Проект на английском языке "Seasons"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме



Проект на эту тему на английском языке мы представили и показали как большое костюмированное представление с учениками 4-7 классов. Содержание работы представляло собой интегрированный  проект, в котором были  задействованы многие школьные дисциплины: английский язык, театральное/ сценическое искусство, музыка (сольное и хоровое пение), физика, биология, зоология, природоведение/ окружающий мир, с элементами хореографии и технологии. Сценарий проекта представляет собой знакомство с разными временами года, погодными явлениями, соответствующими тому или другому времени года, встречу с растительным и животным миром, что предусматривало большое количество исполнителей: ведущие, месяцы года, времена года, снежинки, ветер, листья, птицы, цветы и т. п. Задолго до проведения мероприятия учащиеся разбирали роли и разучивали их, а также подбирали и заучивали материалы по теме проекта («Времена года», «Погода», Животные и птицы в природе», «Природные явления»). Песни и прозаический материал также разучиваются заранее всей творческой группой ребят. Так как проект является отчасти музыкальным, то вокальные партии можно записать в виде фонограмм при помощи программы по обработке звука.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Красноярская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2»

416150, Астраханская область, Красноярский район,

с. Красный Яр, ул. З. Ананьевой, 51 «А»

тел. 91-1-47.


Творческий проект на английском языке «Времена года» (“Seasons”),

Подготовленный и представленный театральной секцией творческого объединения по иностранным языкам «Новый взгляд»

совместно с учащимися 4б, 6а, 7a классов

(всего 24 участника).

Руководитель секции: учитель английского языка         Аралова Р.М.

Дата публичной защиты проекта: 18 февраля 2010 года





с. Красный Яр.

2010 г.

Цели проекта:

Образовательная: Знакомство широкой аудитории взрослых и детей с различными проявлениями погоды в разное время года, с объяснениями погодных явлений с точки зрения разных наук (физика, биология, химия, астрономия), с разнообразием флоры и фауны земного шара на английском языке через театрализованное представление.

Развивающая:  Преодоление психологического барьера говорения на английском языке в присутствии аудитории. Развитие театральных, музыкальных, творческих способностей у учащихся. Стимулирование творческой инициативы у детей, а также персональных креативных и познавательных способностей у каждого ребёнка.

Практическая:  Совершенствование навыков и умений в общении на английском языке. Расширение  лексического запаса по темам «Природа», «Погода в разное время года», «Погодные явления», «Флора и фауна нашей страны», «Охрана окружающей среды», а также различных идиоматических структур английского языка (высказывания, пословицы, загадки). Привлечение учащихся к активной поисково-познавательной деятельности в рамках темы проекта. Развитие практических речевых навыков при разучивании материалов проекта. Углубление знаний учащимися компьютерной грамоты с целью создания презентаций и слайд-фильмов. Побуждение к проявлению актёрских талантов у учащихся.

Воспитательная:  Расширение кругозора учащихся.  Привлечение внимания широких масс общественности к проблемам природы и экологии. Воспитание чувства эстетического вкуса при работе с оформлением декораций, костюмов, в создании слайд-фильмов.

Задачи проекта: 

- формировать интерес учащихся к английскому языку;

- развивать умения оперирования языковыми единицами в коммуникативных целях;

- отрабатывать произносительные навыки;

- увеличить объём используемых лексических единиц;

-поощрять учащихся вести исследовательскую деятельность в

сфере других предметных областей (наук);                                                  

- дать возможность каждому участнику проявить свои индивидуальные способности, почувствовать радость участия в большом коллективном деле и ощутить себя личностью нужной и уважаемой;

-формировать бережное отношение к природе и её охране.

Оснащение и оборудование проекта:

  1. Костюмы всех времён года, месяцев года.
  2. Костюм ветра, снежинок, цветов.
  3.  Музыкальные произведения композиторов Чайковского, Штрауса, Скрябина, Рахманинова в аудиозаписи к танцам, слайд-фильму.  
  4. Аудиозаписи песен интегрированного проекта либо только музыки песен.  
  5. Красочное оформление сцены: декорации в форме деревьев, птиц, листьев, цветов, зверей.    
  6. Костюмы для танца снежинок и танца цветов: (для танца цветов) яркой окраски платья либо юбки с венками из цветов, цветы вплетены также и в волосы девочек, у талии завязаны либо ленты, либо газовые платки; (для танца снежинок) однотонно-белые/ голубые платья/ юбки,  веночек со снежинкой или зимний кокошник.    
  7. Слайд-фильм «Времена года» и его техническое проецирование с помощью компьютера и проектора на большой экран.  
  8. Музыкальный центр с функциями DVD/ CD для прокручивания английских песен и классических произведений.  
  9. Костюмы детей, поющих в хоре английские песенки: веночки с цветами, однотонные одежды у всех, шапочки с прикреплёнными снежинками, варежки, шарфы, букеты с осенними листьями, газовые косынки всех цветов радуги.
  10.  Микрофоны (желательно и на подставке), фотоаппарат.

Ход работы над сценарием интегрированного проекта и рекомендации по его проведению:

       Вечер на эту тему на английском языке можно подготовить и провести как большое костюмированное представление с учениками 6-7 классов. Содержание вечера представляет собой интегрированный  проект, в котором задействованы школьные дисциплины: английский язык, сценическое искусство, музыка (сольное и хоровое пение), психология, хореография, технология (кройка и шитьё – костюмы персонажей), труды (оформление спектакля и реквизит). Сценарий проекта предусматривает большое количество исполнителей: ведущие, месяцы года, времена года, снежинки, ветер, листья, птицы, цветы и т. п. Задолго до проведения мероприятия учащиеся разбирают роли и разучивают их, подбирают и разучивают материалы по теме проекта («Времена года», «Погода», Животные и птицы в природе», «Природные явления»), выпускают художественно оформленный альбом, стенную газету, разучивают танцы, готовят себе костюмы из ткани, бумаги, марли и т. п., проявляя выдумку, творчество и фантазию. Также ребята трудятся и над оформлением своего проекта: делаются макеты леса, дома с садом, деревьев, бумажных цветов, птиц, животных. Песни и прозаический материал также разучиваются заранее всей творческой группой ребят. Так как проект является отчасти музыкальным, то вокальные партии можно записать в виде фонограмм при помощи программы по обработке звука (если позволяет аудиотехника). Для этого подбираются несколько учащихся с хорошими вокальными данными и делается запись всех вокальных партий. Фонограммы дают возможность актёрам свободно передвигаться по сцене. Сценарий проекта включает стихи, песни, танцы, небольшие инсценировки, рассказы, загадки. Рисунок танцев «Вальс цветов» (под одноимённую музыку П. И. Чайковского) и «Танец снежинок» учащиеся в сотрудничестве с учителями придумывают самостоятельно. Ведущие мероприятия могут также объявить конкурс на лучшее сообщение, рассказ, исполнение стихотворения, танца, песни для всех желающих. Рассказы (сообщения) о зиме, весне, лете и осени лучше подготовить от первого лица и представить каждое время отдельным персонажем. Исполнение стихотворений, песен, диалоги ведущих, рассказы о природных явлениях, о погоде, о саде, об огороде проводятся под сопровождение показа слайд-шоу фильма с одноимённым названием проекта под фортепьянные пьесы П. И. Чайковского «Времена года». Фильм также демонстрируется в промежутках номеров сценария, а также в конце мероприятия, когда идёт подсчёт итогов конкурса и разгадывание загадок зрителями. Критериями оценки номеров конкурса на лучшее исполнение стихотворения, танцевальных номеров, диалогов, рассказов для жюри являются такие факторы: разнообразие использованной лексики, правильность её употребления в структурах, выразительность декламации (для устных сообщений) и представления (для танца), соответствие костюма представленному танцевальному номеру. Особое место в работе и презентации проекта занимает видеотехника: компьютер, проектор с большим экраном, музыкальный центр.

     Хочется заметить, что руководитель проекта и его постановки может сам сделать выбор подобранного материала, либо его изменить (например, сократить или добавить, предположим, игры) в зависимости от ситуации, времени или количества участников.

Ход сценария проекта:

Compėre: Good morning, everybody! We've come to greet you all! Enjoy our funny music tale! We’ve tried to make a magic performance. We would like to speak about seasons, weather and climate today. Let’s call our actors!

The Seasons

Winter is white,

Springtime is green,

Summer is golden

And autumn’s a flame.

Four lovely seasons

To make up a year,

Sing them by colour

And sing them by name.

Now listen to the poem and guess the season.

This is the season

When snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes

To stay in the room.

This is the season

When birds make their nest,

This is the season

We all like best.

What is it?

Children: It is spring.

Spring:  I am spring. People call me the season of hope and happiness. When I come, flowers begin to grow, green leaves appear on the trees. Birds come from the South and begin to build their nests. Then they feed their little ones. Children help their fathers and mothers to plant trees, vegetables and flowers. The Sky is blue. First May rains wash the earth and everything looks so bright.

The Cuckoo

I heard a cuckoo gaily sing,

In springtime, in springtime.

I heard a cuckoo gaily sing,

And this is what he sang:

“Cuckoo, cuckoo!

Cuckoo, cuckoo!”

I saw him singing as he flew

In springtime, in springtime.

I saw him singing as he flew,

And this is what he sang:

“Cuckoo, cuckoo!

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!”

I heard his song from far away,

In springtime, in springtime.

I heard his song from far away,

And this is what he sang:

“Cuckoo, cuckoo!

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!”

Girl: Little red bird in the tree,

         Pass the happy news along,

         Sing a song so cheerily,

         Pass the happy news along.

Boy: Pass the happy news along,

         Listen to the red bird’s song

         “Spring is coming, winter’s gone!”

         Pass the happy news along.

The Little Snowdrop

In the heart of a seed,

Buried deep, so deep,

A little snowdrop

Lay fast asleep!

“Wake!” said the sunshine

“And creep to the light!”

“Wake!” said the voice

Of the raindrops bright.

The little snowdrop heard,

And it rose to see

What the wonderful world

Outside must be.

Девочки в светлых ярких  платьях выбегают и танцуют танец цветов под музыку Штрауса и Чайковского.

Spring: Come here, March, April, and May!


March brings sunny days and winds,

So we know that spring begins.

April brings the primrose sweet,

We see daisies at our feet.

May brings flowers, joy and grass,

And the holidays for us.

March:  March wind goes out to play,

         He will have such fun today!

         When the boys and girls come out,

         He blows their caps and hats about.

         In the spring, in the spring

         Sweet and fresh is everything.

 April: April weather

         Rain and sunshine both together.

         Days are clear,

         Day after day,

         Then April’s here,

         That leads to May.

May: Deep in the woods a song I hear,

         A robin is singing, “May is here!”

         Then at my feet a violet blue

         Is singing, “I am blooming for you!”

         In the spring, in the spring,

         Sweet and fresh is everything.

         In the merry month of May

         Children all are happy and gay.

         They laugh and sing and say:

         “Welcome, welcome, merry May”.


Разыгрывается мини-сценка “Questions to Answer”  (из “English Rhymes”)

Bulb: “Is it time to get up?”

The Narrator: Called the little brown bulb

                        To a Robin that sang overhead.

Robin: “Oh, no! It’s too cold.

             There’s frost in the ground,

             Better stay, please, in your bed.”

Bulb:  “Is it time to get up?”

The Narrator: Called the little brown bulb:

Bulb: “I’m tired of waiting below.”

Robin: “Oh, no! It’s too cold,

             North wind is about;

             You know how hard he can blow.”

Bulb: “Is it time to get up?”

The Narrator: Called the little brown bulb:

             “I would like to know why you sing”

Robin: “Oh, yes, please get up!

             It’s a beautiful day!

             I’m singing because it’s now Spring!  

The month of May

Spring is dancing without rest

In a beautiful green dress.

Flowers grow under her feet,

Singing birds her coming greet.

On the workers’ First of May

Spring will make our banner gay,

We shall pass along the street,

Carrying flowers, nice and sweet.

Pleasant, sunny month of May,

Hurry quickly, don’t delay,

Grow red flowers and green grass

And make us happy, all of us!


Birds: In the merry month of May

All the little birds are gay.

They all hop and sing and say:

“Winter days are far away,

Welcome, welcome, merry May.”

Violets: In the merry month of May

         All the violets are gay.

        They all dance and sing and say,

“Winter days are far away,

Welcome, welcome, merry May.”

Children: In the merry month of May

         All the children are so gay,

         They all play and sing and say:

“Winter days are far away,

Welcome, welcome, merry May.”

Песня “’Tis Springtime”

1. ‘Tis Springtime, ‘tis springtime,

Cold winter is past.

Warm breezes are blowing,

And May’s here at last.

2. The birds are returning,

Their songs full the air,

And meadows are smiling

With blossoms so fair.

Girl:  In winter I ski and skate.

Compere: Says little Kate.

Boy: In summer I like to swim.

Compere: Says little Jim.

         And what do you do in spring?

Boy and Girl(together): In spring we play and sing.

Children: Here we go round the blossoming tree,

        The blossoming tree, the blossoming tree.

        Here we go round the blossoming tree

        Every spring morning.

Песня “Spring rain”

Куплет песни пропевается дважды с проигрышем, весело, на подъёме.

Rain, rain, rain, April rain,

You are feeding seeds and grain,

You are raising plants and crops

With your gaily sparking drops.

Rain, rain, rain, April rain,

You are feeding seeds and grain,

You are raising plants and crops

       With your gaily sparking drops.

Compere: And what season is it? Try to guess.

This is the season

When nights are short,

And children have plenty

Of fun and sport.

Boating, swimming all the day

With a merry song

On a sunny day.

(Boating and swimming all day long

Will make us well and strong.)

Children: It is summer.

Boy: Ring-a-ding! Ring-a-ding!

         Ding! Ding! Ding!

         In comes Summer.

         Out goes Spring.

Girl:  Ring-a-ding! Ring-a-ding!

         Ding! Ding! Ding!

         Welcome, Summer!

         Good-bye, Spring!

Summer: After spring time is over, summer comes. My months are June, July and August. I am the hottest season of the year. The sun shines brightly, green grass and flowers are everywhere. Children go to their summer camps, where they bathe, lie in the sun, gather mushrooms and berries and help collective farmers to grow rich crops.


June brings tulips, lilies, roses,

Fills the children’s hands with posies.

Hot July brings apples and cherries,

And a lot of other berries.

August brings us golden corn,

Then the harvest home is borne.

June: Summer’s here!

         Days are long.

         The sun is shining,

         Flowers are blooming,

         The sky is blue,

         And rains are few.

July: And the sun

         Is high and strong.

August: Long live, summer!

         Golden bright,

         Full of warmth

         And sweet delight!

All around you: the Sun

   The sun looks like a big bright ball. It shines on our world and helps us to see everything around us. In the morning the sun is in the east. At first it is low in the sky and then it rises higher and higher. At noon the sun is in the south. In the evening it is in the west.

   The sun shines all the time, but it can shine only on one side of the earth. When the sun shines on one side of the earth, it is day there. When it shines on the other side of the earth, it is night where you are. At night we do not see the sun, but in the morning it rises again and lights us and warms us.

   The earth turns round the sun in twelve months, or three hundred and sixty-five days. Three hundred and sixty-five days make a year.

The Glad Sun

The glad sun goes across the sky,

At night it drops down in the west,

And suddenly the dark comes out,

And all the children go to rest.

Oh, sun, I’m glad you know the way

To bring us back the pleasant day.

All around you: the Moon

  The sun does not shine at night, and then we have the moon. But on some nights we do not see the moon at all. When it first shows itself, it is like a fine sickle. This sickle becomes larger and larger every evening till it is in the form of a bow. Then the moon is seven days or a week old.

  The next seven days it becomes larger and larger till it is round. Then we say it is the full moon, and it is fourteen days old. The next seven days the moon becomes smaller and smaller till it takes the form of a bow again. It is then three weeks old.

   For the next seven days the moon becomes smaller and smaller again till we do not see it at all. So the moon moves round the earth in twenty-eight days.

The New Moon

Through my window I can see

The young new moon above the tree,

Slender, fine, silver bright,

In the cold and frosty night,

First new moon of this new year,

Thin and small, but crystal clear,

In the west it seems to float,

Like a narrow silver boat.

All around you: the Blue Sky, the Rainbow and the Clouds

   Very often you see clouds in the sky. Sometimes clouds look like cotton and sometimes they look like grey smoke. Why is it so?

   We must know that clouds are made of millions of rain-drops or bits of ice, so small and light that they float in the air like little balloons. All these rain-drops or ice-drops make a cloud. Even when the sky looks grey with these clouds, the sun is still there above the grey rain-drops. On fine days when there are no clouds in the sky, it looks very blue.

   Sunlight has many colours. Some of these colours we can see better than others. Sometimes when the sun shines through millions of rain-drops which are in the air, we see all the colours of the sunlight – red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet – in a beautiful bridge across the sky. We call that a rainbow.

The Clouds

White sheep, white sheep,

On a blue hill.

When the wind stops,

You stand still.

You walk far away,

When the winds blow:

White sheep, white sheep,

Where do you go?


All around you: the Rainbow and the Sun

   One day in June there is a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It is a rainy day, but the sun shines. The boys and girls say, “Look at the beautiful rainbow”.

   The rainbow is very proud. It says to the clouds, “Dull things!” And to the sun, “You are not so beautiful as I am. You shine, but you have only one colour. Look at my colours!”  “I like your colours, pretty rainbow!” says the sun with a smile.

   Then the sun goes away behind the clouds. At once the rainbow goes out of sight. The rainbow does not know that it gets its colours from the sun. There can be no rainbow without the sun.

The Rainbow

Boats sail on the river,

And ships sail on the seas,

But clouds that sail across the sky

Are far prettier than these.

There are bridges on the rivers,

As pretty as you please;

But the bow that bridges heaven,

And overtops the trees,

And builds a road from earth to sky,

Is far prettier than these.

Песня “Hay-Time”

1. Come out, come out

With song and shout,

And toss and turn the hay;

And make it sweet and good to eat,

This sunny summer day.

2. The farmer’s kind,

And will not mind,

However much we play;

So come along and sing a song

And help him make the hay!

June: Come, my children, come away,

          For the sun shines bright today;

          Little children, come with me,

          Birds and brooks and flowers see.

July: Get your hats and come away,

          For it is a pleasant day.

August: Let us make a merry ring,

          Talk and laugh, and dance and sing!

          Quickly, quickly come away,

          For it is a pleasant day.

Песня “When woods are green…”

Куплет песни пропевается дважды и две последние строчки куплета также.

When woods are green and groves are fair.

And leaves are large and long,

It’s good to wander through the woods

And hear the small bird’s song.

It’s good to wander through the woods

And hear the small bird’s song.

When woods are green and groves are fair.

And leaves are large and long,

It’s good to wander through the woods

And hear the small bird’s song.

It’s good to wander through the woods

And hear the small bird’s song.

Nature’s riches: The Orange- Tree

    The orange-tree grows in the south. It is a fine tall tree with shining green leaves. It is covered at the same time with white flowers and with golden fruit. The orange- tree lives very long, and it gives fruit more than four hundred years. One tree can give twenty-five thousand oranges. The fruit does not ripen till spring, and it is on the tree till the blossoms of another crop. When oranges are ripe, they are sweet and good to eat.


Boy: Shower, shower, go away!

Girl: Bob and Sally want to play.

June: For the field and for the wood

         Summer showers are so good!

July: Every river, every pool

         After showers is quite full.

August: Rain in summer sings a song –

         There’ll be apples all year long.

All around you: Rivers and Seas

    Let us have a look at a river. You see it is full of water. But ponds and pools are full of water too. Now, what is the difference between a river and a pool? Can anybody tell me? The difference is this. The water in a pool or pond stands still. But the water in a river is running water. It never stops and the river does not run dry. But sometimes there is much water in them, and sometimes very little. When is it? Rivers have very much water after heavy rains. And they have very little water in hot weather. Where do rivers flow? All rivers flow into the sea, or ocean. The sea is lower than the land. All rivers run to the sea and carry their waters into it. Sea-water is salty. The salt is from the earth. Springs and rivers carry it to the sea. When the sun draws up the water from the sea, the salt remains in the sea. Then the water becomes clouds. Soon it falls as rain, and gets into the rivers again. So, the sea is getting saltier and saltier.


Nature’s riches: The Apple-Tree

   Apples grow on the apple-trees. When there are flowers on them, we say, “The apple-trees are in blossom”. In summer there are apples on the apple-trees. When the apples are fully ripe, people gather them. It is an autumn.  

Our Garden

We have a little garden,

And every summer day

We dig it well and clean it well,

And pull the weeds away.

We have a little garden,

 And every summer night

We water all the pretty flowers

And watch them with delight.

First come the little snowdrops,

Before the grass is green;

Then come the yellow crocuses,

And then a pretty primrose,

And then the lilies fair,

And oh! The red, red roses,

They bloom so sweetly there.

Our Two Gardens

We have two gardens. One is sweet

With flowers, and one grows things to eat,

My father calls them just for fun,

The Mary and the Martha one.

We like flowers that are bright,

We like flowers that are white,

We like flowers that are blue,

We like red and yellow flowers too.

Nature’s riches: Flowers

   Let us go to the garden, to the forest or the field. How many flowers you will see there! Every month of spring and summer brings us some new flowers. In April we have violets and snow-drops. In May we have dandelions, lilies-of-the-valley and lilac. In June we have roses, lilies, daffodils, tulips, and bluebells. In July we have forget-me-nots, corn-flowers and pinks.

   In summer we like to pick flowers and make them into bunches. Flowers are beautiful. The roses are red, pink, white and yellow. So are the tulips. The violet is purple. The dandelion is yellow, and it looks like a little sun.

The Dandelion

“A dandelion yellow as gold,

What do you do all day?”

“I just wait here in the tall green grass,

Till the children come to play.”

“A dandelion yellow as gold,

What do you do all night?”

“I wait and wait till the cold dew falls

And my hair grows long and white”.

“And what do you do when your hair is white

And the children come to play?”

“They take me up in their little hands

And blow my hair away.”

Песня «Down in the Garden”

Down in the garden we’ll hoe and rake and sow,

Down in the garden we’ll hoe and rake and sow,

Then in the warm sun the seeds will grow,

Down in the garden we’ll hoe and rake and sow,

Down in the garden we’ll pull and pull the weeds,

Down in the garden we’ll pull and pull the weeds,

Then in the warm sun the seeds will grow,

Down in the garden we’ll pull and pull the weeds.

Nature’s riches: The Orchard

   We like fruit very much. A garden where fruit-trees grow is called an orchard. We can see many fruit-trees there: apple-trees, pear-trees, plum-trees and cherry-trees.

   In the south we can also see orange-trees, lemon-trees, apricot-trees and peach-trees. In spring we already have cherries. Summer gives us apricots peaches, red, blue and yellow plums. Apples and pears are ripe in autumn. In summer we also have berries in our gardens – strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and currants. Blackberries and bilberries we find only in forests. We do not plant them. They are wild berries.

What season is it?

This is the season

When days are cool,

When we eat apples

And go to school.

Compere: Autumn is the season

          When fruit is sweet.

          It is the season

          When school-friends meet.

          When noisy and gay

          And browned by the sun

          With their books and bags

          To school they run.

Summer’s passed away,

Studies have begun,

Little time for playing,

Much is to be done.

We shall read and write,

Learn a lot from you.

To be clever and bright,

We have much to do.

Autumn: I come after summer, when days become cool. I bring fruit, vegetables and corn, and turn the leaves red, yellow and brown. Everything looks so beautiful in its colourful dress. Birds fly to the South. The rains begin. One day you get up and see that your town (village) is all covered with snow.

Autumn is the time for harvest.

Gather in what you have grown!

Give a treat to every house,

His and hers and your own.

Compere: You are welcome, autumn months!


Warm September brings us school,

Days are shorter, nights are cool.

Fresh October brings much fruit,

Then to gather them is good.

Then November brings us joy,

Fun for every girl and boy.

September: There are twelve months in the year,

          From January to December –

          And the best month of the all twelve

          Is the merry month of September.

October: Golden in the tree tops,

          Golden in the sky;

          Golden, golden, golden

          October’s passing by.

November: The summer is over,

           The trees are bare,

           There is mist in the garden,

           And frost in the air.

Wind: “Come little winds”, said the wind one day,

           “Come over the meadows with me and play.

           Put on your dresses of red and gold,

           For summer is gone and days are cold.”

Leaves: Dancing and whirling the little leaves went;

           Winter called them and they were content,

           Soon fast asleep in their earthy beds,

           The snow laid a coverlet over their heads.

Песня “Cleaning up the garden”

1. The autumn leaves are falling down,

Falling down, falling down,

The wind, he comes and blows them around,

And blows them around.

2. Let’s find a brush and start to sweep,

Start to sweep, start to sweep,

And make them into a great big heap,

Into a great big heap.

3. Then light the bonfire and burn them away,

Burn them away, burn them away,

And now it’s tidy, we’ll dance and play,

We’ll dance and play.

September: Autumn is the season,

             When apples are sweet.

             It is the season,

             When school-friends meet.

October: What a rainy season!

             The sky is dark and grey;

             No sunshine anymore;

             No playing out of doors.

November: But in the rainy season

             I have other joys,

             I read my books and play

             At home with all my toys.


When the sun shines,

It’s hot.

When the wind blows,

It’s not so hot.

All around you: Air, Wind, Thunder and Lightning

  All around the earth there is air. The sun shines through it, the clouds float in it. We cannot see the air but we know that it is all around us. We breathe air, and so do other animals and plants.

   When the air moves slowly, it is a breeze. When it moves quicker, it is a wind. And so wind is the air moving. Sometimes when the wind blows very hard, there is a storm. And sometimes thunder and lightning come with the storm. Do you know what lightning is? It is electricity in the air. But electricity in the air has no wires, so it jumps from one place to another. It jumps from cloud to cloud or from a cloud to the ground. Lightning warms the air through which it goes. This makes the loud noise that is thunder.

Which Way Does the Wind Blow?

Which way does the wind blow

And where does he go?

He runs over the water,

He runs over the snow.

From what place he comes,

To what place he goes,

There’s no one can tell you,

There’s no one who knows.

Boy: I like the gray

         November day,

         And bare, dead boughs

         That coldly sway

         Against my pane.

         I like the rain.

Girl: I like to sit

        And laugh at it –

        And tend

        My cosy fire a bit.

        I like the fall –

        The mist and all.

Песня “The rain”

The rain is raining all around,

It falls on field and tree,

It rains on the umbrellas here,

And on the ships at sea.

Сказка «A Turnip”

Ведущий: Grandfather goes into the garden and sees a big yellow turnip.

Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip I can see in our garden! I want to pull it up. One,        two, three. One, two, three. No result. Granny, hey, Granny, come and help me, please. 

Grandmother: What do you want? Why are you calling me?

Grandfather: Look! What a big turnip we have in our garden! Help me to pull it up, please. One, two, three. One, two, three. No result. Dog, help us.

Dog:          Bow-wow! What a nice big turnip! I’ll help you. One, two, three. One, two, three. No result.

Cat:          Miau! What’s the matter, my dear friends? Oh, what do I see? Such a big turnip! I’ll help you. Let us pull it up. One, two, three. One, two, three. No result. Mouse, mouse, come here and help us.

Mouse:     What’s the matter, my dear friends? Such a big turnip! I’ll help you. Let us pull it up. One, two, three. One, two, three. No result. Such a big, nice turnip!

Turnip:    Here I am. Thank you!

Compere: Which is the coldest season?

Children: It is winter.

Winter:  I am the coldest season of the year. My months are December, January, February. When I come, all the rivers and lakes are frozen. Snowflakes dance in the air. The ground, the trees and the houses are covered with deep snow. The sun rises later and sets earlier than in summer. But when it sends its rays to the earth, everything sparkles like diamonds. You’ll never see such a wonderful picture in any other season. Children sledge, ski and skate or go for a walk in the woods. They are fond of wintertime!

Выступают девочки в костюмах снежинок, которые кружатся в танце под песню “The Snow Stars”

Песня “The Snow Stars”

1. How quietly the snow

Is falling on the ground.

It’s falling on the country-side

And softly on the town.

2.And children’s eyes are bright

With wonder and delight,

For tiny stars of snow are falling

From the sky tonight,

Tonight, the tiny stars of snow.

All around you: Fog, Rain, Hail, Snow and Ice.

    Sometimes the clouds are very low, so low that they lie on the ground, the trees, the plants, the grass. We call that fog.

    When the little drops of water that make clouds or fog are near each other, they make bigger drops. These drops are heavy. They cannot float in the air, so they fall down. And that is rain.

     When is very cold, the rain-drops freeze. They freeze into hard little balls. We call that hail.

     But in winter the water freezes in the clouds, and then falls in little flakes. That is snow. Millions and millions of snowflakes come down. They are white, cold and soft.

    And what is ice? It is cold and hard. If it is very thin, you can see through it. If it is thick, it is very strong. The ice is so strong that you can skate on it. But do you know what ice is? It is water. If you put ice in a warm place it will melt and you can see that it is only frozen water.


The snowflakes are falling

By ones and by twos,

There is snow on my coat

And snow on my shoes.

There is snow on the plants

And snow on the trees,

And snowflakes all round me

Like many white bees.


Cold December brings us skating,

For the New Year we’re waiting.

January brings us snow,

Makes our feet and fingers glow.

February snows again

And sometimes it brings us rain.

December: This is the season

         When children ski.

         And Grandfather Frost

         Brings the New Year Tree.

January: How quietly the snow

         Is falling on the ground,

         It’s falling on the country-side

         And softly on the town.

February: And children’s eyes are bright

         With wonder and delight.

         For tiny stars of snow are falling

         From the sky tonight,

         Tonight the tiny stars of snow.

The Snowflakes

See the pretty snowflakes,

Falling from the sky,

On the wall and house-tops,

Soft and thick they lie.

On the window-ledges,

On the benches bare,

See how fast they gather,

Filling all the air.

Look into the garden,

Where the grass was green;

Covered by the snowflakes,

Not a leaf is seen.

Now the bare black bushes

All look soft and white;

See the snowflakes falling,

What a pretty sight!

Don’t forget the birdies,

Now that winter comes;

Think, they may be hungry,

Scatter out your crumbs.


Boy: The snow is falling,

         The wind is blowing.

Girl: The ground is white

         All day and night.

January: It is dark blue at night

          In the morning it is white

          The snowflakes are falling.

February: This cold and frosty day

          The sun is bright, the snow is right!

Wind: Little snowflakes, come and play,

          I’ve nothing to do today.

Snowflakes: Yes, we’ll come and oh, what fun,

          We’ll twirl, and dance, and skip and run.

Wind: Come on, snowflakes, come with me.

          There are many things to see.

Snowflakes: Come on, sisters, back we go

          To where the earth is white with snow.

Песня “Snowflakes”

Куплет песни пропевается дважды в быстром темпе.

Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.

Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.

Snowflakes fall into my hand.

Snowflakes brighten up our land.

Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.

Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.

Snowflakes fall into my hand.

Snowflakes brighten up our land.

On the Ice

Slide, slide, the ice is strong,

Quickly, quickly slide along!

Slide along and don’t be slow,

In the cold your face will grow!

Slide along, slide very fast,

It’s a shame to be the last.


Boy: I’m running on my skis,

        White and silver stand the trees;

        I’m as warm as warm can be,

       Try to catch me. One! Two! Three!

Girl: I’m running on my skates,

        White and silver are the lakes;

        I’m as quick as quick can be,

       Try to catch me. One! Two! Three!

When the Snow Is On the Ground

When the snow is on the ground,

Little Robin Redbreast grieves;

For no berries can he found

And on the trees there are no leaves.

The air is cold, the worms are hid,

For this poor bird what can be done?

We’ll strew him here some crumbs of bread,

And then he’ll live till the snow is gone.

Robin: The north wind is cold,

        The robin says.

        And that is why robins

        Must fly away.

Chickadee: The north wind is cold,

         As cold can be,

         But I’m not afraid ,

         Says chickadee.

         So chickadees stays

         And sees the snow.

         And likes to hear

         The north wind blow.

Children: We’ll make a snowman

          Big and round,

          Big and round,

          Big and round.

          We’ll put the snowman

          On the ground,

           On the ground,

           On the ground.

Compere: Little children, make a ring,

           Make a ring, make a ring.

Children: We shall dance and we shall sing,

           We shall dance and we shall sing.

Песня “Fun in the Snow”

Ho! Ho! Ho!

It’s jolly in the snow.

We’ve made a snowman tall

Just near the garden wall.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

It’s jolly in the snow.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

It’s jolly in the snow.

We’ve made a snowman tall

Just near the garden wall.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

It’s jolly in the snow.

Ведущие предлагают зрителям отгадать загадки:

Compere: And now here are some riddles for you. Try and guess.


Fast and gay, on a winter day.

He came here with us to stay.

When he grew both sad and thin,

We brought his younger brother in.

People meet the guest with cheer,

For he brings another year.

(A calendar)

A little old man with twelve children,

Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.

What is it?

(A year)

Which month of the year is the shortest?

(May. It has only three letters.)

They run upon the ground with upturned noses.


There are twelve brothers,

Who march in single file,

But can never overtake one another.

(12 months)

What is without hands and without feet,

Without a head or a body, but can open a door?

(The wind)

What is it that can catch me in the garden

And make me wet, but cannot reach me

When I am at home?


What often falls but never gets hurt?


In winter and in summer they stand both in one colour.

( A fir-tree and a pine)

What man cannot live inside the house?

(A snowman)

Higher than a house,

Higher than a tree.

Oh! What ever can that be?

(A cloud)

We are very large though we seem small,

We float on high and never fall,

We shine like jewels in the night,

 But in the day are hid from sight.

What are we?

(The stars)

What falls, but never rises?


Two bright sisters are always running but never meet.

(The sun and the moon)


В конце мероприятия ведущие по очереди ещё раз приветствуют все времена года.

Summer, summer, summer!

The sun is shining,

The flowers are blooming,

The sky is blue, the rains are few.

Autumn, autumn, autumn!

The summer is over,

The trees are bare,

There’s mist in the garden

And frost in the air.

Winter, winter, winter!

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing,

The ground is white

All day and all night.

Spring, spring, spring!

The trees are green,

Blue skies are seen,

Grey winter’s gone away

The world looks new and gay.

When it’s rainy, when it’s windy,

We prefer to stay indoors.

When it’s warm, and when it’s sunny,

We go out to play, of course!

Мероприятие заканчивается и все его участники выходят на сцену для поклона. Руководитель проекта благодарит публику и представляет всех артистов театральной постановки.




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