Материал к уроку по теме * Какой вид спорта ты предпочитаешь ?* 10 класс
материал по английскому языку (10 класс)

Зайцева Елена Александровна

Материал может быть использован  на уроке при обобщении  темы.


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Work    sheet.

Warming up.

Which sports have you just seen?
Which ones have you done?
Which sports that you ’ve never done before would like to try?
Should sport be more about winning or having fun ?

 1. Match the titles with the texts. There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

A. Basic Hang-gliding.   B. Tennis for beginners.   C. Learn to play Pool .                

   D. Running for fitness.  E. White- water rafting  F. Volleyball   G. Diving for beginners

1.There's a whole new world under the sea. Time passes very quickly as you explore rocks and watch fish. This course is perfect for people trying diving for the first time. You will learn the basic skills and go to different parts of the country every weekend to dive. Please note that you must be over eighteen and in good physical health for this course.
If you like to spend your time having fun playing sports with other people, then volleyball is for you. You'll join one of our teams of six players and practise at the sports centre twice a week in the afternoon. We provide all the equipment, so it doesn't cost you a penny!
It takes a long time to master hang-gliding, but you can learn the basics very quickly. It might be expensive, but the experiences will stay with you for the rest of your life. With classes on Thursdays and Sundays, you need to have some time available, and you need to be fit, but it's worth it! Hang-gliding will give you a whole new view of the world!
If you wish you could find the time to get more exercise, look no further. Running is the perfect way to get  yourself in shape. And it's so convenient - you can do it
anytime, anywhere! All you need is a big open space. Too many people, though, run incorrectly and risk their health. We'll teach you everything you need to know about this fun activity. Unfortunately, for the time being this course is adults only.
Unlike many other sports, tennis can be fun for all the family to play together. You buy your own equipment and we provide the court and the lessons, which take place on Saturdays, if you have the time, why not take part in our Sunday Family Tournaments? Fun and prizes  for old and young.
Pool is a very popular game, and you don't need to be fit to play it! In fact, pool is perfect for anyone who is disabled, or who has difficulty with physical sports. Our classes take place in Hall 5 on Wednesday evenings, and we teach you everything you need to know. It's a great way to make friends, so what are you waiting for?

2. Match each profile to a text (1-6) . There is one text that you do not need to use.

 Which sport centre course…….

  1. provides all the equipment and doesn’t cost you a penny, a team sport
  2. only for adults, can do it anytime , anywhere
  3. takes  place on Saturdays, for old and young
  4. for anyone who is disabled, who has difficulty with physical sports
  5. is expensive, on Thursday and  Sundays, takes you a long time to master it  

3. Make an advice.

a) Jill works in an office and would like to get more exercise. Work takes up a lot her time so she doesn't have much spare time during the week. She'd   like to do something where she can take her two young daughters alone.

b) Nick loves team sports, and is looking for a new hobby. He likes learning new skills and has plenty of time , although he doesn't have much money to spend. He isn't able to travel far.

c) Crystal is interested in sport, but being in a wheelchair means that she isn‘t  able to take  part in some activities. She works part-time, so she is free in the evenings, but not at  the weekend.

d) Jack is looking for a sport that can do whenever he has a little free time . He works near a park , and he would like to be able to get some exercise there during his lunch break.

  1. I can advise him/her …(volleyball), because…
  2. I suggest  … ( volleyball)
  3. I would like to recommend  you to enter …
  4. I suggest going in for …
  5. I suggest that you should enter ….

4. Listen and choose the correct answer ( A,B or C) for each question( 1-4)

1.Suzy has got…                                                      

A) art class

B) English class

C) Music class

2. Jake considers that an amazing sport  is…

  1. white-water rafting
  2. Football
  3. diving

3. The ski centre is near….

  1. Suzy’s house
  2. Jake’ s house
  3. the  village

4. Suzy is going to take …

  1. her  skates
  2. her camera
  3. her  shoes

5. Jake is going snowboarding…

  1. this week
  2. this  month
  3. this weekend

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Зайцева Елена Александровна

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