Диагностическое тестирование в 11 классе (по материалам банка ЕГЭ ФИПИ)
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Инкина Инна Ильинична

Диагностическое тестирование содержит 2 задания базового уровня (№1 и №3)  и 1 задание повышенного уровня (№2). Даны 4 варианта.


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Английский язык, 11 класс

1.Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. (7баллов)


Music from every corner of the world


From pig to pork


Perfect time for a picnic


From a holiday to a sport



Famous religious celebrations


See them fly


Animal races and shows


Diving into history


Diwali is a five-day festival that is celebrated in October or November, depending on the cycle of the moon. It represents the start of the Hindu New Year and honors the victory of good over evil, and brightness over darkness. It also marks the start of winter. Diwali is actually celebrated in honor of Lord Rama and his wife Sita. One of the best places to experience Diwali is in the "pink city" of Jaipur, in Rajasthan. Each year there’s a competition for the best decorated and most brilliantly lit up market that attracts visitors from all over India. 


The Blossom Kite Festival, previously named the Smithsonian Kite Festival, is an annual event that is traditionally a part of the festivities at the National Cherry Blossom Festival on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Kite enthusiasts show off their stunt skills and compete for awards in over 36 categories including aerodynamics and beauty. The Kite Festival is one of the most popular annual events in Washington, DC and features kite fliers from across the U.S. and the world. 


The annual Ostrich Festival has been recognized as one of the "Top 10 Unique Festivals in the United States" with its lanky ostriches, multiple entertainment bands and many special gift and food vendors. It is truly a unique festival, and suitable for the entire family. The Festival usually holds Ostrich Races, an Exotic Zoo, Pig Races, a Sea Lion Show, a Hot Rod Show, Amateur Boxing and a Thrill Circus. 


Iceland's Viking Festival takes place in mid-June every year and lasts 6 days, no matter what the weather in Iceland may be. It's one of the most popular annual events in Iceland where you can see Viking-style costumes, musical instruments, jewelry and crafts at the Viking Village. Visitors at the Viking Festival see sword fighting by professional Vikings and demonstrations of marksmanship with bows and muscle power. They can listen to Viking songs and lectures at the festival, or grab a bite at the Viking Restaurant nearby.


Dragon Boat Festival is one of the major holidays in Chinese culture. This summer festival was originally a time to ward off bad spirits, but now it is a celebration of the life of Qu Yuan, who was a Chinese poet of ancient period. Dragon boat festival has been an important holiday for centuries for Chinese culture, but in recent years dragon boat racing has become an international sport. 


The Mangalica Festival is held in early February at Vajdahunyad Castle in Budapest. It offers the opportunity to experience Hungarian food, music, and other aspects of Hungarian culture. The festival is named for a furry pig indigenous to the region of Hungary and the Balkans. A mangalica is a breed of pig recognizable by its curly hair and known for its fatty flesh. Sausage, cheese and other dishes made with pork can be sampled at the festival. 


Hanami is an important Japanese custom and is held all over Japan in spring. Hanami literally means "viewing flowers", but now it is a cherry blossom viewing. The origin of hanami dates back to more than one thousand years ago when aristocrats enjoyed looking at beautiful cherry blossoms and wrote poems. Nowadays, people in Japan have fun viewing cherry blossoms, drinking and eating. People bring home-cooked meals, do BBQ, or buy take-out food for hanami.


2. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Запишите ответы. (6 баллов)

America’s fun place on America’s main street 

If any city were considered a part of every citizen in the United States, it would be Washington, DC. To many, the Old Post Office Pavilion serves A __________. If you are in the area, be a part of it all by visiting us – or __________. Doing so will keep you aware of the latest musical events, great happenings and international dining, to say the least.

Originally built in 1899, the Old Post Office Pavilion embodied the modern spirit С __________. Today, our architecture and spirit of innovation continues to evolve and thrive. And, thanks to forward-thinking people, you can now stroll through the Old Post Office Pavilion and experience both D __________ with international food, eclectic shopping and musical events. All designed to entertain lunch, mid-day and after work audiences all week long.

A highlight of the Old Post Office Pavilion is its 315-foot Clock Tower. Offering a breath-taking view of the city, National Park Service Rangers give free Clock Tower tours every day! Individuals and large tour groups are all welcome. The Old Post Office Clock Tower also proudly houses the official United States Bells of Congress, a gift from England E __________. The Washington Ringing Society sounds the Bells of Congress every Thursday evening and on special occasions.

Visit the Old Post Office Pavilion, right on Pennsylvania Avenue between the White House and the Capitol. It is a great opportunity F __________, this is a landmark not to be missed no matter your age.



by joining our e-community


that are offered to the visitors


its glamorous past and fun-filled present


that was sweeping the country


to learn more about American history


as a landmark reminder of wonderful experiences


celebrating the end of the Revolutionary War

3.Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Запишите ответы. (6 баллов)

2012 London Olympics

How has London 2012 changed the sporting map of the world? The United States won the highest number of gold medals and the most medals in total, with China dropping to second place on the medals table after unprecedented ______1.__DOMINATE_______ at their home Olympics in Beijing four years ago.

The third place for Great Britain exceeded all _____2.___EXPECT_______.

Previously, 2008 Beijing Olympics were considered the most ___3._____SUCCESS________ for the British with only the fourth place.

In 2008, Russia took the third place. This year, Russia fell out of the top three ___4.___WIN________ for the first time since the end of the Soviet era.

South Korea improved to the fifth, their best finish since hosting the Games in Seoul 24 years ago. For Australia it was a ____5.___COMPARATIVE___________ miserable Olympics, where it took the tenth place.

It was their worst ___6._____PERFORM__________ in two decades.

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Английский язык, 11 класс

1.Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. (7баллов)


A happy comeback


Dangerous when rare


Recovery of a masterpiece


Back and deep into the past



Return of the popularity


From Eastern to Western culture


They come back in spring


Return to the market


The Mona Lisa, also known as La Giaconda, became world famous after it was stolen from the Louvre in 1911. The painting was missing for two years before police traced the theft to Italian painter, Vincenzo Peruggia, who stole the work to return it to its country of origin. The Louvre Museum in Paris built a separate room to house the Mona Lisa, giving up to five million visitors a year the chance to see the painting. 


The tradition of telling stories with a series of sequential images has been a part of Japanese culture long before Superman comic strips. The earliest examples of pre-manga artwork that influenced the development of modern Japanese comics are commonly attributed to Toba Sojo, an 11th-century painter-priest with an odd sense of humor. Toba’s animal paintings satirized life in the Buddhist priesthood by drawing priests as rabbits or monkeys engaged in silly activities. 


When the story in which Holmes died was published in a popular magazine in 1893, the British reading public was outraged. More than 20,000 people canceled their subscriptions. The demand for Holmes stories was so great that Conan Doyle brought the great detective back to life by explaining that no one had actually seen Holmes go down the Reichenbach Falls. The public, glad to have new tales, bought the explanation. 


Caviar refers to the salted eggs of the fish species, sturgeon. At the beginning of the 19th century, the United States was one of the greatest producers of caviar in the world. Because of overfishing, commercial sturgeon harvesting was banned. Today, mostly through farm-raised varieties, caviar production has returned in America. Some American caviar is very high in quality and has been compared favorably to wild Caspian caviar.


T.S. Eliot wrote in his poem, "The Waste Land," that April was the "cruelest month." He was living in England at the time, and the weather there can be dreadfully rainy and cold during spring. But from a cook's point of view, April is anything but cruel. The month brings us some of the freshest, most wonderful foods. Consider the first ripe strawberries, asparagus, artichokes, tiny peas, and so much more. 


When the eruption of Vesuvius started on the morning of 24 August, 79 AD, it caught the local population completely unprepared. The catastrophic magnitude of the eruption was connected with the long period of inactivity that preceded it. The longer the intervals between one eruption and another, the greater the explosion will be. Luckily, the frequent but low-level activity of Vesuvius in recent centuries has relieved the build-up of pressure in the magma chamber. 


Iron Age Britain can only be understood from the archaeological evidence. There are few spectacular ruins from Iron Age Britain. Unlike in Classical Greece or Ancient Egypt, in Iron Age Britain there was no construction of major cities, palaces, temples or pyramids. Rather, it was an essentially rural world of farms and villages, which had no economic or religious need to build palaces, cities, major tombs or ceremonial sites.

2. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Запишите ответы. (6 баллов)

Lindsay Wildlife Museum

Lindsay Wildlife Museum is a unique natural history and environmental education centre where visitors can listen to the cry of a red-tailed hawk, go eye-to-eye with a grey fox and watch a bald eagle eat lunch. More than fifty species of native California animals are on exhibit here.

Thousands of school children learn about the natural environment in their classrooms A __________ of the museum. Nature- and science-oriented classes and trips are offered for adults and children. More than 600 volunteers help to feed and care for wild animals, __________. Volunteers are active in the museum's work, contributing C __________.

The museum was founded by a local businessman, Alexander Lindsay. Sandy, as friends knew him, started teaching neighborhood children about nature in the early 1950s. Initially housed in an elementary school, the museum began offering school-aged children summer classes, D__________.

After nearly a decade of the museum operation, it became apparent __________. With a new 5,000 square-foot home, the museum could now develop and display a permanent collection of live, native wildlife and natural history objects.

People came to the museum for help with wild animals __________ urban growth. In response, a formal wildlife rehabilitation programme – the first of its kind in the United States of America – began in 1970.



that needed public attention and a new building


through education programmes and on-site tours


many hours of service to wildlife care and fundraising


that a permanent, year-round site was necessary


as well as field trips focused on the natural world


that had been injured or orphaned because of intense


as well as teach children and adults about nature

3.Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Запишите ответы. (6 баллов

Cyberspace communication

Nowadays most of us go to our computers to connect with friends instead of using our phones. Cyberspace relationships have become the norm for many people, even the most _____1.  CONSERVE______ ones.

The convenience and __2.___EFFECTIVE__________ of the Web is amazing. If we want to see a movie, find a place to eat or get in touch with a friend, we go to the Web before we call on the phone.

Critics, however, say that cyberspace communication loses some important factors of the social atmosphere. Most Web __3.__USE___________ don’t understand that when we talk to someone, we get many messages from them just by their tone of voice and body language.

A tender __4.___EXPRESS__________ and eye contact cannot possibly be experienced over the Internet.

As with anything we do, without regular practice the act can become unfamiliar and__5.___COMFORT__________.

There is a possibility that much can be _6.___REAL__________lost when we communicate via the Internet.

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Английский язык, 11 класс

1.Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. (7баллов)


Presents begin to enrich
the collection


Reason for extension


First famous exhibits


One on the basis of two



Shift towards history 


Location of the museum 


New collections for the new building 


New field for the old museum 


The present Ashmolean Museum was created in 1908 by combining two ancient Oxford institutions: the University Art Collection and the original Ashmolean Museum. The older partner in this merger, the University Art Collection, was based for many years in what is now the Upper Reading Room in the Bodleian Library.  


The collection began modestly in the 1620s with a handful of portraits and curiosities displayed in a small room on the upper floor. In the 17th century there were added notable collections of coins and medals later incorporated into the Ashmolean coin collection. The objects of curiosity included Guy Fawkes’ lantern and a sword given by the Pope to Henry VIII, and a number of more exotic items.  


In the 1660s and '70s, the collection grew rapidly and, in 1683, the Bodleian Gallery was left to develop as a museum of art. At first, it was a gallery of portraits of distinguished contemporaries, but from the mid 1660s, it began to acquire a more historical perspective with the addition of images of people from the past: college founders, scientists, soldiers, monarchs, writers and artists.


In the eighteenth century, several painters donated self-portraits. They also added a number of landscapes, historical paintings and scenes from contemporary life. Other donors, former members of the University, added collections of Old Masters so that by the early nineteenth century, it had become an art gallery of general interest and an essential point of call on the tourist map. The public was admitted on payment of a small charge. Catalogues were available at the entrance and the paintings were well displayed in a large gallery.  


It was only with the gift of a collection of ancient Greek and Roman statuary from the Countess of Pomfret in 1755 that the need for a new art gallery became urgent. The marble figures were too heavy to be placed in an upstairs gallery and were installed in a dark ground-floor room in the library pending the creation of a new museum.  


Before the new museum was finished, a major group of drawings by Raphael and Michelangelo was purchased by public subscription for the new galleries, establishing the importance of the Oxford museum as a centre for the study of Old Master drawings. The new museum also attracted gifts of paintings. In 1851, a collection of early Italian paintings, which included Uccello’s “Hunt in the Forest”, one of the museum’s major works of art was presented.  


In the 1850s, the University established a new Natural History Museum, which is now known as the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. And all the natural history specimens from the Ashmolean were transferred to the new institution. Having lost what had become the most important element in its collection, the Ashmolean was to find a major new role in the emerging field of archaeology.

2. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Запишите ответы. (6 баллов)

Number of teenagers with Saturday job drops

     The number of teenagers with Saturday jobs has dropped. Young people do not acquire any experience for their CVs – a crucial step towards getting full-time work. The proportion of teenagers combining part-time jobs with school or college has slumped from 40% in the 1990s to around 20% now, according to the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), a government agency. Latest figures show that only A__________ in 1997.

     The trend is not just recession-related, but the result of an increasing expectation B__________ well as a falling number of Saturday jobs, according to the report. Many of the jobs that young people do, such as bar work, are in long-term decline, and are forecast to decline further over the next decade.

      "Recruiters place significant emphasis on experience … C__________," the report says. Word of mouth is the most common way to get a job, D__________ young people are unable to build up informal contacts, it adds.

      Ms. Todd, a commissioner at the UKCES, said: "There's more emphasis on doing well at school, young people are finding less time to do what they would have done a few years ago. "I think it's also the changing structure of the labour market. Retail is still a big employer, E__________. As a consequence, we need to think about how we get young people the work experience they need."

     A new initiative to send employees into state schools to talk about their careers was also launched recently. The scheme, Inspiring the Future, is meant to give state schoolchildren access to the kind of careers advice that private schools offer. The deputy prime minister said: "The power of making connections F__________ and can be life-changing."



that young people should stay on at school, as


that inspire young people is immeasurable


but an increasing shortage of work experience means


but a lot more of it is being done online


260,000 teenagers have a Saturday job compared with 435,000


that it was researching the system of funding education after 16


but young people are leaving education increasingly less experienced

3.Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Запишите ответы. (6 баллов)

Morse Code

Before phones, computers, and telegraphs were invented, messages would take months or even years to reach their destination. Samuel Morse was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, in April 1791, not knowing that he would be a famous __1.__INVENT___________.

Since the age of four, Morse had been interested in __2.___DRAW__________ and he wanted to become a painter. Mr. and Mrs. Morse were afraid that he couldn't make a living as a painter, so they made him a bookseller. He worked as a bookseller but at night he would paint.

_3.____FINAL__________, his parents realized how he loved art, so they found the money for Morse to study art in London.

After a __4.___SUCCESS__________ artistic career (first painting historical scenes and then portraits), Morse built the first American telegraph around 1835.

Morse patented a working telegraph machine in 1837, with help from his __5.____BUSY _________ partners, Leonard Gale and Alfred Vail.

Morse used a dots-and-spaces code for the letters of the alphabet and for numbers. It was later improved to use dashes with dots and spaces. Since then, it has proved its ___6.___EFFECTIVE_________many times

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Английский язык, 11 класс

1.Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. (7баллов)


It had its finest hour


A long way to popularity


A stairway to heaven


Extraordinary combinations



Ideas on sale


Brilliant ideas and brave deeds


Borrowed ideas


Revolutionary materials


Born in 1743, Thomas Jefferson helped shape the new American nation and also shaped some of the country's most famous buildings. The twentieth century architects who designed the circular Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. drew inspiration from Thomas Jefferson's architectural ideas. And from where did Jefferson get his ideas? The Pantheon in Rome! This building with its classical portico became a model that influenced Western architecture for 2,000 years. 


Postmodern architecture evolved from the modernist movement, yet contradicts many of the modernist ideas. Combining new ideas with traditional forms, postmodernist buildings may startle, surprise, and even amuse. Familiar shapes and details are used in unexpected ways. Philip Johnson's AT&T Headquarters is often cited as an example of postmodernism. Like many buildings in the international style, this skyscraper has a classical facade. 


The Industrial Revolution in Europe brought about a new trend: the use of metals instead of wood and stone in construction. Built in 1889, the Eiffel Tower is perhaps the most famous example of this new use for metal. For 40 years, the Eiffel Tower measured the tallest in the world. The metal lattice-work, formed with very pure structural iron, makes the tower both extremely light and able to withstand tremendous wind forces.


By the early 1800s, Belfast had become a major port at the beating heart of the region's industry. The launching of the Titanic from the shipways was attended by an estimated 100,000 people, showing how important this event was for Belfast. Many more impressive ships would leave the yard in the coming years before the decline of the shipbuilding industry began in the 1950s, but the Titanic marked the zenith of the great shipbuilding era in Belfast.


Thomas Andrews was the chief naval architect at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast during the early 1900s. He brought the idea of 'Olympic class' ocean liners to life. The most famous of these was Titanic, which he joined on its first voyage. His actions when the ship sank on 15 April 1912 are believed to have saved many lives, but at the cost of his own. In his home town of Comber, the life of Thomas Andrews is commemorated by the Memorial Hall, opened in 1915. 


An e-book or “electronic book” is available digitally downloaded, and accessed through a device such as a computer, a smart phone or, popularly, a portable e-book reader. In 1971, Michael Hart began storing vast contents of libraries in electronic formats. Hart named his efforts Project Gutenberg, after the inventor of the printing press. Libraries were early adopters of the technology. But it took nearly thirty years for the idea of the e-book to take firm hold with the consumer.


The Frankfurt Book Fair is held in October of each year. It usually hosts more than 7,300 exhibitors from 100 countries ranging from Albania to Zimbabwe. For the American book publishing industry, the Frankfurt Book Fair is predominantly a trade fair, that is, a professional meeting place for publishers, editors, librarians, book subsidiary rights managers, booksellers, film producers, authors and many others who are involved in the creation and licensing of book content

2. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Запишите ответы. (7 баллов)

Changing image

For more than 200 years Madame Tussaud’s has been attracting tourists from all over the world and it remains just as popular as it ever was. There are many reasons for this enduring success, but at the heart of it all is good, old-fashioned curiosity.

Madame Tussaud’s original concept has entered a brand new era of interactive entertainment A __________. Today’s visitors are sent on a breathtaking journey in black cabs through hundreds of years of the past. They have a unique chance to see the great legends of history, __________ of politics.

Much of the figure construction technique follows the traditional pattern, beginning whenever possible with the subject __________ and personal characteristics. The surprising likeliness of the wax portraits also owes much to many stars __________, either by providing their stage clothes, or simply giving useful advice.

The museum continues constantly to add figures __________ popularity. The attraction also continues to expand globally with established international branches in New York, Hong Kong, Amsterdam and many other cities. And they all have the same rich mix of interaction, authenticity and local appeal.

The museum provides a stimulating and educational environment for schoolchildren. Its specialists are working together with practicing teachers and educational advisors to create different programmes of activities, __________. 



that reflect contemporary public opinion and celebrity


as well as resources on art, technology and drama


ranging from special effects to fully animated figures


as well as the idols of popular music and the icons


who are eager to help in any possible way they can


ranging from all kinds of souvenirs to sports equipment


who is sitting to determine exact measurements

3.Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Запишите ответы. (6 баллов)

Chemistry or no chemistry 

I was planning a career in biology but was not looking forward to taking chemistry in my first year at Carleton University in Ottawa. However, the professor of chemistry was a famous __1.__SCIENCE___________.

He made the course interesting with his many small _2.____CHEMISTRY__________ explosions and crazy quizzes.

Once, he posed the question: “What in the world isn't chemistry?” and offered a prize to the student who answered _3._____CORRECT__________.

A couple of weeks passed. __4.__FINAL__________, he announced in class that the contest was over. A student had gone to his office to ask if she could try her hand at the question. “What in the world isn't chemistry?” she asked.

“My __5.__RELATION___________ with my last boyfriend – that wasn't chemistry.”

By default, she became the __6.___WIN__________.

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