Страноведческая викторина "BRITAIN AND ITS PEOPLE"
занимательные факты по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Логинова Тамара Алимовна

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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Britain And Its People TEACHER: LOGINOVA T.A.

Слайд 2

a. Great Britain b. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland c. The United Kingdom of Great Britain 1. The official name of the country is …

Слайд 3

The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.(b)

Слайд 4

a. Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales b. England, Scotland, Wales 2. What countries does the UK consist of?

Слайд 5

The UK consists of Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales.(a)

Слайд 6

a. Washington b. Cardiff c. London 3.What is the capital of the country?

Слайд 7

The capital of the country is London.(c)

Слайд 8

a. John Arbuthnot b. John Bull 4. Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman?

Слайд 9

The symbol of the typical Englishman is John Bull.(b)

Слайд 10

a. white rose b. red rose c. yellow rose 5. What is the emblem of England?

Слайд 11

The emblem of England is red rose.(b)

Слайд 12

a. Irish b. Scottish c. English 6. What is the official language of the country?

Слайд 13

The official language of the country is English.(c)

Слайд 14

a. the Thames b. the Trent c. the Severn 7. What is the main river in Great Britain?

Слайд 15

The Thames (a) is the main river in Great Britain.

Слайд 16

a. the Thames b. the Severn c. the Clyde 8. What is the longest river in Britain?

Слайд 17

The Severn (b) is the longest river in Britain.

Слайд 18

a. Buckingham Palace b. Tower of London c. The Houses of Parliament 9. What is the political centre of London?

Слайд 19

The political centre of London are the Houses of Parliament.(c)

Слайд 20

a. Westminster Abbey b. Westminster Cathedral c. Palace of Westminster 10. What is the official name of the Houses of Parliament?

Слайд 21

Palace of Westminster (c) is the official name of the Houses of Parliament.

Слайд 22

a. a museum b. a Zoo c. a prison 11.What is the Tower of London?

Слайд 23

The Tower of London is a museum.(a)

Слайд 24

a. in the Palace of Westminster b. in the Buckingham Palace c. in the St. Paul’s Cathedral 12.Where does the Queen of England live?

Слайд 25

The Queen of England lives in the Buckingham Palace.(b)

Слайд 26

a. in Trafalgar Square b. in Hyde Park 13. Where is the monument to Admiral Nelson situated?

Слайд 27

In Trafalgar Square (a) is the monument to Admiral Nelson situated.

Слайд 28

a. a gallery b. a church c. a museum 14. What is Westminster Abbey?

Слайд 29

Westminster Abbey is a church.(b)

Слайд 30

a. Big Ben b. Covent Garden 15. The famous clock of London is …

Слайд 31

The famous clock of London is Big Ben.(a)

Слайд 32

a. Halloween b. Guy Fawkes’ Day 16. What do the British celebrate on 5 th November?

Слайд 33

The British celebrate on 5 th November Guy Fawkes’ Day.(b)

Слайд 34

a. BBC 1, BBC 2 b. ITV, Channel 4 17. The state TV channels in Britain:

Слайд 35

and (a) are the state TV channels in Britain.

Слайд 36

a. Charles Dickens b. Robert Burns c. William Shakespeare 18. "Hamlet" is the famous tragedy of …

Слайд 37

"Hamlet" is the famous tragedy of William Shakespeare. (c)

Слайд 38

a. hockey b. cricket 19. The most popular sport game in England is …

Слайд 39

The most popular sport game in England is cricket.(b)

Слайд 40

a. “The Beatles” b. “London Beat” 20. The popular music group of the 1960 s from Liverpool is …

Слайд 41

The popular music group of the 1960 s from Liverpool is “ The Beatles”.(a)

Слайд 42

a. The President b. The Prime-Minister c. The Queen 21 . Who is the official head of the state in the UK?

Слайд 43

The Queen (c) is the official head of the state in the UK.

Слайд 44

a. The Vice-President b. The President c. The Prime-Minister 22. Who is the head of the government in the UK?

Слайд 45

The head of the government in the UK is The Prime-Minister.(c)

Слайд 46

a. the legislative branch of power b. the executive branch of power 23. The government of the UK represents …

Слайд 47

The government of the UK represents the executive branch of power.(b)

Слайд 48

a. a monarchy b. a presidential republic 24. The UK is …

Слайд 49

The UK is a monarchy.(a)

Слайд 50

a. Victoria b. Elizabeth II 25. Who is the Queen of the UK?

Слайд 51

The Queen of the UK is Elizabeth II.(b)

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