Контрольная работа
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Литвинова Тамара Алексеевна

Контрольная работа для 9 класса.


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Контрольная работа для девятых классов

Вариант 1.

  1. Make up new sentences. Use a Complex Object.

Model: He has to read more. His mother would like it. – His mother would like him to read more.

  1. She has to reach a compromise with her brother. Her parents expect it.
  2. All the pupils have to like English. Mr. Reed wants it.
  3. Peter has to do chores. His mother expects it.
  4. Alex watched a very boring film. His girl friend made him.
  5. Mary can’t go out. Her parents don’t let her.
  1. Translate into Russian.
  1. They want us to visit them next month.
  2. I know him to be a very good doctor.
  3. Nobody let these children leave their room.
  4. Don’t make me say that again.
  5. I wouldn’t like them to know my name.
  1. Fill in the gaps. Use make or do.
  1. He asked me to… him a favour.
  2. Don’t … him eat if he doesn’t want to.
  3. Anybody who… this mistake has to … exercise 5 again.
  4. You’ll have to give up this job because you aren’t … enough money.
  5. What does his sister …? – She’s a singer.
  1. Choose synonyms for underlined expressions.
  1. I’m fed up with my little sister.
  1. I’ve had enough of her.
  2. I don’t like her.
  3. I don’t understand her.
  1. She says she couldn’t care less.
  1. She doesn’t agree.
  2. It doesn’t matter to her.
  3. She is upset.
  1. When I walked into the room, nobody paid any attention to me.
  1. They ignored me.
  2. They embarrassed me.
  3. They surprised me.
  1. Mom is mad with me because I forgot her birthday.
  1. She is angry with me.
  2. She agrees with me.
  3. She couldn’t care less about me.
  1. My brother’s behavior embarrassed me.
  1. Made me feel proud.
  2. Made me feel uncomfortable.
  3. Made me feel angry.

 5. Form the nouns from these words, using the suffixes: ship, ness, ment, hood, dom.

       Wise, friend, happy, child, agree.

 6.Fill in the missing letters:

        Sl… ver… ;

        the C…nfed… rac…;




        the S… nat…;



Контрольная работа для девятых классов

Вариант 2.

  1. Make up new sentences. Use a Complex Object.

Model: He has to read more. His mother would like it. – His mother would like him to read more.

  1. She comes at 5 o’clock. We expect it.
  2. All the pupils have to do home tasks. Teachers want it.
  3. Boris has to do all chores. His brother would like it.
  4. Alex read a historical book. His girl friend made him.
  5. Liz can’t go out this evening. Her Dad doesn’t let her.
  1. Translate into Russian.
  1. I didn’t want us to phone her today.
  2. I would like her to be a very good engineer.
  3. Dad let children go out this night.
  4. Don’t make me do all the chores.
  5. I expect them to arrive in time.
  1. Fill in the gaps. Use make or do.
  1. I’d like to… more friends at my new school.
  2. Don’t …so much noise.
  3. She is very busy. Tomorrow she is going to …a report.
  4. Jane must … up her mind quickly. The train is leaving.
  5. You should … a right decision.
  1. Choose synonyms for underlined expressions.
  1. Some boys at school are ignoring me.
  1. They don’t pay any attention to me.
  2. They fed up with me.
  3. They embarrass me.
  1. I never though about it before.
  1. I deserve it.
  2. It doesn’t matter me.
  3. It didn’t occur to me.
  1. My parents often nag me about my friends.
  1. They ignored me.
  2. They embarrassed me.
  3. They lecture me.
  1. Mom is mad with me because I was late again.
  1. She couldn’t care less about me.
  2. She is angry with me.
  3. She ignore me.
  1. We talked about it but we couldn’t agree.
  1. We are cool with it.
  2. We don’t reach a compromise.
  3. We are fed up with it.

 5. Form the nouns from these words, using the suffixes: ship, ness, ment, hood, dom.

       Free, govern, kind, leader, brother.

 6. Fill in the missing letters:

        A c… met…ry;

        A bat…lef…eld;

        Ci…il W…r;



        The S…pr…me C…urt;

        A co…ners…on…;

        The P…tom…c.

Контрольная работа для девятых классов

Вариант 3.

  1. Make up new sentences. Use a Complex Object.

Model: He has to read more. His mother would like it. – His mother would like him to read more.

  1. My sister goes out with us. My friends don’t want it.
  2. Peter helps his parents in the garden. They expect it.
  3. Mary offers him help. I would like it.
  4. I clean my room every day. My Mom makes me.
  5. Mike drives a car. His father lets him.
  1. Translate into Russian.
  1. Don’t let him come to our house again.
  2. She made her son tell the truth.
  3. I would like you not to invite Jane to the party.
  4. I want her to be my partner on disco.
  5. Mom expects me to write a letter every month.
  1. Fill in the gaps. Use make or do.
  1. She… up her mind to become a teacher.
  2. He has… a lot of mistakes in his test.
  3. I always … my homework in the evening.
  4. Has he …any progress in Math?
  5. Could you …me a favour and…the shopping for me?
  1. Choose synonyms for underlined expressions.
  1. Why do I always have to do all the chores?
  1. All the housework.
  2. All the boring things.
  3. All the exams.
  1. When I grow up, I’ll get a good education.
  1. Become older.
  2. Become younger.
  3. Improve my behaviour.
  1. My parents lecture me for days.
  1. They ignored me.
  2. They embarrassed me.
  3. They try to give me some advice.
  1. They say that all my friends are losers.
  1. They’ll never achieve anything in life.
  2. They are good friends.
  3. They make a lot of money.
  1. My Mom is normally cool with most things that I do.
  1. She tries to respect my views.
  2. She is angry with me.
  3. She is embarrass me.

 5. Form the nouns from these words, using the suffixes: ship, ness, ment, hood, dom.

       Cold, dictator, man, improve, king.

 6.Fill in the missing letters:

B…t…le of Ge…tysb…rg;

A Co…fed…rat…;






The Sm…ths…nian In…stit…tion.

Контрольная работа для девятых классов

Вариант 4.

  1. Make up new sentences. Use a Complex Object.

Model: He has to read more. His mother would like it. – His mother would like him to read more.

  1. She read my letter. I don’t want it.
  2. Alice tries a new dress on. Mom expects it.
  3. We pay attention to the picture. A guide would like it.
  4. He gives a letter to her. Dad makes him.
  5. He can’t go out. Parents don’t let him.
  1. Translate into Russian.
  1. “Will you let me say something now” I asked.
  2. Who made your brother do it?
  3. Our teacher expects us to make a report.
  4. I don’t want her to read this book.
  5. They would like us to learn English.
  1. Fill in the gaps. Use make or do.
  1. Jeff …friends with her son two years ago.
  2. Finally, she … him tell the truth.
  3. Who … the shopping in your family?
  4. Do you … any sports?
  5. I have … the same mistake again!
  1. Choose synonyms for underlined expressions.
  1. I’m fed up with my little sister.
  1. I’ve had enough of her.
  2. I don’t like her.
  3. I don’t understand her.
  1. When I grow up, I’ll get a good education.
  1. Become older.
  2. Become younger.
  3. Improve my behaviour.
  1. We talked about it but we couldn’t agree.
  1. We are cool with it.
  2. We don’t reach a compromise.
  3. We are fed up with it.
  1. Mom is mad with me because I forgot her birthday.
  1. She is angry with me.
  2. She agrees with me.
  3. She couldn’t care less about me.
  1. My brother’s behavior embarrassed me.
  1. Made me feel proud.
  2. Made me feel uncomfortable.
  3. Made me feel angry.

 5. Form the nouns from these words, using the suffixes: ship, ness, ment, hood, dom.

       Develop, friend, cold, child,wise.

 6.Fill in the missing letters:

Jef…ers…n Me…ori…l;


The Ho…se of Repr…sent…t…ves;




the Con…eder…c…;

the War of Ind…pen…en…e.


Description of achievement

Level reached





  • I can read and understand articles about famous historical events.
  • I can read and understand teenagers’ letters.
  • I can read and understand dialogues about sights in Washington.

  • I can understand what problem teenagers have with their parents.
  • I can understand what people say about sights.

  • I can express my opinion on places I visited or want to visit.
  • I can answer the interviewer’s questions and be an interviewer myself.

  • I can write about sights in capital or my native place.
  • I can do different kind of tests.

Grammar checklist

Can understand

Can say

Complex object

Expressions with do/make

Study skills





How I understand historical article

How I understand letters

How I understand meaning behind the words

Exercise I found most interesting/ enjoyable/ difficult/ boring   ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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