Лексико-грамматический тест к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой, 5-6 класс.
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Чаплыгина Любовь Васильевна

Лексико-грамматический тест к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой, 5-6 класс, Unint 7, III четверть


Файл i_complete_the_crossword.docx17.08 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

I Complete the crossword.


  1. A girl who has the same parents as you.
  2. Your mother and father.
  3. A female child.
  4. Your brother or sister`s son.
  5. A boy who has the same parents as you.


  1. Father (informal).
  2. Your father or mother`s sister.
  3. The woman who has married your father when your parents are divorced or your mother or dead.
  4. Your brother or sister daughter.
  5. Your aunt or uncle`s child.
  6. The woman to whom a man`s married.

II Complete the dialogue  about a traditional English meal. Use the words in brackets:


A: It`s … (breakfast, lunch, dinner) time. I feel hungry.

B: So I do.

A: How about … (gravy, baked beans, a packet of crisps,  fried eggs, bacon, pasta, roast meat, rice, a bowl of cereal, marmalade, sausages, toasted bread, a porkpie, a sandwich, biscuits, chicken, roast lamb, mushrooms)?

B: I`d love … (one, some).

A: What would you like to drink?

B: Just … (coke, a glass of orange juice, a cup of tea/coffee). 10



III Choose the right word.


1.     I`d like to be a vegetarian but I can`t give up …/sugar, meat, potato/

2.     This holiday will give us a chance to … /wash up, relax, sleep/

3.     My niece doesn`t drink … /fruit  juice, milk, coffee/. She`s only four.

4.     … are my elder sister`s favourite vegetables. /grapes, peas, gooseberry/

5.     Could you … the table for lunch? /prepare, clean, set/



IV  Complete the questions. Then match them with the answers.

1.     … you cleared the table?

2.     … do you usually go to bed?

3.     … cleans the flat in your family?

4.     … you help your mother about the house?

5.     … you take out the rubbish yesterday evening?

a – At 10 p.m.

b – Not, yet.

c – Yes, of course.

d – Yes, I did.

e – I do.


V Give the Russian equivalents of the following proverbs:

1.     Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.

2.     Better an egg today than hen tomorrow.

3.     First catch your hare, then cook him.

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