Сценарий открытого урока-проекта по теме "Thanksgiving Day"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Гукасян Ирина Хареновна

При изучении иностранного языка мы знакомимся с историей и культурой его народа, традициями, обычаями, праздниками. День Благодарения является одним из наиболее значимых праздников для американцев. История происхождения этого праздника интересна и сам он имеет свои символы. Данный открытый урок-проект  позволяет понять всю значимость Дня Благодарения, этого веселого и красочного праздника.


Предварительный просмотр:




                                                предмет: английский язык


Thanksgiving Day”

Форма проведения урока:



                       учащиеся 5 «В» класса МБОУ СОШ №12


Гукасян И.Х.



Визитная карточка проекта

”Thanksgiving Day”

TOPIC: Holidays


Number of students: 28

Length of time: 45 minutes

Lever and age: intermediate, 11 years old

Project initiated by the teacher

End product:     a prayer

a scene “Native Americans & Pilgrims”

a song “This Land Is Your Land”



a crossword


traditional menu

a poster – a leaf turkey


Activities:     Speaking, Listening, Providing the facts, Dramatizing, Dancing, Singing, Playing Games.

Language work: Learning vocabulary.

Literature:    Newspaper “English”.

“American Studies”, St. Petersburg, 1997.

“The United States of America”, St. Petersburg, 1999



ЦелИ урока:

  1. Воспитание толерантности, уважения к обычаям и традициям других народов.
  2. Продолжение знакомства с обычаями и традициями англоязычных стран.
  3. Расширение лексики по теме Holidays.
  4. Развитие талантов и артистических способностей.

Тип урока:

Открытый урок-проект.


CD player, CDs, the words of the song.

A model of “Mayflower”.

A prayer.

A poster – a turkey.

Crosswords, puzzles, quotations.

Thanksgiving menu.

A basket of fruits and vegetables.

A horn of plenty.

  1. Подготовительный этап

  1. Повторение темы, лексических единиц, речевых образцов.

  1. Работа с дополнительной литературой: аутентичные материалы, газеты, справочники.

  1. Подготовка наглядных пособий. Разучивание новой лексики, стихов и песни.

  1. Инсценировка. Постановка сценки “Native Americans & Pilgrims.


5)           Подготовка костюмов.

6)           Оформление плаката “ Turkey”.

  1.            Подбор музыкального оформления.

II. Ход урока.

The class is divided into 2 groups: Native Americans & Pilgrims.

III. Заключительный этап.

  1. Впечатление об уроке.

  1. Анализ работы участников учителем.

  1. Подведение итогов.

Announcer:     Dear pupils, teachers and our guests. Today we’ve gathered to celebrate one of the major American holidays – Thanksgiving Day. People have always given thanks at harvest time. They are glad to have food for the winter and celebrate with feasting and prayers of thanksgiving. Today you will learn some interesting facts, play games, and sing songs.

Pupil: Т  for time to be together, turkey, talk and tangy weather.

Pupil: H for harvest stored away, home, and health and holiday.

Pupil: A  for autumn’s frosty art, and abundance in the heart.

Pupil: N  for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.

Pupil: K  for kitchen, kettles’ croon, kith and kin expected soon.

Pupil: S  for sizzles, sights and sounds, and something special that abounds.


         That spells: Thanks – for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.

Pupil:     There is one day in a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a big dinner. This is Thanksgiving Day. The Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. But how it all began.

Музыкальное сопровождение.

A song “America, The Beautiful”

Indian:      Ladies and gentlemen! I am Massasoit, chief of my tribe, and these are my people. We are glad to welcome you at this place today.

Pilgrims:      We are newcomers. We are from the Old World. We are from New England. We sailed to America on the ship. We are known as the Pilgrims, which means strangers or wanderers.

Pilgrims:        We sailed to America from Plymouth, England, in September 1620. We came to America for religious freedom. We were among the first European settlers in America. The name of our ship was the Mayflower. We landed at Plymouth Rock in December 1620.

 Indians:      We lived in America before Jamestown was founded and the Pilgrims arrived. We are the Native American Indians. The Indians began settling in America about 25.000 years ago. We hunted, fished and farmed to survive. There were many tribes and each had its own customs and beliefs.

Scene I.

The 1st Pilgrim:     Oh, I see a land! Look!

All Pilgrims:          Land! Hurrah! Land!

The 2nd Pilgrim:     Look! There are people there. They welcome us.

The Indian Leader: Welcome to our land! Who are you? Where are you from?

The 1st Pilgrim:      We are Pilgrims. We are from England. We have come for new                   lives. And who are you?

The Indian Leader: We are Indians. We have been living here for a long time. You may stay here and live on our land.  

Pilgrims:                  Thank you very much.

Pilgrims:       Our first winter in the New World was difficult. We had arrived too late to grow any crops. Without fresh food, half of us died.

Scene II.

The 1st Pilgrim:        We have nothing to eat. Many people have died and many are sick.

The 2nd Pilgrim:       What shall we do?

The Indians:             Hallo! We have brought food to you:bread, vegetables, fruit, corn and other things.

The Pilgrims:           Oh! Thank you very much! You have saved our lives! We’ll never forget it!

Pupil: We began to build a new village and called it “New Plymouth”. Our children helped us a lot.

Pilgrims:    A poem “Pilgrim Children”

Pilgrim children worked hard all day.


Pilgrim children had little time to play.

                   The first child chopped lots of wood.

                   The second child helped made the family food.

                   The third child helped keep the horses fed.

                   The fourth child made a mattress for his bed.

                   The fifth child made soap and a candle.

                   The sixth child turned the meat-roasting handle.

                   Pilgrim children worked hard all day.

                   Pilgrim children had little time to play.

Indians:                 I am Squanto. One day I came to Pilgrims’ village. They were very frightened. But I smiled and said: ”Welcome, Yankee!” I could speak English a little, but I couldn’t say the word “Englishman”. I said Yankee.

Indians:                 And since then “Yankee” has been the name of a white man in America.

Pilgrims:                 So the following spring the Indians taught us how to hunt, fish, plant and survive in America. The crops did well and in the fall of 1621 we had a great harvest. We were thankful and decided to celebrate it with a Thanksgiving feast. We prepared a dinner of corn, beans and pumpkins and invited our Indian friends to share this tree-day feast.

Scene III.

The Pilgrim:  Welcome to our Thanksgiving feast! We are grateful to you for many things. But the main is: you helped us when we suffered greatly. And we’ll never forget those days!

Indians:                 Sure, The Pilgrims invited us to that feast. We came there in our best clothes. We were dressed in deerskins, feathers and foxtails. Our faces were painted in red, yellow and white.

Indians:                 We brought some wild turkeys as a present. It is an American bird. When Pilgrims ate it at the dinner they liked it very much.

Indians:                 But before Thanksgiving Dinner they gave thanks for everything they had that year.

                          A THANKSGIVING PRAYER

                      Dear Lord, on this Thanksgiving Day

                      With grateful hearts we bow and pray

                          For blessing given from our birth

                          Exceeding way beyond our worth

                                 For friends who’ve proven

                                             to be true;

                                    For pets, which count

                                      as friendships too;

                                    For home and country,

                                         health and love

                                      All sent to us from

                                         Heaven above.

                            Lord, Please continue to be near

                          And guide us through another year.

Announcer:         Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.

 A poem “Thanksgiving”.

Pupil:   Thank you

for all my hands can hold –
apples red and melons gold,
yellow corn both ripe and sweet,
peas and beans so good to eat!

            Thank you

for all my eyes can see –
lovely sunlight, field and tree,
white cloud-boats in sea-deep sky,
soaring bird and butterfly.

            Thank you
for all my ears can hear –
birds’ song echoing far and near,
songs of little stream, big sea,
cricket, bullfrog, duck and bee!


         Thanksgiving Day is associated with certain symbols and food.                                       Turkey is part of the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, since it is believed that the Pilgrims and Native Americans had turkey at their feast. Cranberries are also part of Thanksgiving dinner.

 Pupil:    I know a funny poem about a turkey. I think you’ll like it.


Five Plump Turkeys.

        This plump turkey spread his tail like a fan.
This plump turkey away he ran.
This plump turkey flew up in a tree.
This plump turkey gobbled at me.
This plump turkey said, “I’ll leave right away,
So the cook can’t find me on Thanksgiving Day”.

Announcer:                 Thanksgiving Day is a legal holiday celebrated throughout the USA. In 1861 President Lincoln proclaimed the 4th Thursday in November as a national Thanksgiving holiday. People of all religions celebrate this day. They give thanks for the many good things in their lives. This is a family holiday. Even if they live far away, family members gather together for a reunion at the house of an older relative.

Pupil:                                           Over the River

Over the river, and through the wood,
To Grandmother’s house we go;
The horse knows the way,
To carry the sleigh,
Through white and drifted snow.

Over the river and through the woods,
Oh, how the wind does blow!
It stings the nose
And bites the toes
As over the ground we go.

Over the river and through the woods,
Trot fast, my dapple gray!
Spring over the ground
Like a hunting hound,
For this is Thanksgiving Day!

Over the river and through the woods,
Now Grandmother’s face I spy.
Hurrah for the fun!
Is the pudding done?
Hurrah for the pumpkin pie!

Announcer:         Do you know the traditional dishes on Thanksgiving Day? (Ученики называют блюда). Right/ Listen to traditional menu on this day.

Thanksgiving Menu:

- roast turkey with stuffing;
- cranberry jelly;
-white mashed potatoes;
-pumpkin pie;
-creamed corn;
-apple cider;

- apple pie.

Pupil:         Apple pie.

Apple pie, pumpkin pie,
Turkey on the dish!
We can see, we can eat
Everything we wish.

        Grandma’s here, Grandpa’s here,
Cousins bright and gay,
Aunts and uncles share with us
This good Thanksgiving Day.

        Thank you, God, Thank you, God,
For good things to eat.
Thank you also for this day
When we with friendly hearts do meet.

Announcer: Now we’ll have some contests.

  1. Cranberry sauce. You are cooks and are ready to prepare cranberry sauce. Your task

             is to arrange the sentences in a logical order.

  1. Thanksgiving menu. People have Thanksgiving dinner at home and Americans have  different Thanksgiving menus in different regions in their country.

     Now try to make up two menus.

  1. Guessing fun. Let’s have a guessing fun. Take a thing (a

vegetable or fruit) out of the bag and guess its name.

  1. Pin the feather. Pin the feather on the tail of the turkey with your eyes closed.

Announcer:                 Thanksgiving in America is not only giving thanks to God. It also has such national entertainment as a Thanksgiving Day Parade and a professional football game broadcast on TV. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New Your City is famous and watched on TV by millions of people every year.

Pupil:         The Thanksgiving Day Parade.       

                     Thanksgiving Day is here today,                                                         the great parade is under way,
and though it’s drizzling quite a bit,
I’m sure that I’ll see all of it.

                    Great balloons are floating by,
         cartoon creatures stories high,
         Mickey Mouse and Mother Goose,
         Snoopy and mammoth moose.

                    The bands are marching, here they come,
         pipers pipe and drummers drum,
         hear the tubas and the flutes,
         see the clowns in silly suits.

                    It’s pouring now, but not on me,

          I’m just as dry as I can be,
        I watch and watch, but don’t get wet,
        I’m watching on our TV set.

A dance.

Announcer:                 The tradition of a Thanksgiving football game is new. At first local baseball games had dominated Thanksgiving holiday afternoons. But later American football had become the national Thanksgiving sport. It is broadcast on TV.

Pupil:         Daddy’s Football Game.

        Our turkey dinner’s hardly gone

        When Daddy said, “The game is on”.

        He turns it on, takes off his shoes,

        And turns to watch his heroes lose.

        He sits and screams, we sit and grin,

        He gets so mad when they don’t win.

        Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same

        Without my father’s football game.

Announcer: Let’s continue our contests.

1.  “Unscramble the Words”.

  1. “Solve the Crosswords”.
  2.  “Quotations”. You’ll receive cards with quotations. Your task is to read them correctly and find the right Russian equivalents.

Announcer:             We thank all the participants for taking part in the holiday celebration. We thank you for being so nice, helpful and we hope you’ve learned much about Thanksgiving tradition and enjoyed the party.

        But it’s not a holiday without a song! We advice you to learn a song:

                        This Land Is Your Land (by Woody Guthrie)

As I was walking that ribbon of highway

I saw above me that endless sky-way,

I saw below me that golden valley,

This land was made for you and me.

This land is your land, this land is my land,

From California to the New York island,

From the red-wood forest to the Gulf Stream water;

This land was made for you and me.

Announcer:    See you next Thanksgiving!

Test Your Knowledge of Thanksgiving!

INSTRUCTIONS: It’s easy. Just read each question and choose the right answer. You get one point for each correct answer. Try to get at least 7 points. To find the answers, just read The Thanksgiving Story on the next page. Good luck!


1. What year did the Pilgrims have their first Thanksgiving Feast?

  1. 1619
  2. 1620
  3. 1621
  4. 1935


2. What food was probably NOT on the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving menu?

  1. Biscuits
  2. Corn
  3. Fish
  4. Dried Fruit

3. What food item probably WAS consumed by the Pilgrims at their first Thanksgiving?

  1. Pumpkin Pie
  2. Lobster
  3. Turkey
  4. Cheese


4. In 1676, a Day of Thanksgiving was proclaimed to take place during what month?

  1. May
  2. June
  3. October
  4. November


5. Which president didn’t like the idea of having a national Thanksgiving Day?

  1. Washington
  2. Nixon
  3. Truman
  4. Jefferson


6. Who is credited with leading the crusade to establish Thanksgiving Day?

  1. Sarah Jessica Parker
  2. Sarah Lee
  3. Sarah Josepha Hale
  4. Sarah Ferguson


7. Which president established the date of Thanksgiving as a national celebration?

  1. Jefferson
  2. Adams
  3. Lincoln
  4. Wilson


8. Which president moved the date of Thanksgiving twice?

  1. Lincoln
  2. T. Roosevelt
  3. F. D. Roosevelt
  4. Eisenhower


9. The reason Thanksgiving was moved up a week was. . .

  1. To fulfil a political promise
  2. To ward off evil spirits
  3. To bring it more in line with historical accounts
  4. To lengthen Christmas shopping season


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ подготовлена к открытому уроку-проекту, "Thanksgiving Day" посвященному МБОУ СОШ №12 с углубленным изучением английского языка г.Пятигорска Учитель английского языка высшей категории, Гукасян И.Х. Участники: учащиеся 5 “В" класса

Слайд 2

Визитная карточка проекта “Thanksgiving Day” : TOPIC: Holidays FORM: 5 Number of students: 28 Length of time: 45 minutes Lever and age: intermediate, 1 1 years old Project initiated by the teacher

Слайд 3

End product: a prayer ; a scene “Native Americans & Pilgrims” ; a song “This Land Is Your Land” ; poems ; quotations ; a crossword ; puzzles ; traditional menu ; a poster – a leaf turkey ; costumes . Activities: Speaking, Listening, Providing the facts, Dramatizing, Dancing, Singing, Playing Games.

Слайд 4

Цели урока : 1. Воспитание толерантности, уважения к обычаям и традициям других народов. 2. Продолжение знакомства с обычаями и традициями англоязычных стран. 3. Расширение лексики по теме Holidays . 4. Развитие талантов и артистических способностей.

Слайд 5

Оснащение : CD-player, CDs, the words of the song ; a model of “Mayflower” ; a prayer ; a poster – a turkey ; crosswords, puzzles, quotations ; Thanksgiving menu ; a basket of fruits and vegetables ; a horn of plenty.

Слайд 6

I. Подготовительный этап: 1. Повторение темы, лексических единиц, речевых образцов. 2. Работа с дополнительной литературой: аутентичные материалы, газеты, справочники. 3. Подготовка наглядных пособий. Разучивание новой лексики, стихов и песни. 4. Инсценировка. Постановка сценки “ Native Americans & Pilgrims ” . 5. Подготовка костюмов. 6. Оформление плаката “ Turkey ”. 7. Подбор музыкального оформления.

Слайд 7

II. Ход урока: The class is divided into 2 groups: Native Americans & Pilgrims.

Слайд 8

III. Заключительный этап: 1. Впечатление об уроке. 2. Анализ работы участников учителем. 3. Подведение итогов .

Слайд 9

Творческий отчет о мероприятии

Слайд 10

Т for time to be together, turkey, talk and tangy weather. H for harvest stored away, home, and health and holiday. A for autumn’s frosty art, and abundance in the heart. N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember. K for kitchen, kettles’ croon, kith and kin expected soon. S for sizzles, sights and sounds, and something special that abounds.

Слайд 11

“ Pilgrims & Native Americans” The Pilgrims invited us to that feast. We came there in our best clothes. We were dressed in deerskins, feathers and foxtails. Our faces were painted in red, yellow and white.

Слайд 12

The horn of plenty is a familiar Thanksgiving symbol. It is a symbol of the earth’s bounty, and reminds us that our food comes from the earth. Indian corn is used as a decoration. Thanksgiving Day is associated with certain symbols and food. Turkey is part of the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, since it is believed that the Pilgrims and Native Americans had turkey at their feast. Cranberries are also part of Thanksgiving dinner.

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