материалы по подготовке к олимпиадам по английскому языка.
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Мөхәммәтова Зилә Рафаел кызы

Материалы для подготовки к олимпиадам


Файл Дәрес эшкәртмәсе28.28 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Олимпиада по английскому языку. Школьный тур.

Продолжительность тура 1 час (40 минут)

Use of English.

PART 1. Circle the odd word in each group

  1. sweater  
  1. raincoat  
  1. trainers  
  1. tablecloth
  1. celebrate
  1. lights
  1. fireplace
  1. tinsel
  1. cough
  1. headache
  1. medicine
  1. flue
  1. clothes
  1. appearance
  1. character
  1. model
  1. train
  1. car
  1. bus
  1. horse

PART 2. Match the definitions to the words.

  1. discipline
  1. classmates
  1. homework
  1. teacher
  1. project
  1. Someone who is in the same class as you at school.
  2. Someone whose job is to teach.
  3. The way of learning to control behaviour.
  4. School work in which students have to collect the information and write about s subject.
  5. Work for school that students do at home

PART 3. Choose the right variant.

  1. It’s…..colder today than yesterday.
  1. Most
  2. More
  3. Very
  4. Much
  1. Who's that girl? … .
  1. Is Betty
  2. It's Jane
  3. She's a pupil
  1. In his free time he likes … with his friend.
  1. playing
  2. play
  3. plays
  1. I … my homework because I left my book in school.
  1. can't to do
  2. can't do
  3. don't make
  1. I opened the door, but there was…..there.
  1. Someone
  2. Anyone
  3. Nobody
  4. Everybody

PART 4. Underline the correct word/phrase.

  1. No, Sarah, we didn’t /haven’t decided yet.
  2. If you go to the beach, you should / must take a water bottle with you.
  3. Look. Here’s the diary. On 22 April, we are going to plant / are planting trees.
  4. Look at the sign. We should / must ride slowly here.
  5. If Tom comes first, are you going to talk / are you talking to him?

PART 5. Write  questions in the interview with a pop star.

  1. A) ……….

B) I always have an apple for breakfast

  1. A) ……….

B) My favourite food is fruit

  1. A)………..

B) No, I don’t like chocolate!

  1. A) ……….

B) Yes, I can. I like to cook when I'm not working

  1. A) ……….

B) Yes, I have. I’ve got two cats


PART 6. Read the letter and say true or false  

  1. Charles has been living  in a small town of England for 15 years.
  2. He has graduated a private school last year.
  3. Charles likes his new beautiful school very much.
  4. The author’s favourite subject is Physics.
  5. The boy as usual is late for school and doesn’t read up for classes.

International Friendship League


16 Beaulieu Road

North End

Portsmouth PO2 DBN


Dear friend,

My name is Charles. I am 13 years old. I live in a province. I go to a secondary school. My school is new. It is not the best thing in the world but I like it. I take English, Science, History, Geography, Maths, Literature and other subjects. But my favourite ones are Computing and Physics. They are interesting.  I think it’s exciting to know something new every day. I always try to be ready for class every day and come to school on time.

After school I enjoy listening to music and walking in the street. Someday I go to sport club and play tennis. It is on Sundays. I like it very much it is cool. And you? Where do you live? Is your school big or small? Do you like your school? What is your number one subject? What do you like to do after school?


                                                                                                              Best wishes,


PART 7.  Read the letter again and answer the questions from the letter.













               PART 2                   PART 3








are going to plant


are you going to talk



What do you have for breakfast?

What’s you favourite food?

Do you like chocolate?

Can you cook?

Have you got any pets?









(I live in …)

(My school is …..)

(Yes/No) I like/don’t like ….)

(My favourite subject …  )

(After school I usually …)

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