Открытый урок Christmas
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Стуковинова Татьяна Викторовна




5 класс


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5 класс


Учитель английского языка

Стуковинова Татьяна Викторовна

Москва, 2011

Цель: коммуникативно – речевое развитие учащихся через обобщение знаний о традициях празднования Рождества в Великобритании.

Задачи :

 1) обобщить грамматический и лексический материал;

2) обучать устному высказыванию по теме Christmas in Britain;

3) систематезировать страноведческий материал о Великобритании.

Оснащение : рисунок Рождественской Ели на доске и набор карточек – игрушек с заданиями, карточки – задания для групповой работы ; аудиозапись песни “Jingle Bells”.


1. Организационный момент.

Hello boys and girls ! it’s great to see you again ! Today we are going to speak about Christmas traditions in Great Britain. We’ll work in groups!

2. Основной этап урока.

Teacher ( T. ) : Let’s begin our game. Do you want to start the Christmas game?

Pupils ( P.) : We do.

T. : I think we’ll choose the group to start the game. Your task is to say the tongue – twister as quickly and as well as you can. Your tongue – twister:

I can think of six thin things

Can you?

Yes, I can think of six thin things

And of thick things too.

T.: Thank you. The group that has won can start our Christmas - game. Look at the blackboard: this is our Christmas – tree. But it is not decorated yet. And these are our toys with the tasks. Take the first toy and read the task for everyone.

Task №1

T.: Your task is to congratulate everyone with the coming holiday! It was your homework! Let’s listen to your poems!

Ребята рассказывают стихи-поздравления.

T.: Well done! Now let’s decorate our Christmas Tree with the next toy!

Task №2

T.: Your task is to tell what you remember about Christmas in Great Britain. You’ll have the texts and the questions!

Карточка № 1:

1. When is Christmas celebrated in Great Britain?

2. How do people call the day before Christmas?

3. Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?

5. Where do people put Christmas presents?

Карточка № 2:

1. Where does the most famous Christmas tree stand in London?

2. What do people send to their friends and relatives before Christmas?

3. How do people decorate their Christmas trees?

4. How is the day after Christmas called?  

Карточка № 3:

1. What does Santa Claus look like?

2. How does Santa Claus travel?

3. Where does Santa put presents for children?

4. What is the traditional Christmas food?

T.: Very well! Now let’s move on to the next task!

Task №3

Let’s play Snowball game. Name the adjectives to the word Christmas. (merry, happy, lucky, nice, beautiful, snowy, rainy, cheerful, great, wonderful, awesome, good, pretty, blue, white, tasty, bright, sparkling). I see that you like the task.

Физминутка:  Let’s stand up and make wishes! Finish the sentence I wish you… . When you wish come and change places with the person you wish this! Remember to make wishes to everyone! Now please return to your places and your teams!

Task №4

T.: Your next task is Grammar! I’ve got some sentences where your task is to use the right tense! I’ll give you 5 minutes to get ready!

Card 1:

1. you ever (hear) about Christmas carols? (Present Perfect)

2. A strong wind (blow) when she left the house. (Past continuous)

3. Christmas dinner (eat) at Christmas. (Present Passive)

4. It (snow) yesterday at 5 o’clock. (Past Continuous)

5. She (give) me her Christmas card and I (give) mine to her. (Past Simple)

Card 2:

1. This book (sell) only at Christmas. (Present Passive)

2. His mother (read) a newspaper when he came in. (Past Continuous)

3.  Take your umbrella, it (rain). (Present Continuous)

4. I never (be) to Great Britain. (PresentPerfect)

5. I (decorate) the Christmas tree two hours ago. (Past Simple).

Card 3 :

1. Mary (wish) Merry Christmas to me and (leave) the house. (Past Simple)

2. People (sing) Christmas carols while I was going back home. (Past Continuous)

 3. These Christmas toys (make) of plastic. (Present Passive).

4. his father (work) in the factory? (Present Simple)

5. My little sister never (see) such a big Christmas tree. (Present Perfect)

T.: You’ve coped with this task! Now the last decoration for our Christmas tree.

Task №5

T.: Your task is to write a letter to Santa Claus and to ask him for some presents for you and for your relatives and friends. You have five minutes.

Dear Santa Clause,

We would like to have …. for Christmas.

Yours …

T.: It’s time to check your letters.

T.: Good work!  You have done you best. Now we’ll finish our lesson by singing the song Jingle Bells. Let’s read the words of the song! Now let’s sing it!

Домашнее задание: Your hometask is to prepare the translation of the song Jingle Bells!

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