Конспект внеклассного мероприятия «Love makes the world go round»
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Цель проекта: Развитие познавательных навыков учащихся, мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка и максимально возможное раскрытие творческого потенциала учащихся.

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  Конспект внеклассного мероприятия

«Love makes the world go round»

Руководитель проекта: Желудкова А.Т.

2012-2013 год

г. Пугачёв

Цель проекта: Развитие познавательных навыков учащихся, мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка и максимально возможное раскрытие творческого потенциала учащихся.

Задачи проекта:

  • Развитие речевых способностей, внимания, памяти, воображения; мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка.
  • Формирование навыков самостоятельной работы с материалом, работы в команде.
  • Развитие эмоциональной сферы учащихся в процессе подготовки творческого проекта, представленного на английском языке.

Характеристика проекта:

  • Коллективный (группа учащихся с 7-го по 10-й класс)
  • Межпредметный: английский язык, литература, музыка, ИЗО
  • Среднесрочный

Пути реализации проекта:

  • Выявление проблемы и вытекающих задач.
  • Подбор литературы: поиск адекватного цели языкового материала.
  • Продумывание хода деятельности и распределение обязанностей.
  • Разработка структуры и выполнение проекта.
  • Оформление результатов проекта.
  • Анализ успехов и ошибок.

Сценарий открытого мероприятия «Love makes the world go round»

 (Идет видио ролик Дон Маклеана.)

Ведущая-Good afternoon dear guests! Good afternoon dear children, Today we are going to speak about one  of the most important feeling in the world- about love. What is love? Is it spiritual or material? Maybe, it is something that we can feel and even touch but can not see. Possibly, sweethearts possess peculiar magnets that attract their hosts to each other. In this case there is another question. How does it work? It is likely to happen unconsiously or under the influence of some reasons unknown to us and unseen forces. Poets make verses about love, love songs sound by radio and television, it is the lightest feeling in the world. All people want to love and to  be loved.

Ведущая-At the beginning of our meeting  I want you to explain  how  you understand the word «Love».

Ученик- Love is a sublime feeling that exists in every person. Love is an integral part of our life. We can not live without it, we MUST NOT live without it. Love makes us purer, kinder, more lavish, more generous, more honest.

Ученик- In my opinion, when we love we commit crazy,  unbelievable and sometimes hasty things. Without any doubt these things make our life more interesting, extreme   and risky.

Ученик-I think love is also different. There is love for parents, love for  a boy, love for your best girl -friend , love for a pet, though  it is different  , but it is equally beautiful.  

Ученик- To my mind, love teaches us to be strong, open to other people. When we love somebody we are responsible for those whom we love.

Ученик-When you love, it becomes warm in your soul ,you are in good mood, you smile . Everything happens as in dream it is very pleasant in some way, it is unreal as in a fairy- tale.      

Ученик-  Personally I think that every person has an individual answer to this question. We can not live without love. Only such feeling as love makes us do our outmost, launch our creativity. It inspires us to make our dreams come true and to reveal our hidden abilities ...

Ученик-Love  is deep and passionate. It is possible, your heart will be break, but it is only way to try the life completely. Love is one of the fundamental and general themes in the world of culture and arts. Debates about love and its analysis as phenomenon date back to the oldest philosophy systems and literature monuments known by a man. A lot of books, music works and art masterpieces were devoted to this theme. But nobody could discover the secret of love.

Ведущая-Dear children you had to prepare several projects . I offered you to divide into three groups. Each group had a chance  to choose  any topic as they  liked . Well, who wants to begin   our meeting ?

  Свинцова Н , Рожина А. – We would like to tell about the Most beautiful couple of Italian- Andriano  Celentano and Claudia Mori.In 1963, Celentano played  in the film «What a strange type» together with his  future wife,  famous actress Claudia Mori . It was love at the first sight .In 1964 Andriano  Celentano and Claudia Mori became a  married couple  and they became 'The Most beautiful couple of Italian music world' .They married at night in secret for the public .There were only 15 people on their wedding .They  say «  We know  the wedding at night is unusual and strange event , but  we wanted to see only close persons. Our wedding was splendid.»
In interview, Claudia said: "As in a fable, I kissed Adriano, and the frog, became  a Prince..."
Some years later, Claudia stopped her career, to dedicate her life to her children - they have three children: Rosie (Rosita), Giacomo (Giacomo) and Rosalind (Rosalinda). Sometimes she sings a song, or participates in a movie with Celentano. Celentano  is a great actor and he played  in four dozen films. In 1959  he began career as a rock singer. In the late 1980s he worked as director of his own television shows. They are very happy.
 On invitation cards, which were printed on the occasion of the 50 anniversary of their wedding, Celentano and Mori  said, «And today we still love each other». Now Celentano live 100 km from Milan, alone in his villa with his wife Claudia Mori. Italians don't doubt that Celentano was very lucky with the wife. Not without reason Andriano removed her in his movies, devoted her songs and established a sculpture of  "the second half" near Milan. Claudia  is worthy of such worship: this woman completely devoted herself to the husband and children, she is his muse.

 Чугунова А., Чернушенко М.-  Unfortunatly, there are  the love stories which have unhappy end. I would like to tell the story of love of Khabensky`s family. Their relationship was not always going smoothly - just like in any other normal human relations. But when suddenly the hour terrible trials gave up, they stayed together until the end. This story is about a woman who loved and was truly loved, and the man who did his best to save her.

 Nastya knew Constantine Khabensky from the TV series "Killing  force", but to her he was "one of many" unremarkable actors. When Constantine  invited Nasty to play "Caligula," which he played a major role, she reluctantly agreed. Nastya  was surprised to discover that Kostya is a great actor .After the performance, they met and went to the club. The next morning, they realized, that meeting was not a coincidence. Soon Nastya moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg to be with Constantine. They married quietly and without pathos:  both were wearing jeans and sneakers when they went  the registry office. The long-awaited child was born just seven years later. But shortly before the birth, Nastya got in a car accident. According to doctors, this is the accident fueled a brain tumor. Constantine could not forgive it to himself : he  had presented this car to his wife.

In December 2007, Constantine took his wife to Los Angeles, to the clinic, "Cedars Sinai." He had to go through a year of pain, struggle, hope ... He was torn between Russia and America, flying over the ocean countless times . He  worked hard because  the treatment was very expensive in this clinic. But nobody has ever heard from him any word of complaint. His best  friends, relatives, colleagues did everything in their power to help  Anastasia  to cope with the terrible disease .But the hope of a happy outcome was melting every day. And  on the third of December , 2008 Anastasia quietly died in the arms of her mother.

But the son born before it became a miracle and talisman for his father. Let him and his dad  be happy, because they  had deserved it ..

Шарова А. - Lets speak about films. Films  play an important role in our life and of course we like to go to the cinema. As for us it is an available popular form of art, we find visiting cinemas is one of the best ways of spending our free time. And there is no doubt that a good film gives us an excellent entertainment. And everyone can choose his favorite genre of film. There are some genres of feature films like a thriller, a musical, a drama and a comedy and etc .  But in any genres of films we can find  the  theme-  love . Lets check your knowledge  about the love films.

1) From what film is this scene?

2) Do you know the main characters of this film?

3) Do you know the director of the film?

4) Do you know the main actor and actress of this film?

Ведущая- But we remember everything  surprising is near….

  The Love Story of my
Family( Миронова Юлия)

My family is neither large nor small, just a typical family: Dad, Mum, my brother and me. We all live together in a three-room flat. We are an average family. My mother name is Nelya. She is life and soul of our family. She studied in college. After  graduating the college she began to work in the village. My Mum worked as the teacher. My father lived and worked in this village . His name is Vladimir. They met each other in this romantic place. Mum and Dad liked each other at once. It was Love at the first sight. They walked, went to the disco parties  together. Father gave a lot of presents and the flowers. They  love each other very much. Marriage is a very important decision. Common interests, purposes, dreams and thoughts- they should be present. And a joint life should be balanced by harmony and disharmony. But my parents were sure in the feelings. Once morning when my mother  was still sleeping , Dad presented lilac and proposed  my mum. In autumn, mother and father god married. They bought house in Davidovka. In spring I was born. My name is Yuliya As for me everybody says  I look like my mum. Six years later my brother  was born. His name is Yura.  There is a proverb: «There are little problems with small children and big problems with big ones». I suppose it is true. The more we grow, the more patient our parents should be . Every generation is different from the one that  preceded it. The situation in economic and political spheres and in society changes greatly with every year. So, my parents shouldn’t make us live according to their  values. Of course, their judgments are quite right ( experience is a great thing that is acquired with years), but I suppose that children want to make their  own mistakes and to drain the cup of life. Our family is very united. We like to spend time together. Our parents don’t always agree with what we say, but they listen to our opinion. Respect, support, confidence, comprehension are very important. But what is the most important in a family? Of course, love.  Love each other and everything will be OK. All obstacles will be overcome, and all gentle words will be found, and this cruel world will turn to you with a kind smile. I'm sure that my parents will always love me and support me. So shall I. Their love helps me to deal with envious and brutal people. Their love will protect me in our difficult life.

The Love Story of my
Family( Попонова Анна)


 I think, every person always dreams about a place where he can speak about his problems, chat with close friends, where he can feel happy and quiet. For me it is my family and my home. It is the best place in the world and my dearest people live here. Our family is not large . We are a family of four: my father ,my mother ,my younger sister and I. My father is an engineer . He is considered to be an experienced engineer . We are very proud of him but there is one unpleasant thing with this: he is always busy and very often he works overtime. My mother and father met each other when they were 18 years old,  in Saratov . My father courted  mum for a long time . One day my father invited my mother to a cafe, his house was far away from my mother's house, and he went to her by the car. Unfortunately his car was broken. The weather was bad, rainy, muddy. He could not miss this meeting and he ran to my mother's house. He understood he couldn’t live without her. One day they were walking through the park and dad with a big bouquet of roses, made mum proposal In1995 the23 of December  they married. They were very happy. Their wedding was beautiful, cheerful and memorable. After the wedding our family  began  to build our house and  after 9 months I was born.  My parents were very happy that the girl was born, and they called me Anya in honor of my great-grandmother.

After 3 years  my little sister was born. Her name is Tanya. I have the best sister in the world. She is cheerfully, beautiful, smart, she's never dull.

 In the evenings we often have little gatherings in the kitchen by the cup of tea, chatting, laughing and discussing the events of the day. Those evenings are the best of all. As for me , I get on very well with my parents. Whenever I have problems with my friends or with my homework , I know they are always here to listen and give advice . They have taught me a lot . They have got of experience and they have  always been happy to share their knowledge with me .We are very happy family. « Honour your mother and father and you will live long and be well, if not, you will die»-says the Bible.

Ведущая-Now each group will have a new task. The first group has to complete the sentence. All words are in the envelope. They are  not  the simple sentences , these  are  the statements of the great writers. Good luck.

There are a lot of secrets  of happy families. But I want you to choose the main secrets. You  have to say and write down 4-5 secrets ( Sincerity, patience, love, common understanding, confidence)which are necessary to have a happy family.

Today we have spoken a lot  of love, heard  different  opinions, thoughts, listened to different stories about the families , but you must draw a conclusion of our  meeting. Please , describe word « love» in a written form how you  understand the word «love». I will give 2-3 minutes.  

Ведущая- Very good! How clever you are. Thank you.   Now I suggest you to  listen to the world famous piece of music . You will listen to Yakovleva Anna .She  will perform «Andantina» by  Aram  Khachaturyan.

Ведущая- At the end of our meeting we will present our memory cards . I wish you  to find the real love and  if  you have found it  to save your love .  Love and  be loved.

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