Спасём планету Земля!- проблемы экологии
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Сопровождение урока эффектными слайдами разбудит познавательный интерес у каждого- отработка лексики пройдет непринужденно, а пришельцы с других планет помогут осознать всю серьезность существующих проблем экологии.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Save the Earth!

Слайд 3

Natural world in danger A lot of fish, reptiles, insects, birds and mammals may disappear before you have childen. The reason is Man that kills animals and destroys their habitats. It is not just animals that are in danger. So are plants. Every year over 100 000 square kilometres of forests are cleared for different uses and a lot of forests are so badly damaged that they will hardly be able to recover.

Слайд 4

It is a well-known fact that all the forests help to control the world`s weather, and to produce much of the oxygen in the air. Besides, lots of medicines are made of plants. If we destroy these places, we will never get the cure. So you see, if we want our lives to be healthy and interesting, a lot of other creatures and plants need growing space too.

Слайд 5

Develop these ideas 1. Rainforests control the world`s weather. 2. Plants produce much of the oxygen in the air, that people need for breathing. 3 Wild plants can help to produce some medicines to cure diseases.

Слайд 6

Man and Natural World air pollution the greenhouse effect Climatic changes water pollution rainstorms, earthquakes

Слайд 7

houses\ damage forests\ ruin diseases\ cure weather\ influence habitats\ destroy rivers\ pollute Make up true sentences o f what can be done with these.

Слайд 8

Fill in the necessary word: -nuclear weapons -poison -destruction -ozone hole -trouble -pollution -ecological disaster 1. The weathermen are speaking about the ... of water again this summer. 2.Factories pour a lot of ... into seas. 3. For the first time ...were used by the USA in 1945 4...of wildlife is serious

Слайд 9

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 1.Do you think cars have improved life or not? Have they made people`s life at least easier? 2. Which do you think is the best way to travel- by car, by train, by plane, on foot? Explain your choice. 3. If you have enough money, will you buy a car? Do you think it is important?

Слайд 10

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 1.Do you think the hole in the ozone layer will get bigger? 2. The world climate is changing, isn`t it? What changes can you name? 3. Do you think the earth will become warmer? Why? 4. What serious ecological problems are discussed nowadays? 5. What do you feel about the problem of the rare plants and animals?

Слайд 11

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS - Is anything done in the world to save our planet from an ecological disaster? - How can you personally take part in this work? - Do you discuss this problem at school?

Слайд 12

What should we do to save the Earth?

Слайд 13

What should we do to save the Earth? -make laws to protect air, water and soil -develop international cooperation -save water, gas, energy and other natural resources -keep your towns clean

Слайд 14

to spoil the environment -to have poisoned water -to throw litter into the water -to destroy wildlife -disappear

Слайд 15

ecological disaster global crisis damage nature destroy health

Слайд 17

What is our future?

Слайд 18

What is our future?

Слайд 19

Save the Earth!

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