Сценарий праздника "St. Valentine's Day"
методическая разработка (английский язык, 8 класс) по теме

Бекленищева Лариса Юрьевна

Сценарий общешкольного праздника на английском языке , посвященный Дню святого Валентина. В программу входит много интересной информации об этом празднике , стихи, песни.


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Предварительный просмотр:

St. Valentine’s Day.

Песня  «Come to the Party».

Учащиеся заходят на праздник.


Good evening young ladies and  gentlemen. You are welcome! Today we celebrate one of the best holidays , which young and old people love. It is  St. Valentine’s Day. And  let’s begin our party by sinning the nice  song

of  lovers « Let me call you sweetheart.»

Ведущий 2:

St. Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday, which is celebrated in Great Britain, in many European countries and  in the USA. St . Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends.

Dear friends, what legends about this day do you know? Please,  tell them to us .


One of early symbols of love is Cupid , the Roman God of love , who is represented by the image of a young boy with  bow and arrow. Valentine was a Christian priest in Roman empire three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ. He had been thrown in prison for his teaching. On February 14 , Valentine was beheaded, not only because he performed  a miracle- he cured the jailer’s daughter from her blindness the night before he was executed- but  he wrote a letter to the girl , signing it  «from your Valentine» .


Another legend tells us that this same Valentine , well –lover by all ,wrote notes from his jail to children and friends who missed him.

Pupil3: Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was imprisoned  because he secretly married couples, contrary to laws of the Roman  emperor.

Pupil 4:

February, 14  was also a Roman holiday , held in  honour of the Goddess of Love .Young men by lottery choose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities. The

Custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date has continued to our day .People still believe that birds pick their mates on the February 14.


Nowadays, St. Valentine’s Day is the Day of love happiness , beauty.

Today we have a chance to plunge inter the atmosphere of love , to take part in the party games, to practice the use  of some pleasant words and expressions on this special occasion .Happy St. Valentine’s Day!

Поздравления  с праздником.

Dear girls,

We hope that Valentine’s Day

Will bring you lots of fun.

We think you are exstraspecially nice

And so does everyone.

Dear boys!

Just a little not to say:

“Have a happy Valentine’s Day.

Good friends-good times

Good health -  good wives

And happy days throughout your lives

St Valentine’s greetings come to you.

Along with heartful withes too.

May all you  do meet with success

And bring you every happiness.

Dear friend !

Here’s a valentine with a wish for  your happiness

On Valentine’s  Day and always.

A  friend like you

Is a dream come true.

I see you in the desy flowers

I see you sweet and fair

I hear you in the tuneful birds

I see you charm the air.

It’s high time

We were Valentine’s.

Happiness is never far behind

When thoughts of you come into mind.

Sending a wish with lots of heart

For a day, that  happy from the start.

I have a little valentine

That someone sent to me .

It’s pink and  white

And red and blue

And pretty as can be .

Forget-me- nots

Are round the edge

And tiny roses too, and

And such a lovely piece of lace

The very palest blue

And in the centre

There’s a heart

As red as red can be!

And on it’s written

All in gold “To you

With love from me “.  


 There are a lot of songs about love .

What songs of love do you know ?

Present your favourite  song and explain why you like it and what makes it special.

Дети поют песни “And I love her .” “Yesterday” “Girl”.”The Phantom of the Opera.”

These songs are the  famous hits of the Beatles.

Their imaginative lyrics and catchy melodies  evoke the feelings of love and tender .

“the Phantom of the Opera “ is  the song  from “The Phantom of the Opera “ , written by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It is about love and  mystery.

Ведущая :

( с зеркалом в руке )

Mirror ,mirror, tell me,

Am I pretty or plain?

Or am I downright ugly

And ugly to remain

Shall I marry a gentleman?

Shall marry a clown?

Or shall I marry old knives- and –Scissors

Shouting through the town?

Ведущий :

And  what do you think the mirror can answer?

_- You are pretty, nice, beautiful !

And what pleasant words can our boys say to our girls ?

-You are attractive!

-You are amazing!

-You are marvelous! Etc.

Мальчики говорят комплименты девочкам.


Today we’ll be the viewers of the very interesting game-show “Blind Date” . Do you want to be the viewers of this game- show? If you really want, clap your hands!

The main character of the game-show is a Lover – a real gentleman, strong, handsome, clever, with good manners.

The main rule of our game- show is that Lover can’t see the girls taking part in the game. He must choose one of them during the game – show.

Now let’s greet our Lover. Clap your hands. Let’s ask him to take his place.

( Герой-любовник проходит на сцену, под аплодисменты занимает своё место.)

Now it’s high time to greet our girls, participants of the show. Oh! Look, our girls are really beautiful.

(Под музыку выходят девушки , занимают места  по другую сторону ширмы от героя- любовника.)

So, let’s begin our game-show.

The first task for the girls is called “Introduce yourself “

Участницы  рассказывают о себе, о своих увлечениях.


The first task is done .And we’ll ask our Lover to whom will he have to say “Good-bye!”?


Frankly speaking, I like all the stories. But according to the rules of the game,  I’ll have to say “Good-bye!”

to ....(name ).


Well, ..., come here , please .Now  he can see this beautiful girl.


Oh, I am full of sorrow. Good-bye, ...

(Прощается, встав на колено, целует руку.)


So, four of them are left. Another task for girls is  to feed  Lover with their tasty dishes. We’ll tie Lover’s eyes up and you , girls , may come up to Lover and  make him eat your tasty dishes.

(Девушки под музыку  по очереди  дают попробовать своё блюдо , заранее приготовленное.)


What is the result? To  whom you’ll say “Good- bye!” ?


No doubt, all girls are really good at cooking. But I am to say “Good-bye” to one of them by all means. That’s why ...,  good-bye !


Support ... by  your applause!

There are three of them now. And the next task for them is to make  Lover like their favourite smells.

(Под музыку девушки подносят герою-любовнику цветок с ароматом  любимых духов.)


What is your decision?


I’ll say “Good-bye “ to the owner of this flower.


.... , what will be your last words for him ?

Girl: Farewell, my dear! We’ll never see again.


At last there are two of them. And now there is the highlight of the game. Our Lover is to choose one of the girls to be  his Valentine. Each of them  has a nice  dream. And  now it’s high time to tell  Lover about it.

Девочки рассказывают о своей  мечте.

  • I have a dream. My dream is to become a photographer model, high fashion .I want my face to be familiar one in magazine ads and on television commercials .I want to earn the city’s top rate :$ 50 an hour. I want to be sexy , amazing , terrific. I’ll work hard to achieve my aim. But I’ll achieve it by all means .

-I am fond of dancing. I want to become a pro. I want to star at the stage of the Bolshoi  Theatre. My idol is Anastasia  Volochkova. Her dancing puts me inter a state of great emotional excitement . I am sure ,in order to be a pro  I must work very hard , that’s why  I do my best. Dancing  is a part of  my life. Besides , dancing is a language you can speak with anyone. as it is said in the poem  “A different language” by Edith Segal.

I met a little girl

Who came from another land

I couldn’t  speak her language

But I took her by the hand

We danced together,

Had such fun .

Dancing is a language

You can speak with anyone.

Perhaps, it can be translated in the following way :

Я встретила  девчонку

Из другой страны,

Но языка не знала,

И не общались мы.

Я протянула руку ,

Мы стали танцевать,

Без всяких слов друг друга

Нам удалось понять.


What dream did you like best ?


I like both stories. It’s very difficult for me to choose one of them....    So, ..., be my Valentine , please.

( Звучит музыка. Валентин и Валентина танцуют медленный  танец.)


Our game- show is over. Now it’s  time for our holiday dinner and for  dancing.

We announce the competition “We are looking for a real knight”. And every boy has a chance to be a real knight.

Учащиеся  проходят в класс , где накрыты праздничные столы.

Защита столов.

  1. St. Valentine’s Day is the day of lovers. That’s why our preferable colour is red. Red symbolizes love. In the centre of our table  you can see  “a loving heart “.

Our table is decorated with flowers.

What a fragrance!  What a marvelous view!

Red flowers are associated with love and tenderness.

Our table is laid for two persons. The burning  candles make the atmosphere intimate.

Sitting at the table, lovers can speak about their thoughts, feelings ,secrets. They can whisper pleasant words and dream about their future.

2. (Девушка в костюме « Богини Любви» )

Good evening ,young ladies and gentlemen !

I am Goddess of Love. Here’s the table laid for two persons. They are lovers. They will come here in a few minutes. I’ll light their hearts with love as I am lighting these candles now. (Зажигает свечи.)

I’ll make  their hearts parts of one big  heart full of love and tenderness.

It will be as big and nice as this cake in the centre of the table. Our lovers will drink tasty drinks and whisper words of love. They will call each other “sweetheart”, “My Valentine” .They will listen to beautiful music and dance “Dance of Love”.

Everything on this table is red and white in colour , because they are the colours of love. Now , wait for a minute .Our lovers will come , there will be hugs and kisses.

(Звучит нежная мелодия , входят Валентин и Валентина ,садятся за стол ).

Жюри определяют лучшую защиту стола , оформление стола, проводят награждение.

Праздник заканчивается чаепитием и праздничной дискотекой.

В конце вечера девушки определяют ,кто достоин  звания “A  real

knight “ . Вручают  «орден».

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