Проверочная работа по теме : Reported Speech - 8 класс
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Папашвили Инга Васильевна

Данное проверочное задание можно дать учащимся как обобщенный пройденный  материал по данной теме.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Reported Statements

I variant

  1. He said: “I have just received a letter from my uncle”.
  2. “I am going to the theatre tonight,” he said to me.
  3. Mike said: “I spoke to Mr. Brown this morning.”
  4. He said to her: “I will do it today if I have time.”
  5. I said to them: “I can give you my uncle’s address.”
  6. Oleg said: “My room is on the second floor.”
  7. He said: “I am sure she will ring me up when she is back in St. Petersburg.”
  8. Marsha said: “I saw them at my parents’ house last year.”
  9. “I don’t go to this shop very often,” she said.
  10. He said: “I haven’t seen my cousin today.”
  11. Tom said: “I have already had breakfast, so I am not hungry.”
  12. The rich man said to the jungle: “This man’s horse has killed my horse.”

II variant

  1. “This man spoke to me on the road,” said the woman.
  2. “I can’t explain this rule to you,” said my classmate to me.
  3. The teacher said to the class: “We shall discuss this subject tomorrow.”
  4. The woman said to her son: “I am glad I am here.”
  5. Mike said: “We have bought these books today.”
  6. She said to me: “Now I can read your translation.”
  7. Our teacher said: “Thackeray’s novels are very interesting.”
  8. She said: “You will read this book in the 9th form.”
  9. Nellie said: “I read “Jane Eyre” last year.
  10. “My friend lives in Moscow,” said Alec.
  11. “You have not done your work well,” said the teacher to me.
  12. The poor man said to the rich man: “My horse is wild. It can kill your horse.”

Reported questions

I variant

  1. He said to her: “Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?”
  2. Ann said to Mike: “When did you leave London?”
  3. Fred said to Nick: “Have you packed your suitcase?”
  4. I said to Kate: “Did anybody meet you at the railway station?”
  5. Jane said to his sister: “Will Nick call for you on the way to school?”
  6. I said to the man: “Are you living in a hotel?”
  7. Adam said to me: “How long are you going to stay there?”
  8. Mary asked Tom: “What time will you come here tomorrow?”
  9. I said to her: “Can you give me their address?”
  10. He said to me: “Do you often go to see your friends?”
  11. “Do you like my pies, Ann?” asked her grandmother.
  12. “Will you play the piano today, Helen?” asked her aunt.
  13. “Where are your books, Betsy?” said her mother.
  14. The teacher said to Mike: “Does your father work at a factory?”
  15. Tom said: “Ann, where are your friends?”

II variant

  1. John said to Becky: “What kind of book has your friend brought you?”
  2. She said to Boris: “When will you be back home?”
  3. Nick said to his friend: “Will you stay at the “Hilton?”
  4. She said to me: “Did you send them a telegram yesterday?”
  5. Mary said to Peter: “Have you shown your photo to Dick?”
  6. She asked me: “Why didn’t you come here yesterday?’
  7. I asked my uncle: “Can you help me with my new laptop?”
  8. They said to him: “What time does the train start?”
  9. Kate said: “Mike, do you like my new dress?”
  10. The doctor asked Nick: “Do you wash your hands and face every morning?’
  11. Grandfather said to Mary: “What mark did you get at school?”
  12. My sister said to me: “Will you take me to the theatre with you tomorrow?”
  13. “Do you like chocolates?” said my little sister to me.
  14. “Why don’t you play with your friends, Kate?” said her mother.
  15. Mother said to us: “What are you doing here?”

Indirect commands

I variant

  1. The teacher said to me: “Hand this note to your parents, please”
  2. Oleg said to his sister: “Put the letter into an envelope and give it to Kate.”
  3. “Please help me with this work, Henry, said Robert.
  4. “Bring me some fish soup, please,” he said to the waitress.
  5. “Don’t worry over such a small thing,” she said to me.
  6. He said to us: “Come here tomorrow.”
  7. “Take my luggage to Room 145,” he said to the porter.
  8. “Don’t be afraid of my dog,” said the man to Kate.
  9. “Buy some meat in the shop,” said my mother to me.
  10. “Take this book and read it,” said the librarian to the boy.

II variant

  1. “Sit down at the table and do your homework,” said Tom’s mother to him
  2. “Don’t cross the street under the red light,’ said the man to Nick.
  3. “Come to my house tomorrow, Jane,” said Lena.
  4. My friend said to me: “Explain to me how to solve this problem”
  5. The doctor said to Nick: “Open your mouth and show me your tongue.”
  6. “Don’t eat too much ice cream,” said Nick’s mother to him.
  7. I said to the waiter: “Bring me a cup of black coffee with some cake, please.”
  8. Mary said to her friend: “Promise to come and to see me.”
  9. “Don’t be late for dinner,” said mother to us.
  10. “Please don’t mention it to anybody,” Simon said to his colleagues.

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