методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Зернова Нина Васильевна

урок английского языка нацеленный на знакомство  учащихся с историей возникновения кинематографа в России и за рубежом, знакомство с историей Голливуда и с известными актерами, режиссерами и жанрами кино, развитие лексические и грамматические навыки говорения и аудирования с целью извлечения конкретной информации.  


Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока: “ CINEMA – A MAGIC  WORLD”.

Цель урока: Познакомить учащихся с историей возникновения кинематографа в России и за рубежом. Познакомить с историей Голливуда и с известными актерами, режиссерами и жанрами кино.

Развивать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения и аудирования с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

                            Ход урока:

  1. Hello, boys and girls! Hello everybody and all!

Today we shall speak about cinematography and the theme of the lesson is “Cinema- the magic world”.

Tell me please weather you watched the film “Розыгрыш” ? Say how you feel about the film?         Say, how you found Харатьян in this film?

  Схема образования восклицательных предложений:

  1. What + adjective + noun
  2. How + adjective

Прилагательные для положительной оценки:

Wonderful, magnificent, fantastic, excellent, impressive, great, splendid, marvelous

Прилагательные для негативной оценки:

Dull, silly, awful, boring, crazy, annoying, common.

(работа в парах. Выражение оценки просмотренных фильмов)

Пример: - Have you seen the film “ Gone with the wind”

  1. Yes, the film is wonderful! How excellent it is!
  1. Every country has it’s own cinematography. You will hear about film making in Russia, US, Australia, you will read about cinematography in Germany. During our lesson you should fill in the list. ( На доске таблица, которую учащиеся заполняют по ходу у себя в тетрадях, а дома заканчивают эту работу).





The year of the birth of the cinematography

The largest film studious

The greatest film directors

The famous actors

The most popular films

   Let’s listen to the information the cinematography in Australia, In the United States of America, in Russia.

( Прослушивание сообщений).

  1. Чтение текста.            

                                                          “Cinematography in Germany”.

      The beginning of the cinematography in Germany was in 1895. It was the  time when  film making industry began to develop all over the whole country. The most important were the studious “ Bayem” in Munich and ‘ Ufa” in Berlin. At the end of the 1920s the sound film appeared. But in 1933 the most prominent film directors and actors immigrated to Hollywood.

    The new birth of German film industry began in 1962. The problem was to shoot much better than those made in Hollywood. The most successful film directors are Dorris Dorrie, Wim Wanders, Margarette von Trotta, Follker Sclondorf. Everybody knows the names of such famous actors as Friedrich Murnou, Fritz Lang and Marrien Dietrich.

      The famous Berlin Film Festival is very popular among the film directors. The main prize of this festival is “ The Golden Bear’.

  1.  The film making process is very complicated and depends on many different things.

Now open  your Activity Books on page 76 Ex. 2. What film professions are here?

  1. You tell actors what to do.
  1. director
  2. Producer
  3. Cameraman
  1. Your uncle is financing the film. What is he called?
  1. director
  2. producer
  3. bank manager
  1. Your sister created the story and wrote the actor words. She is
  1. a scriptwriter
  2. an editor
  3. a playwriter
  1. The person who put all the different pieces together is called
  1. a cameraman
  2. an editor
  3. a scriptwriter

(1-a, 2-b, 3-a, 4-b)

VI. Match the genres  with the descriptions.




A film full of music and dance




A film in which unnatural and frightening things happens, such as dead people coming to life, people turning to animals.




An action-packed film about cowboys, horses and gunfights.




A film about space travel or life in an imaginary future.




A film made by photographing, a set of drawings.




A film full of violence and crime.




An  film with happy end.

            Guess what genres these films can be referred to?

  1. Hamlet
  2. The dog’s heart.
  3. Gone with the wind.
  4. Tom and Jerry.
  1. Now we should find out what film will win our prize ‘ The Golden Star”.

You should write down the name of your favorite film.

VII. We are finishing our lesson. At home you should fill in the table.


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