Rowling is incredibly popular British writer, author of the series (1997-2008) of the Harry Potter novels. Rowling was born in the family of Peter James Rowling and Anne Rowling on the 31 st of July, 1965 in Yeyte in Gloucestershire. Life of Joann Rowling

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Joanne Rowling's childhood

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In childhood Joan wrote fantastic stories of her younger sister Diann and read it to her at bedtime . The girl had a difficult home life, and her mother was ill and Rowling was envolved in a complex relationship with her father (she no longer speaks to him.) Rowling was in high school Vaydin where her mother worked in the department of science. As Rowling said: "Hermione [Harry Potter character from the nature of know-all] as a whole is based on me. Sean Harris, Rowling's best friend in the sixth grade, had Ford Anglia, which she says inspired her to create this car in her books. "Ron Weasley [Harry Potter's best friend] - this is not a vivid portrait of Sean, but is actually very similar to it" Sean Harris

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In 1982, Rowling has not passed the entrance exams to Oxford University and was admitted to the University of Exeter, who graduated with a degree in French and classical philology. Little Joann Rowling.

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the Harry Potter books

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In 1995, Rowling finished her manuscript of the novel "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," which is printed on an old typewriter. The book was sent to twelve publishing houses, all of which rejected the manuscript. A year later, she finally got the green light from the editor Barry Cunningham from the London publisher Bloomsbury. The decision to publish Rowling's book owes much to Alice Newton, the eight- year -old daughter of a chairman in Bloomsbury, whose father had read the first chapter and immediately demanded to continue. Alice Newton

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A screen adaptation of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was released in November 16, 2001.

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Harry Potter was no ordinary boy, he was a wizard. But Harry himself did not know. He lived with his parents without uncle and aunt, who hated him. When Potter was a little child his mother died. Lord Voldemort was Harry Potter’s enemy. The boy was the reason why the most dangerous wizard lost his power. And that’s why the boy got the scar. Later the young magician received letters from Hogwarts, the school of Witchcraft. There Potter ha d to learn spells, brew potions, participate in Quidditch competitions. And of cause he had to battle with the Dark Lord.

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W orth seeing and reading.

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Robert Burns Yuri Kim’s presentation 6 G

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Robert Burns (January 25, 1759 – July 21, 1796) is the well- known poet who wrote in Scots .

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He was born in Alloway , Ayrshire , Scotland in a poor farming family, his parents made sure that he was well educated as a child.

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In 1783 he started composing poetry in a traditional style using the Ayrshire dialect of Scots

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These poems were published in the volume, Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish dialect by a local printer in Kilmarnock.

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This volume made him famous in Scotland overnight and as a result he spent several years in Edinburgh society.

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However the fame was not accompanied by money he found it necessary to return to farming.

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He died at the age of 37 as a result of a weak heart brought on by years of poor working conditions on the farm dating back to his childhood

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My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here, My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer, A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe- My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go! Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North, The birthplace of valor, the country of worth! Wherever I wander, wherever I go, The hills of the Highlands forever I love. Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow, Farewell to the straths and green valleys below, Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods, Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods! My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here, My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer, A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe- My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go!

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thank you for attention thank you for attention

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William Shakespeare (1564-1616) We know so little about one of the greatest man that the world.

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Shakespeare’s Father The playwright’s father , John Shakespeare , moved to Stratford on-Avon about 1550 and became a dealer of corn , meat , wool , leather.

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Shakespeare’s Mother T he writer’s mother , Mary Arden , was the daughter o f a rich farmer. He gave his daughter a house , with some land and a sum o f money.

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Shakespeare’s House John Shakespeare and his wife lived in a house on Hanley Street where their children were born. It was the house with small windows in the roof. Stories and poems have been written about it.

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Education It is a mistake to think that he had no education. There was a free Grammar School in Stratford to which the boy was sent. Shakespeare left the Grammar School when he was thirteen years old and never went to School again.

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Private Life When William was only eighteen , he married Anne Hathaway , the daughter of a farmer from а village not far from Stratford. Anne was nine year older than William. On May 26 , 1583 their daughter Susanna was born. Two years later , two sons were born and soon William himself went to London .

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Life in London Without friends , without money , with a wife and children , he became known as a writer only in 1593. After 1594 he wrote Romeo and Juliet , Twelfth Night , As You L ike It , Hamlet , Measure for Measure and other great plays.

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Back to Stratford In 1611 , at the height of his fame , he returned to Stratford , aftert wenty -six years he had left it. In the early spring of 1616 Shakespeare’s youngest daughter , Judith , was married. A month later he made his will and on April 23 , 1616 , he died. He was born on April 23 , 1564 . He died also on this date , April 23 , in 1616.

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Sonnet 51 Thus can my love excuse the slow offence Of my dull bearer, when from thee I speed: From where thou art, why should I haste me thence? Till I return, of posting is no need. О! what excuse will my poor beast then find, When swift extremity can seem but slow? Then should I spur though mounted on the wind, In winged speed no motion shall know : Then can no horse with my desire keep pace; Therefore desire (of perfect's love being made) Shall neigh (no dull flesh) in his fiery race, But love, for love, thus shall excuse my jade: Since from thee going he went willful slow, Towards thee I'll ran and give him leave to go.

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My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red; If snow be white; why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. I have seen roses damasked, red and white, But no such roses see I in her cheeks, And in some perfumes is there more delight Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. I love to hear her speak, yet well I know That music hath a far more pleasing sound; I grant I never saw a goddess go - My mistress when she walks treads on the ground. And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare. Sonnet 130

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William Wordsworth William Wordsworth was a major English Romantic poet. He was born on 7 April 1770 in Wordsworth House in Cockermouth, Cumberland . William Wordsworth died on 23 April 1850, and was buried at St. Oswald's church in Grasmere.

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Wordsworth was the second of five children. Wordsworth's mother died when he was 7 years old, his father died five years later. Uncle guardians defined orphaned boys in grammar boarding school in Houkskhede. In 1787, Wordsworth entered St. James College, Cambridge University . In 1790, he took a walking tour of Europe, during which he toured the Alps extensively, and visited nearby areas of France, Switzerland, and Italy.

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Wordsworth made his debut as a writer in 1787 when he published a sonnet in The European Magazine. Wordsworth stressed that he owes a lot to his four great predecessors in English poetry - J. Chaucer E.Spenser, William Shakespeare and D.Milton. William Wordsworth - the poet of Nature and Man. His poetry is warmed by feeling and thought. He wrote a lot about nature, people, children.

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His most famous works – “Six years old”, “Fidelity”, “Daffodils”. Wordsworth was awarded the title of poet laureate and remained so until his death. His influence on English poetry is evident throughout the 19th century.

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Daffodils I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed--and gazed--but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. William Wordsworth

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Death William Wordsworth died by aggravating a case of pleurisy on 23 April 1850, and was buried at St. Oswald's church in Grasmere. His widow Mary published his lengthy autobiographical “Poem to Coleridge" as The Prelude several months after his death. Though this failed to arouse great interest in 1850, it has since come to be recognized as his masterpiece.

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Agatha Christie

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Agatha Christie was one of England's most famous writers. Agatha Christie is known all over the world as the Queen of Crime. She wrote 78 detective novels, 19 plays, and 6 romantic novels. Her books have been translated into 103 foreign languages . Some of novels are Ten Little Niggers, Death on the Nile , The Mystery of the Blue Train, Five Little Pigs , Murder in Mesopotamia. They are the third best-selling books in the world (after Shakespeare's works and the Bible). Many of her books and short stories have been filmed, and many have been adapted for television, radio, video games and comics.

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Agatha Christie was born in Devon, England in 1890 as the daughter of a British army captain. During the First World War she worked in a hospital as a nurse. Agatha Christie became recognized in 1926, after the publishing of her novel "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd "

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Agatha Christie was married twice and her second husband travelled a lot with her. Some of her novels, like "Death on the Nile" were set in the Middle East .

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In her works Agatha Christie created two great characters. Hercule Poirot is a Belgian detective who appeared in the 33d of Agatha Christie’s novels.The o ther well-known character was Miss Marple . Hercule Poirot Miss Marple

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Agatha Christie died on the 12th January 1976 at the age of 85 from natural causes at her Winterbrook

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There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. Joseph Brodsky Books like friends should be few and well-chosen. Samuel Johnson.

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English literature ?Reading Books? Advantages (+) Disadvantages(-)

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Plan of the lesson . 1. William Shakespeare 2. Agatha Christie 3. Robert Burns 4. Lewis Carroll 5. William Wordsworth 6. Joanne Rowling 7. Poets of Russia

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