English prepositions:to,on,for. 9 класс. Учебник Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Завалий Оксана Владимировна

Данный материал направлен на отработку употребления предлогов "to, on, for".


Файл fill_in_the_gaps_with_the_right_prepositio1.docx12.55 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

     Fill in the gaps with the right preposition.

  1. Mike is very sad because he hasn’t got an invitation ….. Jane’s birthday party.
  2. My parents can’t understand his attitude …. the problem.
  3. Nobody could explain the reason …… her visit.
  4. Mr Black is not in the office now, he is …. holiday.
  5. He has been waiting for a long time but still hasn’t had a reply …. his question.
  6. During the war all people had their hopes ….. the future.
  7. Let’s meet at five in the evening and find a solution …. the problem.
  8. She went to France ….business and we don’t know when she will come back.
  9. The firefighters came late and the whole house was …. fire.
  10. It’s not a secret that there is an exception …. all the rules.
  11. All Bob’s friends ignored his demand ….. money.
  12. Her reaction ….. Philip’s words was absolutely unpredictable.
  13. Jill, you are wanted …. the telephone but I don’t recognize the voice.
  14. There was nothing on the table but just a key …. the door.
  15. Tourists went ….. an excursion to London on Sunday morning and they did a lot of different sights.
  16. Students couldn’t help feeling great respect … their professor.
  17. She is a very slim girl. I believe she is …. a diet.
  18.  John was shocked when he saw all the damage … his car.
  19. Their desire … freedom was the only reason of their rebellion.
  20. The Government introduced an amendment ….the law two months ago.  

The key:

  1. To; 2) to; 3) for; 4) on; 5) to; 6) for; 7) to; 8) on; 9) on; 10) to; 11) for; 12) to; 13) on; 14) to; 15) on; 16) for; 17) on; 18) to; 19) for; 20) to.

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