творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку по теме

Творческие работы учащихся 5-6 классов на тему "A CHRISTMAS STORY".


Предварительный просмотр:

A Christmas story

Every year atone and the same moment all the people make a Christmas wish.

So, once in a small town when the first snow came some children made a Snowman. He had a carrot for a nose, a pair of warm mittens and a long scarf.

All the day the Snowman was very happy, but when night came he was sad. He thought: “When spring comes, I will melt and be just a puddle”.

In the morning the Snowman heard two boys: “Only one week is left before Christmas” – one of them said. The Snowman was happy. “I know what wish I will make” –he thought. So, the longest week passed and only five minutes were left before the midnight. The snowman waited for it. Like all the children the snowman made a wish about himself. “I want to be a boy and play with other children”… He thought that he would become a boy at once. But nothing happened. The snowman was very sad. It was the saddest time in his short life. All the night he waited for a miracle.

Next morning a crowd of happy children ran out into the yard. Only the Snowman was sad.

A day passed, night came but the Snowman didn’t lose the sweetest hope. In the evening when everybody left, suddenly he heard a cry. He saw a little boy running away from a big dog. The Snowman wanted to help the boy. The snowman looked angry. He looked at the dog angrily. The dog was scared and ran away. But the poor Snowman broke to pieces. The boy thanked him and put him together as well as he could.

After the boy went away the miracle did happen… he did become a real boy for his good deed. The happy boy-snowman walked about the town, but he felt so lonely. He sat down on the bench and began to think where to go for the night. After some minutes a young married couple saw him. They stopped and asked. “Why are you alone, little boy, where are your parents?”. The Snowman told them his story. The young people felt sorry for him. And they took him home with them.

So the Snowman’s dream came true. He became a boy, he had a family and he was happy all the time!



It’s X-mas time!

No time for cry!

No time for whine!

It’s time to be high*!

Don’t’be goofy!

Find the proof –

Just for me to tell the truth!

There’s no one but

God who makes

Your word be heard

In this wild & crazy but wonderful world!!!

by Ann Abramova,

Mukaddam Orifjonova

Form 6 “A”

School 541

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

IX Всероссийский дистанционный конкурс "A Letter to Santa Claus". Задания          --

Magic Snow Girl (MSG)

I think she is nice and quite funny. She likes laughing and playing snowballs. His grandfather is Santa Claus, her mother is Snow Queen. Now she is travelling around the world (she is in Great Britain at the moment), picking up and packing Christmas presents. She is wearing a blue, green and yellow dress and blue shoes and blue mittens. She has got a big beautiful house.

© ЧОУ «ЦДО «СНЕЙЛ»                                                                                                                                                      http://www.nic-snail.ru

                                                                                                                                                                                                    E-mail: konk@nic-snail.ru

Предварительный просмотр:

IX Всероссийский дистанционный конкурс "A Letter to Santa Claus". Задания          --


She plays and gives presents to children. She cooks dinner for Santa. Snowy-Star makes lollipops for children. Santa Claus and Snowy-Star make lots of stockings. When Santa is sad, Snowy-Star sings funny and merry songs to him.

© ЧОУ «ЦДО «СНЕЙЛ»                                                                                                                                                      http://www.nic-snail.ru

                                                                                                                                                                                                    E-mail: konk@nic-snail.ru

Предварительный просмотр:

WELCOME to our


School №541, Moscow, Russia, December 25th, 2011

The festival will bring music and fun to celebrate Christmas. Come and have a good time. You’ll see fantastic fireworks and special lights.

You can:

  1. Light fireworks;
  2. Make a snowman;
  3. Play hide-and-seek;
  4. Take part in a sack race;
  5. Have a snowball fight;
  6. Eat delicious traditional food;
  7. Play wooden spoons;
  8. Skate with Russian ice-skating stars;
  9. Watch a puppet show;
  10. Listen to Russian folk music;

Don’t miss a true taste of the festival.

*** Come in a crazy fancy dress and get a prize

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