Конспект урока "Music We love"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Чукреева Анастасия Владимировна
Данный материал представляет конспект урока в игровой форме по теме "Музыка"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока

Класс: 5

Тема : «Music We Love»

Тип урока: игра-соревнование

Форма работы: фронтальная, групповая.

Цель урока: закрепление языкового материала по теме «музыка», активизация предметных и социальных знаний учащихся.

Формирование  УУД:

Коммуникативных - осуществление взаимного контроля в сотрудничестве; использование адекватных языковых средств для отображения своих чувств, мыслей и потребностей;

Регулятивных - контроль с целью обнаружения отклонений и отличий от эталона; коррекция своей деятельности;

Познавательных – умение применять имеющуюся информацию на практике, при выполнении заданий;

Личностных - уважение к личности  и её достоинствам, доброжелательное отношение к окружающим;

Сопровождение урока: аудио-проигрыватель, презентация, раздаточный материал, карточки с информацией и мухобойки для конкурса «Sticky hands».

Краткое пояснение к ходу урока:

Урок проводится в форме известной игры «X's and O's » (Крестики-нолики). Учащиеся делятся на две группы и в дальнейшем работают в командах. Команда выбирает поле с соответствующим заданием, команда победитель ставит свой знак в поле, и делает следующий ход. Побеждает команда, набравшая 3 знака по диагонали, вертикали или горизонтали. Для того чтобы игра продлилась весь урок и были выполнены все задания, допускается контролирование выбора игровых полей игроками.

Игровое поле










Ход урока.

  1. “Battle”. You must name the English speaking singers or groups. The group that pauses first loses. (3 min)
  2. Match” There are different kinds of music. Can you name some of them? (rap, pop, reggae, rock-n-roll, classical music). You have to match the musicians with the different genres. (5 min.)
  3. Interview”.  You’re given some information about famous singer ask him some questions and act out the interview. * Don’t forget to be polite. (7 min)
  4. Dance floor”. Let’s have a rest. Make a short dance in your team. Then you are to listen to the music and to dance. (3 min)
  5. Sticky hand”. You will listen to the biography of Bob Marley. Then one member of each group will come to the blackboard and answer my questions. He/She must hit the right answer with a sticky hand. (5 min)
  6. Who am I?” The competition for captains. Captains must pretend to be a famous person (Michael Jackson or Britney Spears). Each group must guess which famous singers their captains are. (2 min)
  7. Friendship”.  Each of you must take a word, stand in a row to create a sentence from a famous song. (2 different songs). (5 min)

 8.  “Relay”. Stand in two rows. There are some names of songs hidden under the paper. Each person must put the year of the song next to it.

9. “Cinquain”. Read about different kinds of music. Write a cinquain for each one.  (7 min)

Приложения к уроку  “Music We Love”

  1. Match:


1. Rap                                                    

2. Pop

3. Reggae

4. Rock-n-roll

5. Jazz

a) Bob Marley “No woman no cry”

b) The Beatles “Rock And Roll Music”

c) 50 cent “Ayo technology”

d) Frank Sinatra “Magic moments”

e) Rihanna “We Found Love”


  1. Interview:

Enrique Iglesias. Date of birth:  the 8th of May, 1975. He is 36. He is a Spanish singer. He is from Madrid. He hasn’t got a wife (жена) and children. His favourite song is “Dirty dancer”. He can play the guitar and the piano. Enrique is also a good actor. He wears jeans and T-shirts. He likes pizza and hot-dog.

Madonna is an American pop singer, dancer and actor. She’s 53. Her birthday is in the 16th of August. People name her “The Queen of pop music’.  She has 6 sisters and brothers.  She has a daughter and a son. She also have two foster children (приёмные дети). They’re from Africa.

  1. Sticky hands.

Bob Marley was singer-songwriter and musician. He was born in the 6th of February in 1945. He was from Jamaica. Bob Marley is a nickname. His real name was Robert Nesta.  He is the father of reggae style. Bob began his career when he was 16.  His first song was “Judge not”. His best-known hits are "No Woman, No Cry", "Could You Be Loved", "Stir It Up", "Jamming", "One Love" and, "Three Little Birds".

Marley was a vegetarian. He didn’t eat any meat (мясо). He loved to play football. Marley had long dreads. This haircut is popular nowadays.

He had a wife Rita and … 11 children! His religion was Rastafary. He had a lot of awards. For example, his song "One Love" was named song of the millennium by BBC.

He died in the 11th of May, 1981. The last words he said were: “Money can’t buy life”.

Questions :

What did he do (his profession)?

When was Bob Marley born?

What’s his real name?

What kind of music did he play?

What kind of sport did he like?

How old was he when he began to sing?

What was the first song?

He didn’t eat any meat. He was a …

The song of mellenium.

How many children did he have?

What was the name of his wife?

His last words were...

Where was he born?

  1. Friendship

“Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away”

“We all live in a yellow submarine’

  1. Relay

1.The Beatles – Yellow Submarine

  1. Britney Spears – Oops.. I did it again.
  2. Justin Timberlake - Give It to Me
  3. Rihanna – We found love
  4. Elvis Presley -  Good Times
  5. Michael Jackson - Thriller







  1. Cinquain


a genre of music played on electronic instruments. It is popular with many people. It has short songs with a strong beat and simple tunes (мелодии). It’s easy to remember. Pop music is often simply called pop.


a way of talking using rhythm and rhyme, usually to a strong musical beat


a type of music that developed (появившийся)  from rock ’n’ roll and uses a heavy regular beat (ритм), electric guitars, singing, and a tune that is easy to remember


a type of music that developed (появившийся) in the late 19th century in which there is a strong lively beat and the players often improvise making up the music as they play

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