Грамматический материал по английскому языку
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме

Герасимова Анастасия Владимировна

Грамматический материал представленный здесь представляю очень  удоб в использовании т.к. вы можете распечатать грамматические темы вместе с упражнениями к ним.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Предложения с глаголом to be

Глагол to be имеет значение «находиться» (с последующим обстоятельством места) и «являться» как глагол-связка (с последующим существительным, прилагательным, числительным).

У глагола to be окраски никакой нет, а форм ... целых семь! Три формы am, is, are нужны ему в настоящем времени, две формы was, were – в прошедшем времени и две формы shall be, will be – в будущем времени. И варьируются эти формы в зависимости от числа и лица местоимения или существительного, выступающего в роли подлежащего.

Таблица 1. Формы глагола to be









I am

You are

He, She, It} is

We are

You are

They are

1-е лицо

2-е лицо

3-е лицо




I was

You were

He, She, It} was

We were

You were

They were

1-е лицо

2-е лицо

3-е лицо




I shall be

You will be

He, She, It} will be

We shall be

You will be

They will be

1-е лицо

2-е лицо

3-е лицо

Как очевидно из таблицы 1, во множественном числе все слова (ведь вместо конкретного местоимения мы можем употребить подходящее по смыслу существительное) имеют одну и ту же форму для конкретного времени. Лишь в будущем времени The Future Indefinite Tense картина слегка меняется: форма shall be применима к 1-му лицу обоих чисел, a will be – ко 2, 3 лицам обоих чисел.

В настоящем времени глагол to be имеет формы am для 1-го лица единственного числа, is – для 3-го лица единственного числа и are для всех остальных лиц.

I am a pupil. He is a teacher. You are pupils.

Сокращенные формы следующие:

I am = I'm, he is = he's, we are = we're

• Вопросительная форма образуется путем изменения порядка слов, т. е. глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Are you a teacher? Is he a pupil?

Ваши ответы могут быть краткими и полными:

Yes, I am. Yes, I'm a teacher. Yes, he is. Yes, he is a pupil.

• Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицания not, которое ставится после глагола:

Не is not a teacher.

Сокращенные формы:

is not = isn't, are not = aren't

We aren't pupils. He isn't a teacher.

Ваши ответы могут быть краткими или полными:

– Are you a pupil? – No, I am not. No, I'm not a pupil.  

– Is it a book? – No, it isn't. No, it is not. No, it isn't a book.

Формы глагола to be связывают части предложения или являются составной частью таких грамматических форм, как времена группы Continuous или страдательный залог.

Давайте сравним русские и английские предложения.

Стол круглый. Моя мама – инженер.

В русском-то языке глаголами-сказуемыми в данных примерах и не пахнет. Ну, а в английском языке царит порядок во всем. Поэтому мы выбираем для обоих примеров связку is, так как и «стол», и «мама» – существительные 3 лица единственного числа. И получаем переводы: A table is round. My mother is an engineer.

Предложения с глаголом to be

Упражнение 1. Употребите нужную форму – am, is, are

1. I ... Peter. 2. He ... busy. 3. Taxis ... black in Great Britain. 4. We ... friends. 5. They ... from England. 6. It ... a book. 7. I ... very sorry, I ... late. 8. My sister ... a student. 9. I ... all right, thank you. 10. You ... welcome.

Упражнение 2. Спросите говорящего, так ли это на самом деле (употребите слово really). Образец: My mother is at home. Is your mother really at home?

1. My friend is only 12. 2. I am from Oxford. 3. My hobby is tennis. 4. We are busy now. 5. He is happy. 6. His father is 35. 7. My telephone number is 1-44-37. 8. This book is on the table. 9. They are in the class-room. 10. She is fine.

Упражнение 3. Дайте отрицательный ответ в полной форме. Образец: Are you a student? No, I am not a student.

1. Are you from America? 2. Is your mother at work now? 3. Is your friend 14? 4. Are you all right now? 5. Are the boys in the class-room? 6. Is it a map of Great Britain? 7. Is your hobby art? 8. Is December an autumn month? 9. Are his favourite sports hockey and football? 10. Is her flat in this street?

Упражнение 4. Прочитайте письмо, вставив пропущенные слова am, is, are. Ответьте на вопросы, которые задает Jane.

Dear Ann,

My name … Jane. I … twelve. I … a pupil of the 5th  form. … you a pupil? I have a cat and a turtle. My cat … grey and fat. My pets … funny. I like my pets. Have you a pet? … it funny?

Bye. Jane.

Упражнение 5. Вставьте слова am, is или are.

1. These books … good.

2. The boys … good at school.

3. You … clever.

4. I … from Russia.

5. His grandfather … old.

6. Their address … long.

7. You … nice.

Упражнение 6. Вставьте слова am, are, is.

1. My name … Helen.

2. Where … your friend? He … at home.

3. Where … my cats? They … under the table.

4. He … my friend. His name … Robert. He … twelve.

5. How … you? I … fine.

Предложения с глаголом to have

Глагол to have употребляется в значении «иметь», «обладать». В настоящем времени он имеет две формы: has – 3-е лицо единственного числа и to have для всех остальных лиц.

I have a cat. He has a parrot. They have a flat.

• Вопросительная форма образуется путем изменения порядка слов.

Have you a pen?

В современном английском языке образование вопросительной формы возможно и при помощи вспомогательного глагола do, does.

– Do you have a brother?

– Yes, I do. No, I don't.

• Отрицательная форма в кратком ответе образуется путем прибавления отрицательной частицы not (или n't) к глаголу to have.

– Have you a dog?

– No, I have not. No, I haven't.

Полная отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицания no перед существительным (артикль перед существительным не употребляется).

I have по dog. Не has no brother.

Отрицание not употребляется перед числительным, неопределенным местоимением any и в сокращенной форме haven't, hasn't.

I have not two pencils, I have only one.

I have not any English books, I haven't a pencil.

В разговорной речи have часто заменяется have got.

Have you got a brother? = Have you a brother?

В отрицательном предложении вы можете употребить следующие варианты:

They have no children. = They haven't got children. = They don't have children.

Глагол to have входит в состав некоторых сочетаний: to have breakfast, to have dinner, to have lunch, to have supper, to have a walk, to have a talk. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы глагола to have в данных сочетаниях образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола do/does.

Do you have supper in the kitchen? – Yes, I do. No, I don't.

Does he have dinner at home? – Yes, he does. No, he does not have dinner at home.

Предложения с глаголом to have

Упражнение 1. Употребите нужную форму have, has

I. I ... a sister. 2. We ... a good flat. 3. They ... many books. 4. He ... two sons. 5. This teacher ... many pupils. 6. She ... got a cycle. 7. ... he got a camera? 8. The house ... no garden. 9. We ... no car. 10. Jane ... got many friends.

Упражнение 2. Дайте краткий отрицательный ответ.

Образец: Have you got a car? No, we haven't.

1. Is it a Russian book? 2. Have you got many English books? 3. Has your teacher many books? 4. Has your mother a son? 5. Have you got a knife? 6. Have you got any brothers or sisters? 7. Does Ann have a garden? 8. Have you got a watch? 9. Are you very busy today? 10. Is your brother 10?

Упражнение 3. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. has, Jack, pens, black, books, and, big.

2. eight, some, the, lessons, at, children, o′clock, have.

3. a, I, big, have, family.

4. a, and, turtle, Mr. Smith, monkeys, two, has.

5. got, what, has, Iris, animals?

Упражнение 4. Употребите в предложениях have или has.

1. What pets … people got?

2. Nina … a blue dress.

3. This hen … a yellow chicken and that hen … a white chicken.

4. Bears and turtles … shot tails.

5. What does Perry … for breakfast? He … porridge and scones with cream and jam.

6. Linda … many friends at school.

7. All boys and girls in the class … books and pens.

8. You … a beautiful smile and blue eyes.

9. We … got a pet. His name is Myth.

10. Old McDonald … a farm.

Упражнение 5. Сделайте предложения отрицательными или вопросительными.

1. John usually has got a big dinner at 4 o′clock.

2. I have got four books in my bag.

3. The hare has got long ears.

4. The boy and the girl have got a very funny puppy.

5. Tom has got English lessons on Mondays and Fridays.

Упражнение 6. Составьте предложения.

1. letter, I, for, stamp, this, have, a.

2. The, school-bags, their, children, their, have, in, books.

3. has, take, and, a, photos, can, camera, John, he, some.

4. we, museum, enough, visit, time, have, to, Do, the.

5. sisters, you, many, have, do, How?

Упражнение 7. Выберите нужное слово have или has.

1. Iris … a lot of friends. Her friends … many toys.

2. Our zoo … got coyotes, iguanas and exotic vipers.

3. …  you got a pet shop in your place?

4. Pete and Tom … kind parents.

5. This girl … one cat and two cats, but I … no dogs.

6. How many rabbits … that boy? He … eleven rabbits.

7. We … many mistakes in our dictation.

8. Mary … an elder sister.

9.All mothers … kind hearts.

10. Lil and Inga usually … their supper at 8 p. m.

Предложения с оборотом there is и there are

Данный оборот употребляется в тех случаях, когда говорящий хочет подчеркнуть наличие или отсутствие какого-либо предмета или лица в определенном месте. Оборот всегда начинает предложение, а обстоятельство места его заканчивает. В русском языке наоборот, обстоятельство места начинает предложение: «В комнате есть стол». There is a table in the room. Существительное – обстоятельство места употребляется всегда с определенным артиклем. Существительное после оборота there is употребляется с неопределенным артиклем, если оно исчисляемое; если оно неисчисляемое, т. е. обозна-чает вещество, пищу, употребляется местоимение some или нулевой артикль.

There is a pen on the table.

There is some tea in the cup.

Существительное после there are употребляется во множественном числе с нулевым артиклем или c местоимением  some:

There are some books on the shelf.

Если в предложении с данным оборотом имеется несколько существительных, то глагол согласуется с первым из них.

There is a pen, a pencil and some books on the table.


There are some books, a pen and a pencil on the table.

Структура предложения меняется, если вы хотите подчеркнуть не наличие предмета (лица) в определенном месте, а его местонахождение. В таком случае употребляется предложение с глаголом to be и начинается оно с существительного с определенным артиклем.

The pencil is on the table.

Предложения с оборотом there is и there are

Упражнение  1. Употребите нужную форму is, are.

1. There ... a garden near my house. 2. There ... pencils in the pencil-box. 3. There ... some milk in the glass. 4. There ... 3 boys in the classroom. 5. There ... many flowers in the vase. 6. There ... some children in the garden. 7. There ... 2 windows in the room. 8. There ... a pen and some pencils on the table. 9. There ... two English and one Russian book on the shelf. 10. There ... some coffee in the cup.

Упражнение  2. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

Образец: There is a school near ту house. There is no school near my house.

1. There are beds in the room. 2. There is a window here. 3. There is a telephone in the flat. 4. There are cups on the table. 5. There are two sandwiches on the plate. 6. There is some jam in the glass. 7. She is 10. 8. You have got a piano in the room. 9. I am all right. 10. He has a grand mother.

Упражнение  3. Поставьте вопросы, на которые следующие предложения могли быть ответами.

Образец: No, there are no boys in the class-room. Are there boys in the class-room?

1. No, I am not 16. 2. No, there is no tea in the cup. 3. Yes, he has a dog. 4. Yes, the pen is long. 5. No, she hasn't got a cousin. 6. No, the boy isn't from Africa. 7. No, her hobby isn't photography. 8. Yes, there are many English books in the library. 9. No, there is no radio in the room. 10. Yes, there is a park in our town.

Упражнение  4. Перепишите предложения, подчеркивая местонахождение предмета или лица.

Образец: There is a parrot in the cage. The parrot is in the cage.

1. There is a girl in the garden. 2. There is a glass on the table. 3. There are cups on the table. 4. There is a television-set near the window. 5. There are bags on the shelf. 6. There are children in the yard. 7. There are chairs near the table. 8. There is a piano in the corner. 9. There is a bird in the cage. 10. There is some chalk in my hand.

Упражнение 5. Составьте предложения со словами there is / there are.

1. (a book / on my brother’s desk)

2. (a map / on the wall)

3. (three windows / in John’s room)

4. (many children / in the classroom)

5. (a nice picture / in the book)

Упражнение 6. Вставьте слова is /  are.

1. There … birds in the zoo.

2. There … some grass under the tree.

3. There … a baby lion near his parents.

4. There … four seasons in a year.

5. There … a beautiful dress on the bed.

Упражнение 7. Составьте предложения с выражениями there is или there are.

(a book / on my desk) – There is a book on my desk.

1. (a map / on the wall)

2. (three windows / in the room)

3. (many books / on the bookshelf)

4. (sixteen children / in the classroom)

5. (a nice picture / in the book)

6. (a toy / on the shelf)

7. (seven dogs / on the sofa)

8. (five rooms / in the flat)

9. (a pencil / on the desk)

10. (twelve bananas / in the vase)

Упражнение 8. Вставьте слова is / are  в нужной форме.

1. There … a lot of interesting places in Britain.

2. … there four cinemas and a theatre in your city?

3. There … a supermarket and many shops here.

4. There … any cafes near my house.

5. There … a beautiful rose in the vase.

6. … there a  book and ten pens?

7. There … a lot of toys in the box.

8. There … two mistakes in these labels, find them.

9. There … a big old sofa in the room.

10. There … any pictures in this book.

Упражнение 9. Составьте предложения.

1. animals, in, many, there, are, forest, the.

2. a, ball, green, there, under, is, bed, the? – no, is, there, not.

3. is, much, jam, tea, for, there? – yes, is, much, there.

4. many, are, there, in, frogs, lake, the? – not, are, there, no.

5. dish, the, a, fish, there is, on? – no, is, not, there.

Упражнение 10. Вставьте слова is или are.

1. There … two girls at home.

2. There … many trees in the street.

3. Look! There … jam on your skirt.

4. There … a big apple tree in their garden.

5. There … some new words in the book.

6. There … some water in the cup.

7. There … five boys in the yard.

8. There … a mouse in the house.

9. There … three rooms and a kitchen in our flat.

10. There … a lot of beautiful parks and gardens in our town.

Основные характеристики времен группы Indefinite

(Неопределенные времена)

Уже в самом названии этих трех времен: The Present Indefinite (настоящее неопределенное), The Past Indefinite (прошедшее неопределенное) и The Future Indefinite (будущее неопределенное) говорится о том, что все они обозначают постоянно происходящие, происходившие действия, или действия, которые произойдут в будущем, причем в отдаленном (не завтра и не на этой неделе). Говорящих не интересует ни то, каков характер протекания действия, ни то, связано ли данное действие каким-либо образом с другим действием. Русскими аналогами предложений с глаголами в форме одного из указанных времен являются:

1. Для Present Indefinite. – Я живу в Волгограде (постоянно живу). Мой брат работает на металлургическом заводе.

2. Для Past Indefinite. – Пять лет назад мы переехали на новую квартиру. Позавчера шел сильный дождь.

3. Для Future Indefinite. – В этом году мой отпуск начнется 10 июля.

The Present Indefinite служит для констатации факта совершения действия, часто происходящего постоянно. Оно употребляется также для обозначения действия, присущего лицу или предмету, обозначенному подлежащим. Очень часто в составе предложения с этим-временем фигурируют наречия времени: today – сегодня, every day – каждый день, every morning – каждое утро, usually – обычно, always – всегда, often – часто, seldom – редко, sometimes – иногда и др.

Cочетания типа every day, every morning ставятся обычно в конце предложения. Наречия usually, often, seldom, always, sometimes и т. д. ставятся перед смысловым глаголом. Однако эти же наречия ставятся после форм глагола to be в повествовательном предложении. А наречие sometimes может стоять и в самом начале предложения.

He often reads English books. – Он часто читает английские книги.

He does his morning exercises every day. – Он делает зарядку каждый день.

Sometimes we have tests. – Иногда мы пишем контрольные.

Давайте теперь вместе проанализируем приведенные после правила 22 примеры: у глагола в примерах 1 и 2 имеется окончание -s, -es. Это признак 3-его лица единственного числа (он, она, оно). Во всех остальных случаях для обозначения данного времени мы применяем первую форму глагола (так называемую словарную форму).

В вопросах любого типа требуются вспомогательные глаголы do (множественное число + 1, 2 лицо единственного числа), does (3 лицо единственного числа).

Смысловой глагол употребляется при наличии вспомогательных глаголов в первой форме.

Где ты живешь? – Where do you live? (специальный вопрос).

Он ничего не знает об этом. – Не knows nothing about it. = He doesn't know anything about it. (отрицание).

Он любит играть на гитаре или скрипке? – Does he like to play guitar or violin? (альтернативный вопрос).

В специальных вопросах после слов «кто, что, кто из» в функции подлежащего вспомогательный глагол не нужен!

Кто каждый день ходит на прогулку? – Who goes for a walk every day? (окончание -s, -es – сохраняется).

The Past Indefinite Tense употребляется при описании действий, состоявшихся в прошлом. Обозначается данное время второй формой глагола. Вспомогательным глаголом всех лиц и чисел является глагол did.

В прошлом году я купил новый телевизор. – Last year I bought a new TV-set.

Общий вопрос: Did you buy a new TV-set last year?

Специальные вопросы:

What did you buy last year? – Что вы купили в прошлом году?

Who bought a new TV-set last year? – Кто в прошлом году купил новый телевизор?

Разделительный вопрос: You bought a new TV-set last year, didn' you?

Как видно из примеров, 2-я форма глагола в вопросах, а также отрицаниях меняется на 1-ю форму. Исключением опять-таки выступают слова who, what, which of в функции подлежащего. После них сохраняется 2-я форма смыслового глагола.

Основная сложность при переводе с русского на английский, да и вообще при составлении предложений в Past Indefinite Tense состоит в том, чтобы правильно образовать саму форму прошедшего времени. Дело в том, что формы прошедшего времени у глаголов в английском языке образуются по-разному, в зависимости от того, относится ли данный глагол к Regular Verbs, т. е. правильным глаголам или к Irregular Verbs, т. е. неправильным глаголам.

Так, глагол buy – покупать (2-я форма – bought) или глагол sit (2-я форма – sat) неправильные, а вот глаголы receive – получать и notice – замечать что-либо (2-я форма – received, noticed) – правильные.

Если глагол образует 2-ю и 3-ю формы прошедшего времени и Participle II (причастие II) с помощью окончаний -d, -ed, он относится к правильным. Ну, а если нет, то он считается неправильным. Вот лишь несколько примеров:

1-я форма

2-я форма

3-я форма

read [ri:d]

read [red]

read [red]

написание форм одинаково, но произносятся по-разному





put (класть)

cut (резать)

совершенно одинаковы все 3 формы

speak [spi:k]

spoke [spouk]

spoken [spoukn]

do [du:]

did [did]

done [dn] (делать)

Большинство английских глаголов относится к правильным. Ну, а неправильные необходимо просто запомнить. В любом словаре и во многих учебниках имеются сводные таблицы неправильных глаголов.

Past Simple употребляется:

а) для выражения какого-то факта в прошлом:

She finished school last year;

б) для выражения обычно повторяющегося действия в прошлом:

Не always came home from school at 2;

в) в повествовании:

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They lived very happily but they had no children.

The Future Indefinite Tense применяется, если в предложении говорится о некоем действии, которое произойдет когда-нибудь в будущем (причем часто в предложении совершенно отсутствуют обстоятельства времени). Чаще всего данное время служит для описания естественного хода событий, а также для описания действия, которое совершается лишь при определенных условиях и обстоятельствах, выраженных в придаточных предложениях времени и условия.

Shall, will являются вспомогательными глаголами данного времени. Они никак не переводятся, они лишь сигнализируют о том, что в предложении применено The Future Indefinite Tense: shall – для 1-го лица обоих чисел, will – для 2-го и 3-го лица обоих чисел. Схема временной формы: shall, will + 1 форма смыслового глагола (в современной речи имеется тенденция к употреблению лишь формы will).

Я стану архитектором. – I'll be an architect (утверждение).

Я не расскажу Тому о нашем плане. – I won't tell Tom about our plan (отрицание).

Когда мы начнем ремонтировать нашу машину? – When shall (will) we begin to repair our car?

В заключение несколько слов о правилах образования придаточных времени и условия.

Во-первых, они соединяются с главным предложением союзами if, when, after, before, as son as и другими.

Во-вторых, сказуемые в них стоят не в форме будущего (!), а в форме настоящего (!) времени, т. е. мы говорим о будущем действии при помощи формы настоящего времени! Еще один сюрприз страны «Грамматика». Никогда не употребляйте формы The Future Indefinite Tense в придаточном времени и условия!

Я поеду в Москву, как только закончу эту работу. (придаточное времени) – I'll go to Moscow as soon as I finish doing this work.

На выходные мы поедем за город, если будет хорошая погода. (придаточное условия). – We'll go to the country at the weekend, if the weather is good.

Настоящее простое время (Present Simple)

Упражнение 1. Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме:

1. I am a student. 2. I get up at 7 every morning. 3. I have got much free time. 4. My college is far from my house. 5. I go there on foot. 6. I learn English. 7. I have many English books. 8. My friend lives near the college. 9. We go to college together. 10. She likes to read books.

Упражнение 2. Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными:

1. I've got two brothers. 2. He is an engineer. 3. He goes to school at 8. 4. We usually have 6 lessons every day. 5. My friend likes English. 6. We read English well. 7. There are many desks in this class-room. 8. She likes to learn English. 9. Tom goes to bed at 10. 10. I have got a good TV set.

Упражнение 3. Поставьте глагол в 3-ем лице единственного числа. Начинайте каждое предложение со слов: My friend ...

Образец: I usually read books in the evening. My friend usually reads book m the evening.

Обратите внимание на правильное произнесение суффикса -s и -es.

1. I always get up at 7. 2. I wash my face and hands. 3. I don't like to take a shower in the morning. 4. I have breakfast in the kitchen. 5. For breakfast I have a sandwich and a cup of tea. 6. I don't like coffee. 7. I go to school at 8. 8. I have 6 lessons every day. 9. I don't go home by bus. 10. I like to walk.

Упражнение 4. Задайте своему другу вопросы. Начинайте вопросы со слов Do ... Does ...

Образец: I live in this street. And you? Do you live in this street too?

1. I speak English a little. And you? 2. I go to school by bus. And you? 3. I like hot weather. And your father? 4. I play tennis. And your sister? 5. You cook well. And your friend? 6. You watch T. V. every evening. And your parents? 7. You like black coffee. And your mother? 8. I often go to the cinema. And you? 9. I go to bed at 11. And Ann? 10. Your father has dinner at 2. And your mother?

Упражнение 5. Поставьте вопросы, на которые нижеследующие предложения могли бы быть ответами.

Образец: No, I don't like this subject. Do you like this subject?

1. No, my father does not get up at 6. 2. No, I have no brother. 3. Yes, there are newspapers on the table. 4. No, I am not thirsty now. 5. Yes, he plays hockey very well. 6. Yes, he is at work. 7. Yes, there is a cup of coffee on the table. 8. No, there is no sofa in the room. 9. Yes, they have got three bedrooms in the house. 10. No, my mother doesn't go out in the evening.

Упражнение 6. Вставьте глагол в правильной форме.

1.  I … in Moscow. (live, lives)

2. … you like English? (do, does)

3. My friends … German well. (speak, speaks)

4. He … not work at the factory. (do, does)

5. …. Pete often go to the theatre (do, does)?

Упражнение 7. Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefinite.

1. I (not to live) in Moscow Street.

2. They (to go) to school every day?

3. The teacher (to teach) pupils at school.

4. Pete and Kate (to have) a dog.

5. Ann (to be) a teacher.

6. My brother (to work) in a shop?

Упражнение 8. Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefinite.

1. The pupils (to like) to learn English.

2. Kate (to be) a good pupil.

3. They often (to read) a lot of books?

4. Olga (to speak) English at her lessons?

5. The boy (not to carry) books in bags.

6. We usually (to get up) at 7 o'clock.

Упражнение 9. Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefinite.

1. We usually (to retell) texts and (to do) tests at the lessons?

2. Olga (to be) friendly and trendy.

3. I (not to like) to read horror stories about monsters when it (to be) rainy.

4. The pupils (to classify) a lot of words every day?

5. Mary (to advise) me to go to the cinema.

Упражнение 10. Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefinite.

1. Helen (to spend) her spare time in Cambridge?

2. My German teacher (to teach) me to spell words well.

3. Olga and Tanya (not to think) this Disney film (to be) interesting.

4. Lyna’s party (to be) very merry.

5. All children often (to visit) their grandparents in summer?

Упражнение 11. Поставьте предложения в Present Indefinite Tense.

1. The teacher (to ask) us a lot of questions in class every day.

2. My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock?

3. She (not to speak) French well.

4. In the evening we (to watch) TV and (to talk).

5. I often (to go) for a walk after dinner.

6. My mother (to work) at a factory.

7. When your lessons (to begin) on Monday?

8. They (not to read) many books.

Упражнение 12. Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefinite.

1. Michael (not to walk) with his dog in the garden every day.

2. The girl often (to go) to her granny with a basket of food: frog's legs, chocolate's scones and hot porridge in the pot.

3. Tom and Mary (to live) in a house in the wood?

4. When the weather (to be) good she (to walk) around the pond to collect frogs.

5. They often (to go) boating

Прошедшее простое время (Past Simple)

Упражнение 1. Измените данные предложения, употребляя Past Simple и наречия yesterday, last year, some days ago, где это необходимо.

1. I often watch TV. 2. I am very busy today. 3. He has a nice dog. 4. My father works at a plant. 5. The boys like to play football. 6. My friend lives in Moscow. 7. We love this book. 8. They translate newspapers every day. 9. He often phones his friend. 10. Do you play hockey in winter?

Упражнение 2. Употребите вопросительную форму.

1. I got up at 7. 2. His father was an engineer. 3. The children like to play football. 4. I didn't swim last year. 5. His friend came home yesterday at 6. 6. The weather was fine yesterday. 7. We decided to go in boat. 8. My father likes to read newspapers. 9. I sometimes watch TV in the evening. 10. He usually goes to bed at 10.

Упражнение 3. Употребите отрицательную форму.

1. I clean my teeth two times a day. 2. He met me at the station. 3. The book was interesting. 4. My father went to work by bus. 5. The children liked this film. 6. Tom always listened to classical music. 7. I wrote a letter to my friend yesterday. 8. We played hockey in the yard. 9. It is not in the house. 10. She is always glad to see his friends.

Упражнение 4. Употребите формы глагола to be: was или were, wasn't или weren't.

1. I phoned her yesterday but she ... at home. 2. Where ... you yesterday at 2? 3. She finished school when she ... 16. 4. Tom ... at work last week because he ... ill. 5. My father ... at home at 5 p.m. He came only at 7. 6. He ... quite happy with his family. 7. The children ... at home when I came to them. They ... in the garden. 8. Charlie Chaplin died in 1978. He ... a famous film star. 9. The shops ... open yesterday because it ... a public holiday. 10. This time last year I …  in Paris.

Упражнение 5. Поставьте вопросы, употребляя when, where.

1. I was born in 1969. 2. He went to the park yesterday. 3. They got up at 7. 4. The meeting finished at 2. 5. My mother was busy at an office. 6. She saw her girl-friend in the park. 7. I lived in Oxford last year. 8. They finished school in 1993. 9. We met her at the station. 10. The weather was cold yesterday.

Упражнение 6.  Напишите 2-ю форму следующих глаголов:

to read, to want, to know, to visit, to tell, to open, to write, to close, to make, to study, to say, to play, to come, to see.

Упражнение 7.  Напишите инфинитив следующих глаголов:

was, had, answered, studied, saw, played, worked, wrote, opened, looked, were, did, became, went, understood.

Упражнение 8.  Напишите предложения в форме прошедшего времени.

1. The lessons begin at 8 o’clock .

2. When the teacher comes into the room, the children stand up.

3. Some children do not know their lesson.

4. The pupils read English texts at the lessons.

5. He does not understand the teacher.

Упражнение 9.  Вставьте глаголы в Past Indefinite.

1. She … Russian and did not … any mistakes (to speak, to make).

2. She did not … her things in the right place (to put).

3. Did you … the portrait of Walter Scott in the room? (to see)

4. She didn’t … her child to the party (to take).

5. I … up and … to him (to stand, to go).

Упражнение 10. Вставьте глаголы was или were.

1. The bus stop … not far from the hotel.

2. There … a lot of new modern buildings in your city.

3. The weather … very fine.

4. There … a supermarket in the center of the town.

5. We … in the museum last week.

6. Who … absent yesterday?

Упражнение 11. Поставьте предложения в Past Indefinite Tense.

1. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.

2. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday.

3. Your sister (to take) a bus to get to work?

4. She (to help) her mother to clean the flat two days ago.

5. Mr. Huckster (to work) in the USA in 1998.

6. I (not to read) much during my holidays.

7. Where you (to buy) this ring?

8. The guests (to say) good-buy and (to leave) the house.

n summer?

Будущее простое время (Future Simple)

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя Future Simple. Начинайте предложения с I think ..., I don't think ….

Образец: I'll go to the concert tomorrow. And you?

I think I'll go to the concert too, или I don't think I'll go to the concert tomorrow.

1. Tom will go to the library. And you? 2. Jack will make a report at the conference. And Bob? 3. We shall go to the British Museum. And you? 4. I'll buy this book. And you? 5. I'll be at home at 7. And you? 6. Bill will play football tomorrow. And Jack? 7. We shall have a plate of soup. And you? 8. They will visit the National Museum. And you? 9. We shall have dinner at 5. And you? 10. I'll have a cup of tea. And you?

Упражнение 2. Укажите номера предложений, сказуемое которых стоит в Future Indefinite Tense, объясните почему.

1. She went there.

2. She wants to go there.

3. She will go there.

4. We shall read this book.

5. Do you live in Volgograd?

6. They will not go to the theatre.

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски глаголами в правильной форме.

1. I … live in Moscow in May (shall, will).

2. … you study French next year? (shall, will).

3. He … take this book from the library tomorrow (shall, will).

4. We … not have lesson tomorrow (shall, will).

5. They … send her a letter in two days (shall, will).

Упражнение 4. Вставьте слова shall или will.

1. They … go to the village on their summer holidays.

2. We … sing a lot of songs at the concert.

3. Her birthday … be on the 18th of October.

4. Mrs. Smith … take part in our competition.

5. It … rain soon.

6. I … get up early tomorrow morning.

Упражнение 5. Поставьте предложения в Future Indefinite Tense.

1. I (not to eat) ice-cream tomorrow.

2. What your brother (to do) next week?

3. I (to invite) my friends to come to my place in a few days.

4. They (to write) a dictation tomorrow.

5. Wait a moment. I (to call) my chief.

6. What we (to do) next?

7. He (not to give) you your money back.

8. Where you (to spend) your next summer?

Что нужно всем нам знать и помнить о длительных временах

группы  Continuous

Какие категории присущи английским глаголам? Это, прежде всего, время, залог, число. Отсутствует у глаголов, как и других основных частей речи английского языка, категория рода (впрочем, она им и не присуща).

Самое главное здесь научиться разбираться во временах различных групп:

Indefinite – неопределенные;

Perfect – перфектные;

Continuous – длительные;

Perfect Continuous – перфектно-длительные.

Начнем мы наше знакомство с системой английских глагольных форм с длительных времен (Continuous Tenses).

Для начала проанализируем простую ситуацию:

Ann is in her car now. She is on her way to work. She is driving her car.  Анна находится сейчас в своей машине. Она едет на работу. Она ведет свою машину.

В первых двух предложениях сказуемое стоит в форме глагола-связки to be. В третьем предложении в состав сказуемого помимо формы глагола to be входит также слово driving. Это причастие I (Participle I) от глагола to drive. В третьем предложении мы и видим форму «настоящего длительного времени» (The Present Continuous Tense). Форма эта состоит из двух частей:

а) форма глагола to be, соответствующая данному времени (Present) и подлежащему she;

б) неизменная форма причастия I (Participle I), образованная от нужного нам глагола при помощи окончания -ing.

В третьем предложении нашей ситуации говорится о действии, которое совершается в определенный момент (действие началось некоторое время назад, совершается сейчас и будет продолжаться еще какое-то время). Именно такие действия и обозначаются при помощи Present, Past, Future Continuous. Как правило, в русском языке соответствующими предложениям из группы Continuous выступают предложения со сказуемыми несовершенного вида. Сравните:

Сейчас я сижу и читаю. (Что делаю?) – I am sitting and reading now. (Достаточно после подлежащего один раз указать форму глагола to be, независимо от общего числа сказуемых).

Вчера весь вечер мы играли в футбол. – We were playing football all evening long yesterday.

При постановке вопроса любого из известных нам типов или при изменении утверждения на отрицание, причастие I остается неизменным и всегда стоит после подлежащего. Форма глагола to be ставится в вопросах впереди подлежащего, за исключением вопросов к подлежащему, начинающихся со слов Who? – Кто? и Which of? – Кто из? В этих случаях в вопросе полностью сохраняется порядок слов утверждения. Сравните:

Общий вопрос:

Они сейчас разговаривают? – Are they talking now? (Present Continuous)

Специальный вопрос:

а) Что вы сейчас делаете? – What are you doing now? (Present Continuous)

б) Кто там шумит? (вопрос к подлежащему) – Who is making noise there? (структура предложения как в утверждении).

Paзделительный вопрос:

Сегодня утром вы писали статью, не так ли? – Today in the morning you were writing an article, weren't you? (Past Continuous) (во второй части повторяются форма глагола to be и подлежащее).


Мы сейчас ничего не делаем. – We aren't doing anything now = We are doing nothing now.

При наличии в тексте отрицательного местоимения nothing (ничто) или nobody (никто) сказуемое никогда (!) не отрицается.

Далеко не все английские глаголы могут образовывать эту временную форму. Ведь для данных времен основным значением является обозначение процесса, действия в развитии (есть начало, есть продолжение и есть окончание). Но не все глаголы могут обозначать некий процесс. Соответственно, для них нет форм Present, Past, Future Continuous. Ниже я привожу список наиболее важных глаголов, не использующихся во временах группы Continuous (с переводом на русский язык):

want – хотеть, need – нуждаться, like – нравиться, prefer – предпочитать, love – любить (кого-либо), hate – ненавидеть, belong – принадлежать (кому-либо), see – видеть, hear – слышать, know – знать, believe – полагать, считать, suppose – предполагать, realize – осознать, remember – помнить, forget – забыть, mean – подразумевать, означать, think – в значении «полагать», seem – казаться, have – в значении «обладать чем-либо».

Настоящее продолженное время

(Present Continuous – Present Progressive)

Present Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в Present Simple + причастие I смыслового глагола (-ing – форма).

I am speaking English now.

Are you cooking now?

No, 1 am not cooking. No, I am not.

Present Progressive употребляется для обозначения действия в развитии в момент речи, обычно со словами now, right now. She is writing a report in the library now.

Прошедшее продолженное время

(Past Progressive – Past Continuous)

Past Progressive (Past Continuous) образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в Past Simple (was/were) + причастие I основного глагола (-ing – форма).

He was reading a book at 6.

Were you cooking when I came to you?

She was not playing the piano.

Past Progressive  обозначает:

1. Действие в развитии в определенный момент в прошлом. Этот момент может быть выражен либо определенным временем (at 5), либо придаточным предложением времени с глаголом в Past Simple (when ...)

I was learning English at 3 o'clock yesterday.

He was reading a book when the telephone rang.

2. Действие, происходившее в определенный период времени в прошлом: all day long, the whole morning, from 3 till 6 и т. д.

The boys werНастоящее продолженное время (Present Continuous)

Упражнение 1. Употребите am/is/are:

1. What ... Tom doing now? He ... reading in the library. 2. Sorry, I ... very busy now. I ... writing a report. 3. The boys ... playing volleyball at the stadium. 4. They ... watching TV. It ... an interesting film. 5. What ... you doing, Mary? I ... listening to the new song. It ... so nice. 6. What language ... they speaking? I don't understand them. They ... speaking Spanish. 7. Where ... you, Bill? I ... in the sitting-room. I ... reading here. 8. Where ... Ben from? He ... from the USA. 9. Look, he ... driving a car very well. 10. Listen, somebody ... singing in the hall.

Упражнение 2. Употребите Present Simple или Present Progressive.

1. Excuse me, you (speak) English? – Yes, a little. 2. What ... she (do)? – She is a teacher. 3. Sorry, I am very busy. I (to have) a lesson. 4. We ... three English lessons a week. 5. He usually (come) home at 3. 6. He is a good tennis player. But he ... (play) very often. 7. Where they (play)? – They ... at the stadium. 8. He often (clean) windows? – Yes, he often (help) his mother. 9. Why you (speak) so loudly? You ... at a lesson. 10. The sun (rise) in the East.

Упражнение 3. Поставьте вопросы к подлежащему.

Образец: We discuss many problems in class. Who discusses many problems in class?

1. I live in Volgograd. 2. I am teaching English. 3. Roger is sitting opposite me. 4. We have breakfast at 7. 5. The teacher has a book in his hand. 6. They have a dog. 7. You are not a student. 8. She usually goes to school at 8. 9. We always go to school on foot. 10. Harry likes to draw animals.

Упражнение 4. Поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous.

1. I … dinner (to have).

2. They … in the south (to travel).

3. They … fruit in that store now (not to sell).

4. She … a new coat (to try on).

5. What … you … for, Mum? (to look)

6. Mandy … still … in the garden (to work).

Упражнение 5. Поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous.

every day


1. I watch TV every day.

2. He sleeps every night.

3. We read newspapers every morning.

4. They drink milk after lunch.

5. My brother doesn’t go to school.

6. She plays in the afternoon.

7. Do you work every day?

8. What does he eat at breakfast?









Упражнение 6. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous.

1. Helen (to learn) an English poem now.

2. The children (to look) at the blackboard now.

3. Mary (to open) the window now.

4. My parents (to work) now.

5. I (to sing) a song now.

6. The boys (to play) table-tennis now.

7. The pupil (to write) a composition now.

8. I (to speak) English now.

9. My parents (to cook) dinner now.

10. Mary and Ann (to help) their mother at home now.

Упражнение 7. Поставьте предложения в Present Continuous Tense.

1. John and his friends (to go) to the library.

2. I (not to smoke) a cigarette.

3. Look! The baby (to sleep).

4. What your sister (to do) now?

5. Listen! Who (to play) the piano in the next room?

6. Denny is in the library. He (to write) a composition.

7. They (not to clean) the house now.

Настоящее простое время и настоящее продолженное время

Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. A lot of interesting places (to attract) people to Britain.

2. There (to be) a lot of old castles in England where people lived many years ago.

3. Olga’s future (to depend) on her parents.

4. Sam is in Britain now and he (to write) a letter about his holidays.

5. Ads (can help) you to know about new interesting information.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. Britain (to invite) you to visit charming places.

2. A lot of families (to spend) their spare time in the national parks: they (to go) boating and fish.

3. We hope you (to come) soon.

4. Wales (to have) many old traditions.

5. I (to spend) a wonderful time in England now.

Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. There (to be) many travellers that come to France every year.

2. There (to be) horse fairs, balloon races and shows in Florida in July.

3. Now tourists (to take) part in a band festival.

4. Today you (can try) a regatta, boating, playing the harp and other things.

5. While I (to write) this letter my parents (to watch) a rose show.

Упражнение 4. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. My brother (to play) the drums in parade now.

2. Ulster (to attract) many people every year that’s why it (to have) its own symbol and flag.

3. England (to be) magic because it (to be) a country of red rose.

4. People (to choose) different ways of travelling in England.

5. I (to dance) to the music at the concert now.

Упражнение 5. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. Bob and I (to swim) in the swimming pool at the moment.

2. Every day people (to have) a lot of fun in the Valleys.

3. My mother (to pack) our things.

4. When visitors (to walk) and (to go) on picnics?

5. Winnie-the-Pooh (not to sit) in the middle of the forest under a large tree.

Упражнение 6. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. What you (to do) now? You (to play) football?

2. Olga (not to walk) around on rainy days.

3. My mother and my brother never (to watch) the race.

4. Why Helen (to read) these leaflets?

5. She (not to do) her homework she (to watch) TV.

Упражнение 7. Use the correct form – Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) Elephants (not eat) meat.

2) Men (not agree) on every subject.

3) Look! A big white bird (sit) in our garden.

4) That French girl (speak) English very well.

5) The children (sleep) for two hours every afternoon.

6) My friend (enjoy) hamburgers very much.

7) Where is Nick? He (play) football in the yard.

Упражнение 8. Fill in the blanks with do, does, is, are, am.

1) … you learn the new words in each lessons?

2) … you learning the new words right now?

3) … she usually sit in the third row?

4) … she sitting in the forth row today?

5) … you read many books every year?

6) … you reading an interesting book now?

7) … the students need help with their lessons?

8) … this lesson seem very difficult to you?

9) … you remember the name of that book?

10. … you understand all of the words very well?

Упражнение 9. Put the verb into the correct form.

1) Hurry! The bus (come). I (not want) to miss it.

2) The river Nile (flow) into the Mediterranean.

3) The river (flow) very fast today – much faster than usual.

4) (it ever snow) in India?

5) We usually (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we (not grow) any.

6) You can borrow my umbrella. I (not need) it at the moment.

7) George says he’s 80 years old but I (not believe) him.

Упражнение 10. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1) He live in Oxford.

2) She sometimes eat in a restaurant.

3) Michael is married not.

4) Rita have a new car.

5) On Fridays I going to the cinema.

6) She not like cooking very much.

7) Is she live in Liverpool?

8) What you have for breakfast?

9) Does she gets up early?

10) Why do the baby crying?

Упражнение 11. Составьте вопросы из данных слов.

1) do, breakfast, does, what, she, before

2) for, does, have, breakfast, she, what

3) she, is, playing, garden, in, the, now

4) in, have, your, pocket, you, what, do

5) talking, what, he, about, is

Что такое причастие II, и как с его помощью образовать формы перфектных времен

При образовании форм любого из длительных времен (Continuous Tenses) применяется -ing-форма, или причастие I. Но в английском языке имеется также и причастие II (Participle II), именуемое подчас третьей формой глагола. Оно применяется как при образовании страдательного залога, так и форм перфектных времен. Самое главное, что необходимо знать – способ его образования. А это зависит от того, является ли данный глагол правильным или неправильным, как и в случае с формами для Past Indefinite.

The Present Perfect Tense

1. Оно выражает действие, которое предшествует данному моменту, причем подразумевается, что оно закончилось и его результат тем или иным образом ощущается в момент говорения.

2. В случае, если описываемое действие еще не закончилось, естественно, что никакого результата нет.

3. Эта группа времен не характерна для русского языка. Поэтому в большинстве случаев русским аналогом выступает прошедшее время совершенного вида, реже – несовершенного вида.

4. Формы данного времени образуются по схеме: вспомогательный глагол have (has)+ Participle II (форма has применяется, если подлежащее относится только к 3-му лицу единственного числа).

5. В отрицаниях частица not присоединяется только к форме вспомогательного глагола, в вопросах форма вспомогательного глагола ставится перед подлежащим. Исключение составляют хорошо нам знакомые слова who, what, which of в функции подлежащих.

6. Часто в составе предложений со сказуемым в форме перфектного настоящего времени вообще нет никаких указаний на момент совершения действия. Однако очень часто в предложениях применяются наречия неопределенного времени. Ниже приводится список данных наречий. Значки (+; ?; –) означают типы предложений, в которых могут быть применены эти наречия: «+» означает утвердительные предложения; «–» означает отрицательные предложения; «?» – вопросы.

already – уже (+); так скоро (?)

just – только что (+; ?)

ever – когда-либо (когда-нибудь) (?)

never – никогда (–)

yet – еще (–); уже (?)

often – часто (+; ?)

seldom – редко (+; ?)

lately, recently – недавно (+; (?)

7. Несколько примеров вышесказанного:

а) I have (I've) lost my key somewhere. – Я где-то потерял (что сделал?) свой ключ (утверждение).

б) Have you ever been to Poland? – Вы когда-либо бывали в Польше? (вопрос общий).

в) Не hasn't come back home yet. – Он ещё не вернулся домой (отрицание).

г) I've just spoken to her. – Я только что поговорил с ней (утверждение).

8. Положение в предложении наречий неопределенного времени:

а) ever, never, just, often, seldom ставятся, как правило, перед смысловым глаголом;

б) already имеет 2 позиции: перед смысловым глаголом в утверждении и в самом конце предложения в вопросе;

в) yet ставится всегда в конце предложения и в вопросах, и в отрицаниях;

г) lately и recently ставятся всегда в конце предложений.

9. Помимо упомянутых в пункте 6 наречий неопределенного времени, в качестве обстоятельств также применяются сочетания типа for ages – целую вечность; for years – в течение многих лет; up to now – до сих пор и др.

Прошедшее совершенное время (Past Perfect)

Past Perfect (Прошедшее совершенное время) образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в Past Simple had + причастие II основного глагола. Past Perfect обозначает:

1. Действие, завершенное к определенному моменту в прошлом. Этот момент может быть выражен указанием точного времени, обычно с предлогом by или другим действием в Past Simple.

They had cleaned the room by 4.

They had done the work when the mother came home.

2. Действие, которое началось в прошлом и еще продолжалось в тот момент, обычно с предлогами for и since.

She told us she had been a teacher for 10 years.

She told us she had lived in Volgograd since she finished school.

В придаточных предложениях с союзом since употребляется Past Simple.

Настоящее время для передачи будущего действия

Упражнение 1. Измените предложения, употребляя to be going to.

Образец: My intention is to watch a TV film tonight. I am going to watch a TV film tonight.

1. His plan is to visit Moscow. 2. My intention is to enter the University. 3. I'm afraid I shall be late. 4. I decided to move to the country. 5. Our intention is to learn French. 6. My mother's intention is to see this monument. 7. Our plan is to build a new cottage. 8. My room is dirty. I want to wash it. 9. I want to invite Tom to our school party. 10. His intention is to ride a bicycle today.

Упражнение 2. Составьте предложения с выражением to be going to.

1. We / to build a beautiful house at the seaside.

2. He / to study Chinese next year.

3. We / to write a composition next Monday.

4. His son / to repair his bicycle tomorrow.

5. He / to become a teacher when he grows up.

Упражнение 3. Задайте вопросы, используя выражение to be going to.

1. He has got a new job. (When / start)

2. Linda has caught a fox in the forest. (Where / let it out)

3. I’ve read his book. (When / return it)

4. My parents have decided to have a party. (Who / invite)

5. Oleg has bought a new computer. (What / do with it)

Упражнение 4. Вставьте слова will / to be going to.

1. – What’s Inga’s phone number?

 – Just a minute. I … look it up in my notebook.

2. – Why are you buying so much food?

 – Because I … cook for ten people.

3. – What shall we have for dinner today?

 – We … have chicken and chips.

4. – This room is very hot.

 – You are right. I … open the window.

5. – I’ve lost my dog.

 – Don’t worry. I … help you find it.

6. – Did you post the letters for me?

 – Sorry, I forgot. I … do it.

Как можно в английском языке передать значение
будущего действия при помощи настоящего времени

Для выражения заранее намеченного, запланированного действия, которое по плану должно совершиться в ближайшем будущем (завтра, на этой неделе, сегодня вечером) применяется Тhе Present Continuous Tense. В таких случаях в тексте предложения имеются нужные по смыслу обстоятельства времени.

1. 3автра приезжает мой брат. – Му brother is coming tomorrow.

2. Они пойдут в парк завтра вечером или послезавтра утром? – Are they going to the park in the evening tomorrow or in the morning the day after tomorrow?

(Послезавтра – the day after tomorrow. Запомните это словосочетание, так же как и позавчера – the day before yesterday.)

В большинстве случаев The Present Continuous применяется в данном значении с глаголами движения (to go, to come, to arrive, to leave и др.)

Сообщая о своем намерении, плане выполнить в ближайшем будущем то или иное действие, говорящий обязан (!) пользоваться оборотом to be going to, означающим «собираться делать что-либо». При этом может подразумеваться, что в какой то мере уже обеспечена сама возможность совершения данного действия.

Сегодня вечером по телевизору показывают интересный фильм. Я собираюсь посмотреть его (Я посмотрю его).

В этой ситуации говорится о том, что говорящий принял решение выполнить конкретное действие в конкретное время. Поэтому:

There's an interesting film on TV tonight. I'm going to watch it.

Вы не собираетесь позвонить мне утром? – Aren't you going to call me in the morning?

Как видно из обоих примеров, после оборота мы обязаны дать полную инфинитивную форму нужного смыслового глагола. Об этом и сигнализирует частица to.

И последнее. При постановке вопросов к предложениям с этим оборотом, а также при отрицаниях, мы обязаны следовать всем правилам, присущим The Present Continuous Tense.

Я не собираюсь делать это. (Отрицание) – I'm not going to do it.

Что вы намерены делать? – What are you going to do?

Если в качестве смыслового глагола выступают глаголы движения to go, to come и т. д., мы не можем употребить данный оборот. Мы просто составляем предложение при помощи The Present Continuous Tense.

Ты собираешься пойти в парк? = Ты пойдешь в парк? – Are you going to the Park? (The Present Continuous Tense). to здесь не инфинитивная частица, а простой предлог.

Прошедшее продолженное время (Past Continuous)

Упражнение 1. Поставьте вопросы к собеседнику.

Образец: I was doing my English at 5. And you? Were you doing English at 5 too?

1. My children were playing hockey all the morning. And your children? 2. She was watching TV all the evening. And your sister? 3. He was playing tennis at 2. And your brother? 4. I was cooking at 9 a.m. And you? 5. We were having breakfast at 7. And you? 6. They were translating the article from 3 to 5. And you? 7. The pupils of class 9 were writing a composition from 8 to 10, and you? 8. She is working in the garden. And her husband? 9. She lived in Oxford last summer. And her son? 10. My pupils like sports. And your pupils?

Упражнение 2. Употребите следующие предложения в Past Progressive, уточняя действие наречиями.

Образец: I went to the cinema yesterday. I was going to the cinema yesterday at 3.

1. I read newspapers in the evening. 2. Tom wrote a letter to his grandmother. 3. We listened to music yesterday. 4. They watched a good film. 5. I did my English in the evening. 6. We had dinner in the kitchen. 7. Bill phoned his friend in the morning. 8. My mother came back home by bus. 9. My sister had a cup of coffee. 10. She sang a nice song to us.

Упражнение 3. Поставьте вопросы, на которые нижеследующие предложения могут быть ответами.

Образец: No, I was not playing chess at 6. Were you playing chess at 6?

1. Yes, I was busy yesterday. 2. Yes, my mother was watching TV at 9. 3. No, we were not writing a dictation. 4. No, I am not writing a letter now. 5. Yes, we are passing the British Museum now. 6. Yes, I am fine, thank you. 7. No, I have no parrot. 8. Yes, my father is working in the garden now. 9. Yes, we were running at the stadium all the lesson. 10. Sorry, I don't speak Spanish.

Упражнение 4. Измените следующие предложения в разделительные вопросы (вопросы с хвостиком).

Образец: You are 10. You are 10, aren't you?

1. She is at home. 2. She was in London last year. 3. They live in Oxford. 4. She liked this film. 5. We are busy now. 6. He is speaking French now. 7. He speaks very well. 8. She did not visit this museum. 9. Mary is playing the piano very well. 10. Mary does not play the guitar.

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite или Past Continuous.

  1. I (to play) computer games yesterday. 2. I (to play) computer games at 5 o'clock yesterday. 3. He (to play) computer games from 2 till 3 yesterday. 4. We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday. 5. What Nick (to do) when you came to his place? 6. What you (to do) when I rang you up? 7. I (not to sleep) at 9 o'clock yesterday. 8. What he (to do) yesterday? He (to read) a book. 9. What he (to do) the whole evening yesterday? He (to read) a book. 10. She (to sleep) when you came home? 11. My brother (not to play) tennis yesterday. He (to play) tennis the day before yesterday. 12. My sister (not to play) the piano at 4 o'clock yesterday. She (to play) the piano the whole evening. 13. When I came into the kitchen, mother (to cook). 14. She (to cook) the whole day yesterday. 15. We (to wash) the floor in our flat yesterday. 16. We (to wash) the floor in our flat from 3 till 4 yesterday. 17. You (to do) your homework yesterday? 18. You (to do) your homework from 8 till 10 yesterday? 19. Why she (to sleep) at 7 o'clock yesterday? 20. He (to sit) at the table the whole evening yesterday.

Настоящее совершенное время (Present Perfect)

Упражнение 1. Измените следующие предложения из утвердительной формы в отрицательную или из отрицательной в утвердительную.

Образец: а) I have seen this film. I have not seen this film.

b) The weather has not been rainy this week. – The weather has been rainy this week.

1. I am busy today. 2. He has been to Oxford. 3. They have a flat. 4. The house is not far from school. 5. We have known each other for 2 years. 6. You didn't drive far. 7. You speak French. 8. We have lived here since 1990. 9. They were playing tennis at 4. 10. There is no stadium near the school.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте вопросы, на которые нижеследующие предложения могут быть ответами.

1. No, I haven't been to London. 2. No, they haven't seen this film. 3. Yes, we have come a long way since breakfast. 4. Yes, the shoes are very cheap. 5. Yes, they have a good room. 6. Yes, I am hungry. 7. No, my mother hasn't bought this book. 8. Yes, there is a good library at our school. 9. Yes, I am writing a letter to my grandmother. 10. No, he didn't work yesterday.

Упражнение 3. Употребите времена Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1. We ... (to know) each other since 1993. 2. When ... you ... (see) him last? 3. Two years ago we ... (to be) in London. We ... (to like) it very much. 4. We ... just (discuss) this book. 5. Yesterday we ... (go) to the country. 6. My father ... (not to go) out last week. He ... (feel) bad. 7. We ... (see) this film yesterday. 8. My friend ... (not phone) me yesterday. 9. I ... (learn) English for 5 years. 10. My mother ... (to be) born in 1957.

Упражнение 4. Употребите разделительные вопросы (вопросы с хвостиком).

Образец: You haven't visited Oxford. You haven't visited Oxford, have you?

1. He has seen this film on TV. 2. My grandmother was out at 5. 3. They were dancing beautifully. 4. London is on the River Thames. 5. We are not tired at all. 6. They had dinner at 1. 7. He is playing football now. 8. They are not thirsty. 9. She was born in 1986. 10. They have not had English today.

Упражнение 5. Поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect.

1. He … me the dictionary. (to give)

2. You … not … the window. (to shut)

3. I … a lot of Russian books. (to read)

4. It is raining and the children … to stay at home. (to decide)

5. … the mother … breakfast? (to prepare)

Упражнение 6. Поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect.

1. I … a very interesting film (to see).

2. Where … you … all the time (to be).

3. The boy … his eyes (to open).

4. The mother … already … her child and … her to bed (to wash, to put).

5. …he … to school yet? (to come)

6. What … you …, Mum? (to bring)

Упражнение 7. Допишите предложения при помощи слов: already, just, since, for, ever, yet.

1. I have … come from the library.

2. Tom hasn’t been at school … a week.

3. Have you … been to London?

4. We have … written this composition.

5. My grand parents have lived with us … June.

6. I haven’t seen you … ages.

7. He hasn’t bought him a present … .

8. They have … finished their breakfast.

Упражнение 8. Put the verb into the correct form, Present Perfect (I have done) or Past Simple (I did).

1) I (not / play) golf when I was on holiday last summer.

2) Mr. Clark (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.

3) Molly lives in Dublin. She (live) there all her life.

4) Bob and Alice are married. They (be) married for 20 years.

5) When we were on holiday, the weather (be) awful.

6) The weather (be) very nice recently, don’t you think?

7) My grandfather died 30 years ago. I (never / meet) him.

8) I don’t know C

Прошедшее совершенное время (Past Perfect)

Упражнение 1. Измените следующие предложения, употребляя Past Perfect, добавьте обстоятельство времени с предлогом by.

Образец: I read the book two days ago. – I had read the book by 4.

1. They did the work in the morning. 2. The delegation arrived in our city at 10. 3. Her son washed the floor in the morning. 4. She wrote her composition in the evening. 5. He translated that text after school. 6. They gathered vegetables in the morning. 7. We built the house at the end of September. 8. I read this article in the evening. 9. The rain stopped in the afternoon. 10. He passed his exams in June.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте вопросы, начинающиеся с when.

Образец: Miss Green came home at 3. When did Miss Green come home?

1. I was born in 1983. 2. We usually get up at 7. 3. He fell ill last week. 4. He was ill yesterday. 5. He is ill today. 6. I'll have supper at 7. 7. They were listening to the concert from 7 till 9. 8. We sometimes listen to the radio. 9. She cleans her teeth in the morning. 10. She has supper at 7.

Упражнение 3. В каждом из следующих предложений допущена ошибка. Исправьте ее и напишите правильный вариант.

Образец: I get up tomorrow at 6. I'll get up tomorrow at 6.

1. This programme are bad. 2. These boy are my pupils. 3. He speak English badly. 4. When have you bought the book? 5. I have sister. 6. He just wrote a letter. 7. Now they is playing tennis. 8. We are listening to the concert yesterday at 4. 9. We know each other for many year. He is my best friend. 10. He go to the library every week.

Упражнение 4. Употребите нужную форму глагола из предложенных в скобках.

Образец: I (am getting, get got) up at 6 every morning last summer. I got up at 6 every morning.

1. We (did, have done, had done) a lot of work by 2. 2. My friend (lives, lived, has lived) in London for a year. 3. The war (began, will begin, begins) in 1941. 4. I (shall help, helps, helped) you tomorrow, I think. 5. My father (likes, is liking) to go swimming. 6. We (are speaking, were speaking, speak) English a little. 7. There (is, are, will be) 26 letters in the alphabet. 8. They (is, has, are) at a lesson now. 9. He (is visiting, visits, visited) the Bolshoy Theater. 10. I (do, was doing, am doing, will do) my English yesterday at 6 p.m.

Упражнение 5. Put the verbs in the Past Perfect, Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. Be six o’clock yesterday I (to do) my homework and at six I (to watch) a videofilm.

2. By two o’clock the boy (to come) home and at two he (to have) dinner.

3. The father (to come) home by six o’clock.

4. When I (to ring) him up, he already (to do) his homework.

5. When we (to come) to the station, the train already (to leave).

6. He (to thank) me for what I (to do) for him.

7. The telegram (to arrive) five minutes after you (to leave) the house.

8. Suddenly I (to remember) that I (to leave) my exercise book at home.

arol’s husband. I (never / meet) him.

Модальные глаголы

Модальными называются глаголы, не обозначающие никакого действия, но одновременно с этим обозначающие отношение к тому или иному действию, т. е. умение, необходимость, вероятность, возможность совершения действия. Основными модальными глаголами являются: саn (мочь, уметь), may (возможно, можно), must (быть обязанным, должным). Очень часто в соответствующих русских предложениях, модальные глаголы обозначены наречиями типа необходимо, можно и т. д.

Модальные глаголы обозначают не действие (как смысловые глаголы), а отношение говорящего к действию. Модальные глаголы имеют следующие особенности:

1. Отсутствие суффикса -s в 3-ем лице единственного числа настоящего времени.

2. Отсутствие форм прошедшего и будущего времени у некоторых глаголов.

3. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются без вспомогательных глаголов, т.е. путем изменения порядка слов.

4. После модальных глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

У всех 3 основных модальных глаголов есть некоторые общие черты. Так, у них нет форм причастия I, причастия II и неопределенной формы (инфинитива). Они не изменяются по лицам и числам. То есть форма саn сочетается со всеми без исключения подлежащими: I саn – Я умею (могу); Не саn – Oн умеет (может) и т. д. То же самое относится и к глаголам may, must. Ни один модальный глагол не имеет формы будущего времени, а глагол must не имеет и формы прошедшего времени.

Модальный глагол can имеет две временные формы – can, could. Эквивалентом (заменителем) данного глагола является to be able, который может употребляться и в будущем времени. Глагол can обозначает способность (физическую или умственную) выполнить какое-либо действие:

She can play the piano.

They could make the loads safe.

Peter will not be able to come tomorrow.

В разговорной речи глаголы can и could могут выражать просьбу (в вопросительной форме).

– Can I take your pen?

– You can. (официально) You are welcome. (вежливо) You can't. (запрет)

  • Я не смог купить новый дипломат. – I wasn't able to buy a new case.

В данном примере нельзя сказать couldn't buy, так как глагол could обозначает физическую возможность, а оборот to be able – возможность совершить действие в конкретный момент или в конкретной ситуации. Поэтому мы можем данный оборот (как и любой другой эквивалент) использовать и для выражения действия в настоящем времени.

Модальный глагол may имеет две временных формы: формы may и might. Эквивалентом данного глагола является to be allowed, который может употребляться и в будущем времени. Глагол may выражает разрешение что-либо сделать. В вопросительной форме выражает просьбу.

– May I come in?

– Yes, you may. (официально) Do, please. (вежливо)

В отрицательной форме глагол may малоупотребителен. Предпочтительны следующие формы:

– May I take this book?

– No, you mustn't. (запрет в силу правил)

– No, you can't. (запрет в силу обстоятельств)

– No, don't, please. (менее строгий запрет)

Модальный глагол must имеет только одну форму. Эквивалентом его является to have to, который может употребляться в любом времени и имеет оттенок «вынужденности» совершить действие.

I had to help the old man.

I'll have to write a test soon.

Глагол must в утвердительной форме выражает «долг», «необходимость» выполнения действия:

I must help my friend.

Не was ill.

В отрицательной форме must выражает «запрет».

You mustn't make the room dirty.

В отрицательном ответе на вопрос с must употребляется модальный глагол needn't.

– Must I come to the consultation today?

 No, you needn't. (He нужно, нет необходимости.)

Модальный глагол should обозначает «следует».

– Should I switch off the gas?

– Certainly, you should.

– Should I take my skates?

– No, you shouldn't.

Модальные глаголы

Упражнение 1. Поставьте вопрос к собеседнику, исходя из вашего утверждения.

Образец: I am sorry I can't swim well. And you? Can you swim will?

1. My father can play chess well. And your father? 2. She can't cook. And your sister? 3. They can sing very well. And your friends? 4. I can play the piano. And you? 5. I must learn this poem. And you? 6. I may go home now. And you? 7. ary can speak English very well. And you? 8. I may buy this book. And you? 9. Kelly must read the poem. And you? 10. He must wash the floor in the room. And Bill?

Упражнение 2. Поставьте вопрос к подлежащему, употребляя who или what.

Образец: The clock is on the table. What is on the table?

1. My friend can draw very well. 2. The boy can't lift the table alone. 3. The table is very heavy. 4. The apples are green. 5. The children are playing hockey. 6. We must do this work very well. 7. You may go out. 8. You work at a bank. 9. He will fly to London next week. 10. I am speaking French now.

Упражнение 3. Образуйте разделительные вопросы (вопросы с хвостиком).

Образец: You can't speak Spanish. You can't speak Spanish, can you?

1. He is reading an interesting text. 2. He must know English well. 3. She can cook very well. 4. I can't go to London now. 5. We shall soon see the Black Sea. 6. He was listening to the concert on TV at 7. 7. Bill is my brother. 8. There is a big zoo in our town. 9. He has no parrot. 10. Your cousin lives in Moscow.

Упражнение 4. Fill in the gaps with needn’t / don’t have to / mustn’t / didn’t need to / have to or needn’t have.

1) You _____ enter this area without permission.

2) You _____ wash the clothes. I’ll do it tomorrow.

3) He _____ give me a lift, because I had arranged to go by taxi.

4) The notice says that club members _____ use the pool unattended.

5) Elaine _____ cook dinner as she had arranged to go to an Italian restaurant with Lisa.

6) You _____ pick me up after school. I’ll take the bus.

7) You _____ sent me the package. I was going to come and collect it.

8) You _____ drop litter in the park.

9) They _____ buy a cooker and a fridge as the flat they rented was furnished.

10) I _____ leave yet. I’m not flying until 3.00 p.m.

Упражение 5. Modal verbs (“Key” word transformation).                   

Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1) Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?

have     You _____  _____  _____  _____ you were coming.

2) Perhaps they will come round tonight.

may      They _____  _____  _____ tonight.

3) You are forbidden to take out library books without paying the member ship fee.

not      You _____  _____  _____  _____  _____ books without paying the membership fee.

4) Tim gave my some money even though it wasn’t necessary.

have      Tim _____  _____  _____  _____ any money.

5) I’m sure he didn’t know that I was leasing.

have      He _____  _____  _____ that I was leaving.

6) It was thoughtless of you not to invite her to the party.

should  You _____  _____  _____ her to the party.

7) People are obliged to recycle bottles, cans and newspapers.

have      People _____  _____ bottles, cans, newspapers.

8) It isn’t necessary for us to book a table in advance.

need      We _____  _____ a table in advance.

9) I’m sure Mike didn’t realise that he had offended you.

realised   Mike _____  _____  _____ that he had offended you.

10) Perhaps Paul is trying to contact you from his office.

be            Paul _____  _____  _____  _____ you from his office.

Упражнение 6. Modal verbs (may, can, must, could).

Fill in the gaps, using words from the box.                              

1) Hello, _____ I speak to Tom, please?

2) _____ I use your telephone?

3) You _____ smoke if you like.

4) You _____ drive for a year in Britain with an international licence.

5) _____ I borrow your camera?

6) _____ I give you a lift?

7) You _____ tell anyone what I said.

8) You _____ have a passport to visit most foreign countries.

9) _____ I smoke here?

10) If you are under 17, you _____ drive a car in Britain.

          can't,   must,      can,     could,    may,     may,     mustn't,      could,     can,     can

Упражнение 7. Make sentences with “may” or “might”. 

a) The first sentences are present.          1) Do you know if Jack is in his office?

    I’m not sure. __________

2) Do you know if Ann likes ice-cream?

    I’m not sure. __________

3) Do you know if she wants to go?

    I’m not sure. __________

4) Do you know if he has a car?

    I’m not sure. __________

5) Do you know if they are married?

    I’m not sure. __________


b) The following sentences are past.

1) Do you know if he was serious?

    I’m not sure. __________

2) Do you know if she was ill?

    I’m not sure. __________

3) Do you know if she told anybody?

    I’m not sure. __________

4) Do you know if they were listening?

    I’m not sure. __________

5) Do you know if they were looking?

    I’m not sure. __________

Упражнение 8. Modal verbs (may / might  +  Perfect Infinitive).                     You have to write sentences to explain each situation. Use the words in brackets to make your sentences.

a) – I can’t find George anywhere. I wonder where he is.

    – (He might (go) shopping.)

b) – Why didn’t Tom answer the doorbell? I’m sure he was in the house at the time.

    – (He may (go) to bed early.)

    – (He might not (hear) the bell.)

c) – George didn’t come to the party. I wonder why not.

    – (He might (have) to go somewhere else.)

    – (He may not (know) about it.)

d) – I can’t find my bag anywhere.

    – (You might (leave) it in the shop.)

Упражнение 9. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.              

Use two to five words.

1) I wish you had explained the situation to me.

    Should   You _____ _____ _____ the situation to me.

2) Simon left the waiter a bigger tip then was necessary.

    Have   Simon _____ _____ _____ the waiter such a big tip.

3) Visitors are not allowed to feed the animals.

    Must   Visitors _____ _____ _____ the animals.

4) You didn’t thank your grandmother for the lovely gift.

    Ought to   You _____ _____ _____ your grandmother for the lovely gift.

5) Exam candidates are obliged to follow the instructions.

    Have   Exam candidates _____ _____ _____ the instructions.

Упражнение 10. Turn the following into indirect speech.

1) Ann said: “I must get up at 7 o’clock”

2) She said: “I can’t skate”

3) He said: “I could not get them on the phone”

4) Peter said: “They may come any day”

5) He said: “I have to change if I go by bus”

6) Ann said: “The conference is to begin at 7 o’clock”

7) Mother said: “You should devote more time to your studies, Betty!”

8) She said: “John needn’t phone for the doctor, I feel better”

Упражнение 11. You have to use can or be able to. Sometimes it is possible to use either; sometimes only be able to is possible.

a) George has travelled a lot. He _______ speak four languages.

b) Tom _______ drive but he hasn’t got a car.

c) I can’t understand Martin. I’ve never _______ understand him.

d) I used to _______ stand on my head but I can’t do it now.

e) Ask Ann about your problem. She should _______ help you.

Упражнение 12. Now you have to complete a sentence with could, was / were able to or couldn’t. 

a) He had hurt his leg, so he _______ walk very well.

b) She wasn’t at home when I phoned but I _______ contact her at her office.

c) I looked very carefully and I _______ see a figure in the distance.

d) My grandmother loved music. She _______ play the piano very well.

e) The boy fell into the river but fortunately we _______ rescue him.

Упражнение 13. Complete these sentences with mustn’t or don’t / doesn’t have to.

1) I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I _______ work.

2) Whatever you do, you _______ touch that switch. It’s very dangerous!

3) You _______ forget what I told you. It’s very important!

4) She _______ get up so early. She gets up early because she prefers to.

5) We _______ leave yet. We’ve got plenty of time

Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)

Данная грамматическая структура присуща многим языкам мира. Она очень распространена и в русском языке. Например:

а) Книга была написана Л. Н. Толстым в 1865 году.

б) Дом будет построен через 5 месяцев.

в) О чем вас предупреждали? (О чем вы были предупреждены?).

Как видно из приведенных примеров, действие совершается не субъектом, выраженным подлежащим, а по отношению к нему: ведь не книга что-то написала, а, наоборот, она сама была написана неким автором.

Смысл структуры страдательного залога – The Passive Voice – сохраняется, естественно, и в английском языке. Он образуется по очень простой формуле: форма глагола to be + Participle II (3-я форма).

Давайте переведем на английский язык приведенные выше русские предложения:

a) The book was written by Leo Tolstoy in 1895. (The Past Indefinite.)

6) The house will be built in 5 months. (The Future Indefinite.)

b) What have you been notified about? (The Present Perfect Tense.)

Обратите внимание, что если в предложении (как в примере а) указано лицо (объект), совершившее (совершающее) действие, то дополнение, обозначающее данное лицо (объект), присоединяется к сказуемому союзом by, не переводящимся на русский язык.

Предлог with стоит перед словом, обозначающим инструмент или материал, вещество; предлог of стоит перед словом, обозначающим материал:

It was made with simple tools. – Это было сделано простыми инструментами.

The ground was covered with snow. – Земля была покрыта снегом.

The table is made of expensive wood. – Стол сделан из дорогого дерева.

The Passive Voice (Страдательный залог) – образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола в соответствующем времени + причастие II смыслового глагола.

This city was founded in the 18th century.

Временные формы глаголов в страдательном залоге следующие:

Present Simple – am/is/are done

Past Simple – was/were done

Future Simple – shall be/will be done

Present Perfect – has/have been done

Past Perfect – had been done

Ниже приводятся все возможные формы The Passive Voice (для глагола to show):

1 лицо ед. ч.

Present Ind.

am shown:


2 лицо ед. ч. +

1–3 лица мн. ч.

Present Ind.

are shown

we, they, you

3 лицо ед. ч.

Present Ind.

is shown

he, she, it

1, 3 лица ед. ч.

Past Ind.

was shown

I, he, she, it

2 лицо ед.ч. + мн. ч.

Past Ind.

were shown

you, we, they

1 лицо ед.ч. + мн. ч.

Future Ind.

shall be shown

I, we

2, 3 лица ед. и мн. ч.

Future Ind.

will be shown

you, they, he, she, it

Вопросительная форма образуется путем изменения порядка слов, т. е. вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим. Отрицательная форма образуется употреблением частицы not после вспомогательного глагола.

Was the film discussed yesterday? – The film was not discussed yesterday.

Страдательный залог более употребителен в английском языке, чем в русском. Это связано с тем, что в английском языке не только переходные глаголы могут употребляться в страдательном залоге, но также глаголы, требующие косвенного дополнения (to give, to show, to offer, to tell) и предложного (to speak of, to listen to, to look at, to look for, to send for).

He was given a very interesting book yesterday. (Ему дали очень интересную книгу вчера.)

I was offered two tickets for the concert. (Мне предложили 2 билета на концерт.)

This teacher is always attentively listened to. (Этого учителя всегда внимательно слушают.)

Обратите внимание, что подлежащее, относящееся к The Passive Voice, в английском языке всегда выражено именительным падежом (we, he, и т. д.), тогда как в русском языке допускаются случаи косвенных падежей (ему, нам, им, вам, ей, тебе).

Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)

Упражнение 1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

Example. Marmalade is made from apples. – Is marmalade made from apples? – Marmalade isn’t made from apples.

1) The place is cleaned up.

2) They are invited to a birthday party.

3) The fax is sent.

4) The book is published.

5) Litter is thrown away every day.

6) Water is polluted.

7) Animals are hurt.

8) The trees are cut down to make new paper.

9) Baby trees are damaged by hairs.

Упражнение 2. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive. Omit the agent where necessary.

Example. We test each piece of equipment very carefully. – Each piece of equipment is tested very carefully.

1) We keep all the documents in perfect order.

2) The managers usually arrange everything in good time (своевременно).

3) He fulfills the orders in time.

4) We use the old methods, that‘s why we waste a lot of time.

5) He usually writes letters with a pen.

6) They always tell us something interesting.

7) We pay them twice a month.

8) Someone wants you on the phone.

9) Many people dislike this show.

10) They collect (the) rubbish every day.

Упражнение 3. Read the sentences and justify the use of by and with. Then fill in by or with.

Example. This dress is designed by Donna Karan.

1) Tricks are performed … clowns at the circus.

2) Independence Day is celebrated … American on July 4.

3) The suspect (подозреваемый) is arrested … police.

4) He is killed … a knife.

5) The soap is eaten … a spoon.

6) The cake was beautifully decorated … chocolate roses.

Упражнение 4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в Passive Voice.

Example. You (allow, not) to buy cigarettes if you are under six-teen. – You aren’t allowed to buy cigarettes if you are under sixteen.

1) You (advise) to wear sensible high boots in winter.

2) Radio “Europe Plus” (listen to) all over Russia.

3) This delicious dish (prepare) by an Italian cook.

4) Many modern medicines (make from) plants.

5) He often (make a fool of).

6) One and the same word in the English often (spell) and (pronounce) differently.

7) The child (teach) how to behave with grown-ups.

8) The doctor (send for).

9) She (make fun of).

Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1) Я не знаю, кем основана эта компания.

2) Новый роман Марининой отлично читается.

3) Платье хорошо стирается и не мнется.

4) Его сердце разбито.

5) Вся мебель в доме моих родителей сделана из натурального (красного) дерева.

6) Вся домашняя работа сделана: ошибки исправлены, новые слова выучены, предложения переведены, сочинение написано.

7) Мне часто звонят со звукостудии.

Упражнение 6. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.Example. Houses are built very quickly now. – How quickly are houses built now?

1) The delegations are met at the station.

2) The article is translated into Russian.

3) Boxes are made of cardboard.

4) Rainstorms are never expected in winter.

Упражнение 7. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple Active или Present Simple Passive.

1) Он каждый день приносит что-нибудь вкусное.

2) Ему каждый день приносят что-нибудь вкусное.

3) Она каждый день рассказывает нам что-нибудь интересное.

4) Ей часто рассказывают что-нибудь интересное.

5) Я часто посылаю открытки друзьям.

6) Мне часто присылают эсемески.

7) Наша учительница всегда хвалит нас.

8) Я всегда хвалю своих друзей.

9) Меня всегда хвалят дома.

Упражнение 8. Turn the following questions into the Passive.

1) What did they decorate the streets with?

2) Who has prepared the food for the party?

3) Who will make the lanterns?

4) What did they fill the cake with?

5) Who is teaching the children traditional dances?

6) Who is going to open the festival?

7) What did they stuff the turkey with?

Упражнение 9. Fill in the gaps using “by” or “with”.

1) The dining-room was decorated ____ the maids ____ colour-ful, exotic flowers.

2) The wedding cake made ____ the chef was flavoured ____ vanilla.

3) The stalls will be filled ____ handicrafts donated ____ the local Girl scouts.

4) The eggs were coloured ____ natural dyes ____ the local women.

Упражнение 10. You have to read a sentence and then write another sentence with the same meaning, using Passive Voice.

1) Somebody stole my bag in the shop. My bag ________ in the shop.

2) The police have arrested three men. Three men ________ the police.

3) The bill includes service. Service ________ in the bill.

4) They are building a new ring-road round the city. A new ring-road ________ round the city.

5) They cancelled all flights because of fog. All flights ________.

6) People don’t use this road very often. This road ________.

Упражнение 11. Open the brackets using Past Perfect Passive.

1) She brought in the platter with the leg of lamb, which (to cook) by Tom.

2) The children didn’t have to cut down on gasoline, because their Dad’s car (to sell) already).

3) They instituted a series of fines after the line at cutting allowances (to draw).

4) The family used the process charts, which first (to develop) for a factory by their father.

5) Their canned goods (to deliver), that’s why they couldn’t save there.

6) Before the time Tom announced lunch was ready, all of the duties (to allocate).

7) The leg of lamb was all black because it (to burn).


Одной из особенностей английской грамматики является наличие артикля при существительном. Артикль можно охарактеризовать как определитель существительного, он бывает неопределенным, определенным и нулевым (т. е. отсутствие артикля.)

Чтобы лучше понять, чем отличается определенный артикль от неопределенного, давайте вместе разберем с точки зрения смысла, логики два предложения, переведя их затем на английский язык.

Предложение 1: «Два дня назад мы купили диван», и предложение 2: «Диван, на котором мы сидим, очень удобный». О чем говорится в предложении 1? Некто сообщает, что он (с женой, с другом, с матерью и т.д.) купил некий предмет, который по своим признакам относится к классу диванов, являясь одним из множества диванов. В предложении 1 просто констатируется факт покупки дивана (какого-то дивана).

А в предложении 2 логическая ситуация кардинально изменилась. Предмет выделен из ряда ему подобных, именно к нему привлечено наше внимание. Вдумайтесь еще раз в смысл слов: «Диван, на котором мы сидим». Ведь говорящий не может одновременно сидеть на 2, 3 или 5 диванах. Происходит конкретизация предмета, выделение его из класса ему подобных. В отличие от предложения 1, это – не какой-то, а конкретный диван.

А теперь давайте переведём эти предложения на английский язык:

We bought a sofa two days ago.

The sofa we are sitting on is very comfortable.

Мы применяем неопределённый артикль а в предложении 1, говоря о каком-то, неконкретном предмете, и определенный артикль the в предложении 2, говоря о конкретном предмете.

Неопределенный артикль a произошел от числительного one – один, отсюда он может употребляться с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе. У неопределенного артикля форма an применяется, если следующее за артиклем существительное начинается с гласного звука. Именно звука, а не буквы. Ведь бывают случаи, когда слово начинается с немой согласной буквы, т. е. она не произносится.

an apple


–  с гласной

an egg



an hour


– немая буква h

Форма а применяется во всех остальных случаях для начальной согласной буквы.

а bed


а cat


а dog


Неопределенный артикль может употребляться в следующих случаях:

1. С существительным в единственном числе, если ему предшествует оборот there is:

There is a book on the table.

2. В функции именного члена составного сказуемого, когда артикль имеет классифицирующий характер:

It is a book. He is a pupil.

3. В  функции дополнения после глагола to have – обладать: I have a father.

4. В восклицательных предложениях после слова what с последующим существительным в единственном числе:

What a good book!


What good books.

5. Когда артикль имеет значение «один» – one:

a pound of onions, a hundred, a thousand, a million.

Определенный артикль the произошел от указательного местоимения that и употребляется в следующих случаях:

1. Когда предмет или лицо является известным слушающему и говорящему:

The family is large. He can repair the iron.

2. Когда существительное, обозначающее предмет или явление, является единственным в своем роде: the sun, the moon, the sky, the world, the earth, the ground:

The sun is shining brightly.

3. С обстоятельством места:

The children are in the garden.

4. С существительными, которым предшествует прилагательное в превосходной степени, порядковое числительное или определительное придаточное предложение:

She is the best pupil in the group. The first pupils came into the class-room. It is the book I want to read.

5. С географическими названиями:

(а) Названиями рек, морей, океанов, проливов, горных хребтов:

the Thames, the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Caucasus.

(б) Названиями сторон света и некоторых государств:

the North, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, the Ukraine.

6. В специальных вопросах, заданных для получения информации о существительном:

Where is the book? What is the colour? What's the day (the date)?

Нулевой артикль (или отсутствие артикля) употребляется:

1. С существительными во множественном числе, принадлежащими к тому или иному классу предметов или лиц:

Leaves begin to fall from the trees. There are pens on the table.

2. С именами собственными:

Веnny is my friend.

3. С неисчисляемыми существительными, обозначающими какое-либо вещество или понятие:

I like meat for dinner. Honesty is the best policy.

4. С существительными, обозначающими названия дней недели, месяцев, времен года:

on Friday, in November, in spring.

Но при наличии ограничительных определений (обычно с предлогом of) названия времен года и месяцев употребляются с определенным артиклем:

the July of 1941, the spring of this year.

5. С географическими названиями (названиями стран, континентов, городов, улиц):

Great Britain, Europe, London, Oxford Street.

6. С существительными, обозначающими процесс принятия пищи (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper):

I usually have breakfast at 7.

7. В составе ряда сочетаний и оборотов:

at last, at present, at work, at home, at school, by bus, by tram, by train, by plane, in written form, in time, to be in bed, to go to bed, to go to school, to play football (tennis, hockey и т. д.), to be on duty, with pleasure, to go on foot.


Упражнение 1. Вставьте, где нужно, артикли.

1. There is … break of fifteen minutes after … third lesson.

2. When … parents went to … concerts, … children played … games on … playground.

3. … village has … nice club for … children.

4. … children read … text at … end of … lesson.

5. He has got … good marks for … Russian.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте, где нужно, артикли.

1. This is … bench on which I like to sit.

2. … tea is not very hot.

3. In … cafe I had … cup of  … coffee and … bread and … butter.

4. How can I get to … post-office, please?

5. There are … shops and … new hotels near … square.

6. Go along … street and on … right you can see … theatre.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте артикли.

1. I have got … turtle. … turtle is grey and green.

2. We have got … brother. Let’s play with … brother.

3. He wants to be … teacher.

4. I want to eat. Give me … ice-cream.

5. My dog has got … puppy. Let’s play with …puppy.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте a, an или нулевой артикль.

1. My mother is … poet and my father is … farmer.

2. She has got … parrot, … iguana and … raven.

3. I like … cats, but I don’t like … vipers.

4. Iris has got … aunt and … uncle.

5. They like to play football with … friends.

Упражнение 5. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.

1. … my friend can’t play … baseball.

2. In … England children like to play … football.

3. Have you got … brother?

4. I have … apple. … apple is red.

5. Would you like to eat … orange or banana?

Упражнение 6. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Scotland is … amazing land of lakes and bagpipes.

2. … Tate Gallery has got … lot of amazing pictures.

3. Spend your spare time in … Trafalgar Square.

4. New York has got … nickname – … Big Apple.

5. When do the British talk about … weather.

Упражнение 7. Поставьте слова a, an или the.

1. There are different ways of travelling around … city.

2. … plane is … fastest way of travelling. … plane has got wings.

3. You can see … unusual picture from my window.

4. Read this book. … book is about Richard’s family.

5. There is … large lake in the center of the city.

Упражнение 8. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. This is ... book. It is my ... book.

2. I have ... sister. My sister is ... engineer.

3. I can see ... pencil on your .. .table, but I can see no... paper.

4. Do you like ... ice-cream?

5. We have got... large ... family.

6. My granny often tells us ... interesting .. .stories.

7. My mother is ... doctor. She works at... large ... hospital.

8. My mother is at... home. She is reading ... interesting ... book.

9. There is .. .big black piano in our living-room.

10. Bill Robins was ... rich man.

11. This young man is ... journalist.

12. ... ball is round.

13. Rome was not built in ... day.

14. We walk ... mile or two.

15. There is ... lamp on the table.

16. She drinks ... glass of milk every evening.

17. I got ... letter from my ... granny yesterday.

18. I like your ... flower. Give me ... flower, please.

19. We live in ... big house.

Упражнение 9. Вставьте артикль a/an, the, ---.

1) There is _____ apple on the table.

2) There is _____ jam on the plate.

3) There is _____ cafe on the corner of the street. _____ cafe is beautiful.

4) There is _____ frog in the river. _____ frog is green.

5) There are _____ tigers in the Zoo. _____ tigers are strong.

6) In front of the school there is _____ church. _____ church is very old.

7) There is _____ owl in the tree.

Упражнение 10. Выберите правильный артикль.

1) ___ Mississippi is the longest river in the USA.

a) a;     b) the;     c) без артикля.

2) Yury Gagarin was ____ first cosmonaut.

a) a;     b) the;     c) без артикля.

3) I don’t like ____ sugar.

a) a;     b) the;     c) без артикля.

4) Pass me ____ biscuits, please.

a) a;     b) the;     c) без артикля.

5) ____ tea is cold.

a) a;     b) the;     c) без артикля.

6) There is ____ book on the table.

a) a;     b) the;     c) без артикля.

7) Where is my ____ hat?

a) a;     b) the;     c) без артикля.

8) This ____ book is mine.

a) a;     b) the;     c) без артикля.

9) There are five ____ chairs in the room.

a) a;     b) the;     c) без артикля.

10) Look at ____ blackboard.

a) a;     b) the;     c) без артикля.

11) ____ sun shines brightly.

a) a;     b) the;     c) без артикля.

Упражнение 11. Fill in the gaps with a/the or nothing.

(1) _____ guinea pig was introduced to (2) _____ Europe soon after (3) _____ discovery of (4) _____ America. It has since become (5) _____ popular pet and (6) _____ valuable research animal.

Упражнение 12. Fill in the articles with the geographical names where necessary.

1) I was taking off on a jet plane for ____ North America.

2) The sea was beneath us now, ____ Atlantic Ocean, but I couldn’t see it.

3) We were about to land at ____ Toronto.

4) The drive to ____ Ottawa took about 5 hours.

5) The scenery changed very little and I could see that in ____ Canada you drive for miles. Without it changing much at all.

Упражнение 13. Choose the correct form, with or without “the”.

1) Last year we visited (the / –) Canada and (the / –) United States.

2) (The / –) Africa is much larger than (the / –) Europe.

3) (The / –) South of England is warmer than (the / –) North.

4) We went to (the / –) Spain for our holidays and swam in (the / –) Mediterranean.

5) Tom has visited most countries in (the / –) Western Europe.

6) A friend of mine used to work as a reporter in (the / –) Middle East.

7) Next year we are going skiing in (the / –) Swiss Alps.

8) (The / –) Malta has been a republic since 1974.

9) (The / –) Nile is the longest river in (the / –) Africa.

10) (The / –) United Kingdom consists of (the / –) Great Britain and (the / –) Northern Ireland.

Упражнение 14. Here are some geography questions. You have to choose the right answer, with or without “the”. 

1) Where is Bolivia?

a) Africa;       b) South America;       c) North America.

2) Of which country is Manila the capital?

a) Indonesia;       b) Philippines;      c) Japan.

3) What is the name of the mountain range in the west of North America?

a) Rocky Mountains;       b) Andes;       c) Alps.

4) What is the name of the sea between Britain and Norway?

a) Norwegian Sea;       b) English Channel;       c) North Sea.

5) What joins the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans?

a) Suez Canal;       b) Panama Canal.

Упражнение 15.  Correct the sentences where necessary.  

1) South of England is warmer than north.

2) Africa is much larger than Europe.

3) Nile is longest river in Africa.

4) Tom has visited many countries in western Europe.

5) A friend of mine used to work as a reporter in Middle East.

Упражнение 16. You have to choose the correct form, with or without “the”.

1) Apples (The apples) are good for you.

2) Look at apples (the apples) on that tree! They are very large.

3) Women (The women) are often better teachers than men (the men).

4) In Britain coffee (the coffee) is more expensive than tea (the tea).

5) We had a very nice meal in that restaurant. Cheese (The cheese) was especially good.

6) Most people (The most people) believe that marriage (the marriage) and family life (the family life) are the basis of our society.

7) They got married but marriage (the marriage) wasn’t successful.

8) I know someone who wrote a book about life (the life) of Gandhi.

9) Life (The life) would be very difficult without electricity (the electricity).

10) Skiing (The skiing) is my favourite sport but I also like swimming (the swimming).

Образование множественного числа

Существительные английского языка в одном очень похожи на своих русских собратьев: и те, и другие могут изменяться по числам, т. е. могут употребляться как в единственном, так и во множественном числах.

Сразу оговоримся. Всё вышесказанное касается лишь исчисляемых существительных. «Что же это за исчисляемые существительные?» – спросите вы у меня. Охотно отвечу: исчисляемыми называются существительные, обозначающие предметы, которые можно пересчитать. Например:

a table – стол, а реn – ручка, a shirt – рубашка

А вот примеры неисчисляемых существительных:

butter – масло, bread – хлеб, granite – гранит

Проще говоря, к неисчисляемым относятся существительные, обозначающие не поддающиеся счёту разные виды продуктов, полезных ископаемых, названия наук и т. д.

Существительные образуют множественное число следующими способами:

1. Путем прибавления суффикса -s или -es: a pen – pens, a box – boxes. Окончание -s может присоединяться как к гласным, так и к согласным буквам. При этом окончание -s имеет два типа произношения:

• звонкий звук [z] после гласных и звонких согласных звуков;

• глухой звук [s] после глухих согласных звуков.

tie [tai]

– ties [taiz]

– галстуки

table [teibl]

– tables [teiblz]

– столы

bed [bed]

– beds [bedz]

– кровати

fork [fɔ:k]

– forks [fɔ:ks]

– вилки

Окончание -es применяется исключительно удобства ради, в случае, если существительное в единственном числе оканчивается на -s, -ss, -х, -ch, -sh. Окончание -es всегда произносится одинаково: [iz]

match [mæʧ]

– matches, [mæʧiz]

– спички

bus [bs]

– buses [bsiz]

– автобусы

fox [fɔks]

– foxes [fɔksiz]

– лисицы

Окончание -es является показателем множественного числа и в некоторых других случаях. Например, когда меняется корневая согласная существительного или слово оканчивается на гласную -о. При этом меняется и произношение самого окончания. Оно произносится одним звуком [z]

calf – calves

[ka:f] – [kа:vz]

– телята

tomato – tomatoes

[tə'ma:tɔu] – [tə'ma:təuz]

– помидоры

2. Путем изменения корневой гласной: man – men, a woman – women, a child – children, a foot – feet, a tooth – teeth, a goose – geese, a mouse – mice.

3. Путем совпадения форм единственного и множественного числа: a fish – fish, a sheep – sheep.

Множественное число выражается не только в существительном, в формах глагола to be – are и глагола to have – have, но и в указательных местоимениях. Для обозначения находящегося с вами предмета или лица употребляется местоимение this; находящегося далеко от вас – that. Во множественном числе данные местоимения имеют формы these и those. Отсюда: This book is interesting. These books are interesting. That is an English book. Those are English books. (Во множественном числе неопределенный артикль заменяется нулевым, т. е. имеет место отсутствие артикля

Образование множественного числа

Упражнение 1. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.

Образец: This is a mouse. – These are mice.

1. This is a pen. 2. That is a pencil. 3. Is this a cup? 4. Is that a plate? 5. Is that a map? 6. This is a box. 7. That is not a table. 8. This is a man. 9. That is not a woman. 10. This is a child.

Упражнение 2. Напишите следующие предложения в единственном числе.

Образец: We are 10. – I am 10.

1. The women have nice hats. 2. We are happy. 3. The books are on the table. 4. There are sheep in the field. 5. These are glasses. 6. Those are girls. 7. There are birds in the cage. 8. These men are workers. 9. There are boxes on the floor. 10. The women have nice hats.

Упражнение 3. Напишите эти слова во множественном числе.

a dish –                a dress –                a box –

a wolf –                 a frog –                a car –

a bird –                 a child –                 a glass –

a knife –                an eagle –                a boy –

Упражнение 4. Добавьте, где необходимо, окончание –s.

1. This girl has one cat_ and two dog_, but I have no dog_.

2. That boy has three pen_, but he has no book_.

3. This boy has four cup_ and five bottle_.

4. I like cat_, but I have no cat_.

5. He has six star_, and she has seven star_.

Упражнение 5. Измените предложения так, чтобы существительные стояли во множественном числе.

1. Is your sheep in the field? Take it home.

2. Can you catch a mouse? It is under the sofa.

3. Where is you child? He is in the yard.

4. One goose has one tooth.

5. My foot is bigger than sister’s foot.

Упражнение 6. Поставьте существительные во множественном числе по образцу: a flag (9) – nine flags.

a sheep (45), a van (83), a flag (15), a goose (8), a puppy (72), a toy (11).

Упражнение 7. Поставьте следующие словосочетания во множественном числе.

This egg, that picture, this lady, this man, that dress, that baby, that piano.

Упражнение 8. Напишите предложения во множественном числе.

1. This is a boy.

2. This is a baby.

3. Is that a ball?

4. Is that a plane?

5. Is the boy near the window?

Упражнение 9. Напишите предложения в единственном числе.

1. Those are not geese.

2. Those are flowers.

3. Are these cows?

4. Are the windows open?

5. These are sheep.

Упражнение 10. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе.

1. That woman is my sister.

2. This boy has a good coat.

3. Is that girl your friend?

4.This man works at the office.

5. This shoe is large  for my foot.

Упражнение 11. Разделите по группам:

geese, dress, life, men, sheep, girls, play, flag, ladies, foxes, fruit, tomato, oxen, children, mouse, hair, feet, toys, fish, star, park, lion, tables.

Ед. ч.

Мн. ч.

Ед. и мн. ч. одинаковы

Упражнение 12. Поставьте существительные во множественное число по образцу.

A flag (9) – nine flags

A man (8), a sheep (12), a key (18), potato (35), a house (56), a puppy (101), a wolf (4,324). A hero (8), a family (13), a shelf (15), a day (31), a woman (69), a child (189), a deer (5,742).

Притяжательный падеж

Английское существительное имеет два падежа: именительный и притяжательный. Существительное в именительном падеже называет предмет или лицо и может употребляться как любой член предложения.

The teacher is in the classroom. (подлежащее)

This is my teacher. (часть сказуемого)

I like my teacher.  (дополнение).

Притяжательный падеж употребляется с существительными, обозначающими лицо, время, расстояние.

Peter's cap, today's newspaper, a mile's distance.

Существительное в притяжательном падеже может употребляться только в функции определения.

Притяжательный падеж существительных образуется путем прибавления апострофа и буквы s, –'s к существительным в единственном числе и к существительным, образующим множественное число не по правилам:

Tie girl's name is Mary. The children's mother is a teacher.

Апостроф с окончанием -s мы обязаны присоединить к формам множественного числа слов-исключений типа men, women, children. Например:

имена этих детей –  these children's names

лица этих женщин –  these women's faces.

Только апостроф (') употребляется с существительными во множественном числе и с существительными, оканчивающимися на -s:

Tie teachers' names are Ann and Mary. Dickens' novels are interesting.

Притяжательный падеж

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык.

1. this man’s book.

2. the boy’s bag.

3. the woman’s pen

4. the girl’s books

5. Jack’s table.

Упражнение 2. Употребите притяжательный падеж.

Образец: The mother of Ben is a doctor. Ben's mother is a doctor.

1. The toys of the children are on the floor. 2. The name of the boy is Tom. 3. The dog of this man is very nice. 4. The school is quite near at the distance of a mile. 5. The hat of this man is grey. 6. The poems of Burns are wonderful. 7. The ears of the dog are very long. 8. The sons of these parents are strong boys. 9. The newspaper of yesterday is on the table. 10. The names of these women are Ann and Jane.

 Упражнение 3. Употребите следующие предложения во множественном числе.

Образец: That man's son is my pupil. Those men's sons are my pupils.

1. This child's hat is on the shelf. 2. The cow's tail is long. 3. The tiger's kid is so funny. 4. My friend's family is very good. 5. This lady's coat is in the cloak-room. 6. This boy's class-room is very clean. 7. Today's newspaper is in the table. 8. That woman's daughter is neat. 9. The baby's foot is so little. 10. This is a pen.

Упражнение 4. Переделайте в притяжательный падеж по образцу.

1. The dogs have the house. – the dog’s house.

2. The boy has the parrot. –

3. The rabbits have a carrot. –

4. The cat has a basket. –

5. The men have a lot of cars. –

6. The child has an ice-cream. –

Упражнение 5. Дополните предложения существительными в притяжательном падеже.

1. (Mary) husband often gives her flowers and sweets.

2. (boy)  The … hair is red.

3. (boys) The … hats are blue.

4. (children) The … toys are all over the floor.

5. (child) My father is preparing the … bicycle.

6. (baby) The … toys are in her box.

7. (babies) The … toys are in their boxes.

8. (yesterday) Did you read … newspaper?

Упражнение 6. Поставьте существительные в притяжательный падеж.

1. (wives) Tom and Bob are married. Their … names are Lizy and Jane.

2 (wife) That is my … coаt.

3. (Linda)  … last name is Smith.

4. (Iris)  … last name is White.

5. (boss) That’s my … office.

6. (bosses) Those are my … offices.

7. (today) There are many problems in … world.

8. (sisters) Do you know my … husbands?

Степени сравнения прилагательных

Под степенью сравнения следует понимать форму прилагательного, используемую при сравнении качеств, размеров, признаков тех или иных объектов, обозначенных существительными.

Прилагательные английского языка, как и их русские родственники, обладают тремя степенями: положительной, сравнительной и превосходной. Скажу сразу и попрошу моих читателей запомнить, что под положительной степенью сравнения понимается сама изначальная форма имени прилагательного. Сравните:

интересный (-ая, -ое)                interesting

большой (-ая, -ое)                big

чистый (-ая, -ое)                clean

Под сравнительной степенью понимается форма прилагательного, применяемая при сравнении двух или более однородных предметов. В случае же, если один из однородных предметов или конкретный человек из определенного круга лиц обладает каким-либо признаком, качеством в наибольшей мере, чем все остальные «участники сравнения», то мы должны применить превосходную степень.

Степени сравнения имен прилагательных образуются следующим путем:

1. При помощи суффиксов -er, -est – односложные прилагательные:

big – bigger – the biggest.

2. При помощи слов more, most – многосложные прилагательные:

beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful.

3. Двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -у, -ow, -er, -le, обычно образуют степени сравнения при помощи суффиксов -er, est:

easy – easier – tie easiest

narrow – narrower – tie narrowest

simple – simpler – tie simplest

4. Ряд прилагательных отклоняется от вышеуказанных правил при образовании степеней сравнения:


– better

– the best


– worse

– the worst

many, much

– more

– most


– less

– least



– farther

 the furthest

– the farthest


– older

– the oldest

– elder

– tie eldest

Формы elder, the eldest употребляются по отношению к членам одной семьи, родственникам:

She is my elder sister.

Но: Tom is the oldest in the class.

При сравнении возраста всегда употребляется выражение older than:

My friend is one year older than me (than I am).

При образовании степеней сравнения с помощью суффиксов -еr, -est помните следующие орфографические правила:

а) если прилагательное заканчивается на две согласные или на одну согласную с предшествующей ей долгой гласной, то никаких изменений в написании прилагательного не происходит:

small – smaller – the smallest

deep – deeper – tie deepest

b) если положительная степень заканчивается на одну согласную с предшествующей ей краткой гласной, то эта согласная удваивается:

thin – thinner – the thinnest

wet – wetter – the wettest

в) если положительная степень прилагательного заканчивается на букву -у с предшествующей согласной, то -у изменяется -i- перед суффиксами -еr, -est. Если букве -у предшествует гласная, то не изменяется:

dry – drier - the driest

grey – greyer – the greyest

При сравнении степени качества одного предмета со степенью качества другого употребляется союз than (чем):

This room is larger that that. – Эта комната больше, чем та.

Two heads are better than one. – Две головы лучше, чем одна.

При сравнении двух предметов одинакового качества употребляется союз as...as (так же …как; такой же … как). Прилагательные в положительной степени ставятся между as...as:

This book is as interesting as that. – Эта книга такая же интересная, как и та.

В отрицательной форме первое as меняется на not so:

This boy is not so tall as the man. – Этот мальчик не такой высокий как мужчина.


Степени сравнения прилагательных

Упражнение 1. Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных:

Tall, gay, kind, large, pretty, grey, loud, difficult, merry, strange, bad, rich, soft, red, good, clean, expensive, cheap, tall.

Упражнение 2. Переведите на русский язык:

1. You get up earlier than me. 2. Ben plays football best of all. 3. It is the dirtiest room in the house. 4. You are a better driver than I am. 5. London is older than Moscow. 6. The weather is wetter today. 7. Bob is the best football player. 8. This box is bigger than that. 9. This book is more expensive than that. 10. July is usually the hottest month of the year.

Упражнение 3. Сравните следующее, употребляя прилагательные в скобках:

Образец: January, February (long). January is longer than February.

1. January, February (short). 2. December, November (cold). 3. Volgograd, Kamishin (big). 4. Volgograd, Moscow (old). 5. The Volga river, the Don river (long). 6. This cat, that dog (small). 7. Summer, spring (hot). 8. This school, that school (high). 9. This book, that book (interesting). 10. July, August (long).

Упражнение 4. Распределите следующие формы прилагательных по колонкам.

a) hotter, the longest, the shortest, clever, silly, greater, more, difficult, better, thin, the biggest, the nicest, less.

b) thick, new, the most importable, more, the fattest, the merriest, taller, weak, interesting, busier, few.




Упражнение 5. Вставьте прилагательные. Используйте сравнительную или превосходную степень.

1. It is (happy) day of my life.

2. The twenty-second of December is (short) day in a year.

3. The Neva is (deep) than the Moscva river.

4. It is  (cold) day of the year.

5. The room is (small) of all the rooms in the house.

6. My rhymes are (bad) than yours.

7. Our school is (old) in our town.

8. This dictation is (easy) than that one.

9. Moscow is (large) city in Russia.

10. She is (tall) than her sister.

Упражнение 6. Выберите правильную форму прилагательных.

1. This book is (the most interesting, interestingest) of all I have read this year.

2. My sister speaks English (badder, worse) than I do.

3. Which is (the hottest, hotter) month of the year?

4. Which is (the beautifulest, the most beautiful) place in this part of the country.

5. A train is (faster, the fastest) than a bus.

6. Take some of these sweets: they are very (nicer, nice). They are (nicer, nice) than the sweets in that box.

7. (Tall, the tallest) trees in the world grow in California.

8. This girl is (the goodest, the best) student in our group.

9. Spanish is (the easiest, easier) than German.

10. The Thames is (short, shorter) than the Volga.

Упражнение 7. Почему их животные самые лучшие?

My cat is (big).          My cat is the biggest.

My dog is (clever).

My rabbit is (fat).

My parrot is (happy).

My mouse is (pretty).

My fish is (small).

My bird is (beautiful).

Упражнение 8. Use the adjectives in brackets to complete the sentences.

1) Jackets are more expensive than T-shirts. (expensive)

2) My Mum is … my Dad. (tall)

3) Dogs are … cats. (intelligent)

4. Franco is … Marco. (short)

5) My brother is … at sports … I am. (good)

6) My homework is … yours. (bad)

Упражнение 9. Use the comparative of the words in brackets and the words (a bit / a little / much / a lot / fat). Besides, you should use than where necessary.

1) It’s _______ today _______ it was yesterday (a little / warm).

2) A. Did you enjoy your visit to the museum?

    B. Yes, I found it _______ I expected (far / interesting).

3) I prefer this armchair. It’s _______ the other one (much / comfortable).

4) You looked depressed this morning but you look _______ now (a bit / happy).

5) This flat is too small for me. I need something _______ (much / big).

6) It’s _______ to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken (a lot / easy).

Упражненеи 10.  Fill in “like” or “as”.

1) This house is beautiful. It’s _____ a palace.

2) Ann failed her driving test _____ we expected.

3) Do you think Ann looks _____ her mother?

4) He really gets on my nerves. I can’t stand people _____ him.

5) Why didn’t you do it _____ I told you to do it?

6) “Where does Bill work? He works in a band, _____ most of his friends.

7) He never listens. Talking to him is _____ talking to a wall.

8) Tom’s idea seemed a good one, so we did _____ he suggested.

Упражнение 11. Write sentences with as ___as. 

1) Athens is older than Rome. Rome _______.

2) My room is bigger than yours. Your room isn’t _______.

3) You got up earlier than me. I didn’t _______.

4) We played better than them. They didn’t _______.

5) I’ve been here longer than you. You haven’t _______

Образование наречий

Наречие – часть речи, образованная от имени прилагательного (чаще) или от местоимений некоторых видов (реже).

У большого количества английских наречий характерным, отличительным признаком выступает суффикс -lу, присоединяющийся к основе соответствующего прилагательного. Например:



quick (быстрый)

quickly (быстро)

serious (серьёзный)

seriously (серьёзно)

heavy (тяжёлый)

heavily (тяжело)

Вы, надеюсь, не забыли правило орфографии, по которому буква у в некоторых позициях меняется на букву i, что и нашло своё отражение в написании слова heavily (изменение -у на -i).

Завершая разговор о суффиксе -, необходимо обратить внимание на то, что суффикс этот характерен и для некоторого, небольшого числа прилагательных. Например:

friendly – дружеский, silly глупый, elderly – пожилой

Также в английском языке есть группа наречий, полностью совпадающая с соответствующими прилагательными. Например: fast – и прилагательное «быстрый» и наречие «быстро». То же относится к словам late (поздний | поздно), hard (усердный | усердно). А вот наречие well (хорошо) абсолютно не похоже на прилагательное good (хороший).

Среди наречий есть одно очень хитрое наречие hardly. Неискушённый в тонкостях английской грамматики человек подумает, что оно образовано от прилагательного hard (усердный), и даст его перевод «усердно». И очень сильно ошибётся. Ведь hardly переводится как «едва, с трудом». Сравним предложения:

Ann works hard. – Анна усердно (много) работает.

Ann's writing is terrible. I can hardly read it. – У Анны ужасный почерк. Я едва (с трудом) разбираю его.

Наречия связаны с глаголами и только с ними, и как видно из приведённых примеров, наречия играют по отношению к глаголам ту же роль, что и прилагательные по отношению к существительным, т. е. как бы определяют глаголы, указывая на характерные особенности того или иного действия, выполняемого конкретным лицом. Сравним:

Peter swims well. – Петя хорошо плавает. = Петя плавает хорошо.

Обратите внимание, что в английском предложении наречия образа действия ставятся после глагола-сказуемого, а вот наречия неопределённого времени ставятся перед глаголом-сказуемым.

I always help my parents. – Я всегда помогаю своим родителям.

Классификация наречий:

В английском языке есть простые наречия, которые не имеют специальных суффиксов. Например: often, never, seldom, still.

Производные наречия образуются при помощи суффикса -ly, добавляемого к основе прилагательного. Например:

slow + -ly = slowly (медленный  – медленно)

warm + -ly = warmly (теплый  – тепло)

Если прилагательное оканчивается на –y, то y меняется на i:

happy – happily (счастливый – счастливо)

noisy – noisily (шумный  – шумно)

Если прилагательное оканчивается на –e, то оно выпадает:

true – truly (верный, правильный – верно, правильно)

simple – simply (простой – просто)

Сложные наречия образуются путем словосложения:

sometimes, meantime, outside, inside, overhead

Составные наречия – это словосочетание двух слов:

at last, at least, at first, at once, in vain

Некоторые наречия имеют две формы: одну без суффикса, сходную с прилагательным, другую – с суффиксом -ly. В этом случае они различаются по функции и значению:

hard – настойчиво, упорно, hardly – едва, еле, почти не.

He worked hard. He hardly worked.

(Простое наречие стоит после глагола, производное – перед ним.)

Некоторые наречия совпадают по форме с прилагательными:

hard (твердо, тяжело) – hard (твердый, трудный)

fast (быстро) – fast (быстрый)

weekly (еженедельно) – weekly (еженедельный)

well (хорошо, благополучно) – well (хороший, благополучный, часто после глаголов-связок to be и to feel)

He works well. – Он работает хорошо.

He is well. – Он чувствует себя здоровым (хорошо).

Не следует смешивать также прилагательные well и good:

He is well. – Он чувствует себя здоровым (хорошо).

He is good. – Он хороший.

Образование наречий

Упражнение 1.

Change these sentences to use adverbs.

Example: He’s а dangerous footballer. – He plays football dangerously.

1) Steven Spielberg is a good director.

2) My father is a careful driver.

3) My friend Sam is a quick runner.

4) Our cat is a very quiet eater.

Упражнение 2. Translate from Russian into English.

1) Этот мальчик может прыгать высоко. Он лучший спортсмен в нашей школе.

2) Алла Пугачева очень популярна в нашей стране.

3) Она обычно встает поздно.

4) Я видела его недавно.

5) Он упорно работает над английским языком.

6) Мы едва знаем этого молодого человека.

7) Она быстрая бегунья.

8) Она бегает быстро.

9) Она хороший педагог. Она работает хорошо.

Степени сравнения наречий

Степени сравнения могут образовывать только наречия образа действия типа well – хорошо, slowly – медленно, и наречия неопределённого времени типа early – рано, late – поздно.

Для односложных наречий типа well и двусложных наречий типа slowly степени сравнения образуются так же, как и у соответствующих им прилагательных, полностью совпадая со степенями сравнения прилагательных.

Степени сравнения наречий образуются:

1. При помощи суффиксов -er, -est

fast – faster – fastest;

2. При помощи слов more, most, если наречия оканчиваются на суффикс -ly

beautifully – more beautifully – most beautifully;

3. Путем отклонения от правил:

well – better – best

badly – worse – worst

much – more – most

little – less – least

Today you are reading worse than yesterday.

Все остальные двусложные наречия типа often, seldom и многосложные наречия образуют степени сравнения аналитическим способом, а именно при помощи слов more, most.

Объектный падеж личных местоимений – это их форма, соответствующая всем косвенным падежам русского языка (родительному, дательному, винительному, творительному и предложным). Формы объектных падежей употребляются только в функции дополнений. А теперь перейдем от теории к практике. При попытке сказать по-английски «Подойди ко мне, пожалуйста», или «Никто ему не помогает» нас в первую очередь интересует, как же перевести личные местоимения мне и ему. Да очень просто! Но сначала составим таблицу.

Формы объектных падежей личных местоимений

I > me

You > you

Не > him

She > her

It > its

мне, обо мне, для меня и т. д.

тебе, за тобой, для тебя и т. д.

ему, за ним, для него и т. д.

ей, о ней, для нее и т. д.

этого, об этом, на этом и т. д.

We > us

You > you

They > them

нас, перед нами, о нас и т. д.

вам, для вас, у вас и т. д.

им, о них, перед ними и т. д.

И пара примеров для иллюстрации:

Она часто говорит с нами по-немецки. – She often speaks German to us.

Это письмо для вас. – This letter is for you.

Вы, наверное, уже успели заметить, что именительный и объектный падежи личных местоимений you и it совпадают, а форма объектного падежа личного местоимения she, т. е. форма her также совпадает с формой притяжательного местоимения, образованного от she. Запомните поэтому, что в зависимости от смысла предложения слово her может означать две совершенно разных вещи. Например:

a) I see her at the corner. – Я вижу её на углу (функция – дополнение).

б) Неr brother is a good doctor. – Её брат – хороший врач (функция – определение).

Помимо смысла и функции у одного и того же слова her также и разные положения в предложении:

• дополнение всегда ставится позади сказуемого;

• определение всегда ставится перед существительным-подлежащим или дополнением.

Объктивные местоимения

Упражнение 1. Вставьте, где нужно, местоимения me, you, him, her, it, us, them.

1. My brother is here. You can see … in the corner of the room.

2. Let … go home!

3. Introduce … to you friend, please.

4. Look at that picture! Do you like …?

5. It is raining, but the children are in the yard. Take … home!

6. I am very glad to meet … .

7. That’s my sister. Look at … .

Упражнение 2. Вставьте местоимения me, you, him, her, it, us, them.

1. The mother has two sons. She loves … very much.

2. The book is interesting. I want to read … .

3. Ivanov is present. You can see … at the front desk.

4. Tell … about the new film. We want to go to the cinema.

5. I want … to clean the room.

6. Don’t turn to me. The teacher is looking at … .

7. My sister is small and I love … .

Указательные местоимения this  – these,

that – those

Говоря об артиклях, мы назвали их служебными словами без самостоятельного значения, определяющими следующие за ними существительные. Ближайшими родственниками артиклей являются указательные местоимения. Небольшое семейство этих местоимений играет в английском языке отнюдь не маленькую роль.

Во-первых, существует теория, согласно которой определенный артикль произошел именно от указательных местоимений. Во-вторых, они широко употребимы в повседневной речи.

Местоимения this, that применимы в единственном числе, a these, those – во множественном числе. Местоимения this – these означают «этот, эта, это/эти» и применимы при указании на человека, животное, предмет, материал и т. д., находящихся вблизи говорящего. Местоимения that – those означают «тот, та, то/те» (иногда «этот») и применимы при указании на предметы, людей, животных и т. д., находящихся вдали от говорящего.

1) These boys are my friends. – Эти мальчики – мои друзья.

2) This book is interesting. – Эта книга интересная.

3) That is a TV-set. – To – телевизор.

4) Give me this, please. – Дай мне это, пожалуйста.

Запомните, и это ясно из примеров, что все четыре указательных местоимения могут выполнять функции подлежащего (пример 3), дополнения (пример 4) и определения (примеры 1–2).

О притяжательных местоимениях


  Притяжательные местоимения выражают принадлежность и отвечают на вопрос «чей? чья? чьё?». В английском языке нет особого притяжательного местоимения, соответствующего русскому местоимению «свой». Оно переводится на английский язык соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями.

Теперь познакомьтесь с таблицей, где в левой колонке даны формы личных местоимений, а в правой – формы притяжательных местоимений.

Формы притяжательных местоимений

Личные местоимения

Притяжательные местоимения

единственное число

1-е лицо – I (я)

1-е лицо > my (мой, моя, моё)

2-е лицо – you (ты)

2-е лицо > your (твой, твоя, твоё)

                    he (он)

3-е лицо     she (она)

                    it (оно)

                       his (его)

3-е лицо >    her (её)

                        its (его)

множественное число

1-е лицо – we (мы)

1-е лицо > our (наш)

2-е лицо – you (вы)

2-е лицо > your (ваш)

3-е лицо – they (они)

3-е лицо > their (их)

В предложении притяжательные местоимения ставятся перед соответствующим существительным. При этом в последнем случае никаких артиклей перед существительными ставить нельзя!

Это мой брат. – Не is ту brother.

Где живет её сестра? – Where does her sister live?

Иногда притяжательные местоимения употребляются самостоятельно. В таких случаях они выступают в предложении в функции подлежащего, именной части сказуемого или дополнения.

It’s your book, but where is mine? – Это твоя книга, а где моя?

Притяжательные местоимения

Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски.

1. Bring (ему) … (его) … new shirt.

2. Give (им) … (их) … coloured pencils.

3. Show (ей)… (ее) … gold ring.

4. Bring  (нам) … (наши) … umbrellas.

5. Take (ваши) … trousers and put (их) … on.

6. Put (их) … copy-books on (мой) … table.

Упражнение 2. Переведите словосочетания.

1. Мой словарь –                6. Моя лодка –

2. Ее письмо –                          7. Их машина –

3. Их фильм –                         8. Его дети –

4. Твой брат –                         9. Ее дом –

5. Его улица –                         10. Наша школа –

Упражнение 3. Вставьте слова my, our, your, his, her, its, their.

1. She has a turtle. It is … turtle.

2. I have a car. It is … car.

3. You have a book. It is … book.

4. It has a cage. It is … cage.

5. We have an uncle. It is … uncle.

6. He has a garden. It is … garden.

7. They have a puppy. It is … puppy.

Что изучает грамматика. Типы предложений

Грамматика изучает структуру языка и включает два раздела: Синтаксис и Морфологию. Синтаксис изучает предложение, его построение. Морфология изучает части речи. При знакомстве с построением английского предложения надо опираться на ваши знания синтаксиса родного русского языка. В английском языке тоже имеется 5 членов предложения: главные (подлежащее и сказуемое) и второстепенные (определение, дополнение и обстоятельство). По цели высказывания предложения бывают повествовательные, вопросительные, восклицательные и повелительные.

Повествовательные предложения сообщают о каком-либо факте в утвердительной или отрицательной форме. Для английского предложения характерен твердый порядок слов. В отличие от русского языка в английском языке подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение обычно стоят в строгой последовательности одно за другим, составляя как бы основу предложения.

Обстоятельство, как правило, стоит до или после основы предложения. Определение может находиться рядом с любым членом предложения, который требует определения.

Для вопросительных предложений характерно употребление обратного порядка слов, т. е.



Have you a dog?

Вопросительные предложения могут быть четырех типов: общие, альтернативные или вопросы выбора, разделительные и специальные.

1. Общий вопрос ставится ко всему предложению и предполагает утвердительный или отрицательный ответ: Yes или No. Всегда начинается с глагола-связки to be или соответствующего вспомогательного глагола. Ни одно из слов утвердительного предложения не должно быть потеряно при трансформации в вопрос.

– Are you a pupil?

– Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

2. Альтернативный вопрос очень похож и по своей структуре, и по смыслу на общий вопрос. Образно говоря, это расширенный вопрос, допускающий выбор ответа на общий вопрос. Он, как и общий вопрос, ставится ко всему предложению, но одновременно с этим к тому или иному члену предложения. Он предполагает в ответе выбор между двумя или более действиями или качествами. 

Он состоит из двух частей:

1-ая часть представляет собой общий вопрос, 2-ая – союз or (или) + слово для выбора.

Is it your sister оr your friend?

Союз or имеет две формы произношения: полная форма [?:] перед последующим согласным звуком и полную форму [?:r] перед последующим гласным звуком.

3. Разделительный вопрос применяется в речи, да и на письме довольно редко. Тогда, когда спрашивающий хочет получить у своего собеседника подтверждение или, наоборот, отрицание сказанного им самим (высказанной им мысли). Он также состоит из двух частей: 1-ая представляет собой утверждение в положительной или в отрицательной форме, 2-ая часть – начало общего вопроса, т. е. соответствующую форму глагола + соответствующее местоимение.

Русским аналогом данного типа английских вопросов выступают вопросительные обороты типа «не так ли? не правда ли? разве? да неужели?» или частица «ведь» в составе русского вопросительного предложения.

Чтобы лучше понять, как построить разделительный или хвостовой вопрос, мы переведем на английский язык одно простое предложение: «Ваша сестра – актриса, не так ли (не правда ли)?» Уже в структуре русского предложения налицо две части:

а) утверждение (до запятой);

б) вопросительный оборот (после запятой), причем в составе вопросительного оборота есть отрицание «не».

А вот английский эквивалент данного русского предложения: Your sister is an actress, isn't she?

Русские вопросительные обороты «не правда ли, неужели, не так ли, разве» всегда будут передаваться при помощи либо той самой формы глагола-связки, что имеется в первой части, либо формой нужного вспомогательного глагола. А подлежащее первой части всегда заменяется соответствующим по смыслу личным местоимением и всегда стоит в самом конце второй части.

Если первая часть является отрицательной, то вторая – положительной и наоборот.

This boy is not your brother, is he?

Создавая свои разделительные (хвостовые) вопросы, не забывайте, в первую очередь, о правиле: в структуре любого английского предложения может быть НЕ БОЛЕЕ ОДНОГО отрицания!

4. Специальный вопрос задается одному члену предложения и начинается с вопросительного словаза которыми следует либо форма глагола-связки to be, либо вспомогательный глагол.: who – кто, what – что, какой (если за ним следует существительное), which – который, whom – кого, whose – чей, when – когда, where – куда, где, why – почему, how – как, how many  сколько (с исчисляемыми существительными), how much – сколько (с неисчисляемыми существительными).

How many books have you?

How much water have you in your glass?

Естественно, что при постановке специального вопроса, из структуры утвердительного предложения «изымается» то слово (те слова), к которым и задан специальный вопрос.

He is a tall man. – Он высокий мужчина.

а) Who is a tall man? (Вместо слова he мы употребили слово who);

б) What man is he? – Какой он мужчина? (Вместо слова tall мы употребили слово what).

The book is on the table. – Книга на столе.

а) What is on the table? – Что на столе? (Подлежащее book заменено вопросительным словом what в значении «что»);

б) Where is the book? – Где находится книга? (Обстоятельство места оn the tablе заменено вопросительным словом where в значении «где»).

Повелительные предложения выражают приказ, просьбу и образуются при помощи инфинитива без частицы to.

Speak English, please.

Don't speak Russian.

• Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола do в отрицательной форме + инфинитив без to.

• Побудительные предложения, соответствующие русскому «давайте», образуются при помощи глагола let + местоимение us + глагол.

Let us go to the cinema. (Let's go to the cinema.)

Восклицательные предложения выражают различные эмоциональные состояния и образуются при помощи слов how (перед прилагательным и наречием) и what (перед существительным).

How nice the Rower is! What a day it is!

Типы предложений

Упражнение 1. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. five, an, and, I, elephant, cats, have, got.

2. What, in, time, spare, you, do, can, your?

3. enjoys, friend, walking, my, snooker, and, playing.

4. his, car, toy, playing, with, Roy, likes.

5. people, all, different, like, things, doing.

Упражнение 2. Задайте вопросы.

1. It was early morning. (Was … or…)

2. The pupils were in the library all day. (Where …)

3. He was in America in 1967. (when …)

4. The toy shop was open at that time. (Was …)

5. It was a very beautiful and modern hotel. (What kind …)

6. She was a hard-working  student. (What …)

Упражнение 3. Задайте все возможные вопросы.

1. I have translated a text this week.

2. He has written a long letter.

3. They have taken the books from the table.

Упражнение 4. Напишите вопросы, начиная словами, данными в скобках.

1. They have lived in Ireland since 1993. (Where …)

2. She has drunk some milk. (Has …)

3. Pete has come to see me . (Who …)

4. We have read an interesting article. (What …)

5. You have helped me much. (What …)

6. He has given Vera a letter. (Who …)

Упражнение 5. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

1. I shall eat fish and chips on Friday.

2. You will be in the sixth form next year.

3. We shall have party tomorrow.

4. She will have some lessons on Saturday.

5. They will go to the river to swim.

6. It will be fine weather tomorrow.

Упражнение 6. Задайте все виды вопросов.

1. I shall buy a box of sweets tomorrow in the shop.

2. My brother saw him in the park yesterday.

3. The Volga runs into the Caspian Sea.

4. My parents watch TV in the evening.

5. I have already done my homework.

6. Olga is still looking for her notebook.

Упражнение 7. Задайте все виды вопросов.

1. Parents will buy tickets to family trip.

2. I would like to read my favourite magazine in my spare time.

3. Pete can play tennis and basketball.

4. My friends have a new flat in Moscow.

5. I am going to buy a beautiful picture.

Упражнение 8. Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.

1. She is a good teacher.

2. Mary and Linda can speak English well.

3. There are many children in the classroom.

4. He plays football well.

5. Iris has got two pretty puppies.

Упражнение 9. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

1. He can play basketball well.

2. Olga is a good student.

3. Dan has got a dog and two turtles.

4. My friends live in Moscow.

5. They have got a lot of friends.

Упражнение 10. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1. She not like writing letters very much.

2. I to the cinema go every day.

3. John can to play tennis very well.

4. He live in London.

5. I has got two parrots.

Упражнение 11. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

1. Wales is a land of daffodils.

2. Big parks attract tourists to my city.

3. There are a lot of museums and theatres in Moscow.

4. You can see lakes and dales in the countryside.

5. A lot of tourists want to visit London.

Упражнение 12. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

1. My parents will buy me the Disney film.

2. My friends want to make interesting trips.

3. It is hot and foggy in autumn.

4. There are four seasons in the year.

5. I can find a lot of interesting books in bookshops.

Упражнение 13. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

1. They slept in the afternoon yesterday.

2. The students understood the English text.

3. You read the newspaper in the library 2 days ago.

4. We learned geography last year.

5. He wore a warm coat in autumn.

Упражнение 14. Напишите вопросы, начиная их словами, данными в скобках.

1. We saw the portrait of William Shakespeare in the library. (Where…)

2. The child got up at 6 o’clock . (When…)

3. It rained all day yesterday. (Did …)

4. The teacher gave the boy a bad mark for history. (Why ...)

5. The boy did his homework in the morning. (Who …)

Упражнение 15. Write down exclamatory sentences.

1) The thoughts and emotions are so funny.

2) The play is their first great success.

3) The play was really funny.

4) It is a romantic story.

5) The actors are fantastic.

6) It was a magnificent performance.

Упражнение 16. Write down exclamatory sentences.

1) Norton Rene is a talented director.

2) The play is very touching.

3) The creators are wise.

4) Craig Lucas is an outstanding playwright.

5) It is a romantic story.

6) The actors are fantastic.

7) The play was really funny.

8) It was a magnificent performance.

Задания для развития речи

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Would you like some chocolate or roast beef?

2. What kinds of animals do you know?

3. Where would you like to travel?

4. What do you like doing in your spare time?

5. Can you play basketball or baseball?

Упражнение 2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is you favourite book?

2. Would you like to visit London or Paris?

3. When do you like to go out?

4. What can you do during four seasons?

5. Is London a great tourist attraction? Why?

Упражнение 3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Have you got your favourite teacher?

2. What can you say about her or him?

3. What does he teach you?

4. What do you want to be?

5. Do you like to go to school?

Упражнение 4. Что вы знаете о Британии?

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

2. Are there any beautiful parks in London?

3. What kind of interesting places are there in London?

4. The Tate Gallery is one of the well-known galleries in London, isn’t it?

5. Have you been to London?

Упражнение 5. Поговорим о погоде?

1. What kind of season do you like best of all?

2. How often do people in England speak about the weather?

3. Is the weather fine in spring?

4.What summer months do you know?

5. Can you compare the weather in England and in Russia?

Упражнение 6. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Is there a living room in your flat?

2. There are different ways of travelling around your city, aren’t there?

3. Is there a supermarket near your house?

4. How many schools are there in your town (city)?

5. Are there two beds in your room?

Упражнение 7. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Are there twelve months in the year?

2. How many cold days are there in the year?

3. Are there three months in each season?

4. Is there a pencil in your hand now?

5. Is there any snow in the streets now?

Упражнение 8. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.Where do you live?

2. What is the difference between cities and villages?

3. What places are there in your city (town)?

4. What kinds of activities are there in your school?

5. Which picture is the view from your window?

Упражнение 9. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What transport has got only two wheels?

2. What is the most comfortable and the fastest way of travelling?

3. How many ways of travelling do you know?

4. What is you favourite kind of transport? Why?

5. Do you like to travel?

6. Do you prefer to travel by sea or by plane?

7. What can you see while travelling by car?

Упражнение 10. Put questions to the underlined words.

1) Helen is my classmate.

2) Sorry, you are wrong.

3) We are at the lesson now.

4) The pupils are in the classroom.

5) The girls are from Wales.

6) His car is black.

7) The galleries [gælǝr׀z]are closed tomorrow.

8) We are free on Sunday [sʌnd׀].

1) Who is Helen?

2) ____________

3) ____________

4) ____________

5) ____________

6) ____________

7) ____________

8) ____________

Упражнение 11. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.

1) Do you live in Moscow?

2) Do you live in the center of the city?

3) Are you a doctor?

4) Are you a student?

5) Does he usually answer well?

6) Does she go to school on Sundays?

7) Have you got a car?

8) Does he have a cat?

9) are there any pencils in the box?

10) Does it take you much time to prepare your English?

11) Is there any tea in the cup?

12) Is he stupid?

Упражнение 12. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1) I work at an office.

2) We usually have our English in the morning.

3) He writes a lot of sentences on the blackboard.

4) He has got a wonderful collection of postcards.

5) There are seven big cars in his collection.

6) There is no juice in the bottle.

7) We listen to music with great pleasure.

8) We don’t like playing chess.

9) It takes him 20 minutes to get to school.

Упражнение 13. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1) They have never been to any foreign countries.

2) We’ve already seen this new film.

3) His friend has translated two English books into Russian.

4) They’ve sent us several telegrams lately.

5) They sent us several telegrams last Monday.

6) I got up at 6 o’clock yesterday.

7) We stayed at home last weekend.

8) He has lost his key.

     9) Nick bought a new car the day before yesterday.

Тесты по грамматике

Рекомендации к выполнению

Чтобы успешно выполнить тестовое задание, обратите внимание на следующие рекомендации:

1. Прочитайте весь текст теста до того, как начнёте выполнять задание.

2. Прочитайте внимательно задание к тесту.

3. Приступайте к выполнению задания с уверенностью, что Вы обязательно с ним справитесь.

4. Выполните сначала задание более лёгкое для вас, затем обратитесь к более сложному.

5. Делайте паузы для отдыха.

6. После выполнения тестового задания, сверьте ответы с ключом.

Если количество правильных ответов составляет 80% и выше, тест считается успешно выполненным.

Test 1

A. Give the plural of the following nouns:

1) woman

11) foot

21) forget-me-not

2) thief        

12) mosquito

22) grown-up

3) tooth        

13) man        

23) go-between

4) hero

14) sheep

24) step-mother

5) army

15) hair

25) manservant

6) wife

16) money

26) diploma

7) fly

17) police

27) analysis

8) mouse

18) handkerchief

28) crisis

9) house         

19) sportsman

29) datum

10) knife

20) passer-by

30) curriculum

B. Choose the correct plural for each of the following nouns:

1)  monkey                        a. (monkeys)                        b. (monkies)

2)  ox                                a. (oxes)                                b. (oxen)

3)  hanger-on                        a. (hanger-ons)                        b. (hangers-on)

4)  goose                                a. (geese)                                b. (gooses)

5)  housefly                        a. (houseflys)                        b. (houseflies)

6)  potato                        a. (potatoes)                                b. (potatos)

7)  mother-in-law                a. (mother-in-laws)               b. (mothers-in-law)

8)  man-of-war                        a. (man-of-wars)                            b. (men-of-war)

9)  sheriff                        a. (sheriffes)                                b. (sheriffs)

10) formula                        a. (formulas)                          b. (formulae)

C. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1). Steve’s trousers (is, are) out of fashion.

2). Where have you put the scissors?  (Here it is. Here they are.)

3). The furniture in the room (is, are) of good quality.

4). The news on the radio (was, were) very important for us.

5). Their information (is, are) not correct.

6). Her hair (is, are) blonde.

7). The police (is, are) looking for the murderer.

8). He found the field where the cattle (was, were) grazing.

9). Where (is, are) the money? (It is, they are) on the table.

10). His knowledge of English (is, are) poor.

11). Your watch (has, have) stopped.

12). The teachers’ wages (is, are) low.

13). My clothes (were, was) my Sunday best.

14). The fruit (is, are) not yet ripe.

15). Their progress (are, is) great.

D. Change the number of the nouns if it is necessary. Making any other necessary changes.

1). These sportsmen do jogging every day.

2). There is little money in his purse.

3). The leaves are getting yellow.

4). The sportsman lost his tooth on the ring.

5). My child likes jam.

6). Geese always hiss when they see a passer-by.

7). There is one sheep, one pig and one goose in this picture.

8). The ox is driving a cart of hay.

9). This woman is fond of knitting.

10). Englishmen always observe traditions.

11). The news is striking. His life is in danger.

12). The mouse was caught by the cat.

13). There was the only looker-on on the game.

14). You did not witness these phenomena yourself, did you?

15). The news was so surprising that he even forgot to be angry.

E. Complete the following sentences with the correct noun in the parentheses.

1). I can get on with all kinds of ... (people, peoples).

2). All the ... (people, peoples) of Europe want peace.

3). I only dance with man in ... (tail, tails).

4). This dog has a short ... (tail, tails).

5). John has such strange ... (way, ways).

6). She always loses her ... (way, ways).

7). Her kindly ... (bearing, bearings) made her popular.

8). It’s easy to lose one’s ... (bearing, bearings) in London.

9). Granny can’t read without her ... (spectacle, spectacles).

10). The tournament was an exciting ... (spectacles, spectacle).

11). He spent two years in the ... (force, forces).

12). I opened the door by ... (force, forces).

13). Every regiment has its ... (colour, colours).

14). Blue is my favourite ... (colour, colours).

15). He takes great ... (pain, pains) to solve the problem.

16). I have ... (pain, pains) in my back.

17). The ... (custom, customs) will never die out.

18). (Custom, customs) must be imposed on goods imported and exported.

19). I have read three ... (quarters, quarter) of the book.

20). We found him in the old ... (quarters, quarter) of the town.

Test 2

A. Choose the proper article.

1). (A, an, the, -) drawning man catches at (a, an, the, -) straw.

2). From now on I don’t move (a, an, the, -) step.

3). It’s just round the corner of (a, an, the, -) Forty-Fourth Street.

4). One of the greatest rivers of Africa is (a, an, the, -) Congo.

5). They had (a, an, the, -) lovely tea at their friends.

6). She felt like (a, an, the, -) Alice in Wonderland.

7). (A, an, the, -) London of our days differs greatly from (a, an, the, -) London of the days of Shakespeare.

8). (A, an, the, -) Indian ink is made in (a, an, the, -) China.

9). I have (a, an, the, -) few friends who are devoted to me.

10). (A, an, the, -) woman is physically weaker than (a, an, the, -) man.

11). I have (a, an, the, -) little money to spare for books and pictures. I need all the money that I have to live.

12). (A, an, the, -) Hague is in (a, an, the, -) Netherlands.

13). (A, an, the, -) winter of 1941 was severe.

14). (A, an, the, -) «Russia» is a very comfortable ship.

15). He will be back in (a, an, the, -) half (a, an, the, -) hour.

B. Fill in the articles where necessary. Correct. Wrong.

1). Life without ideal would be like sky without sun.

2). Little pot is soon hot.

3). Love of mother is blind.

4). Marriages are made in heaven.

5). Deaf husband and blind wife are always happy couple.

6). It is no use crying over split milk.

7). Attack is best form of defence.

8). Knowledge is power.

9). Mouse may help lion.

10). You cannot teach old dog new tricks.

11). Tree is known by its fruit.

12). Why keep dog and bark yourself?

13). He who laughs last laughs best but he who laughs first sees point.

14). Appetite comes with eating.

15). Man is known by company he keeps.

C. Fill in the blanks with articles if necessary:

Hob’s Visit to the Dentist

I had had  1  toothache for several days, but just hadn't enough courage to go to  2  dentist. As  3  matter of fact I went twice, but just as I got on his doorstep and was going to ring  4  bell,  5  toothache seemed to have gone away, so I went home again. But at last I had to go back, and this time I rang  6  bell and was shown into  7  waiting-room.

There were  8  number of magazines there, and I had just got into 9  middle of  10  exciting story when  11  maid came in to say Mr. Puller was ready to see me. I'll have to wait for  12  next toothache to finish that story!

Well, I went into  13  surgery and he told me to sit in  14  chair, and then he had  15  look at  16  inside of my mouth. He put  17  little mirror on  18  long handle inside my mouth and said, «I'm afraid we can't save that one, it will have to come out. I’ll just give you  19  injection.»

So he filled  20  syringe with  21  liquid. I felt  22  little prick on 23  gum and that was all. Then he waited for  24  minute or so. Then he took  25  instrument, got hold of my tooth, gave  26  twist, then  27  quick pull, and  28  tooth was out. He said, «There's  29  tooth,  30  very nasty one.»

«May I have  31  tooth, please?» I said. It has worried me  32 good deal for  33  last week, and so now I am going to put it on my dressing-table and watch it ache.

D. «Delights of Early Morning Bathing».

I notice that people always make gigantic arrangements for bathing when they are going anywhere near  1  water, but that they don’t bathe much when they are there.

It is  2  same when you go to  3  sea-side. I always decide when thinking over  4  matter in London that I’ll get up early every morning, and go and have  5  swim before  6  breakfast, and I pack up  7  pair of drawers and  8  bath towel. I always get  9  red bathing drawers. But when I get to  10  sea I don’t feel somehow that I want that early morning bath nearly so much as I did when I was in  11  town. On  12  contrary, I feel more that I want to stay in bed till  13  last moment, and then come down and have my breakfast. Once or twice I have got out at six and have dressed myself, and have taken my drawers and towel, and gone to  14  sea, but I haven’t enjoyed it. They seem to keep  15  specially cutting east wind, waiting for me, when I go to bathe early in  16  morning; and they pick out all  17  three-cornered stones and put them on the top, and they sharpen up  18  rocks and cover  19  points over with  20  bit of sand so that I can’t see them, and they take  21  sea and put it two miles out, so that I have to hop, shivering, through six inches of  22  water. And when I do get to  23  sea, it is rough.

One huge wave catches me up and as hard as ever it can, throws down on to  24  rock which has been put there for me. And, before I’ve said «Oh! Ugh!» and found out what happened,  25  wave comes back and carries me out to mid-ocean. I begin to swim to  26  shore, and wonder if I shall ever see home and friends again, and wish I’d been kinder to my little sister when  27  boy (when I was  28  boy, I mean). Just when I have given up all hope,  29  wave retires and leaves me lying like  30  fish on  31  sand, and I get up and look back and find that I’ve been swimming for my life in two feet of water. I hop back and dress, and crawl home, where I have to pretend I like it.

                    (From «Three Men in a Boat», by Jerome K. Jerome)

Test 3

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.

1). The sentences were too difficult ...

a) translating                                 b) have translated

c) translate                                 d) to translate

2). He ... taking his exam just now.

a) will                                     b) has

c) is                                       d) was

3). ... you read anything by Dickens?

a) are                                      b) were

c) have                                     d) was

4). She’d written that before, ... ?

a) didn’t she                                 b) wouldn’t she

c) hadn’t she                         d) shouldn’t she

5). ... a lot to be said for your point of view.

a) it is                                       b) it was

c) there are                                 d) there is

6). You’ve had an accident. When ... ?

a) it happened                         b) has it happened

c) did it happen                         d) will it happen

7). He ... English since childhood.

a) was learning                           b) learned

c) has been learning                        d) had been learning

8). I’ll go to the movie when I ... test myself.

a) shall test                                  b) test

c) am testing                                 d) will test

9). Two foreign languages ...  at our gymnasium.

a) teach                                  b) are teaching

c) are taught                                 d) will teach

10). The teacher told Jane ...

a) not to make the exercise         b) don’t do the exercise

c) don’t make the exercise         d) not to do the exercise

11). My. sister can’t stop ... the football match on the radio.

 a) to listen                                 b) listening

c) listen to                                d) listening to

12). I’ll go for a walk if ...

a) a weather is fine                          b) weather will be fine

c) the weather is fine                d) the weather will be fine

13). I wish ... summer now.

a) it is                                        b) will be

c) it were                                 d) it was

14). I’ll be eighteen tomorrow, ... ?

a) am I                                 b) are’t I

c) will I                                        d) won’t I

15). If you ... harder you would have passed your exam.

a) worked                                 b) had worked

c) will work                                 d) would work

16). He said that he ... to Canada.

a) had been never                         b) had never been

c) was never                                 d) never was

17). Because of the noise nobody heard ...

a) he enter the room                 b) him entered the room

c) him enter the room        d) him to enter the room

18). Joe likes going to the theatre and ...

  a) so do I                                b) so I like

  c) so go I                                d) so I am

19). Hob does not eat fish ...

a) neither does John.                b) John doesn’t too.

c) John doesn’t that.                 d) John does neither.

20). I suggest that he ... round the house and see everything.

a) will go                                 b) would go

c) should go                                 d) goes

21). The weather is getting worse. It ... rain.

a) must                                 b) can

c) may                                 d) need

22). Who ... the meeting today at 5?

a) is to arrange                         b) must arrange

c) has to arrange                         d) may arrange

23). I won’t have him ... like that.

a) to talk                                 b) talks

c) talking                                 d) talk

24). I am tired ... much the same thing every day.

a) of doing                                b)to do

c) doing                                 d) did

25). Galileo declared that the earth ... around the sun.

a) was moving                         b) is moving

c) moves                                 d) moved

Test 4

A. Fill in gaps using the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

Dear Ann,

Thank you for your letter which ... yesterday (to come). I ... very busy lately revising for my exams (to be). Now I ... my exams (to take). I ... my first exam three days ago (it was English) and I ... non-stop revising for the second (latin this time!) ever since (to pass, to work). At the Linguistic University I ... three foreign languages – English, French and Spanish (to take). In five years I ... a teacher of English and French (to be). I ... at the University for some months already (to study). Of course, I ... the English language for five years at school, but it was only the beginning (to learn).

Right now I ... at my desk (to sit). It ... 7 p.m. (to be). I ... here for six hours doing my studying (to sit). When I ... all my exams I ... you a box with a cassette in it (to pass, to send). My favourite music ... in it (to record).

Thank you for everything you ... for me (to do). I ... to hear from you soon (to hope).                                         Love, Jane.


Lost in the Post

Jack Ainsley, a post office sorter (to look) through the letters. He  (to turn) an envelope over and over in his hands. The letter (to be addressed) to his wife and (to have) an Australian stamp. Jack (to know) that the sender (to be) Dicky Soames, his wife’s cousin. It (to be) the second letter Mrs.Ainsley (to receive) since Dicky (to leave) for Australia. The first (to come) six months before; Jack (to burn) it without reading. No man (to have) ever less reason for jealousy than Ainsley. His wife Adela (to be devoted) to him, she (to be) a splendid house-keeper and a very good mother to their two children. But Jack (to know) that Dicky Soames (to be) in love with Adela. And the fact that years back Dicky (to go away) to Australia to join his, and Adela’s, uncle (to make) no difference. Jack (to be afraid) that some day Dicky (to return) and (to take) Adela from him.

Ainsley (not to put) this second letter in his pocket as somebody (may see) him to do it. So at night he (to come) back to the post-office to take it and (to get in) through the window. Unfortunately, when he (to get out) he (to be seen) by the postmaster. Ainsley (not to want) to tell him the truth – it (to be) too humiliating. And so he (to lose) his job. Soon Ainsley (to discover) that he (cannot get) any other permanent job as people (not to trust) him. Life (to become) hard.

One afternoon, when Ainsley came home he (to be surprised) to see the familiar face of Dicky Soames, who (not to change) at all. Dicky (to say) that he (to be delighted) to see Adelia and Jack. «I (to miss) both of you ever so much,» he (to add) with a friendly smile.

«Uncle Tom (to die)», Adela (to explain), «and Dicky (to inherit) a great deal of money». She (to turn) to Dicky. «Tell him the rest», she (to say) quietly. «Well, you see», (to say) Dicky. «Uncle Tom (to leave) something over sixty thousand and he (to wish) Adela to have half of his money! But he (to get) angry because she never (to answer) the two letters I (to write) to her for him. So he (to change) his will and (to leave) Adela’s share of the money to hospitals. Why you (not to answer) them, Adela?» Adela (to look) at her husband. Then she (to come) up to him and (to take) his hand. «The letters must (to be lost)», she (to say). At that moment Ainsley (to realize) that Adela (to know) everything.         

(After A. Philips)

Test 5

A. Choose the proper word.

1). He worked (hard, hardly) and passed his final exams success­fully.

2). I can’t find the book (nowhere, anywhere).

3). It is very (easy, easily) to do this test.

4). The work is (near, nearly) finished.

5). There is (little, few) water in the pail.

6). There were some Englishmen (between, among) them.

7). I can’t speak French (too, either).

8). It rains (so, then) you’ll have to take an umbrella.

9). My sister can speak Spanish (a little, little).

10). He has been busy (late, lately).

11). He fought very (bad, badly) in the third round.

12). Have you got (any, some) spare time now?

13). (Which, what) programmes do you regularly watch and (which, what) of them do you like most?

14). There’s nobody at home but (I, me).

15). He is much richer than (I, me).

16). He disliked (that, those) kind of people.

17). The pages in the book are (most, mostly) uncut.

18). The soup tastes (well, good).

19). The bakery is on (the other, another) side of the street.

20). Jane is two years (elder, older) than her sister.

B. Fill in gaps with prepositions where necessary.

Weather Forecast

I remember a holiday of mine that was completely spoiled one late autumn .. our paying attention ... the weather report ... the local newspaper. «Heavy showers, with thunderstorms, may be expected today», it would say ... Monday, and so we would give ... our picnic, and stop indoors all day, waiting ... the rain. And ... the morning ... breakfast people would pass ... the house, going away ... coaches merry and gay, the sun shining out, and not a cloud ... the sky.

«Ah!» we said, as we stood looking out ... them ... the window, «won’t they come home wet ... the bones?»

And we smiled to think how wet they were going to get, and came back and made the fire, and got our books. ... twelve o’lock, with the sun pouring ... the room, the heat became awful, and  we wondered when those heavy showers and thunderstorms were going to begin.

«Ah! They’ll come ... the afternoon, you’ll find», we said ... each other. «Oh, won’t those people get wet?» It never occurred ... us that there was something wrong ... the weather forecast. ... one o’clock the landlady would come ... to ask if we weren’t going out ... such a lovely day. «No, no», we replied, with a knowing smile, «not we. We don’t want to get wet — no, no». We were proud ... our cleverness.

And when the afternoon was nearly gone, and still there was no sign ... rain, we tried to cheer ourselves up ... the idea that it would come down all at once, just as the people had started home.

The next morning we would read that it was going to be a «warm, fine day, much heat», and we would dress ourselves ... light clothes, and go out, and, half an hour ... we had started, it would begin to rain heavily, and a bitterly cold wind would rise, and both would continue ... the whole day, and we would come home ... colds and rheumatism all over us, and go ... bed.

Тексты с упражнениями

Text 1

The History of Pizza

The first pizza was like bread with some olive oil (оливковое масло) and honey (мед) on top. A long time ago, there were not any tomatoes in Italy. When tomatoes came to Italy, rich (богатые) people didn’t eat them. Poor (бедные) people liked tomatoes and they put them on their pizza. Queen Margherita’s favourite pizza was tomato, cheese and basil. You can still eat this pizza today in any pizza restaurant. We call it pizza “Margherita”.

a) Read it again and put a tick () or a cross ().

1) The first pizza had cheese and green peppers on top.

2) There weren’t any tomatoes in Italy a long time ago.

3) Poor people didn’t like tomatoes.

4) Queen Margherita’s favourite pizza was tomato, cheese and bazil.

b) Answer the questions:

1) Do you like pizza?

2) What do you like on your pizza?

3) Do you like cooking?

4) What do you like cooking?


In my city

I am a girl. My name is Kate. I am 10. I am from Russia. I am from Volgograd.

Volgograd is not a little town, it is a big city. You can see many taxis, cars, buses, trolley-buses and trams there. We have many theatres and museums. It is a pity Volgograd has no Zoo. But I like to go to the circus. Many tourist visit our city. They want to see Mamayev Mount – the Memorial to the heroes of Stalingrad Battle. Eternal Flame – the main post of Volgograd children. State museum of Defence. Lenin Avenue – is one of the hero-city’s most beautiful streets.

Now I am at the circus and I am happy. I like to look at the dogs, cats and rare animals.

Welcome to our city.

Now write the answers here.

1. Who is this?

2. What is her name?

3. Where is Kate from?

4. What kind of city is Volgograd?

5. What sights (достопримечательности)

    has got Volgograd?

6. What can you see in Volgograd?

7. What is Volgograd famous for?

8. What is the main post of Volgograd young


9. What street is the most beautiful?

10. Where is Kate now?

11. Why is she happy?

1. This is a girl.

2. ________________

3. ________________

4. ________________

5. ________________

6. ________________

7. ________________

8. ________________

9. ________________

10. _______________

11. _______________


Прочитайте текст с описанием пяти домов. Определите, кому они принадлежат. Заполните таблицу, она поможет вам выполнить задание.

There are five houses in High Street. Five families live in those houses. The houses look alike but there are some differences in them.

The Bakers’ house has got three windows upstairs. It’s number I.

The Fords’ house has got two chimneys.

The Deans’ house has got two windows downstairs.

The Cooks’ house has got three windows upstairs.

The Woods’ house has got three chimneys.

The Deans’ house has got the front door between two windows.

The Bakers’ house has got one window downstairs.

The Cooks’ house has got two windows downstairs.

The Woods’ house has got two windows upstairs.

The Fords’ house has got the front door on the left.






The Bakers’

The Fords’

The Cooks’

The Deans’

The Woods’

















front door between two windows.

front door

on the left


Прочитайте рассказ о Томе и его друзьях и заполните таблицу.

My name is Tom. I am a student at the university. I live in a house with my two friends who are also college students. One friend is named Phil and the other is named Sam.  We are all different people. I am tall and thin with blonde hair and blue eyes. I am very sociable and talkative. I really enjoy going out to music clubs and parties.

Phil is short and heavy. He is very quiet and serious. He is also very intelligent. He is easy to get along with and at the same time he is a responsible man. He is fond of reading books. He likes to stay home, play computer or sit in a comfortable armchair by the fireplace and watch videos.

Sam is interesting. He is tall with long curly hair. He likes to do dangerous and exciting things. He is fond of sport. Sam is very supportive boy. I know he never betrays me. I can rely on him. Last weekend he went hang gliding. That makes me nervous. We are very different but we get along well.






tall, thin, with blue eyes and blonde hair



going out to music clubs and parties



Задания повышенной сложности

Пояснительная записка

Данная пояснительная записка объясняет порядок организации и проведения районной олимпиады школьников по английскому языку, ее методическое обеспечение и порядок определения победителей.

Методической комиссией были разработаны тексты заданий на основе общеобразовательных программ основного общего и среднего (полного) общего образования, а также требований, представленных в государственном стандарте по подготовке к ЕГЭ, с целью выявления и развития у учащихся творческих способностей и создания необходимых условий для поддержки и дальнейшего развития способностей одаренных детей.

Комплект заданий олимпиады включает задания по определению основных языковых компетенций учащихся: лингвистической, коммуникативно-речевой и социокультурной (уровня Intermediate и Upper-Intermediate) – и состоит из трех частей:

I. Reading.

II. Vocabulary in Use (English in Use).

III. Writing (Speaking).

Каждая работа состоит из 65 пунктов и письменного задания. Правильное выполнение каждого пункта задания оценивается в один балл (всего 65 баллов). Письменное задание оценивается 20 баллами, включая оценку правописания – 5 баллов, грамматические навыки – 5 баллов, содержание – 5 баллов, форма – 5 баллов (всего 20 баллов). Максимальное суммарное количество баллов всей работы составляет 85 баллов.

Время выполнения работы – 4 академических часа (180 минут).

Задания олимпиады включают материалы из российских и зарубежных изданий:

1. Журнал «Мозаика».

2. «Первое сентября» (Приложение к «Учительской газете»).

3. Тестовые задания по подготовке к ЕГЭ.

4. «FCE. Practice Tests – 2» OUP, by Mark Harrison.

5. «Fast Class» OUP, by Kathy Good.

6. «Grammar and Vocabulary for FCE» Longman, by L. Prodromou.



You are going to read the text. For questions 1–6 chose the answer A, B, C or D which you think fits best according to the text.



People have always affected Nature. But during the last two centuries due to the development of industry human has transformed the environmed radically. Satellite observations of the Earth have revealed that 60 per cent of land surface is damaged by industrial agricultural and other human activities.


The world has over 9 million square km of forests. This is a lot of trees, and also a lot of different species of trees. But they are disappearing fast. In many of our towns there are streets or areas where the names remind us that forests have been cleared to make place for us to live. Every day we see paper and cardboard – both made from wood – being used up. We see different kinds of wood being used in furniture and in other ways. Every year over 100,000 sq. km of forest is badly damaged that it is very hard for it to recover.


At this rate, by the time you are as old as your grandparents are now, all the forests on earth could be destroyed. In fact, the rate of destruction is increasing, so in only just over thirty years there will be very little forest left in most areas. This includes rainforests in Madagascar, Ecuador, Amazonia, Cameroon, the Himalayas and the Philippines.


Development of industries often means the destruction of the natural habitat of rare plants and insects. The power station in the UK are responsible for causing acid rain not only in Britain but elsewhere in Europe. More than 450 mln of Britain’s these are affected by acid rain.


The world is also experiencing a permanent decline in water quality and water availability. In a lot of places water supplies are poisoned with toxic chemicals and nitrates. Waterborne disease kill 10 million people a year.


Can we preserve the life? Can we preserve the quality of life necessary for future generations? When we are sick we try to take care of ourselves. There is nobody but us, humans, to take care of the Earth that is sick because of our actions. Can we do something? YES, we can. And we are the only life form that is able to destroy our life support system. But we are sensible beings and we can maintain life Earth for the many generations to come.

1. The environment is spoiled because of __________ .

A. the mismanagement in history and agriculture.

B. the people’s disability to make true observations.

C. the amount of satellites in space.

D. the industrial progress.

2. Forests are disappearing fast because __________ .

А. people damage them badly.

В. people prefer furniture made of wood.

С. there are very few species of trees.

D. we don’t know how to make paper and carboard.

3. All the forests on Earth can disappear __________ .

А. except the rainforests.

В. if the rate of destruction increases.

С. if your grandparents don’t sovle this problem.

D. if people use furniture.

4. The reason for acid rain is __________ .

А. not in Britain but somewhere else in Europe.

В. Britain’s trees.

С. Rare plants and seeds.

D. Power plants.

5. The quality of water __________ .

А. is getting better.

В. is getting worse.

С. doesn’t change.

D. doesn’t tell on people’s health.

6. People can preserve life on the Earth as __________ .

А. they can look after themselves.

В. they have ruined their life support system.

С. they can act reasonably.

D. they are human.


1. Error correction.

In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word.
It is either grammatically incorrect or it doesn’t fit in the sense of the text. For each numbered line 1–15, write the unnecessary word in the space. Some lines are correct. Indicate these with a tick (v). The exercise begins with two examples.

0        After a few minutes, the car stopped in front of

00        a large hotel. The driver who opened the door, and

1        said, «Please, follow me». They went up in to a lift

2        Then there was a long corridor with two or three

3        doors. Although, it seemed strange, so that the car hadn’t

4        taken her to her aunt’s house, Diana who wasn’t surprised.

5        Her aunt who she was very rich, owned several large

6        hotels, which she often stayed in them. I suppose she felt

7        so very bored at home that she decided to stay here.

8        «Please, can wait here, will you?» said the driver and

9        disappeared into a room at the end of the corridor.

10        The seemed to be a lot of people that in one of the

11        rooms. Then the driver, who he hadn’t been gone long,

12        came back at and asked Diana to follow him. They went

13        into a large room full of people, who all started clapping.

14        There was a poster that it said, «Diana Harris, Supermodel».

15        «Oh, dear», said Diana, «I think so there’s been a mistake»


















2. For questions 1–15, read the text below and decide which answers A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at beginning (0).

0        A gone          B brought          C taken          D come

E-mail or Snail Mail?

Modern technology has … (0) about enormous improvements in communications and yet many people are still very worried … (1) using the latest computers technology. I am often … (2) to meet colleagues who still don’t know what the ‘e’ in e-mail stands for and they are to … (3) to ask. They assumed you have to be skilled … (4) computers to send a message via e-mail but in fact it is … (5) thing in the world. It is also … (6) to send an e-mail message … (7) to send an ordinary letter or a ‘snail’ message which also takes … (8) longer. An e-mail message is only … (9) more expensive than a local telephone call to sent; on top of call itself you also have to pay a fee to your ‘server’. If you send a letter by … (10) mail it will take a couple of days to get there whereas an
e-mail will not take … (11) than a few seconds. Once you become … (12) to using the system you will be … (13) at how much more … (14) it is than other means of communication. Of course, before you have access to e-mail, you will need a fairly … (15) computer, which can be quite expensive.

1. A for

2. A surprising

3. A embarrassing

4. A about

5. A simpliest

6. A cheaper

7. A as

8. A much

9. A little

10. A second-hand

11. A more long

12. A capable

13. A amazed

14. A confident

15. A strong

B about

B irritating

B embarrassed

B into

B the more simple

B more cheaper

B than

B more

B slightly

B low-paid

B longest

B accustomed

B puzzled

B certain

B great

C at

C surprised

C tired

C to

C simple

C cheapest

C that

C as

C less

C part-time

C as long

C clever

C experienced

C efficient

C powerful

D with as

D irritates

D tiring

D in

D the simplest

D the cheaper

D from

D lot

D least

D first-class

D longer

D good

D pleased

D skilful

D large

3. Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each blank.

1. … nothing interesting to show you.

A. It isn’t    B. It is    C. There isn’t    D. There is. 

2. Nick apologized … Tom … stepping on his toe.

A. before/about    B. before/for     C. to/for    D. to/on.

3. Let me give you … advice.

A. a few    B. a little    C. few    D. many

4. I didn't know if he needed any help. ... ... .

A. So did I    B. Neither did I    C. So didn’t I    D. Neither didn 't I

5. ... President of... United States lives in ... White House in ... Washington D.C.

A. -, the, the, -     B. -, the, -, the    C. -, -, the, the    D. the, the, the, -

6. 1 have my English class ... Monday morning.

A. in    B. at    C. for    D. on

7. ... lovely music!

A. What a     B. How a     C. What     D. How

8. Have you ever watched the sun ...?

A. raise     B. rise     C. is rising     D. is raising

9. ... was still a day to spare.

A. There     B. It     C. This      D. These

10. She wasn't a bright student. He had to help her a lot, ... he?

A. hadn’t     B. had     C. didn't     D. did

11. Either John ... Mary ... my book.

A. or, have       B. or, has     C. nor, have      D. and, has

12. When I arrived ... New York the night was still young.

A. to     B. in     C. at     D. -

13. Old jokes ....

A. always are laughed at      B. are laughed

C. are laughed always           D. are always laughed at

14. He has read all the novels by Dickens ... Oliver Twist.

A. accept     B. besides     C. except     D. Beside

15. Look! An ambulance! There ... an accident.

A. has been     B. was     C. had been     D. is being

16. The Chinese ... printing, not the Japanese. This invention is really great.

A. have invented    B. had invented    C. invented    D. were invented

17. Don’t worry. Everything ... by Monday.

A. will be done   B. will have been done   C. has been   D. was done

18. The kid ... looking at his parents as slaves.

A. used to     B. was used to     C. was using     D. used

19. Roy ... his head against my shoulder and fell asleep.

A. lay     B. laid     C. lied     D. layed

4. Word formation. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given at the end. As you do the exercise think about the kind of word that is needed in the sentence - verb, noun, or adjective. Be careful, because in some cases you will need a negative form.

1. The table is two metres in…


2. She looked at him in … when he told her the terrible news.


3. Our … was delayed due to technical problems.                


4. 1 could only get tickets for the afternoon …


5. 1 was not very much … By his so-called comedy act.


6. There was … all over the floor after he cut himself shaving.


7. One of my most … hobbies is playing a musical instrument.


8. We could hear loud ... coming from the flat downstairs.  


9. He kept the children amused with his … stories.  


10. It is so … to sit by the sea and watch the dolphins playing.    



You are studying English at a language school in London and living in a house with some other students. Your parents have some English friends who live near London, and they want to come and visit you. Part of their letter is given below.

Read carefully their letter and look at the map and the picture of your house. Then write back to them, inviting them to visit you at a suitable time, and describing how to get to your house and -what it looks like from the outside.

... and we've told your parents that we will be happy to give you any help you need while you are here.

It's good to hear that you've already found a house to live in while you are here. In fact, we'll be in London next weekend. Would that be a good time for us to drop in on you.

If that suits you, could you suggest a time for us to come round, and tell us how to find your house? Are you near a tube station? If so, let us know which one, and how to get from there to your house.

We look forward to hearing from you, and hope to see you at the weekend. (Sunday afternoon.)

With best wishes Sue & Paul


Write a letter of 120-140 words in an appropriate style.

10 класс


You are going to read a newspaper article about television banking. Seven paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A–H the one which fits each gap (15–20). There is an example at the beginning (0).

Banks Race to Turn on Television Banking

The technological revolution in banking was taken a step further recently with the announcement that one of four big banks is planning to introduce England's first television-based banking services. Barclays, the first bank to introduce automated cash machines in Britain, confirmed that it is involved in talks with several cable TV companies about a plan that could move banking from the high street into the nation's living rooms.



Apart from personal banking, it will also be possible for inyestors to deal in stocks and shares while sitting in front of their boardroom televisions. "Within the next three or four years, TV banking will be a reality," said Justin Urquhart Stewart, business development manager at Barclays.


A TV banking service is going to be introduced in Orlando, Florida this year, and American banks are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in making full-scale home banking a reality. Barclays' move is just the latest in a number of developments that have revolutionised banking. In 1989, Midland Bank launched First Direct, the first British telephone banking service.


Computer banking, linking customers to special on-screen advisers, and video cash points have since become features of the convenience approach to banking. Even cash itself is beginning to seem old-fashioned and might eventually be replaced completely.


The Mondex card will go on trial in Swindon next year. If it is successful, it will be available throughout the country soon. Nat West has also recently introduced interactive computers in ten of its branches, putting customers in direct contact with its insurance offices in Bristol. The use of cameras means that customer and adviser can meet "face to face" and discuss insurance details. While the advisers' face appears on half of the customer's screen, the other half displays rates and policy details.


As far as television banking is concerned, one bank spokesperson pointed out that this type of technology could be used anywhere – in shops, supermarkets and even petrol stations. There is also the possibility of being able to shop from home.


The idea of using people's television sets to allow them to communicate with bank branches from home is extremely exciting. However, there is a major problem, namely the unwillingness of customers to use new high-tech services.


Nevertheless, so much of the new technology is already in place that, willing or not, people of all ages will simply have to learn to use it.


"The cable network will be available to everyone before long", he continues, "so the foundations for the new service are already there." He believes that the technology already in use in the United  States is a good indication of what will happen in England.


Television shopping is already very popular in the United States. Shoppers can see the items they may be interested in buying, compare prices and then order the items by phone, fax or even by computer. They can even access their bank accounts in order to transfer money to pay for the goods they want to buy.


One possible replacement is something that Nat West and Midland banks have been working on for years: the Mondex card. This is a plastic card that resembles a pocket calculator and can be charged, either at cash machines or specially adapted telephones, with electronic "money units" which can be used instead of cash.


The service would allow customers to check the balance in their accounts, transfer money and change standing orders and direct debits. And all these could be done by using a TV remote control.


As is the case with all technological advances, people need time to get used to them. Elderly people – many of whom have never used a cash point – will be especially hard to convince.


This means that customers can study their policies and ask questions at the same time. This will eliminate the problem of forgetting what you wanted to ask before you even get to the insurance office.


Problems with cash points have made some banks have second thoughts about experimenting with other forms of technology. "We'd be foolish to spend so much time and money on advances which may not make banking easier at all," one spokesperson said.


Other banks severely criticised the new system. However, when telephone banking proved to be successful, the system was soon introduced by all major banks.


Task 1

In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it doesn't fit in with the sense of the text. For each numbered line 1–14, write the unnecessary word in the space. Some lines are correct. Indicate these with a tick (v). The exercise begins with two examples.


George came round to see me yesterday because he said he



wanted to discuss about the problems he was having at work. He



explained that because he had been only recently started to work


in the office everybody was taking advantage of him. He


complained that they kept up asking him to do things which he


says are not his job to do it. Senior members of staff


asked him to make a coffee and one of them even told him


to buy him a newspaper. The assistant director asked of him


whether he would mind to getting him some cigarettes.


I asked George how long had this had been going on and he said


it had started on his first day in the office. I advised him to go and


talk to his boss. He replied that he has had already had a


word with the manager but he refused to get involved and even


suggested whether it was George's fault if there was tension at


work. I wondered whether we should to persuade George to apply


for a job with us but I don't know about whether he would agree to work on a much lower salary that he's getting at the moment.

Task 2

For questions 1–15, read the text below and decide which answers A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning.

Example:        0        A quiet        B quite        C more quiet        D quietly

She put the key in the key hole as D (0) as she could but she found it ... (1) as the door was old and rusty. As she ... (2) opened the door, it squeaked ... (3) on its old hinges. 'I wish they'd oil the thing a bit more …(4),' she muttered to herself … (5). She closed the door ... (6) behind her and then tiptoed ... (7) across the room. Unfortunately, this time it was the floorboards that betrayed her as they creaked ... (8) with every step she took. It had been so … (9) since the old house had been built – it had … (10) been about two hundred years before and for all Helen knew they had … (11) replaced the original floorboards. Helen's heart began to beat … (12). It was one o'clock. Helen's parents must have gone to bed ... (13). This was most unusual. Rarely … (14) to bed before she got home. No sooner had she put her foot on the first stair … (15) she heard a muffled voice call out. "Who's there? Is that you, Helen?"

1. A hardly

2. A slowly

3. A lightly

4. A frequent

5. A with angry

6. A shyly

7. A softly

8. A aloud

9. A along

10. A probably

11. A rarely

12. A fastly

13. A early

14. A they went

15. A then

B easy

B loudly

B noisily

B oftener

B angry

B efficiently

B gentle

B loud

B long time

B certainly

B scarcely

B more faster

B more earlier

B they did go

B than

C hard

C careful

C softly

C sooner

C angrily

C carefully

C finely

C loudly

C long

C definitely

C never

C more fast

C the earliest

C they have gone

C that

D easily

D noisy

D gently

D frequently

D from anger

D fast

D shortly

D allowed

D a long time

D may not

D occasionally

D faster

D more early

D did they go

D there

Task 3

Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each blank.

1) …police on the opposite side of the street?

A. It is        B. There is        C. Is it        D. Are there

2) Would you mind not ... on the radio until I ... with this phone call?

A. to turn/finish        B. to turn/ will finish

C. turn/finish        D. turning/finish

3) The sky was cloudy. … , we went to the beach.

A. consequently         B. nevertheless

C. in spite of        D. even though

4) If you cannot do it …, you can always … your parents.

A. your self/consult to        B. by your own/turn to

C. by yourself/turn for        D. on your own/consult

5) Don't forget … me as soon as you … home.

A. calling, come        B. to call, come

C. calling, will come        D. to call, will come

6) I'd like to ask you … questions. I need … more information.

A. few, little        B. a few, a little

C. a few, a few        D. few, a few

7) I expected … today.

A. them come        B. they came

C. they come        D. them to come

8) If it … raining yesterday, we … the game.

A. hadn't been, would have finished        B. wasn't, will finish

C. weren't, would have finished        D. wasn 't would finish

9) Have you ever ... across the Atlantic?

A. fly        B. flowed        C.flew        D. flown

10) I can't help ... economical.

A. to be        B. being        C. my being        D. be

11) I ... to become an English teacher.

A. have wanted        B. have always wanted

C. had always wanted        D. have been wanted

12) This flower smells …

A. such strange        B. so strangely

C. so strange        D. such strangely

13) He has made such … great progress.

A. the        B. a        C. –        D. that

14) The children were often made … after classes.

A. stay        B. to stay        C. be staying        D. staying

15) … nothing you can do about it.

A. It is        B. There is        C. There are        D. This is

Task 4

Phrasal verbs. Choose the correct preposition in each sentence.

1) I enjoyed London, but it didn't really live up to/with/for my expectations.

2) I'm going crazy! I can't put off/up/down with so much confusion.

3) It's difficult to keep along/by/up with changes in bio-technology.

4) My car needs a service – the engine needs seeing in/to/at.

5) Our teacher doesn't stand for/up/with any bad behaviour in class.

Task 5

Word formation. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given in the box. As you do the exercise think about the kind of word that is needed in the sentence – verb, noun, or adjective. Be careful, because in some cases you will need a negative form.

1. You may laugh, but I don't find anything ... about finding a snake in your tent in the middle of the night.


2. Gardening may be hard work but it can also be …  I think it's a wonderful way to spend one's time.


3. I was … of having lied to my mother. I shouldn't have done it.


4. When I speak English I sometimes feel a bit … , especially when I make mistakes.


5. The violent way he treated his children in public was ...


6. She has made invaluable … to our efforts.


7. He is normally very … , so you'll be lucky if you get any information out of him.


8. We have still received no … of our booking.


9. Every evening you hear … noise of motor-cycles revving up in the town square.        


10. It was an extremely … experience, which I never want to go through again.



You are looking for a holiday course which combines English lessons with some leisure activities and the chance to practise your favourite sports. You see this advertisement in an English language magazine, and want to find out more about what is offered.

Read carefully the advertisement and the notes you have made. Then write your letter to Summer Study Holidays, explaining what you want, and including all your questions.

Write a letter of 140–180 words in an appropriate style.

11 класс

Task I


You are going to read a newspaper article about bird flu. Eight paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

French doctors test woman for bird flu

after trip to Turkey

French doctors were carrying out tests last night to establish whether a 32-year-old woman had caught bird flu during a holiday in Turkey.



The National Institute of Health Awareness (INVS) confirmed: "It is a case of suspected bird flu, given the symptoms and the fact that she saw dead birds during her travels in a country affected by episodes of bird flu".


"Samples taken from the [patient's] nose and throat are undergoing tests for the virus H5N1 at a laboratory in Marseille", said an INVS spokesperson.

The French health ministry said the woman, who was travelling alone, had complained of feeling ill after returning from a two-week visit to her family in the Tarsus region of Turkey.


She went to the emergency department of a hospital in Sete on Saturday but was later transferred to Montpellier for specialist treatment. Last night the French health ministry insisted that the response to the suspected case was routine.


Amid fears that the virus may have spread across a third of the country, Turkish authorities have slaughtered more than a million birds.

Yesterday a team of US government scientists visited the city of Van in eastern Turkey where the children died, to assess what help Washington can provide.

The delegation was also scheduled to visit Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.


On Friday the Turkish government accused several of its neighbours of concealing bird flu outbreaks and hampering efforts to prevent the spread of the disease.


Turkey has reported possible H5N1 outbreaks in poultry in 26 provinces, including areas bordering Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Georgia.


The four-year-old boy and his 13-year-old sister died in Java. But laboratory test results confirming they had contracted bird flu were not released until yesterday. The children's father and one of their sisters are also in hospital with flu-like symptoms.


All the victims appear to have contracted the disease after close contact with infected poultry, and health officials say that so far there is no evidence that the virus can be transmitted from human to human.


A. So far the area has not reported any cases of bird flu.

B. Turkey did not name the countries it believes are covering up infections.

C. Since 2003, 81 people have died from bird flu in Turkey and eastern Asia.

D. It added, however, that the woman had had no direct contact with any birds and initial tests for H5N1, the deadly bird flu virus, had proved negative.

E. Authorities in Azerbaijan have tightened sanitary controls on the frontier to prevent the spread of bird flu.

F. Yesterday it emerged that two Indonesian children from the same family died from bird flu last week, bringing the country's toll from the virus to 14.

G. The woman, who complained of having fever and breathing difficulties, has been placed in isolation and is being treated with the antiviral drug Tamiflu at a hospital in Montpellier, south-eastern France.

H. The H5N1 virus was initially detected in birds in Turkey in October, and the first humans to be infected there were reported a fortnight ago. Twenty-one people have since tested positive, and four children have died.

Task II

English in use

1. Error correction.

In most lines of the following text, there is one wrong word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it doesn’t fit in with the sense of the text. For each numbered line 1-13, write the wrong word in the space. Some lines are correct. Indicate these with a tick (v). The exercise begins with two examples.

0 While travelled in Germany Trench, a young English doctor travelled

00 got acquainted with Mr. Sartorius, a respectable gentleman,   v

1 and his daughter Blanche. The young persons fell in love with  _____

2 each other and was going to get married. Trench knew that  ________

3 Sartorius was rich, but he didnot know what kind of property  ______

4 he had. He learned about it from the conversation with Lickcheese, __

5 Sartorius’ rent collector. It had turned out that Sartorius was  _______

6 the owner of some tenement houses in the London slums, and that___

7 all the property he had were built by getting money out of poor _____

8 people. Trench was being shocked. He didn’t want to take money____

9 from Blanche’s father. But she said she couldn’t live on the small____

10 income he had. Than Trench learned that the land belonged to _____

11 Trench’s aunt and that he himself was living on money got in the___

12 same way. Everything comes out “all-right” in the end: Trench ____

13 married Blanche and became one of partners in Sartorius’ business__

2. For questions 1-16, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Pigeon racing

The homing 0) A of pigeons has made them popular for the sport of pigeon racing. A young bird’s 1)... begins when it is about seven weeks old. It 2)... of giving it short exercise flights, teaching it to 3)... its 4)... call, and teaching it to enter inside of its cote, or 5)... . The next 6)... of training is started when the bird is about four months old. The pigeon is taken 7)... distances from its cote and is 8)... . These flights are gradually extended from three miles to 100 miles as the bird’s stamina 9)... . When the bird is ready, the owner may enter it in a race 10)... other trained pigeons. The owners take their birds to a central meeting place where all the birds are tagged and released 11).. . A bird is not considered to be home 12)... it has entered its cote and its owner has removed the tag and inserted it into a 13)... that records the birds 14)... time. 15)... owners live at varying distances from the release point, the first bird home may not be 16)... flyer. The bird that makes the best time in flying the distance home is the winner.


A instinct

B idea

C feeling

D impulse


A tuition

B buildup

C training

D cultivation


A amounts

B comprises

C contains

D consists


A recall

B recognize

C recollect

D remember


A owner’s

B master’s

C lord’s

D chief’s


A home

B apartment

C habitation

D house


A chapter

B time

C phase

D step


A little

B brief

C small

D short


A excused

B released

C surrendered

D loose


A exaggerates

B increases

C intensifies

D mounts


A in front of

B opposite

C against

D before


A coincidently

B simultanously

C synchronously

D synchronicly


A in advance of

B before

C until

D since


A timer

B digital

C watch

D clock


A arrival

B coming

C come

D entrance


A as a result of

B because

C considering

D thanks to


A speediest

B most fast

C the fastest

D the most active

3. Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each blank.

1. Such kind of report is made in August, ...?

A. is it

B. aren’t it

C. is it not

D. isn’t it

2. The streets were five times as ... as in the old district.

A.  narrow

B. narrower

C. narrowly

D. the narrowest

3. This soup was cooked by ... .

A. her self

B. her own

C. her

D. herself

4. Where is my umbrella? – You must ... in the bus.

A. left

B. have left

C. had left

D. has left

5. Even if she doesn’t want, she will ... to the hospital.

A. take

B. be taking

C. be taken

D. be took

6. What ... if it looked like raining?

A. would you do

B. would you be doing

C. have you done

D. are you doing

7. It was ... nice summer day when … weather was fine and ... sun was shining in the blue sky.

A. a, the, the

B. the, a, a

C. –, a, the

D. the, –, a

8. I am afraid you will miss that train. You ... a taxi.

A. should take

B. should not take

C. should be taking

D. should have taken

9. My grandmother ... flowers from the country, but now she doesn’t go there.

A. is used to bring

B. is used to bringing

C. was used to bringing

D. used to bring

10. I never saw anyone ... a wedding so much.

A.  enjoying

B. enjoy

C. enjoys

D. enjoyed

11. It smells ... in the room. Do something!

A. awful

B. awfully

C. awfulsome

D. awfull

12. I have very ... books.

A. little

B. much

C. a few

D. many

13. Skyscrapers are ... high buildings!

A. so

B. such

C. such a

D. so a

14. He has read all the novels by Dickens ... “Oliver Twist”.

A. besides

B. except

C. beside

D. accept

15. It’s the first time the wife and the husband ... about their kids.

A. quarrelled

B. quarrel

C. have quarrelled

D. are quarrelling

16. ... against the current was difficult.

A. to swim

B. swimming

C. having swum

D. having been swum

4. Using idioms.

Complete each sentence with a suitable idiom. Use each only once.

A. be good company

B. on the other hand

C. cross one’s mind

D. keep one’s fingers crossed

E. make someone’s day

1. It didn’t even ... that he would be upset.

2. John’s rather depressed; he’s not ... at the moment.

3. It ... when her grandchildren came to see her.

4. We must just ... that the weather will stay fine for our picnic tomorrow.

5. It rarely rains in the desert, but ... it rains a lot in the coastal areas.

5. Word formation.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given at the end. As you do the exercise think about the kind of word that is needed in the sentence – verb, noun, or adjective.

1. London often suffers from ... .        bore

2. The computer was built to find out the way people... .        communication

3. I’ve given your shirt an ... .        iron

4. He’s a fine ... .        act

5. Her remark was very … .        accuse

6. I must protest at your ... .        propose

7. In spite of everything she wanted to be ... .        happiness

8. You are not a ... .        beg

9. I can’t ... you to park here.        permission 

10. She became more and more ... as time went by.        activity

Task III


You have decided to enter a short article writing competition in a local newspaper. Write your essay of 180 words.

Many people believe that parents are too permissive with their children nowadays. Do you agree that this is a problem? Defend your point of view.

Task I


You are going to read a newspaper article about roofless people. Eight paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Brazil's roofless reclaim the cities

Every day at 4 am, 18-year-old Julienne Cunha wakes to fetch water for her family. She climbs from her bed in the poky, plywood shack she shares with six relatives and collects her bucket. In the remote northern fishing village of Alcantara where she was born, it would be nothing out of the ordinary. But these days, Julienne lives on the 20th floor of a tower block in one of the wealthiest districts of Sao Paulo, the world's third largest city.



Water doesn't reach Ms Cunha's part of Prestes Maia, so every day she treks down its spiralling staircase to collect it for relatives including her brother, sister and two-month-old son.

The roofless movement is the urban equivalent to Brazil's Movimento dos Sem Terra (MST) or Landless Movement, which has spearheaded the campaign for land reform since the 1980s.


Eight years after its foundation, the MSTC is part of an ever growing coalition fighting for the rights of Brazil's urban poor, under the umbrella of the Frente de Luta por Moradia or Pro-housing Front.


Walking through Prestes Maia is like taking a road trip through Brazil. On every floor a different accent hangs in the air; the exaggerated vowels of the baianos, who swapped Salvador's favelas for the bustle of Sao Paulo; the staccato consonants of the pernambucanos who fled the arid backlands of Brazil's north-east in search of work; and, on the sixth floor the portunhol of Bolivian immigrants who flick between Spanish and Portuguese as they describe their fight for survival in the ocupacion.


At first glance Prestes Maia, which sem-teto members occupied in 2002, resembles a chaotic, multi-storey shantytown; cardboard spews out of its cracked windows, graffiti litter its walls and children rattle through its wide corridors on bicycles.


Sao Paulo, like many of Brazil's large urban centres, is a city crying out for housing reform. According to the UN it has 39,289 abandoned buildings. At the same time, says the Sao Paulo-based Social Network of Justice and Human Rights, there are an estimated 15,000 homeless people here with many thousands more unable to afford decent housing outside the city's favelas, where around 2 million are thought to live.


Now, three years on and mired in an ongoing corruption scandal, Mr da Silva is coming under fire for backtracking on his promises to Brazil's social movements. Although Workers party propaganda still adorns many of Prestes Maia's plaster walls, anger is growing that the "shoeshine president" has not done more to help the country's poor.


The area's housing secretary, Orlando Almeida, told a magazine recently that the centre's poor should be relocated from inner-city tenements to the city's outskirts. A new project to revitalise parts of central Sao Paulo, including one neighbourhood known as Cracolandia (Crackland), aims to redevelop the area almost exclusively for the middle and upper class. Human rights groups say the plans will marginalise further Sao Paulo's ever-growing underclass.


"But our fight isn't just for housing", she says. "It's for healthcare, old people's rights, employment, leisure and schooling. People don't know their rights. And our fight is to make sure they do".


A. Looking out from her 11th floor window at the skyscrapers across the horizon Ms Fonseca talks of the sem-teto's plans to carry out a wave of occupations across Sao Paulo in the coming months.

B. Before becoming president, Luiz Inacio da Silva of the Workers party promised this would all change.

C. The MST defends Brazil's impoverished rural workers and reclaims unproductive land for the dispossessed. The Movimento de Sem-Teto do Centro, MSTC, on the other hand, reclaims buildings for the urban homeless and for low-income workers, many of whom work in the informal economy.

D. But the community is meticulously organised. Residents contribute R $ 20 (£ 5) a month to the upkeep of the building, and a rota system exists for cleaning each floor's communal bathroom.

E. A resident of Prestes Maia, a colossal abandoned clothes factory that towers over central Sao Paulo, Julienne is one of the youngest members of Brazil's sem-teto or "roofless" movement – an urban coalition growing in cities across the country.

F. "There are lots of people here with different cultures, different ways of life", explains 49-year-old Jomarina Abreu Pires da Fonseca, an MSTC coordinator, at her home on the 11th floor of Prestes Maia. "Someone has to try to keep order", she adds, grinning.

G. "We are petistas [supporters of the Workers party], but we have to say that he has done nothing for the social movements. We've tried to put pressure on him but what we hoped for hasn't happened", says Ms Fonseca, as two delivery men haul the occupation's latest acquisition – a new washing machine - up the last of 10 flights of crumbling stairs.

H. Prestes Maia, Sao Paulo's biggest occupation with 22 storeys in total, is home to 468 families; around 3,000 people from all over South America cram into improvised shacks constructed in what was once office space.

Task II

English in use

1. Error correction.

In most lines of the following text, there is one wrong word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it doesn’t fit in with the sense of the text. For each numbered line 1-13, write the wrong word in the space. Some lines are correct. Indicate these with a tick (v). The exercise begins with two examples.

0 Intelligent test score is a test, expressed as the           intelligent 

00 chronological age for which a given level of performance is          v

1 average or typically. An individual's mental age is then divided  ____

2 by his chronological age and being multiplied by 100, yielding  ____

3 an intelligence quotient (IQ). Thus, a subject which mental  _______

4 and chronological ages is identical has an IQ of 100, or average ____

5 intelligence. However, if  10-year-old has a mental age of 13  ______

6 his IQ is 130, well above average. Since the average mental age of __

7 adulterers does not increase past age 18, an adult taking an IQ test is_

8 assigned the chronological age of 18.Mental age was first defined  __

9 by the French psyhologist Alfred Binet, who introduced the _______

10 intelligence test in 1905. That is why the variation in scores for different_____

11 age groups taking graded tests increases roughly in proportion to the____

12 increase in age, mental ages cannot be used accurately to compare__

13 the basis ability of children of different chronological ages._______

2. For questions 1-16, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Narcissus in Greek 0) A, the son of the river god Cephissus and the nymph Leiriope; he was distinguished for his 1).... His mother was told that he would have a long 2)..., provided he never looked upon his own 3).... His rejection, 4)..., of the love of the nymph Echo or of his lover Ameinias drew upon him the vengeance of the gods. He fell in love with his own 5)... in the waters of a 6)... and pined away (or killed himself); the 7)... that bears his name sprang up where he 8).... According to another source, Narcissus, to 9)... himself for the death of his 10)... twin sister, his exact counterpart, sat 11)... into the spring to recall her features.The 12)... may have derived from the ancient Greek 13)... that it was unlucky or even 14)... to see one's own reflection. In psychiatry and especially psychoanalysis, the 15)... narcissism denotes an excessive degree of self-esteem or self-involvement, a condition that is usually a form of emotional 16)....


A mythology

B folklore

C story

D mythicism


A dream about

B beauty

C symmetry

D style


A biography

B history

C life

D period


A physionomy

B features

C countenance

D looks


A that’s why

B because

C but

D however


A duplicate

B representation

C reflection

D reprodution


A spring

B baths

C spa

D well


A blossom

B flower

C herb

D floret


A deceased

B rested

C died

D sucumbed


A console

B gladden

C cheer

D upraise


A esteemed

B beloved

C valued

D respected


A viewing

B observing

C gazing

D peeking


A history

B fable

C description

D story


A belief

B superstition

C tale

D fear


A mortal

B lethal

C fatal

D deadly


A concept

B name

C nomination

D term


A kidstaff

B youth

C immaturity

D childhood

3. Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each blank.

1. Beautiful girls are often envied, ...?

A. are they

B. isn’t they

C. are they not

D. aren’t they

2. This cup is twice as ... as that one.

A. hot

B. hotter

C. hoter

D. the hottest

3. These letters were written by...

A. their self

B. their own

C. theirs

D. themselves

4. I can’t find her anywhere. She must...the town.

A. left

B. have left

C. had left

D. has left

5. They will ... to the party after the exams next spring.

A. invite

B. be inviting

C. be invited

D. been invited

6. What ... if you were more attentive?

A. wouldn’t you make

B. wouldn’t you made

C. wouldn’t you making

D. wouldn’t you be making

7. He called ... boy and asked him: “How much does ... cake cost?” – “Threepence, sir”, – answered ... boy.

A. the, a, the

B. the, the, the

C. –, the, –

D. a, –, the

8. I had a slight irritation in my throat. You ... less.

A. shouldn’t smoke

B. should smoke

C. should have smoked

D. should be smoking

9. He ... morning exercises every day, but now he has forgotten about it.

A. was used to do

B. used to do

C. is used to doing

D. used have done

10. Make him ... louder.

A. to speak

B. speaking

C. be speaking

D. speak

11. The cook smelled the meat ... .

A. proper

B. properly

C. properlly

D. properfuly

12. There are so ... people on the ice!

A. much

B. many

C. little

D. a little

13. Their manager can solve ... difficult problems.

A. so

B. such

C. such a

D. so a

14. She was told ... it in Russian.

A. to tell

B. to say

C. to speak

D. to talk

15. It’s the first time I ... such an interesting story.

A. heard

B. hear

C. have heard

D. am hearing

16. It’s no use ... like that to me.

A.  talk

B. talking

C. having talked

D. have talked

4. Using idioms.

Complete each sentence with a suitable idiom. Use each only once.

A. set one’s mind at rest

B. refresh one’s memory

C. from rags to riches

D. raised eyebrows at

E. ring true

1. It was a clever excuse but it didn’t really ... .

2. The talent of this brilliant young footballer raised him... .

3. I looked at the map to...of the route.

4. The letter from her daughter... .

5. There were a lot of... the news of the minister’s dismissal.

5. Word formation.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given at the end. As you do the exercise think about the kind of word that is needed in the sentence – verb, noun, or adjective.

1. Flowers ... bees.        attractive

2. You should be more ... with your money.        care

3. Is there an ...?        explain

4. They consulted a very...lawyer.        experience

5. These birds ... their nests out of straw.        building

6.  We are ... of our district.        pride

7. I was at the ... .        try

8. This piece of music was ... for the piano.        composition

9. The young man was very ... to the old lady and did everything for her.


10. Shall I make the ...? Robert, this is Julia.        introduce

Task III


You have decided to enter a short article writing competition in a local newspaper. Write your essay of 180 words.

Drugs have become a major social problem in many parts of the world. Discuss the consequences of drug abuse and ways to deal with the problem

Task I


You are going to read a newspaper article about robery in Rio. Eight paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Gunmen rob British coach party in Rio

A busload of elderly British tourists who had just arrived in Rio de Janeiro were robbed by gunmen who stormed their vehicle and stole thousands of pounds worth of camera equipment, laptops and jewellery.



Three armed men entered the bus, pointing guns at the passengers and demanding their possessions. After several minutes they made off with the belongings of all but six of the group.


The policeman heading the investigation, Ricardo Andreiolo, told the Guardian this was the second robbery by the gang this month.


"We advise tourists not to go to the beach with a camera hung around their neck and not to wear gold earrings or jewellery ... But in this case there was no precaution they could have taken", Mr Andreiolo said.

The road that links Rio's international airport to the glitzy south zone has become notorious in recent years for car-jackings and shootings.


Last year politicians proposed the construction of a concrete wall to stop stray bullets hitting passing motorists. The question of violent crime is a constant raw nerve in Rio de Janeiro, a city that earns around $ 1.7 bn (about £ 96 m) from overseas tourism each year.


Fearful that the recent robberies will put tourists off coming to Rio, authorities yesterday played down the city's violent reputation. "A tourist is subject to being robbed in any city of the world", said Mr Andreiolo. "They are targeted because they are tourists. Crime goes where there is money and foreign tourists have money".


"Unfortunately it's the first impression that stays, and the one they [the tourists] had of Rio is that it is a city vulnerable to crime, even though it might be adorable because of its beauty", she said.


“Sooner or later ...” these people will be caught red-handed.



A. But Lorraine Dumas, a director of Horse Racing Abroad, told one newspaper that Rio would probably now be removed from her organisation's itineraries, which include trips to Provence, Naples and Kentucky.

B. Yesterday, as the group went on a tour to the hilltop town of Itaipava 50 miles from Rio, the police said they were confident the perpetrators would be arrested.

C. The 33 tourists were on their way from the international airport to the Copacabana Palace, one of Rio's most expensive beachside hotels, on Thursday night when a silver Volkswagen swerved into their path in the southern district of Flamengo.

D. He said the criminals had trailed the bus from the airport and waited to pounce until it left the main road, to avoid being captured on the recently installed cameras.

E. “Or warrants will be put out for their arrests”, said Mr Andreiolo.

F. The tourists are in Rio as part of a luxury trip around Argentina and Brazil organised by Sussex-based Horse Racing Abroad.

G. Last year about 2 million tourists visited the South American city.

H. Flanked by some of the city's most violent favelas, including the Complexo da Mare, a vast network of shantytowns controlled by three rival drug gangs, many refer to the area grimly as the Faixa de Gaza or Gaza Strip.

Task II

English in use

1. Error correction.

In most lines of the following text, there is one wrong word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it doesn’t fit in with the sense of the text. For each numbered line 1-13, write the wrong word in the space. Some lines are correct. Indicate these with a tick (v). The exercise begins with two examples.

0  Superstition is practice for whom there appears to be no        whom

00 rational substance. Those who use the term imply that they          v

1 have certain knowledge or superior evidence for there own    _______

2 scientific, philosophical, or religious convicts. An ambiguous_______

3 word, it probably cannot be used except subjectively. _____________

4 With this qualification in mind, superstitions may be classify _______

5 rough as religious, cultural, and personal. Often one person's _______

6 religion is the other one's superstition: Constantine called paganism __

7 superstition; Tacitus called Christianity pernicious superstition; _____

8 Roman Catholic veneration of relics, images, and the saints is ______

9 dismissed as superstitious to many Protestants; Christians regard ____

10 much Hindu practices as superstitious; and adherents of all "higher"

11 religion may consider the Australian Aborigine's relation to his ____

12 totem superstitious. Final, all religious beliefs and practices may ___

13 seem superstitious to the person without religion ________________

2. For questions 1-16, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

From human evolution: Brain and nervous system

0)... brain tissue does not fossilize, the 1)... human brain is the only hominid brain that can be known in any 2).... It is 3)... that during hominid 4)... there was an increase in brain volume and a likely increase in the ratio of brain 5)... to body weight. In particular, the cerebral cortex 6)... in size to become a highly 7)... organ for the receipt, integration, and discrimination of sensory 8)..., as well as for the initiation and coordination of motor activity. 9)... such as the possession of speech, the level of manipulative skills, and the level of visual and auditory 10)... of early hominids cannot be 11)... with certainty, although some generalizations from modern man may be justified. The complexity of human behaviour is related to the human 12)... to interpret 13)..., to appreciate abstract ideas, and to 14)... them to others, particularly the young. Neuroanatomical studies 15)... that these abilities reside primarily in the cortex of the brain, an area that has expanded rapidly in hominid evolution. Yet volume alone is not enough, and the level of differentiation and organization of brain tissue may also be of crucial 16)....  


A because

B that’s why

C but

D however


A new

B modern

C prevailing

D today


A feature

B aspect

C detail

D side


A bright

B light

C cleen

D clear


A expansion

B evolution

C transformation

D unfolding


A importance

B weight

C burden

D charge


A amplified

B enlarged

C expanded

D stretched


A abstruse

B complex

C mazy

D multiplex


A news

B details

C information

D clue


A attributes

B traits

C casts

D manners


A talents

B mights

C abilities

D skills


A found

B doomed

C deduced

D judged


A capability

B finesse

C ability

D cleverness


A badges

B symbols

C patterns

D emblems


A advise

B transfer

C communicate

D discourse


A appear

B parade

C exhibit

D show


A standing

B importance

C fame

D greatness

3. Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each blank.

1. Watches are made of gold and metal, ...?

A. are they

B. isn’t they

C. are they not

D. aren’t they

2. This film is ten times as ... as the one you took me to last week.

A. fascinating

B. more fascinating

C. fascinatinger

D. the most fascinating

3. This tree was planted by ... .

A. my self

B. my own

C. mine

D. myself

4. Your face is familiar to me. I must ... you before.

A. seen

B. have seen

C. had seen

D. has seen

5. If I make a mistake I will ... by the teacher.

A. correct

B. be correcting

C. be corrected

D. been corrected

6. How ... if you practised English every day?

A. would you spoke

B. would you be speaking

C. would you speak

D. would have spoken

7. ... group of farmers were sitting in ... village house, and among ... other things they began talking about echoes.

A. the, –, the

B. a, a, –

C. the, the, the

D. a, a, a

8. There was no one in. You ... the room next door.

A. should try

B. should have tried

C. shouldn’t try

D. should be trying

9. She ... things, but now she keeps everything in order.

A. used to lose

B. is used to losing

C. was used to lose

D. was used to losing

10. I think we had better ... a picture of it.

A. draw

B. drawing

C. drew

D. drawn

11. The teacher looked ... at the pupil.

A. angry

B. anger

C. angrily

D. angrilly

12. Open the window! There is so ... air in the room.

A. much

B. few

C. little

D. a few

13. Last time we managed to spend ... much money that we had to ask for help.

A. such

B. so

C. such a

D. so a

14. I see you have guests. On what ...?

A. case

B. chance

C. incident

D. occasion

15. It’s the first time she ... there.

A. was

B. is

C. has been

D. be

16. ...always made him sleepy.

A. thinking

B. to think

C. having thought

D. having been thought

4. Using idioms.

Complete each sentence with a suitable idiom. Use each only once.

A. face the music

B. out of  the blue

C. be not all roses

D. ring a bell

E. like a wet rag

1. John arrived completely ... .

2. A lot of people envy the royal family, but their life ..., you know.

3. He knew he’d never get away with it so he decided to ... and give himself up to the police.

4. Her name ... but I can’t remember whether I’ve ever met her.

5. I’m so tired, I feel ... .

5. Word formation.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given at the end. As you do the exercise think about the kind of word that is needed in the sentence – verb, noun, or adjective.

1. I have no ... in politics.         interesting

2. Galileo ... that objects of different weights fall at the same speed. demonstration

3. The museum collection includes many rare and unknown works of ... interest.history

4. ...from many countries gave the USA cultural diversity. immigrate 

5. It was my ... .         decide

6. The meat we were eating was very ... .         taste

7. The ball ... into the hall.         rolling

8. Butch Cassidy was ... for robbing trains.        fame

9. I don’t want an .. .         argue

10. The park is available to people only for ... purposes.        tradition

Task III


You have decided to enter a short article writing competition in a local newspaper. Write your essay of 180 words.

Some people believe that young people should work for their spending money. Other people believe that young people should be given money at a regular interval without having to work for it. State your opinion about it and defend it

Task I


You are going to read a newspaper article about security technology business. Eight paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Carlyle Group to reap huge profit from QinetiQ float

QinetiQ, the government's defence and security technology business, will come to the stock market next month with a value of up to £ 1.33 bn, making multi-millionaires of its chairman and chief executive and huge profits for the US private equity group, Carlyle.



If the shares were sold at 205p, the top of the price range, the 31% Carlyle stake – bought for £ 42.4 m in 2003 – would be worth £ 338 m. QinetiQ chairman Sir John Chisholm's holding would be valued at £ 26 m and chief executive Graham Love's stake would be worth £ 22 m. The company's biggest shareholder, the Ministry of Defence, which has been criticised for selling the stake to Carlyle too cheaply, would see its 56% holding worth £ 623 m.


Taking into account the new shares being issued by QinetiQ, that will reduce their holdings to just under 13% and 23.7% respectively. Neither Sir John nor Mr Love are selling shares as part of the float and the two main shareholders have said they will not sell any for six months.

Eligible staff will be given £ 500 of shares and 1% of the shares on offer will be earmarked for sale to employees. Many received options in 2003 which are now thought to be worth in the region of £ 3,000, according to company sources.


QinetiQ said it would use £ 45 m from the sale to reduce its pension fund deficit. The remainder would be used to cut bank debt and increase its financial firepower to make acquisitions. Following the sale some staff will be offered share options. Sir John and Mr Love have decided they should not receive an entitlement.


QinetiQ makes products ranging from sensors and software for military purposes to advanced security systems protecting financial firms from fraud. Although the company is making efforts to broaden its operational base, its prospectus noted that it relied on the British government – in particular the MoD - for the majority of its turnover.


The government has come under attack for not including a retail element within the float, which in effect excludes private investors from buying shares.


Spread betting firm IG Index was last night predicting a price range of between 190 p and 196 p while its rival Cantor Index put the likely range at 195 p to 203 p. Scottish Widows fund manager Andrew Gray described QinetiQ as a "fairly stable business", adding: "It doesn't look like there's an awful lot of upside in the IPO price".



QinetiQ began life as part of the Minstry of Defence's research laboratories. It can trace its history from the birth of powered flight in Britain, through the development of radar during the second world war, to thermal imaging, liquid crystal displays and internet technology during the cold war.


In 2002 Carlyle was chosen as a strategic partner, purchasing its stake in the following year.


A. Last night an MoD spokesman said: "As we have always said, and as is usual for institutional offers of this type, private client stockbrokers may apply for shares in the QinetiQ initial public offering on behalf of their clients and these will be considered alongside applications from other investors".

B. Yesterday the company said turnover for the six months to the end of September had risen more than 28% to £ 473.5 m while operating profits rose almost 40% to £ 37.3 m.

C. You need to start building a lot of expectations from the new technologies that they commercialise to justify it".

D. In 1991 the government put its non-nuclear defence research operations, much of which subsequently became QinetiQ, into a separate company – DERA.

E. Shares in the biggest privatisation under the Blair administration will be priced at between 165 p and 205 p, with the grey market – the City's guesstimate of the final strike price – standing between 190 p and 203 p.

F. The total fees being paid by the company, MoD and Carlyle in connection with the float amount to £ 25.7 m.

G. Its largest single contract covers the running of the MoD's firing ranges.

H. Under the terms of the initial public offering the company will raise £ 150 m, while Carlyle and the MoD will sell about half their stakes.

Task II

English in use

1. Error correction.

In most lines of the following text, there is one wrong word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it doesn’t fit in with the sense of the text. For each numbered line 1-13, write the wrong word in the space. Some lines are correct. Indicate these with a tick (v). The exercise begins with two examples.

0 Colorado National Monument is national monument          a

00 in west-central Colorado, U.S., just west of the city          v

1 of Grand Junction near the Colorado River. Established ___________

2 in 1911, it occupyes an area of 32 square miles (83 square km). _____

3 Part of the Uncompahgre Plateau, a monument is  _______________

4 known for its colourful, wind-eroded sandstone formations, _______

5 towering monoliths, and steep-walled canyons. Petrified __________

6 logs and dinosor fossils have been exposed in the locality. _________

7 Rim Rock Drive skirt the walls of the Red, Ute, No  _____________

8 Thoroughfare, and Monument canyons at elevations much ________

9 then 6,500 feet (1,980 m) above sea level. The monument's ________

10 more interesting rock formations includes Balanced Rock, ________

11 Coke Ovens, Sentinel Spire, Independence Monument, and _______

12 Window Rock. Juniper, pinon pine, and the wildflowers  _________

13 thrive in the canyons, and deers, foxes, and bobcats are plentiful. ___

2. For questions 1-16, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Barbary pirates

Barbary pirates are any of the Muslim pirates a) a from the coast of North Africa, at their most 1)... during the 17th century but still active until the 19th century. Captains, who 2)... a class in Algiers and Tunis, 3)... cruisers outfitted by wealthy backers, who then received 10 percent of the 4)... of the prizes. The pirates used galleys until the 17th century, when Simon Danser, a Flemish 5)..., taught them the advantage of using sailing 6)....North African piracy had very ancient origins. It gained a political 7)... during the 16th century, mainly through Barbarossa (Khayr ad-Din), who 8)... Algeria and Tunisia as military states under the Ottoman sultanate and maintained his 9)... by piracy. With the 10)... of powerful Moorish 11)... in Rabat and Tetouan (1609), Morocco became a new 12)... for the pirates and for the 'Alawi sultans, who quickly gained control of the two republics and 13)... piracy as a valuable source of revenue. During the 17th century, the Algerian and Tunisian pirates joined 14)..., and by 1650 more than 30,000 of their captives were imprisoned in Algiers 15).... Piratical practices were the 16)... of several wars between Tripolitania and the United States in the 19th century.



A operating

B managing

C engaging

D serving


A impressive

B dynamic

C powerful

D capable


A educated

B made

C arose

D formed


A appointed

B commanded

C ruled

D requested


A condition

B rate

C value

D profit


A  escapee

B renegade

C traitor

D runaway


A cargos

B liners

C freights

D ships


A stuff

B import

C significance

D merit


A unified

B federal

C integrated

D united


A revenues

B earnings

C gravies

D rewards


A parcel

B arriver

C arrival

D delivery


A teamed

B bands

C merged

D federated


A heart

B gist

C centre

D seat


A pushed

B praised

C comforted

D encouraged


A muscles

B forces

C determinations

D obligations


A sole

B solitary

C solo

D alone


A belief

B creed

C cause

D purpose

3. Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each blank.

1. These ships are built in Germany, ...?

A. are they

B. isn’t they

C. are they not

D. aren’t they

2. This house is twice as ... as that one.

A. big

B. bigger

C. biger

D. the biggest

3. These books are written all by ... .

A. my self

B. my own

C. mine

D. myself

4. It’s noisy in the classroom. The pupils must ... writing their composition.

A. finished

B. have finished

C. had finished

D. has finished

5. She will ... a very interesting book at the library next Friday.

A. give

B. be giving

C. be given

D. be gave

6. Who ... to if you had a toothache?

A. would you complained

B. would you complain

C. would you be complaining

D. would have you complained

7. ... crow once said to her children: “It’s ... high time for you to look for ... food.

A. the, a, a

B. –, the, the

C. a, –, –

D. –, –, a

8. The dog is afraid of him. He ... at it.

A. should not have shouted

B. should not shout

C. should have shouted

D. should be shouting

9. He ... a sandwich for lunch, but now he prefers eggs.

A. is used to have

B. used to have

C. was used to have

D. are used to have

10. She felt her mother ... her hand.

A. to press

B. pressed

C. had pressed

D. press

11. The melody sounded ...

A. fantastically

B. fantastic

C. fantasy

D. fantasticful

12. Give me ... butter, please.

A. many

B. few

C. a few

D. a little

13. She has ... deep knowledge of the subject.

A. so

B. such

C. so a

D. such a

14. Must you really go now? Can’t you ... for a drink?

A. to leave

B. stay

C. be left

D. to stay

15. It’s the first time Micke ... a kite.

A. flew

B. fly

C. has flown

D. is flying

16. The only way to do it quickly is ... it at once.

A. doing

B. to do

C. to have done

D. do

4. Using idioms.

Complete each sentence with a suitable idiom. Use each only once.

A. give a thick ear

B. at the last moment

C. make someone’s stomach turn

D. throw money at something

E. dog eat dog

1. Don’t tell me any more of the gory details – you’re ... .

2. We can’t solve this problem simply by ... .

3. He’s never late, but he often arrives ... .

4. It’s ... in the business world.

5. I’ll ... if you pull the dog’s tail again.

5. Word formation.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given at the end. As you do the exercise think about the kind of word that is needed in the sentence – verb, noun, or adjective.

1. He’s a ... .  Milan

2. Computers ... a simple vocabulary in the same way as babies do. acquisition

3. Children quickly make progress with the help of ... words of their parents.encourage

4. Our ... has increased.          import

5. At first this ... puzzled scientists.         refuse

6. My brother was a very ... man.         devote

7. “It just sits there and goes on strike”, a ... said.         science

8. These young men must be taught how to ... well.         behaviour

9. Do you want to buy this ...?         record

10. He is the master of this ... .          king

Task III


You have decided to enter a short article writing competition in a local newspaper. Write your essay of 180 words.

There are many people who want to ban smoking in public places. Others don’t agree. Give reasons for both opinions. Do you agree with a ban or not? Defend your answer.

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