Тест №1 (Модуль№1) вариант 1/2 УМК "Spotlight-6"
тест (английский язык) по теме

Данильянц Елена Михайловна

Лексико-грамматический  Тест№1(Модуль№1) в 2-х вариантах к УМК "Spotlight-6" 


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Предварительный просмотр:


TEST-1 (Module#1)


  1.  Translate into English:

1. Это сын моего дяди. Ему 10 лет.

      2. Кто ты по национальности? – Я француз.

3. Я живу на северо-востоке Москвы.

4. Эти водительские права- мои.

5. Марк- мужчина средних лет.

  1.   Use the words to make up the sentences.

       1. grandmother / I/ live/ with / my/.

      2. sisters / and / Ann/ are / Fiona/.

       3. got / Steve/ skateboard/ a / new/ has/.

       4. we / Italy/ from/ are/.

   III. Tick (√) the correct sentence.

     1. Their granny is a dentist. ____

    2.  It’s her book. _____

    3. Its her book. ____

  1. We’s mum is beautiful.____

    5. Our mum is beautiful.____

    IV. Rewrite the sentences in the plural.

   1. This is a mouse.

   2. That boy is my cousin.

   3. This woman has got a car.

   4. This camera is new.

   5. I like this cake.

  V. Rewrite the sentences using the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.

      e.g. This is Maria’s house.

             This is her house. This house is hers.

  1. That is my brother’s bike.

  2. Those are Tony and Steve’s cameras.

  3. This is my mum’s new bag.

  4. These CDs belong to me and my sister.

  5. This car belongs to me.

VI. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are, have, has.

  1. What ________ your sisters’ names?

  2. She ________ got a lamp on the desk.

  3. I ________ Sam’s new friend.

  4. Her box ____________ full of toys.

  5. _______ they got favourite pets?


TEST-1 (Module#1)


  1. Translate into English:
  1. Мой друг немецкий студент. Он живет на юге Германии.
  2. Моим сестрам 20 лет. Они близнецы.
  3. Как пишется ваше имя?
  4. Я бы хотел вступить в спортивный клуб.
  5. Глаза Марии -  голубые.
  1. Use the words to make up the sentences.

1) how/ help/ I/ can/you/?

2) do/ how/ spell/ you/ that?

3)  would/ I/ to/ like/ the/ join/ club/

     4) grandmother/ I/ with/ live/ my/.

     III. Tick (√) the correct sentence.

       1. His from Spain. ____

  2. He’s from Spain. ____

  1. Her name’s Janet. ____
  2. Hers name’s Janet. ____
  3. There granny is a dentist.

      IV. Rewrite the sentences in the plural.

1. He has got a son.

2. My aunt is a teacher.

3. This is a boy’s ball.

4. That is a new watch.

5. I am a student.

V. Rewrite the sentences using the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.

      e.g. This is Maria’s house.

              This is her house. This house is hers.

1. That is Tom’s family.

2. These are the boys’ shoes.

3. This pen belongs to me.

4. This is Jane’s pet.

5. These cars belong to us.

VI. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are, have, has.

1. Whose dirty shoes _________ these?

2. ______ he  got a new computer game?

3. I ________ twelve years old.

4. Oxford street _______ a very busy place.

5. My sisters ________ got  dark curly hair and brown eyes.

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