Внеклассное мероприятие "Let the Music Begin"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Приказчикова Татьяна Александровна

МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ ВЕЧЕР «Let the Music Begin»

 Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 9

УМК: В.П. Кузовлев, «Happy English»

Unit 2

Время: 40 минут



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Предварительный просмотр:


«Let the Music Begin»

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 9

УМК: В.П. Кузовлев, «Happy English»

Unit 2

Время: 40 минут


образовательная – повторение и закрепление изученного материала по теме «Let the Music Begin».

развивающая – развитие навыков групповой работы

воспитательная – воспитание всесторонне развитых личностей, любви к музыке

Оснащение: компьютер с колонками или магнитофон, компакт-диск с записями мелодий, фотографии композиторов, карточки с заданием, часы.

Орг. момент. Деление на группы. (3 группы по 4-5 человек). 2 минуты

Ход мероприятия.

  1. Listen to the classic compositions and name their authors.  8 минут. Учитель включает композицию (их можно скачать в интернете http://muzofon.com/), учащиеся должны назвать автора. Каждый правильный ответ приносит группе 1 балл. Жирным шрифтом выделены правильные ответы.

  1. «К Элизе» Бетховен
  2.  «Орфей в саду» Оффенбах
  3. «Венгерский танец № 5» Брамс
  4. «Болеро» Равель
  5. «Вальс» Шопен
  6. «Каприс» Паганини
  7. «Маленькая ночная серенада» Моцарт
  8. «Свадебный марш» Мендельсон

Музыкальная пауза «The Beatles» «Yesterday». 2 минуты. (Слова песни музыкальных пауз раздаются группам, и учащиеся поют песню). Во время музыкальных пауз жюри подводит итоги.

  1. Look at the photos and name the composers. (Портреты 9 композиторов).

Музыкальная пауза «No Doubt» «Don’t speak». 5 минут

  1. Match the word and its definition. Учитель раздает карточки с заданием. 1 минута

  1. composer

a) something you can’t forget

  1. audience

b) to like, to love

  1. unforgettable

c) person who makes music

  1. to perform

d) to show, to demonstrate

  1. to adore

e) people which watch the performance

Правильные ответы (1/c  2/e  3/a  4/d  5/b)

Музыкальная пауза Status Quo «In The Army Now». 5 минут

  1. Answer the questions. Учитель раздает карточки с заданием. 10 минут

  1. What century was Prokofiev born in?
  1. in the 19th
  1. Who wrote the “Wedding March”?
  1. Mendelssohn
  1. What song are these words from? “Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens…”
  1. The Sound of Music
  1. What is the name of Tchaikovsky?
  1. Peter Ilyich
  1. Did Beethoven become deaf or blind?
  1. deaf
  1. What instrument did Rachmaninoff play?
  1. the piano
  1. Where is the Royal Albert Hall?
  1. in London (Kensington Gore)
  1. Who is the author of the “Bolero”?
  1. Ravel
  1. What group sings the song “Love Me Do”?
  1. The Beatles
  1. What country is famous for bagpipe music?
  1. Scotland
  1. What city is the hometown of the Beatles?
  1. Liverpool
  1. Is Mozart Austrian or German composer?
  1. Austrian
  1. What is the name of wife of John Lennon?
  1. Yoko Ono
  1. What musical instrument isn’t with strings? Violin or grand.
  1. grand
  1. How many musicians does quartet include?
  1. 4

Музыкальная пауза «Darren Hayes» «Insatiable». 5 минут

Подведение итогов. Награждение победителей. 2 минуты


Задание 2. (Увеличьте портреты и распечатайте)

1. ГлинкаМ.В.                          2. Вивальди  Антонио                3. Римский-Корсаков Н.А.


4. Чайковский П.И.                 5. Бах И.С.                                 6. Бизе Жорж


7. Штраус Иоганн                   8. Прокофьев С.С.                     9. Шостакович Д.Д.



  1. Match the word and its definition. 1 minute

  1. composer

a) something you can’t forget

  1. audience

b) to like, to love

  1. unforgettable

c) person who makes music

  1. to perform

d) to show, to demonstrate

  1. to adore

e) people which watch the performance


  1. Answer the questions. 10 minutes

  1. What century was Prokofiev born in?
  1. Who wrote the “Wedding March”?
  1. What song are these words from? “Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens…”
  1. What is the name of Tchaikovsky?
  1. Did Beethoven become deaf or blind?
  1. What instrument did Rachmaninoff play?
  1. Where is the Royal Albert Hall?
  1. Who is the author of the “Bolero”?
  1. What group sings the song “Love Me Do”?
  1. What country is famous for bagpipe music?
  1. What city is the hometown of the Beatles?
  1. Is Mozart Austrian or German composer?
  1. What is the name of wife of John Lennon?
  1. What musical instrument isn’t with strings? Violin or grand.
  1. How many musicians does quartet include?




Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, I yesterday came suddenly

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm


 In The Army Now

A vacation in a foreign land
Uncle Sam does the best he can
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now

Now you remember what the draftsman said
Nothing to do all day but stay in bed
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now

You be the hero of the neighborhood
Nobody knows that you left for good
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now

Smiling faces as you wait to land
But once you get there no one gives a damn
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now

Hand grenades flying over your head
Missiles flying over your head
If you want to survive get out of bed
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now

Shots ring out in the dad of night
The sergant calls (stand up and fight)
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now

You've got your orders better shoot on sight
Your finger's on the trigger
But it don't seem right
You're in the army now
Oh, oh, you're in the army now
You're in the army now 


Don’t speak

You and me

We used to be together

Every day together always

I really feel

That I'm losing my best friend

I can't believe

This could be the end

It looks as though you're letting go

And if it's real,

Well I don't want to know

Don't speak

I know just what you're saying

So please stop explaining

Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

Don't speak

I know what you're thinking

I don't need your reasons

Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

Our memories

They can be inviting

But some are altogether

Mighty frightening

As we die, both you and I

With my head in my hands

I sit and cry

Don't speak

I know just what you're saying

So please stop explaining

Don't tell me 'cause it hurts no no no

Don't speak

I know what you're thinking

And I don't need your reasons

Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

It's all ending,

I gotta stop pretending who we are...

You and me

I can see us dying... are we?

Don't speak

I know just what you're saying

So please stop explaining

Don't tell me 'cause it hurts no no

Don't speak

I know what you're thinking

And I don't need your reasons

Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

I know what you're saying

So please stop explaining

Don't speak don't speak don't speak

No I know what you're thinking

And I don't need your reasons

I know you good I know you good

I know you real good oh



When moonlight crawls along the street

Chasing away the summer heat

Footsteps outside somewhere below

The world revolves I let it go

We build our church above this street

We practice love between the sheets

The candy sweetness scent of you

It baths my skin I’m stained by you

And all I have to do is hold you

There’s a racing in my heart

I am barely touching you


        Turn the lights down low

        Take it off. Let me show

        My love for you. Insatiable.

        Turn me on. Never stop.

        Wanna taste every drop.

        My love for you. Insatiable.

The moonlights plays upon your skin

A kiss that lingers takes me in

I fall asleep inside of you

There are no words. There’s only truth.

Breathe in. Breathe out. There is no sound.

We move together up and down.

We levitate our bodies soar.

Our feet don’t even touch the floor.

And nobody knows you like I do

The world doesn’t understand

But I grow stronger in your hands.


We never sleep we’re always holdin’ hands

Kissin’ for hours talkin’ makin’ plans

I feel like a better man

Just being in the same room

We never sleep there’s just so much to do

Too much to say

Can’t close my eyes when I’m with you

Insatiable the way I’m loving you.


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