Present Perfect
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Павлова Елена Андреевна

Present Perfect / 5 klass


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Present Perfect Tense

Слайд 2

Present Perfect Tense Past Present Future already recently yet this year just today lately ever never когда действие совершено в прошлом, а результат можно наблюдать в настоящем, - kогда действие совершено только что.

Слайд 3

Present Perfect Tense + to have V 3 I have sent. We have sent. You have sent. You have sent. He (she, it) has sent. They have sent.

Слайд 4

I haven’t sent. We haven’t sent. You haven’t sent. You haven’t sent. He (she, it) hasn’t sent . They haven’t sent. Present Perfect Tense _ have not V 3

Слайд 5

Present Perfect Tense ? Have you V 3 ? Have I sent ? Have we sent ? Have you sent ? Have you sent ? Has (she, it) he sent? Have they sent ?

Слайд 6

to write to eat to speak to break to come to become to run to swim to know to throw to blow to fly to sing to ring to hide to bite to send to spend to sleep to sweep to tell to sell to teach to catch to fight to think to buy to bring to cut to shut to cost to lose

Слайд 7

I have done, I have done, I have done my work today. I have read my book today And now it’s time to play. Read the poem, find the verbs and explain. Translate. Answer the questions: Has he done his work? Has he played football? Has he read a letter? Has he read his book?

Слайд 8

He has been to the Zoo, He has seen a kangaroo, He has eaten a cake – He is feeling great ! Read the poem, find the verbs and explain. Answer the questions: Where has he been? What has he seen? What has he eaten? Why is he feeling great?

Слайд 9

She have broken her cup – She can’t drink tea. He has break his TV set – He can’t watch TV. Read the poem, find the mistakes and correct :

Слайд 10

I have met my friend – I am so glad. Why is he glad ? He is glad. He … … . Read and answer the questions.

Слайд 11

I have cleaned my flat – I am so glad. Why is she glad ? She is glad. She … … .

Слайд 12

I have bought a new hat – I am so glad. Why is she glad ? She is glad. She … … … .

Слайд 13

I have washed my cat – I am so glad. Why is she glad ? She is glad. She … … … .

Слайд 14

I have lost my glasses – I can’t go to classes. I have lost my bag – I am so sad. Why can’t he go to classes? Why is he sad? Read and answer the questions.

Слайд 15

I have lost my sock – I can’t go for a walk. I have lost my way – What a terrible day. Why can’t he go for a walk? Why is the day terrible?

Слайд 16

I am bored today. Well, read a book. I’ve already ……. it. Have a shower. I’ve already ……… it. Eat a cake. I’ve already ………. it. Write a letter. I’ve already …….. it. Drink some juice. I’ve already ……… it. Sing a song. I’ve already ……… it. Fill in the gaps:

Слайд 17

his He has homework done, has about read New York He, his has He cleaned flat, has his He cat fed. Make up the sentences and read the poem:

Слайд 18

Thank you !

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