Контрольные работы по программе 7 класса.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Женетль Гошнагу Теучежевна


Цель- проверить уровень обучености : усвоение лексических единиц и правильное употребление грамматических структур. Данные работы составлены таким образом, что могут быть полезны учителям, работающих по различным УМК.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

7 класс

I. Choose the right item:

My best friend is called Alison.

1. We (have known/know) each other since we (be/were) 5 years ago.

2. We (always share/ have always shared) our problems and our troubles (have also enjoyed/enjoy) good times together and (have spent/spend) many hours laughing together.

3. We (live/lived) next door to each other before Alison (move/moved) to London.

4. I (visit/have visited) her many times since them.

5. She (has just bought/bought) a new house but I (see/haven’t see) it yet.

II. Complete the sentence:

ago                                        just                                yet

for                                        so far                                already

1. They got married a month ….. .

2. He hasn’t invited us ….. .

3. I have had this suit ….. a year.

4. He has ….. left.

5. She’s types three articles ….. .

6. She’s ….. baked an apple pie.

III. Wright a shot story about what you did yesterday, have done, do today.

Контрольная  работа по английскому языку

7 класс

I. Choose the correct item:

1.  We (live/have live) in Hastings now.

2.  I (got/have got) two brothers.

3.  He (plays/is playing) .football once a week.

4.  We (are/have been) here since the shop opened.

5.  I always (am drinking/drink) black coffee.

6.  (Has/does) he got a camera?

7.  When did you (got/get) home last night?

8.  (We’re/we) going to stay at home today.

9.  We (knew/have known) them for a long time.

10. I (worked/am working) the tow years ago.

II. Put the words in the correct order:

1. I, on Saturday, didn’t, you, at the party, see, night.

2. Some, in the library, we, interesting, books, found.

3. Walked, around the town, have, I.

4. Every weekend, do, clean, you, the house.

5. Slowly, he, getting, is, better.

III Complete the sentences with: already, since, yet, ago, for:

1. I haven’t seen Keith ….. a while.

2. He’s been in China ….. January.

3. She has ….. opened her own shop.

4. He worked for a company called KMP a year ….. .

5. I haven’t seen Tom ….. .

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

7 класс.

I. Choose the right item:

1.  What are you cooking? It ….. very nice!

a) is smelling; b) smells.

2.  John ….. very hard at the moment.

a) worked; b) has worked; c) is working.

3.  ….. I help you to carry those bags? Yes, please.

a) shell; b) will; c) do.

4.  I ….. a new bike last week.

a) bought; b) have bough.

5.  They ….. in England for twenty years.

a) are living; b) live; c) have lived.

6.  I ….. “Scorpions” in 1993.

a) have seen; b) saw; c) am seeing.

7.  We always ….. French onion soup Fridays.

a) are going to eat; b) eat; c) eats.

8.  Why have you got this new blouse? Because I ….. to the party.

a) will do; b) am going; c) go.

9.  The children ….. happily in the garden yesterday.

a) play; b) played; c) have played.

10. She ….. her ticket already.

a) is buying; b) bought; c) has bought.

II. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:

1. Never, he, his wife’s, birthday, forgets.

2. Usually, she, wake up, early, doesn’t.

3. Always, he, has, to travel abroad, wanted.

4. Rarely, he, at night, goes out.

5. They, always, do, can, anything, they, want.

III Complete the sentences with: yet, already, ago, just, since:

1. It’s really a year ….. we last had a holiday.

2. I’m afraid I haven’t finished my dinner ….. .

3. Shakespeare was born over 400 years ….. .

4. Chris has ….. bought one car, but he is going to by another one.

5. Don’t eat the cake, I’ve ….. made it and it’s too hot.

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