Тестовая работа по теме "Science" конструктор сочинения по теме "Do you believe that science will make our world better?"
тренажёр по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Папуга Ирина Вячеславовна

В работе представлена одна из форм работы с развитием  умения написания сочиннения на английском языке. Алгоритм написания сочинения - один из критериев качества письменной  работы, а также рравильное применение средств связи (клише), все это тренируется по средством конструкора.


Файл scientific_test_11_form.docx20.75 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Mach the sentences, write them down and translate

  1. Proteins are molecules made
  1. to isolate DNA from the nucleus of cells.
  1. DNA extraction is a routine procedure used
  1. people have made and launched into orbitusing rockets.
  1. DNA cloning is the starting point
  1. to send and receive radio signals for television, phone or internet communications.
  1. An artificial satellite is an object that
  1. as the sum of all its genes.
  1. Gravity is a force that attracts all objects towards each other. People are
  1. attracted towards the Earth and the Earth towards people, the Moon and the Earth are attracted towards each other, and the Sun and the Earth are attracted towards each other.
  1. Communications satellites are used
  1. – a special type of chemical reaction. It occurs between oxygen in the air and some sort of fuel.
  1. The genotype of an organism is defined
  1. of amino acids and coded for by our genes and form the basis of living tissues.
  1. Fire is the visible effect of the process of combustion 
  1. for many genetic engineering approaches to biotechnology research
  1. Because titanium is lightweight, stable, heat-resistant and easy to work with,
  1. as well as the physical and chemical environment they live in.
  1. An ecosystem is made up of animals, plants and bacteria 
  1. it also finds many uses in aviation and aerospace applications.

Do you believe that science will make our world better?

Познакомьтесь с текстом и напишите отсутствующие  абзацы, максимально используя средства логической связи и ключевые слова.




Do you believe that science will make our world better?


Few people would doubt  that science will make our world better and has already done so. Yet, there are skeptics who disagree with this point of view and draw very horrible prospects for mankind.

Arguments “for”

I can say a few ideas in favor of scientific progress as a breakthrough   of human development. Firstly, the Internet and new technologies that have revolutionized the world are the products of science. Secondly, medical progress would have been impossible without scientific research. Thirdly, genetic engineering is the field of science with a very promising future without genetic diseases.

Arguments “against”


Nuclear energy

Computers and gadgets

Environmental pollution

Your opinion

Responsibility of people

Controlling situation


As you can see, success of science proves that it can really make our world better and not worse but this depends on how wisely people use scientific achievements, how responsible the y are for their behavior and activity.

Do you believe that science will make our world better?

Познакомьтесь с текстом и напишите отсутствующие  абзацы, максимально используя средства логической связи и ключевые слова.




Do you believe that science will make our world better?


Few people would doubt  that science will make our world better and has already done so. Yet, there are skeptics who disagree with this point of view and draw very horrible prospects for mankind.

Arguments “for”

New technologies

Medical breakthroughs

Genetic engeneering

Arguments “against”


Nuclear energy

Computers and gadgets

Environmental pollution

Having said that, I am fully aware that some  scientific discoveries may bring people destruction, diseases and even extinction of life. For example, nuclear energy is capable of running vast territories of our plant. Besides, computer-based gadgets can damage eyes and do harm by causing heart problems. To continue, pollution of the environment  is a consequence of technological progress and may result  in making our earth uninhabitable.

Your opinion

Responsibility of people

Controlling situation


As you can see, success of science proves that it can really make our world better and not worse but this depends on how wisely people use scientific achievements, how responsible the y are for their behavior and activity.

Mach the sentences, write them down and translate

  1. Proteins are molecules made
  1. to isolate DNA from the nucleus of cells.
  1. DNA extraction is a routine procedure used
  1. people have made and launched into orbitusing rockets.
  1. DNA cloning is the starting point
  1. to send and receive radio signals for television, phone or internet communications.
  1. An artificial satellite is an object that
  1. as the sum of all its genes.
  1. Gravity is a force that attracts all objects towards each other. People are
  1. attracted towards the Earth and the Earth towards people, the Moon and the Earth are attracted towards each other, and the Sun and the Earth are attracted towards each other.
  1. Communications satellites are used
  1. – a special type of chemical reaction. It occurs between oxygen in the air and some sort of fuel.
  1. The genotype of an organism is defined
  1. of amino acids and coded for by our genes and form the basis of living tissues.
  1. Fire is the visible effect of the process of combustion 
  1. for many genetic engineering approaches to biotechnology research
  1. Because titanium is lightweight, stable, heat-resistant and easy to work with,
  1. as well as the physical and chemical environment they live in.
  1. An ecosystem is made up of animals, plants and bacteria 
  1. it also finds many uses in aviation and aerospace applications.

  1. Proteins are molecules made of amino acids and coded for by our genes and form the basis of living tissues.
  2. DNA extraction is a routine procedure used to isolate DNA from the nucleus of cells.
  3. DNA cloning is the starting point for many genetic engineering approaches to biotechnology research.
  4. An artificial satellite is an object that people have made and launched into orbitusing rockets.
  5. Gravity is a force that attracts all objects towards each other. People are attracted towards the Earth and the Earth towards people, the Moon and the Earth are attracted towards each other, and the Sun and the Earth are attracted towards each other.
  6. Communications satellites are used to send and receive radio signals for television, phone or internet communications. 
  7. The genotype of an organism is defined as the sum of all its genes.
  8. Fire is the visible effect of the process of combustion – a special type of chemical reaction. It occurs between oxygen in the air and some sort of fuel. 
  9. An ecosystem is made up of animals, plants and bacteria as well as the physical and chemical environment they live in.
  10. Because titanium is lightweight, stable, heat-resistant and easy to work with, it also finds many uses in aviation and aerospace applications.

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