Презентация к уроку на тему:"So many countries, so many traditions"
презентация к уроку (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме

Наринян Карина Владиславовна

Открытый урок, приуроченный к приезду кипрской делегации из Американской Академии г.Лимассол


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

So many countries, so many traditions

Слайд 2

Welcome to America!

Слайд 3

Keep your seat belts fasten all the time. Don`t smoke. Don`t take guns on the plane. Take part in our conversations & quizzes Don`t interrupt each other. First listen and then speak. Instructions:

Слайд 4

1. This famous document begins with the words, "We, the people of the ...., in order to form a more perfect union.... Which document? What country? The Constitution of the USA

Слайд 5

12. It was presented to the USA in 1884. 225 tons of metal were used for its construction. Inside there is a circular stairway from the base to the crown. There is also a lift in it. What is "it"? The Statue of Liberty

Слайд 6

23. In 1886, Doctor John Pemberton, a pharmacist, invented this substance. He sold it in his pharmacy for 5 cents a glass. Sails in 1886 averaged 9 grasses a day. Today it is sold in more than 160 countries. What is it? Coca-Cola

Слайд 7

CHECK YOURSELF What is the official name of the USA? What language is the official one? Does it differ from British English? What city is the capital of the USA? Is it the largest city of the country? How many states does the USA have? Name some of them. What places of interest in the United States would you like to visit? Why? Which famous Americans do you know? Speak about one of them.

Слайд 8


Слайд 9

The Volga Volgograd Astrakhan Samara Saratov

Слайд 10

Yuri Dolgoruky

Слайд 11

Questions about USA 1. What is the capital of the USA ? Washington, D.C.

Слайд 12

Questions about USA 2 . Who discovered America ? Christopher Columbus

Слайд 13

Questions about USA 3 . What is the symbol of the USA? The bald eagle

Слайд 14

Questions about USA 4. What is the national sport in the USA? Baseball

Слайд 15

Questions about USA 5. Which American rock’n’roll star lived in Memphis? Elvis Presley

Слайд 16

Questions about USA 6. Who is the President of the USA ? Obama, Barack Hussein

Слайд 17

Questions about Russia 1. When was Moscow founded? 1147 a.d .

Слайд 18

Questions about Russia 2. What is the heart of Moscow? Red Square

Слайд 19

Questions about Russia 3. What did the word “red” mean? Beautiful

Слайд 20

Questions about Russia 4. What is the Spasskaya Tower famous for? Its clock

Слайд 21

Questions about Russia 5. Who is the President of Russia? Medvedev D. A.

Слайд 22

Thank you for your flight with our RUSSIAN AIRLINES !

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