Упражнения на предлоги
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Аристова Ольга Николаевна

Упражнения на повторение предлогов on/in, down, off, out, up;а также на отработку употребления as-like, join-unite, a great number - a great deal, much - many; артиклей и времен.


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Revision exercises. Unit 2

A      As or like

  1. Mike swims _____a real sportsman.
  2. Charles works _______ a sailor.
  3. Kate was late, ______ usual.
  4. His talents _____ a film actor were soon recognized.
  5. Ted was ______ a son to me.
  6. She cried ______ a baby when they told her the news.
  7. I admire her _____ a person, but I don’t think much of her _____ a writer.
  8. _____ I said in my last letter, I’m taking the exam in July.
  9. There is nothing ______ a nice cold shower.
  10. Alice likes small animals, such _____ cats and dogs.

B      On or in

  1. I can’t sleep ___ a train or ____ a bus, even if I am on a business trip.
  2. All seats ______ the plane were occupied.
  3.  My granny usually goes to the market _______ her own car.
  4. ___ the train we solved crosswords and played games with words.
  5. Usually ____ planes it is not allowed to smoke.
  6. I usually go ____ a taxi when I am in a hurry.
  7. There were a lot of passengers _____ a train that day.

C      Down, in, off, out, up

  1. I always cut ____ grandfather’s meat for him.
  2. My doctor says I should cut ____ salt.
  3. Cut the tops ___ the carrots before cooking them.
  4. “ I’d like to know the truth,” Alex cut ____.
  5. He cut _____ a thick slice of bread and spread it with butter.
  6. Look, I’ve cut this article ___ of a magazine for you.
  7. The doctor advised him to cut ____ his working hours.
  8. When he talks he doesn’t allow anyone to cut ____ with a word.
  9. The wood was cut ____ and taken away.
  10. They cut ____ the electricity last week and we could neither cook nor watch TV.

Revision exercises. Unit 2

D       Join or unite

  1. You have a lovely voice. Why don’t you  ____ our choir?
  2. It took some time for the two halves of the bridge to _____.
  3. We agreed that Mary would _____ us at King’s Cross.
  4. What do you think will happen if I ______ these two wires.
  5. Mike dreams to ______ the navy after he leaves school.
  6.  James was a born leader and soon the party _____ behind him.
  7. Who would like to _____ me for a game of volleyball?
  8. Children, stand in a circle and _____ your hands.
  9. We need an idea that can ____ us.
  10. The victory in the war ______ the nation and made it more hopeful.

E        A great number or a great deal

  1. Plenty of work                        
  2. Plenty of chances
  3. Plenty of ice cream
  4. Plenty of water
  5. Plenty of theatres
  6. Plenty of problems

F        A great/good deal or a large number of

  1. Relatives
  2. Ambition
  3. Free time
  4. English books
  5. Energy
  6. Friends
  7. Modern clothes
  8. Mistakes
  9. Optimism
  10. Problems

G        Much or many

  1. The children liked the film far more than the adults.
  2. Mary has got far more friends than me.
  3. John began to read far more books than he used to.
  4. You’ve been to New York far more times than me.
  5. They have done far more research on this phenomenon than we have.
  6. John began to read far more books than he used to.
  7. You’ll have to write far more papers.
  8. Now I’m far more satisfied with your progress in English than at the beginning of the year.

Revision exercises. Unit 2

H       Economic or economical

  1. Are electric cars ____ to run?
  2. Europe is more than an ______ community.
  3. If you’ve got a large family, it’s more _____ to travel by car than by train.
  4. The country is in a bad ____ state.
  5. Something which has to do with economics is ______.
  6. Our use of the central heating is fairly _____.
  7. We cannot afford to employ more stuff in the current ______ climate.
  8. The major part of the population is against the government’s ______ policies.
  9. It is not a very _____ method of heating buildings.
  10. The plane is not the most ______ form of transport.

I    A, the or zero article

  1. ____ Little Dorrit comes from ______ Dickens’ novel of the same title.
  2. ____ Benz is another name for _____ Mercedes.
  3. ____ Uncle Podger is one of Jerome’s characters from “ Three Men in a Boat”.
  4. Has  _____ dear Margaret arrived yet?
  5. After I heard Jane’s speech I understood that she was _____ real Parker, she spoke just like her father did in his own time.
  6. ______ Levitan the gallery bought last month has just been exhibited.
  7.  I can’t recognize this music, is it  _____ Mozart?
  8. ______ Davises are a very close-knit family.
  9.  There is ______ certain Mrs Green wishing to see you, sir.
  10. ______ Max Cage rang you up this afternoon. Does the name say anything to you?


J    Choose the right items to complete the sentences.

  1. Peter ________ very annoying this evening. He isn’t usually so annoying.
  1. Is        b)  is being
  1. John _____ a silly fool yesterday. He isn’t usually such a fool.
  1. Was     b) was being
  1. I think this milk _____ sour. I wouldn’t use it to make porridge.
  1. Gets     b) is getting
  1. Mr Smith ______ on a bench for half an hour and then began reading a paper.
  1. Sat         b) was sitting
  1. We ______ all day long.
  1. Walked    b) were walking
  1. We ______ for ten minutes and then saw the palace.
  1. Walked    b) were walking

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