Дидактические материалы по английскому языку по разделу "Чтение"
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Ильина Людмила Петровна

Данный дидатический материал состоит из текстов на английском языку для уащихся 6 классов.К каждому тексту прилагается лексико-грамматические задания.


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Дидактические материалы по предмету «Английский язык» 6 класс        

Раздел : Чтение

Чтение является одним из видов коммуникативно-познавательной деятельности учащихся  при изучении английского языка. Тексты, если они подобраны правильно, могут помочь в изучении языка. Важно не только подобрать текст, но и правильно с этим текстом работать. Данный материал состоит из текстов  для чтения и лексико-грамматических заданий к ним.

1. Read and choose the correct word.

Variant A

  Hi, Matt!

How are you? This is my family. My parents’ names are Jill and Daniel. My Dad is tall with short, wavy hair. He’s in the mid-forties.  My Mum is short and slim. Her hair is long and straight. She’s in her late thirties. My sister Phoebe is seven years old. She’s got long fair hair and small mouth. My brother Michael is eight years old. He’s got short dark hair and big blue eyes. He has also got a big nose.

      Well, that’s all about my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family. Send me a picture if you can.

                             Bye for now.         David.

1. There are four/five people in David’s family.

2. Michael/ Daniel is David’s dad.

3. Phoebe/ Jill is David’s mum.

4. David’s mum is short and slim/ fat.

5. Phoebe is 7/8 years old.

Variant B

Hi, John!

How are you? This is my family. My parents names are Emily and Peter. My Dad is tall with short, straight hair. He is in his mid forties. My Mum is tall and slim. Her hair is short and curly. She’s in her late thirties. My sister Karen is eight years old. She has got long, dark hair and a small nose. My brother Mark is nine years old. He has got short, fair hair, big green eyes and a big nose.

Well, that’s all about my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family. Send me a picture if your can.

Bye for now,        


1. Emily is Daniel’s mum/ sister.

2. Peter/ Mark is Daniel’s dad.

3. There are four/ five people in Daniel’s family.

4. Mark has got short/ long fair hair

5. Karen is eight/ nine years old.  

2. Read and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

 Variant A

Hi. Kate!

How are you?  My neighbourhood is great. There are lots of shops and cafes. There’s a toy shop right opposite my house! My Mum is happy because there’s a supermarket and a chemist’s on our street. There is also a library next to the supermarket. I go to read books every weekend.

It’s really nice here. Why don’t you come and stay with me during the school holidays?



1. Kate can stay at Ann’s house.

2. There’s a library in the neighbourhood.

3. There’s a sports shop near her  house.

4. There are not many shops.

5. Ann likes her neighbourhood.

6. The letter is from Kate.

7. Ann doesn’t like to read books.

Variant B

Hi, Pete!

How are you? My neighbourhood is great. There are lots of shops and cafes. I even have a sport shop right opposite my house! My mum is very happy because there is a supermarket and a chemist’s on our street. There is also a library next to the supermarket. I go there to read books ever weekend.

It’s really nice here. Why don’t you come and stay with me during the school holidays?



1. There isn’t a supermarket.

2. Pete can stay at Tom’s new house .

3. There is a sports shop near his house.

4. The letter is from Pete.

5. Tom likes his neighbourhood.

6. There are not many shops.

7. The library is opposite the supermarket.

3. Read and answer the questions.

Variant A

My name is Pam and I’m ten years old. My best friend is Ann and she is twelve years old. Ann is very smart and can do a lot of things. Ann can play the guitar and the piano. She is very good at sport. She can swim very well and she can sail a boat. I can’t swim very well and I can’t sail a boat. Ann cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. I can’t cook because my mum says I’m too young. There is one thing that Ann and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car.

1. What can Ann play?

2. How old is Pam’s best friend?

3. Who cooks lunch every day?

4. What sport can’t Pam do?

5. What can’t Ann and Pam do?

Variant B

My name is John and I’m eleven years old. My best friend Stan and he’s thirteen years old. Stan is very smart and can do a lot of things. Stan can play the drums and the electric guitar. He is very good at sports. He can play football very well and he can swim. I can’t play football very well and I can’t swim. Stan cooks lunch for himself and his little brother every day. I can’t cook because my mum says I’m too young. There’s one thing that Stan and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car!

1. What can’t Stan and John do?

2. How old is John’s best friend?

3. What can Stan play?

4. Who cooks lunch every day?

5. What sport can’t John do?

4. Read and choose the correct word

Variant A


Hi! Thanks for your email. I hope you are well.  I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests. During the week, I do my homework  1) …. the evenings and after  2) …. I watch TV. I like watching comedies and reality shows but I don’t like science fiction. Sometimes my friends 3) ….. around and we watch  a DVD.

At the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go to the cinema 4) ….. friends on Saturday night. On Sunday, I relax at home and read a book or 5) ….. I go cycling.

1. at/ on/ in

2. that/ it/ them

3. come/ comes/ coming

4. by/ with/ for

5. always/ never/ sometimes

Variant B

Hi. Thanks for your email. I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests. During the week, I 1) …. my homework in the evenings and 2) …….. that I  watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows but I don’t like talk shows. Sometimes my friends come around and we watch a DVD.

3)……… the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go 4) ….. the cinema with friends on Saturday night and then  on Sunday I relax at home and read a book or 5) …… I go cycling.

1. make/ do / study

2. then/ after/ when

3. at/ in/ for

4. at/ to/ in

5. sometimes/ never/ always

5. Read and answer the questions

Variant A

This is a picture of my brother at his birthday party. His name is Paul and  in this picture he is wearing his favourite T-shirt and a party hat. Our house is full of decorations and Paul is having a great time. He is blowing a party horn and drinking some orange juice. His friends are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to happy music. You can’t see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen. They are making all the food and drinks.

1. What is Paul drinking?

2. What kind of hat is Paul wearing?

3. Where are Paul’s parents?

4. What is everybody listening to?

5. What are Paul’s friends eating?

Variant B

This is a picture of my sister at her birthday party. Her name is Claire and in this picture she is wearing her favourite T-shirt and a party hat. Our house is full of decorations and Claire is having a great time. She is laughing with her friends. They are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to happy music. You can’t see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen. They are making all the food and drinks.

1. What is Claire doing?

2. What are Claire’s friends eating?

3. What kind of hat is Claire wearing?

4. Where are Claire’s parents?

5. What is everybody listening to?

6. Read and answer the questions

Variant A

My friend Karen is a very busy person. When she’s not doing her homework or studying, she’s out having fun.

On Tuesdays, she goes swimming after school. She practices a lot, because she’s in the school team. Then, on Wednesdays, she goes to music  club. On Thursdays, she meets her friends for a coffee in town. Then, on Fridays, she goes to the cinema or plays scrabble with her sister.

At the weekend, Karen always spends time with her family. She usually helps her mother around the house and sometimes her dad takes her windsurfing.

1. When does Karen meet her friend?

2. What does she do on Wednesday s?

3. What school team does Karen belong to?

4. Which board game does Karen like to play?

5. What activity does Karen do with her dad?

6. Who does she spend her weekends with?

Variant B

My friend John is a very busy person. When he’s not doing his homework or studying, he is out having fun.

On Mondays, he plays basketball after school. He practices a lot because he’s in the school team. Then, on Tuesdays he goes to computer club. On Thursdays, he plays chess and then on Fridays he meets his friends in town.

At the weekend, John always spends time with his family. He usually goes fishing with his dad and helps his mum with the shopping.

1. What team is John in?

2. What does he do on Tuesdays?

3. When does john meet his friends?

4. What board game does John like playing?

5. Who does John spend time with at the weekend?

6 What does John help his mum do?

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