Открытый урок "Identity. Subcultures"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Белова Наталья Дмитриевна

Обобщающий урок по теме "Личность. Субкультуры" в 9 кл 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тип урока: обобщающий урок по теме «Личность» (“Identity”).

Обучающая цель:

  1. обобщить языковой материал по теме «Личность: Субкультуры»
  2. найти ответ на вопрос «Почему подростки выбирают субкультуру?»
  3. увеличить объем знаний об особенностях субкультур
  4. познакомить с атрибутикой

Развивающая цель: 

  1. развивать умения говорить о различных субкультурах, их характеристиках, ценностях жизни и месте в обществе
  2. развивать творческие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний
  3. развивать умения заполнять лексическую таблицу необходимой информацией
  4. развивать навыки чтения с общим понимание текста
  5. практиковать навыки высказывания своей точки зрения по проблеме с приведением аргументации
  6. развивать навыки высказывания одобрения / неодобрения

Воспитательная цель: 

  1. развивать умение слушать и толерантно относиться к мнению других людей
  2. развивать терпимость и уважение к представителям других субкультур

Оснащение урока: 

  1. Иллюстрации представителей различных субкультур
  2. раздаточный материал с заданиями

Lesson Plan

  1. Greeting.
    2.  Presentation of the topic and the aim of the lesson.
    3.  Interpretation of the notion “CULTURE”
    4.  Defining the meaning of “SUBCULTURE” and its main features.
    5.  Making up the word map “Why do teenagers choose a subculture?”
    6.  Speaking about subcultures.
    7.  Filling in the table  (
    Hand-out 2)
    8.  Giving opinions about grown-ups’ attitude towards the members of subcultures.
    9.  Reading for gist and giving opinions by proving with arguments. (
    Hand-out 3)
    11. Sharing ideas: “What do I do to express myself and change the world to the best?”
    12. Commentary on the lesson.
    13. Home assignment: to write an essay
    “Belonging to the group: for and against”

Lesson Procedure

  1. Hello dear friends and guests. Glad to see you. Welcome to our lesson.
    – The topic we are going to discuss today is
    “Why do teenagers choose a subculture?”
    – You’ll have to do different tasks today to answer this question.
    – You’ll talk a lot about different subcultures
    – You’ll work with texts, tables and schemes.
    – You’ll share your ideas and do some written tasks.
    – But in order to answer the main question of today’s lesson we should know such notions as

-  Look at the blackboard (на доске прикреплено определение “CULTURE).
I’ll read you the definition of the word “CULTURE” given by Robert Kohls:
“Culture is an integrated system of learned behavior patterns that are characteristic of
the members of any given society.
Culture refers to the total way of life for a particular group of people. It includes what a group of people thinks, does and makes-its customs, language, material artifacts and shared systems of attitudes and feelings.”

  1. Well, this is the definition of the word “Culture”.
    - You know that young people have a particular relationship with the world. There are many cultural groupings or subcultures which have interests different from those of the common culture. A particular subculture is a way for young people to express their individuality.

- Now, look at the definition of the word “Subculture”given in Macmillan Dictionary:
“Subculture is a group of young people whose beliefs and ways of behavior make them different from the rest of the society.”

  1. So, my questions are: “What are the main features of any subculture? In what way can teenagers distinguish from others?”

Учащиеся перечисляют различные способы выделиться - заполняют Word Map  и делятся своими мнениями (возможные варианты ответов учащихся :

– They choose a subculture because they want: 

  1. to change the world to the best
  2. to show off
  3. to rebel against the older generation
  4. to have their own values and beliefs
  5. to be in a collective
  6. to differ from others
  7. to differ from social norms
  8. to oppose to the society/regime
  9. to express their individuality
  10. to show protest against school
  11. to protest against parents
  12. to make other people know who they are, etc.

– Well, what subcultures do you know?

Учащиеся перечисляют известные им субкультуры.

  1. You have already got acquainted with different youth movements in your home text. Let’s describe them

Учащиеся описывают субкультуры.

– Now, let’s check how well you know the features of the well-known subcultures. I want you to work with Hand-out 2 (Individual Work) and match the subcultures with their most distinguishing features.

Teacher: OK, and what do you think about the attitude of the grown-ups towards the members of different subcultures?

Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение: (Possible answers: The grown-ups sometimes believe that members of subcultures are dangerous, awful. They all are criminals and they threaten people’s life.)

  1. Teacher: Now, I want you to read 3 different opinions about groups and violence (Hand-out 3). – Your task is to read the texts quickly and say whom these opinions belong to:
    a teenager, a middle-aged person or an elderly person.

Учащиеся быстро знакомятся с содержанием текстов и высказываются по прочитанному

  1. Well, you’ve done a lot of work today

Commentary on the lesson:

Teacher: Well, it’s time to complete the lesson. I’d like to say that I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. I’m pleased with the answers and activities of some students.
I hope the lesson was interesting for you. Thank you very much

Home assignment:

Teacher: Well, it’s time to write down your homework for the next lesson.
– You should write an essay
“Belonging to the group: for and against” using Ex.47 pg. 154


Teacher: Well, the lesson is over. Good-bye

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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