тест для 8 класса
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Бастрикова Ольга Анатольевна

Тест по теме Would you like to go to Britain? к учебнику Кузовлева В.П.


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Unit 2

For the 8th form

I variant

  1. You will hear a telephone announcement for tourists visiting Edinburgh, Scotland. Tick whether the statements are true of false.
  1. Suggestions are given on what to do both in and around the city.
  2. The zoo is open every day of the year.
  3. Buses take 50 minutes to reach the zoo.
  4. It is possible to park your car near the zoo.
  5. Coach tours of the city start from the zoo.
  6. You can buy souvenirs in the shop near the Camera Obscura.
  7. The Camera Obscura should be visited at night.
  8. An orchestral concert will take place in the King's Theatre this evening.
  1. Translate.
  1. castle
  2. to practice speaking
  3. archery
  4. arts and crafts
  5. travel agent
  1. Match the numbers with the letters.

1. money belt                                        a. information for travelers

2. travel guide                                       b. contains medicine

3. camera                                              c. permission to enter a foreign country

4. first-aid kit                                        d. you take pictures with it

5. visa                                                    e. you keep your money there

4.  Match the numbers with the letters.

      1. exciting                                              a.fun

      2. attractive                                            b.tour

      3. sightseeing                                         c.a quiet place

      4. to go to                                               d.places

      5. to be great                                          e.visit

5. Match the synonyms.

    1. place of interest                                              a. to arrive

    2. to tour                                                             b. to be eager to

    3. to want very much                                          c. to depart

    4. to leave                                                           d. to travel

    5. to come                                                           e. sight


Unit 2

For the 8th form

II variant

1.You will hear a telephone announcement for tourists visiting Edinburgh,

    Scotland. Tick whether the statements are true of false.

  1. Suggestions are given on what to do both in and around the city.
  2. The zoo is open every day of the year.
  3. Buses take 50 minutes to reach the zoo.
  4. It is possible to park your car near the zoo.
  5. Coach tours of the city start from the zoo.
  6. You can buy souvenirs in the shop near the Camera Obscura.
  7. The Camera Obscura should be visited at night.
  8. An orchestral concert will take place in the King's Theatre this evening.
  1. Translate.
  1. campcraft
  2. pony-trekking
  3. travel leaflet
  4. major airport
  5. a public phone
  1. Match the numbers with the letters.

1. money belt                                        a. information for travelers

2. travel guide                                       b. contains medicine

3. camera                                              c. permission to enter a foreign country

4. first-aid kit                                        d. you take pictures with it

5. visa                                                    e. you keep your money there

4.  Match the numbers with the letters.

      1. exciting                                              a.fun

      2. attractive                                            b.tour

      3. sightseeing                                         c.a quiet place

      4. to go to                                               d.places

      5. to be great                                          e.visit

5. Match the synonyms.

    1. place of interest                                              a. to arrive

    2. to tour                                                             b. to be eager to

    3. to want very much                                          c. to depart

    4. to leave                                                           d. to travel

    5. to come                                                           e. sight

Text for the first task.

Welcome to Edinburgh. We would like to welcome you to spend your day in and around the capital.

Edinburgh Zoo has Scotland's finest collection of wild animals and is open between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. 365 days a year. Bring the family and spend the day at the zoo. It's only 15 minutes from the city centre. Buses to and from the zoo are number 12, 26, 31 and 86. There are also car parking meters.

One of the best ways to see this beautiful and historic city is by joining one of the many coach tours organized by Lothian Regional Transport. These tours cover all parts of the city and leave from Waverly Bridge, just off Princes Street, throughout the day. For details, please phone 5544494.

You will be surprised just how much you can see of it in one day.

If the weather is clear, why not visit the Wellhouse Tower and Camera Oscura at the top of the Royal Mile near Edinburgh Castle? Here, you can look out on fascinated views of Edinburgh and beyond, through this unique optical device installed in 1850. There is also a Scottish gift, book and record shop. The Camera Oscura is open every day between 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m.

For your entertainment in the theatre this evening, the King's Theatre in Leven Street presents Peter Morrison and his guests, who introduce the audience to the fine Scottish tradition of popular singing. This show begins at 8 p.m.

To find out more about events or places to visit, please call the Tourist Information Centre at 5, Waverly Bridge, or telephone 2266591.

We do hope you'll enjoy your day in the capital. Thank you.

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