Готовимя к ГИА.Тест 20
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Вульфсон Евгения Евгеньевна

Внешность и характеристики человека


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Test 20

Внешность и характеристики человека

Раздел 2. (задания по чтению)

  1. A grouped identity
  2. The first is the most important
  3. Almost free to control your looks
  4. Mums make a model of behaviour
  5. Guesses by dresses
  6. A proper dress
  7. Only the first impression
  8. The natural reaction
  1. Open any self-help book and somewhere inside you will find this saying: ‘You never get a second chance to make a first impression.’ No one can argue that each of us, entering into a new or unfamiliar situation, will be judged first by our appearance before any other factors can be taken. This may be unfair but, is it really?
  2. It is true that when we judge others by their appearance we are not being objective. One of the first factors making prejudicial reactions in those we meet is the “uniform” we choose to wear. Make no mistake we all are in uniform each time we go out into the public.
  3. If you walk into a supermarket and see a fellow shopper dressed in scrubs, you immediately assume they are in the medical profession. This may or may not be the case as many child care workers also wear scrubs while on duty. If you find yourself having a late evening burger at the local fast food establishment and two young men, dressed in hip-hop fashion, come in and one loiters near the door while the other one approaches the counter you will have a different inner reaction than if the same two men came in dressed preppie casual. While their mode of dress obviously does not speak to their intent, it will cause the viewer to have a definite reaction.
  4. We all judge and are judged by appearance. This is true without regard to whether we consider it a positive or a negative feature of human nature. If, in mid December, you see someone dressed as Santa Claus going into a convenience store you don’t immediately assume that he is intent on robbing the place. Further events might prove you wrong but such a suspicion would not be your first reaction.
  5. The true importance of appearance in society comes when we begin to realize that we can control the first reactions to our appearance simply by controlling the way we look. It all comes down to the “uniforms.” The word itself simply means “one form.” Uniforms are adopted by groups of people who, for one reason or another, feel the need to adopt a group identity. Police officers, members of the military, sports team are but a few examples of regulated uniforms. These are required when the group identity must be closely regulated. There are also unregulated uniforms. To cite just a few, bikers, hip-hop aficionados, street gangs, Wall Street brokers, construction workers. These all employ modes of dress, uniforms if you will, that allow them to blend in with their particular subset of the population.
  6. The wearing of regulated uniforms (and some unregulated) is a closely guarded privilege. Wear a police uniform while not being a peace officer and you are a subject to arrest, wear the Hell’s Angels “colors” while not being a member of that particular motorcycle club and you are subject to being seriously injured. For the most part, and aside from the examples cited, we are free to choose the “uniform” we wear and thereby are able to influence the all important first impression.
  7. It is useless to cry about the fact that we are going to be judged on appearance. If we care about how we are to be perceived, the only control we have is to make a realistic assessment of which “uniform” is appropriate for the contact to be made and dress accordingly. Bear in mind, though, that having the correct appearance will only prevent the door from being slammed in your face before you have the opportunity to state your case. Appearance is important but it will always be just the first step.










Peter the Great

Born in Moscow, Russia on June 9, 1672, Peter the Great was a Russian czar in the late 17th

Superficial Society Makes Children Unhappier about Appearance

Britain’s “superficial society” has made children’s appearance the greatest cause of unhappiness in their lives, a study has found. Almost one in five children aged from 10 to 15 said they dislike they way they look, the survey by the Children’s Society disclosed, with girls twice as likely to worry about their bodies than boys. Children become more worried as they grow, with 28 per cent of girls aged 15 saying they are dissatisfied with their appearance.

Researchers blamed Britain’s image-driven culture for children’s unhappiness about their looks, and gave warning that it could cause mental health problems in later life. Bob Reitemeier, chief executive of the Children’s Society, said: “I would look to the commercialization of childhood and the early sexualisation of children in the media and in advertising for the cause of these worries.”

“More and more, young people are being encouraged to dress a certain way and to look a certain way, and that leads to worries early in life which can cause mental health problems in the future. It really is very serious.”

While 17.5 per cent of all children said their appearance made them unhappy, 22 per of girls expressed the concern compared with 13 per cent of boys. White children were also “significantly” more likely to worry about their looks than those from African, Caribbean or Asian backgrounds.

Andrew Hill, professor of medical psychology at the University of Leeds medical school, who specializes in eating disorders and body image, said girls are under pressure to look good from a young age. That is something to do with the way that society values women more by their appearance and the cultural transmission of that social value. Often girls pick up on that from a much younger age than 10 years old.

We live in a very superficial culture where appearance is absolutely everything in politics just as in pop music – every time you are in public you are under public careful examination. An average of two children in every class said they were “significantly” unhappy. Maria Miller, shadow minister for family, said yesterday: “Business, advertisers and the media need to wake up to the impact they are having on children’s lives and start to exercise more corporate responsibility. It is time we gave children back their childhood.”

A 7         Children feel unhappy because of their appearance.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated

A 8        Girls are more worried about their appearance.        

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated

A 9        All the girls are not satisfied with their appearance.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated

A 10        Modern culture is responsible for children’s worries about their looks.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated


A 11        Children’s worries are very dangerous for the future life.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated

A 12        African children are worried about their looks more than European ones.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated

A 13        Girls under ten do not pay much attention to their appearance.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated

A 14         Good appearance is important in any sphere of public life.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated

Раздел 3. (задания по грамматике и лексике)










What Can You Do to Look ________?
In a competitive work environment, it is only natural to want to do everything possible to get a good look, but if you’re thinking pricey cosmetic surgeries are the answer, you _______. Women who go under the knife make an extra five cents per dollar they spend on the dangerous procedures, according to Hamermesh’s research. “It’s a terrible investment,” he says.

Instead, Judy Jernudd, a leadership coach in Los Angeles, recommends ______ certain psychological behaviors, like walking upright and with confidence, which _______ you seem taller than someone who is slouched over or walking with her head down. It will also trick _______ into perceiving you as more physically attractive. Heels will also help, but not over an inch and a half, say ______ doctors.

Although there isn’t a lot you can do to make _______ look thinner – wearing dark colors and streamlined clothes help – people do note that ________ with confidence always come across as thinner and better-looking. “A lot of it has ________ with personality,” they say.
















What’s Behind Our Thinking?

________ psychological reasons can answer why we choose to promote better-looking people and keep the rest behind. For ancient _______, better-looking people were thought to be more productive, according to the investigation.

And, __________, able to bring home more food. From a psychological standpoint, doctors says, “People of higher physical ________ are more persuasive, which is critical in the workplace.”

That may be the reason women of short height get the short end of the stick. Although there is no correlation between height and effectiveness or __________.

We like to look up to our leaders noting that a subordinate is more likely to respond positively to a taller ___________.







Раздел 4 (задания по письму)

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Lora.


White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Раздел 2

Задание В3

4 - extra

















Задание А7–А14

A7 – 1, A8 – 1, A9 – 2, A10 – 1, A11 – 1, A12 – 2, A13 – 2, A14 – 1.

Раздел 3

Задание В4-В12

B4 – Better, B5 – are mistaken, B6 – using, B7  will make, B8 – others, B9 – most, B10 – yourself, B11 – women, B12 – to do.

Задания В13-В18

B13 – Various, B14 – humans, B15 – interestingly, B16 – attractiveness, B17 – intelligence, B18 – manager.

Раздел 4

Задание С1

Hello Lora,

I’m having a holiday at the moment. We are staying at a very nice hotel in Greece. It is very quiet here. Everything is fine but I am missing my new boyfriend, Roger. I’m surprised you don’t believe I have one.

He is very good looking like all sportsmen. He is a tennis player, by the way. I am also thing of going info tennis when I am back to town. He is a little bit older than me but it doesn’t matter at all. We go to different schools so we are happy to see each other after classes every day.

See you soon,


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