презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме




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Слайд 1

. The topic of our lesson is “Tolerance and lessons in kindness” The word tolerance comes from Latin word “tolerantia” with means patience. Tolerance is the ability of a man for understanding another person. Tolerance is the unit of 3 characteristics: a different opinion taken into consideration, expression of sympathy and compassion, exception of world-varied values. November,16 1995. The United Nations Organization adopted the Declaration of Tolerance Principles. This day was declared the Day of Tolerance. 2009 was announced as a year of equal opportunities for all young people in Russia no matter normal or disabled, black or white, Moscow or provincial .

Слайд 3

How do you understand “tolerance?” 1. to understand each other 2. Don’t quarrel 3. to live by joyful life 4. to respect each other 5. to help each other 6. to protect weak 7. to respect children and elderly people. 8. to be attentive 9. don’t forget about politeness 10. shouldn’t judge people by their looks 11. to live in accordance with human rights 12. to observed all rules and laws.

Слайд 4

An Occasion at the Bus Station It was very hot that day. On my way home, my bus stopped and I got off at the bus station. At once I noticed a man lying on a bench. All the people saw him and just shrieked with laughter. They thought he was drunk. But he wasn’t. Boys standing not far from the bench giggled loudly. One of them pointed to the bench, and said “Look at that old drunk.” Only one man stopped next to this person. All the people around turned and watched. This man turned to the boys and said: “What are you laughing at? He can be sick. It’s very hot today. Why don’t you understand that?” The boys stopped laughing at once. The boys looked down. They looked ashamed . The man talked to the sick man, the man that the boys called “drunk”. But he was not drunk. He was sick because of the sun and the high temperature . He stood up with the help of that man and they walked away. I saw them going to the pharmacy . That was the lesson I will never forget. We were all indifferent to a person in need. We are all people. We should help if someone needs help. That is one reason we are living on the Earth.

Слайд 5

An Occasion at the Bus Station Understanding the Story 1. Why did the people notice the man? 2. Why did they laugh at him? 3. What did the kind man do? 4. What do you conclude? What does this story teach you?

Слайд 6

Good Friends Are the Best Medicine I was nine years old when I had a sore throat. My mother called the doctor. He came and examined me. He took my temperature which was very high, and examined my throat. He told my mother to take me to the hospital at once. I was left alone in the ward and felt quite lonely and depressed. A nurse woke me up in the morning and made me take some medicine. I was lying, thinking how lonely I was. Suddenly I heard a knock at the window. At first I thought it wasn’t for me. Then I heard it again. I went to the window, looked out and saw my friends standing under the window. They had come to see me before going to school. “ Hi,Masha. We heard you were sick, so we decided to visit you before classes. We are sorry you are not with us.” “ I’m much better now. My temperature is not high today. I think they will let me leave the hospital soon. I am bored to death, with nothing to do. It is so nice of you to come and see me. How are you all?” “ Everything is OK with us. We miss you and need you at school. The teacher said to tell you hello and wishes you to be well soon. We are waiting for you.” I thanked them for coming. My temperature went down, maybe because of seeing my friends.

Слайд 7

Good Friends Are the Best Medicine Understanding the Story What do you think is the main idea in this story? 1. Sickness can kill you. 2. Kindness can make you better. 3. Hospitals are boring places. . Describe what it is like is to be in a hospital. Has this happened to you?

Слайд 8

My Younger Sister My mother has taught me to take care of Nina, my younger sister, and that we should always be ready to help each other in difficult times. One day my sister came home in tears. “Nina, what’s the matter with you? Why are you crying?” I asked. “ Nothing,” she said. “Something has got into my eye. Everything is OK,Vitya.” “ I can see that something is troubling you.” Finally she said, “Someone hurt me today.” “ Tell me about it.” Then she told her story. “During the break the boys were laughing loudly. I asked them to be quiet but then they were rude to me, saying it was silly for me to tell them how to behave. I know they wanted to show everybody that they were cool.” I listened. I wanted to help her so much, because I am happy to have a little sister who trusts me. “I think those boys wanted to attract your attention. They don’t know that classmates must be tolerant and respect each other,” I explained.

Слайд 9

My Younger Sister 1. Have you got a brother or a sister? 2. Have you good or bad relations with him/her? 3. Describe your relations between you and your sister/brother. what the lesson is in the story ?

Слайд 10

. Let`s keep in mind that youth is a wonderful thing that happens only once. Be positive and tolerant! Enjoy your youth!

Слайд 11

: !

Слайд 13

. So you see that it`s necessary to bring up our feelings and emotions, to train tolerance, to build the new inner world in every soul and every family: the world of love, sympathy, compassion and tolerance. Dear friends! Thank you very much for attending our discussion and sharing your opinions with us.

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