Present Tenses
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Кулиш Наталья Алексеевна

Контрольная работа по теме:"Настоящие времена активного залога".


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Предварительный просмотр:

I Variant

I. Chose the right variant.

 1.  Jeremy ..... basketball this season; he wants to concentrate on his studies.

doesn’t play

hasn’t been playing

isn’t playing

hasn’t played

  1. What ..... with yourself? There is mud all over you! 

has you been doing

are doing

did you do

have been doing

  1. As far as I know Mike ..... Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much.

is learning

has been learning

has learnt


  1. I am sorry Ann can’t come to the phone right now because she ..... a shower. 

is taking

has taken


has been taking

  1. How long ..... Jerry? - But I don’t know him at all. I have never met him.

do you know

have you known

has you known

did you know

II. Use the right tense form of the verb.

  1. A: …. (you\know) if there’s a problem between Kate and Kelly?

B: No, but I …… (think) of asking Mary about it.

  1. A: I …… (not\call) Helen for ages. I wonder how she is.

B: Well, I know she ….. (stay) in town this week, so maybe you two can meet while she’s here.

  1. A: What …… (do)? Your face is all red and you look really upset!

B: I ……(just\have) another fight with Tom because he used my laptop without asking me again.

  1. A: Adam … (always\want) to be part of a large family.

B: What …..(you\talk) about? I know for a fact that he loved being an only child.

  1. A: Don’t you think that Patty …… (get) to be more and more of a busybody these days?

B: Yes, I do. Someone ….. (need) to tell her to stop interfering in things that aren’t her concern!

III. Choose the right form of the verb.

  1. The plane leaves\has left at 4 o’clock. We must be at the airport by 2 o’clock.
  2. It gets\is getting colder and colder every day.
  3. Have you seen Linda? I have been looking\am looking for her for almost an hour.
  4. Sam is very interesting person. He knows\has known all kinds of unusual facts.
  5. First, you are heating\heat the oven to a temperature of 180 C°

II Variant

I. Chose the right variant.

  1. - Hello! May I speak to John, please? - Sorry, he is out. He has gone to the library. He ..... for his History exam there.  

has been reading

is reading


has read

  1. Excuse me I ..... a public telephone. Is there one near here?  

have been looking for

have looked for

look for

am looking for

  1. Her family ..... from town to town ever since she can remember. 

is moving

has moved


has been moving

  1. About 85 percent of American students ..... public schools, which are supported by state and local taxes.  


are attending

have attended

have been attending

  1. You may take this magazine. I ..... through it already. 


have looked

am looking

have been looking

II. Use the right tense form of the verb.

  1. A: …. (you\know) if there’s a problem between Kate and Kelly?

B: No, but I …… (think) of asking Mary about it.

  1. A: I …… (not\call) Helen for ages. I wonder how she is.

B: Well, I know she ….. (stay) in town this week, so maybe you two can meet while she’s here.

  1. A: What …… (do)? Your face is all red and you look really upset!

B: I ……(just\have) another fight with Tom because he used my laptop without asking me again.

  1. A: Adam … (always\want) to be part of a large family.

B: What …..(you\talk) about? I know for a fact that he loved being an only child.

  1. A: Don’t you think that Patty …… (get) to be more and more of a busybody these days?

B: Yes, I do. Someone ….. (need) to tell her to stop interfering in things that aren’t her concern!

III. Choose the right form of the verb.

  1. Have you heard the news? They have just elected\have been electing a new president!
  2. Kate is finding\has found a new job. She is starting next week.
  3. The teacher has been correcting\has corrected essays for 3 hours.
  4. Michael’s car broke down last week, so he uses\is using his father’s for the time being.
  5. It rarely gets\is getting very hot in Britain.

III Variant

I. Chose the right variant.

  1. I don’t like Alice. She ..... about difficulties of life all the time. 


is complaining

has complained

has been complaining

  1. Nora, you look awfully tired. What ..... all day?  

do you do

are you doing

have you been doing

have you done

  1. Sara, my next door neighbour, has a car, but she ..... it very often.  

doesn’t use

isn’t using

hasn’t used

hasn’t been using

  1. I think you ..... very silly. Don't get out of bed. You’ll only make your temperature go up again.  


are being


have been

  1. Peter and Mary ..... on the platform. They have been waiting for their train for half an hour.

have been standing

are standing


have stood

II. Use the right tense form of the verb.

  1. A: …. (you\know) if there’s a problem between Kate and Kelly?

B: No, but I …… (think) of asking Mary about it.

  1. A: I …… (not\call) Helen for ages. I wonder how she is.

B: Well, I know she ….. (stay) in town this week, so maybe you two can meet while she’s here.

  1. A: What …… (do)? Your face is all red and you look really upset!

B: I ……(just\have) another fight with Tom because he used my laptop without asking me again.

  1. A: Adam … (always\want) to be part of a large family.

B: What …..(you\talk) about? I know for a fact that he loved being an only child.

  1. A: Don’t you think that Patty …… (get) to be more and more of a busybody these days?

B: Yes, I do. Someone ….. (need) to tell her to stop interfering in things that aren’t her concern!

III. Choose the right form of the verb.

  1. Sam always calls\is calling me late at night!
  2. Mary hasn’t been seeing\hasn’t seen this film yet.
  3. Why do you smell\are you smelling this cheese? Is there something wrong with it?
  4. Janet thinks\is thinking about taking part in school competition.
  5. The Prague Spring International Music Festival starts\is starting in the middle of May.

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Present tenses

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