Урок "Let the music begin"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Кононова Наталия Андреевна


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Let the music begin

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-обобщить знания, умения, навыки по теме «Музыка»

-формировать умение работать в команде

-развивать все виды речевой деятельности


-совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по данной теме

Воспитательный аспект: осознание значения музыки в жизни человека.

 I.  I think everybody of you saw the Russian film “Only old fellows go to the battle”. And you, perhaps, remember the words of one of the characters of this film who said: ‘Everything is temporal but music is eternal’. (Все преходяще, а музыка вечна).

Включить музыку Л.В. Бетховена (9 симфония). На фоне негромкой музыки рассказать о L. van Beethoven.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), one of the world’s greatest composers, was born in Germany. At the peak of his career, he began to lose his hearing. But it didn’t interfere with his ability to compose. He wrote one of his most powerful compositions – the Ninth Symphony – after he became completely deaf. (включить музыку погромче).

Вопросы по прослушанному

1) When and where was Beethoven born?

2) What happened to him at the peak of his career?

3) Who knows how old was he at that time?

4) Did it interfere with his ability to compose?

5) What did he write when he began to lose his hearing?

II.  Now I’ll show you the table with the names of the greatest and famous composers and your task will be: to match the names of the composers and the countries they came from.























the Czech Republic





the USA





Example: Bach came from…. He wrote….

III.  Different composers from different countries have conquered the hearts and feelings of people all over the world.

Показать портрет Рахманинова и включить его музыку.

1. What do you know about this composer? (монологическое высказывание)


IV. Ролевая игра «Интервью о музыке».

One will be the correspondent, he came to school and decided to interview the pupils about their tastes of music.

1) What is your favourite sort of music? (pop, rock, boogie)

2) Do the people you live with and your close friends share the same tastes in music as you?

3) Where and when do you listen to music?

4) If you could choose one musical instrument to be able to play brilliantly, what instrument would it be?

5) Do you like having background music while you are working?

6) How often do you go to concerts?

7) Do you buy records, cassettes or compact discs? If so, how often?

8) Do you have one or two favourite performers (groups, orchestras) at the moment?

If so, who?

9) What instrument do you most like the sound of?

10) Do you have an ear for music?

V.  Comrades, you see, today we speak about different sorts of music – about classical and pop-music. But do you know who is the greatest figure in the history of pop-music? (J. Lennon)

Now we shall read the text about one of the greatest figures in the history of pop music, John Lennon and answer the question what made him so special.

Проверка прочитанного

1. What does paragraph 1 suggest about the popularity of the Beatles?

     1) People did not like other groups’ music.

     2) The Beatles had more fans than any other group.

     3) The Beatles fan followed the group everywhere.

2. What does the author make clear about the relationship of Yoko Ono and John Lennon in paragraph 3?

     1) Yoko told John to leave the group and to begin a new life.

     2) His relationship with Yoko was more important to John than the Beatles.

     3) John fell in love with Yoko Ono because he admired her views on art.

3. What made Lennon’s death more tragic?

     The fact that…

      1) he died having problems with drugs and alcohol.

      2) he was not as popular with the Americans as he used to be.

      3) there was hope that his life was changing for the better.


VI.  Today we have spoken much about music: classical, pop music.

 There is a beautiful world of music around us. Some poets write words to the music of different composers.

 And let’s finish our lesson with the beautiful song about our country, about Russia. (David Tuchmanov and M. Nozhkin “Russia”).

I love you, dear Rus, for ever,

You’re the only land for me.

Your unbending latent power,

Your unending secret grief.

Yours are limitless expanses,

Nothing has for you an end.

You for ages tooled the lancies

Of the wisest foreign men.

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