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методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Дворкина Нелли Вальтеровна

В 9 классе мы приступаем к написанию сочинения в формате ЕГЭ. Opinion Essay - довольно сложно произведение, поэтому разумно начинать с написания For and Against. В данной работе приводится пример, как умея писать For and Against Essay, можно переучиться на написание Opinion


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Предварительный просмотр:


Comment on the following statement.

Many people say that space exploration is necessary. Others suppose humanity can live without exploring space. What can you say for and against space exploration?

Write 200-250 words

Use the following plan:

  1. Introduction
  2. Arguments for
  3. Arguments against
  4. Conclusion

Space exploration is, undoubtedly, one of the most popular projects of the century. It is also one of the most controversial. There have always been different opinions on whether it should be given promotion or not. What are the advantages and disadvantages of space exploration??

On the one hand, space exploration is a good idea. To begin with, since people started exploring space, weather forecasts have become more accurate due to special weather satellites that are in open space. Knowing what the weather will be like in the long term is very important for people doing different jobs: sailors, builders, doctors. Also, exploring space makes it possible to carry out experiments concerning life of different creatures in the conditions of zero gravity. These experiments might help us find the cure for now incurable diseases. Moreover, if we continue exploring space we will probably be able to find life on other planets. Communicating with non-human civilizations might lead us to further progress in sciences and, consequently, improving our life.

On the other hand, space exploration has always been a very complicated project. Firstly,  building spaceships, launching them into space, training astronauts demand huge amounts of money that might be spent on helping people here and now. Furthermore, it is dangerous. A lot of people perished in the first years of space exploration and are still lost while being launched or landing. In addition, even if we find other civilizations somewhere in space, who can guarantee they will be friendly? They might help us as well as destroy.

To sum up, space exploration has both advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, if a country is wealthy enough, its government should develop space exploration.


Comment on the following statement.

Many people say that space exploration is necessary. Others suppose humanity can live without exploring space. Should space exploration be given promotion?

Write 200-250 words

Use the following plan:

  1. Introduction
  2. Your opinion and arguments to support it
  3. The opposing opinion and arguments for it
  4.  Explain why you do not agree with the opposing opinion
  5. Conclusion

Nowadays many people have mixed feelings about the necessity of space exploration. A lot of people suppose that it brings the mankind a number of advantages. However, others assume that exploring space is something absolutely unimportant. Whose opinion is more reasonable?

As for me, people should continue exploring space. Firstly, since space exploration started, weather forecasts have become more accurate due to special weather satellites that are in open space. Knowing what the weather will be like in the long term is very important for people doing different jobs: sailors, builders, doctors. Moreover, if we go on exploring space we will probably be able to find life on other planets. Communicating with non-human civilizations might lead us to further progress in sciences and, consequently, improving our life.

In spite of this, there are people who believe that space exploration is too a dangerous project to be carried out: a lot of people perish in space or while being launched or landing. It is also believed that other civilizations that might be found somewhere in space, could be hostile and even destroy us.

However, I cannot say I agree with the opinion that space exploration is not worthwhile. I am sure that the development of any science causes a problem of something being dangerous and that does not mean that progress should be stopped. Furthermore, I completely disagree that the possibility of alien is that real. If the people’s behavior towards aliens is friendly, they will treat us the same way.

To sum up, space exploration has both advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, if a country is wealthy enough, its government should develop space exploration.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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