Модуль по стандартам третьего поколения с теорией и практикой
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Минцева Татьяна Кирилловна

В пособии даётся строго по программе теоритическая база изучаемого материала и множество лексико-грамматических упражнений, направленных на усвоение и закрепление изучаемого материала, кроме того подобраны тексты к каждому разделу.


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Предварительный просмотр:


Описание людей:

друзей, родных и

близких и т.д. (внешность, характер, личностные качества)

Практические занятия Фонетический материал

- основные звуки  английского языка;

- основные способы написания слов на основе знания правил правописания; -совершенствование орфографических навыков.

Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал

 простые нераспространенные предложения с глагольным,

 составным именным и составным глагольным сказуемым (с инфинитивом);

- простые предложения, распространенные за счет однородных

 членов предложения и/или второстепенных членов предложения;

- предложения утвердительные, вопросительные, отрицательные,

 побудительные и порядок слов в них;

- безличные предложения;

- понятие глагола-связки .


 1.  Фонетический материал

- основные звуки  английского  






[Λ] – русское неударное о и а в словах “мосты” “сады”

[æ] – э, более открытое чем в русском

[   ] – краткое очень открытое о

[e] – е в слове “шесть”

[ı] – краткое и очень открытое и

[u] – краткое у со слабым округлением губ

[   :] – долгое о

[a:] – долгое заднее а, похожее на а в ударном слоге слова “палка”

[i:] – долгое и

[u:] – долгое у без сильного выдвижения губ

[    :] – произносится как долгое ё (напр. в слове “Фёкла”) но встречается и под ударением

[    ] – среднее между э и а

[p] – [b] п - б

[f] – [v] ф - в

[k] – [g] к - г

[s] – [z] с - з

[m] - м

[j] - й

[t] – [d] т - д (произносится с языком упирающимся в десны)

[∫] – [   ] мягкие ш и ж

[t∫] – [d   ] – ч и дж

[n] – н

[l] – л

[r] – нераскатистое, невибрирующее, очень слабое р (кончик языка немного завернутый назад)

[θ] – [ð] – межзубные с и з

[ŋ] – носовой н

[w] – звук, близкий к у но не образующий слога

[h] – звук образуется когда мы делаем выдох (похож на русский х)

[eı] – эй

[aı] – ай

[  u] – оу

[au] – ау

[   ı] – ой

[ı   ] – иэ

[u  ] – уэ

[     ] – эа

  1. Напишите звуки русского языка соответствующие следующим звукам:

[k] –

[t∫] –

[r] –

[d] –

[a:] –

[e] –

[u   ] –

[g] –

[s] –

[w] –

[t] –

[Λ] –

[eı] –

[      ] –

[f] –

[z] –

[h] –

[d   ] –

[    :] –

[aı] –

[aı   ] –

[v] –

[n] –

[   ] –

[i:] –

[    ] –

[   ı] –

[au   ] –

[b] –

[l] –

[θ] –

[ı] –

[   :] –

[au] –

[p] –

[m] –

[ð] –

[u:] –

[   ] –

[   u] –

[∫] –

[j] –

[ŋ] –

[u] –

[æ] –

[ı   ] –


2. основные способы написания слов на основе знания правил

           ПРАВИЛА  ЧТЕНИЯ


A a

Ударный слог

в открытом слоге

в закрытом слоге

перед r

перед re

Неударный слог


ai, ay

aw, au

ar после w и qu

an + согласная

a + ss, st, sk

a + ft, th

a + l

w(h) + a




[    ]

[   ]


[   :]

[   :]




[   ]

[   ]

take, place, name, cake, state

map, sat, stand, happy, apple

car, art, dark, farm, party

care, bare, share, prepare

ago, about, legal, formal

main, chain, day, way, play

saw, law, autumn, claw, cause, fault

war, warm, warning, warn, ward

quarter, quarrel

answer, dance, chance

class, last, ask, task

after, craft, bath, rather

all, always, call, hall, mall, fall, tall

watch, wash, was, what, want

 E e

Ударный слог

в открытом слоге

в закрытом слоге

перед r

перед re

Неударный слог


ee, ea

ea + d

ei + gh



ee, ea + r

ear + согласная

[ i: ]

[ e ]

[    :]

[ı   ]

[ ı ]

[   ]

[ i: ]

[ e ]

[ eı ]


[ eı ]

[ ı   ]

[   :]

be, he, me, see, meter, Pete

best, next, left, smell

her, term, verse

here, mere, severe

begin, return, decode, because, between

mother, rather, corner, over, ever

green, seem, sea, clean

bread, head, already

исключения: read [ri:d] lead [li:d]

eight, weight, neigh, neighbour

few, new, grew, blew, flew, sew

grey, obey, gey, fey, dey

исключения: key [ki:]

deer, dear, hear, appear

learn, earth, early

I i

Ударный слог

в открытом слоге

в закрытом слоге

перед r

перед re

Неударный слог


i + ld, nd

i + gh

[ aı ]

[ ı ]

[   : ]

[aı  ]

[ ı ]

[ aı ]

[ aı ]

five, life, fine, tie, time, like, ride, side

исключения: live [lıv] give [gıv]

sit, hit, lift, pick, little, nickel, sick, fit

bird, girl, first, circle, mirth, shirt

fire, tired, admire

origin, engine

child, find, kind, mind

исключения: children, window

night, light, sight, fight, right, Dwight



Ударный слог

в открытом слоге

в закрытом слоге

перед r

перед re

Неударный слог

суффиксы ous

суффиксы or



oi, oy

oo + k

oo + l, m, n, d, t

oo + r


ou + gh

ou + r

o + l + согласная

ow + согласная

ow (на конце)

or после w

[ ou ]

[    ]

[   :]

[   :]

[ ou ]

[  s]

[   ]

[ ou ]

[ oı ]

[ u ]

[ u: ]

[   :]

[ au ]

[   :]

[   :]

[ ou ]

[ au ]

[ ou ]

[   :]

close, note, rose, home, hole, tone

исключения: gone [gΛn] done [dΛn] none [nΛn]

stop, long, song, copper, hot, rod, got

form, born, fork, border, horn, torn

store, before, more, restore, fore

photo, motto, Negro

famous, various, numerous

doctor, tractor, conductor

coat, boat, road, roast, toast, goat

oil, noise, boy, enjoy, toy, coin

look, book, took

cool, tool, soon, food, root

door, floor, moor

исключения: poor [pu  ]

house, mouth, cloud, round, found

bought, thought, brought

исключения: though [ðou]

four, course, your

old, cold, told, hold, folder, mold

town, brown, crowd, down

know, grow, low, slow, show

исключения: now [nau] how [hau]

work, word, world, worse

U u

Ударный слог

в открытом слоге

в открытом слоге

в закрытом слоге

перед r + согласная

перед r + гласная

Неударный слог

[ ju: ]

[ u: ]

[ Λ ]

[   :]

[ ju   ]

[   ]

tube, tune, use, useful, fuel, mule

blue, true, June

cut, but, hurry, hunter, bus, nut

исключения: put [put]

turn, burn, curly, hurt, fur

pure, sure, cure, during

upon, success, difficult

Y y

Ударный слог

в открытом слоге

в закрытом слоге

перед re

перед гласной

Неударный слог

[ aı ]

[ ı ]

[aı   ]

[ j ]

[ ı ]

my, try, type, cycle, by, cry

system, symbol


year, you, young, yet

any, many, very, only


C c

перед e, i, y

перед a, o, u и согласной


ch, tch






face, city, bicycle, cite, centre, scene

case, cat, cut, cool, coal, class, fact

watch, match, bench, chief, chess, chair, catch

clock, black, kick, thick, quick

G g

перед e, i, y

перед a, o, u




[d   ]




page, age, engineer

gate, got, great, fog

bring, sing, ring, long, song, morning

sign, design, reign

S s

в начале слова

перед глухой согласной

после глухих согласных

после гласных и звонких согласных

между гласными

перед суффиксами -ion, -ure

в суффиксе -ous



ss + ion







[   ]





say, such, send, stop, speak

rest, best, ask, test

books, desks, asks, gets, puts

beds, reads, boys, days, factories

rise, these, please

occasion, pleasure, measure

famous, numerous, enormous

wish, show, she, shelf, fresh

permission, mission

passive, possible

W w

перед гласной

перед h








wind, was, way

when, where, what, why, white

who, whose, whom, whole

write, wrote, wrong

X x

перед согласными и в конце слова

перед ударной гласной



text, six

exam, exact




debt, doubt, subtle



know, knife, knit



photo, philosophy



queen, question


в начале и в конце знаменательных слов

в начале служебных слов, местоимений, наречий и между гласными

[ θ ]

[ ð ]

thin, thick, month, path, thought, thunder, tooth

the, this, that, those, thus, they, though, gather, bathe, weather


bye, dye, my, tie, if, nip, tip, fit, tin, mine, fine, dive, pine, life, lift, pipe, tide, kid, like, time, tint, tyke, by, dyke, dike, did, nine, type, kill, till, miss, mill, kiss, him, hill, hide, hike, hip

запомните: live [lIv], give [gIv], ski [skJ] eve, me, mete, Pete, net, lend, bet, pen, spend, bent, bend, left,  let, den, bed, men, ten, best, eke, be, kept, slept, met, melt, zest, step, test, mend, bell, less, fell, tent

cut, mud, dust, duke, use, run, fuse, dune, tune, tube, dump, fume, fun, hue, due, hut, stuff, nude, cup, gun, putty, duty, husk, crust, bluff, blunt

запомните: put [put] cat, can, face, lace, cap, cliff, cell, cent, cite, clap, cyst, clean, nice, mice,  cape, candle, camp, cane, cattle, clamp, cede, slice, back, lack, nick, black, deck, slack, neck, pack, peck she, ship, shad, shunt, dish, shelf, shaggy, shell, crush, shake, sham, sheaf, cosh, shook, shame, shave, sheep, shine, fish, shop, clash, shape, shack, shiny, shock, shrug, shy, crash, dash

cut, mud, dust, duke, use, run, fuse, dune, tune, tube, dump, fume, fun, hue, due, hut, stuff, nude, cup, gun, putty, duty, husk, crust, bluff, blunt

запомните: put [put]

cat, can, face, lace, cap, cliff, cell, cent, cite, clap, cyst, clean, nice, mice,  cape, candle, camp, cane, cattle, clamp, cede, slice, back, lack, nick, black, deck, slack, neck, pack,

Грамматический материал:

- простые нераспространенные предложения с глагольным, составным именным и составным глагольным сказуемым (с инфинитивом);

I.The Simple Sentence. Parts of the Simple Sentence

Как и в русском языке, в английском выделяют пять членов предложения: подлежащее, сказуемое (главные), дополнение, определение, обстоятельство (второстепенные). Позиция подлежащего всегда заполнена.

В отличие от русского, в английском языке порядок слов в предложении фиксированный.

Эта схема может варьироваться: обстоятельство может находиться перед подлежащим, подлежащее и дополнение могут           

осложняться определением. При этом, второстепенные члены предложения, находящиеся перед подлежащим, будут занимать нулевую позицию (0).


Рассмотрите расположение членов предложения на примере следующих предложений:

My friend studies English at University.

Usually students of extra-mural department go to University to take their exams twice a year.


Adverbial modifiers















Adverbial modifiers


My friend



at University.


students of extra-mural department



to University; to take their exams twice a week.

Понимание смысла предложения зависит от понимания его синтаксической структуры. Анализ предложения всегда нужно начинать с выделения основы, точнее, со сказуемого, а подлежащее всегда находится слева от него. Формальными признаками сказуемого часто могут быть вспомогательные глаголы, которые находятся слева от смыслового глагола: is, am, are, was, were, shall, will, have, has, had, do, did, does, been, being, а также окончания смыслового глагола: -(e)s, -ed, -ing. А также модальные глаголы: can, could, must, may, might, ought, shall, will, should, would.

1Прочитайте следующие предложения, найдите по признакам сказуемое, подлежащее, дополнение, обстоятельство и переведите их.  

  1. Everybody was looking at the dancing girl.
  2. My parents want to buy a new car instead of flying to Egypt.
  3. Paris is a fantastic city.
  4. It was raining all day yesterday.
  5. Look! It is snowing.
  6. They married just a few months ago.
  7. Suddenly an elegant elderly lady wearing a black suit came into the room.
  8. After ten years of severe heart disease a successful operation was made to the President.
  9. My mother-in-law is getting to be unbearable.
  10. They wish to make sure that he does not alter his plans.

II.Глагол to be в Present, Past и Future Simple имеет следующие формы:




I am


 shall be

{she, he, it} is


 will be

 we are


 shall be

{you, they} are


 will be

В вопросительных предложениях глагол to be ставится перед подлежащим:

Are they students?                       Они студенты?

Where were you yesterday?        Где вы были вчера?

В отрицательной форме после глагола to be ставится отрицание not:

They are not in the library.     Они не в библиотеке

Глагол   “to have”

Глагол to have в Present, Past и Future Simple имеет следующие формы:




I have


 shall have

{she, he, it} has


 will have

 we have


 shall have

{you, they} have


 will have

     Вопросительные  предложения с  глаголом  to have образуются двумя способами:

1) путем постановки глагола  to have перед подлежащим:

Have you a dictionary?               У вас есть словарь?

       2) с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do :

Do you have a dictionary?            У вас есть словарь?

  Отрицательная форма     также образуется двумя способами:

1) с помощью отрицательного местоимения  no перед существительным:

 I have no  dictionary.                  У меня нет словаря.

  1. с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do и частицы not

I do not have a dictionary.          У меня нет словаря.

1.  Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.

Перепишите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Не … a student now.  2. They …  students last year. 3. Next year he … here, now he … in the Far East. 4. I …ill yesterday, but now I … quite well. 5. His flat … in the centre of our city. 6. My sister … a teacher .of English. 7. The flat in this house … very comfortable. 8. I … very busy tomorrow, but now I … free. 9. He … rather smart. 10. We … very glad to see you.                    

2. Следующие предложения сделайте вопросительными и отрицательными.

1. My friend is a correspondence student. 

2. She was at the Institute yesterday.                     

3. We shall be busy tomorrow.

3. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to have. Переведите предложении на русский язык.        

  1. He … two little brothers, and he always helps them in their work. 2. Yesterday he … very little time and could not finish his work. 3. We … much free time tomorrow morning. 4. My friend … a large library. 5. We went to the concert yesterday and … a good time there. 6. My parents … a comfortable flat now. 7. Tomorrow we … a meeting at the Institute. 8. The children always … dinner at one o'clock.

4.Выберете нужную форму «to be».

1. They ______ nice rabbits.
2. I ______ a pupil.

3. He ______ brave and strong.
4. It ______ a nice song.
5. You ____ doctors.

5.Составить предложения

1. aunt / my / table tennis / play / to / likes

2. like / does / not / Hob / play / to / tennis.

3. you / play / can / basketball?

4. cow / your / is / brown?

5. like /I/ to / ride / a big wheel / on.

III.Безличные предложение.

В отличие от русского языка, которому свойственно наличие безличных предложений,

Например: Весна. Тепло. Воскресенье.

 В английском предложении обязательно должно быть подлежащее и сказуемое. В тех случаях, когда на русском предложении нет глагола, при переводе на английский язык, как правило, употребляется глагол to be в соответствующей форме:

 Я – студент. – I am student.

Это ручка. – This is a pen.

При переводе на английский язык безличных предложений в качестве подлежащего выступает местоимение it:

Тепло. -  It is warm.

Весна. – It is spring.

Воскресенье. –It is Sunday.

Обратите внимание на то, что в английском языке слова rain и snow могут быть как существительными («дождь» и «снег»), так и глаголами, которым нет аналогов в русском языке:

Идет снег. – It rains.

Идет дождь. – It snow


1.а) Переведите на русский язык:

1. It is very convenient to get to the university by tram.

2. It is important to understand the problem.

3. It often snows in winter.

4. It is great to see you again.

5. It is comfortable to live in a detached house.

2. Определите безличные предложения .

1. It is my room. 2. It is the shortest month of the year. 3. It is warmer today than it was yesterday. 4. Is it necessary to go there? 5. It’s a fine day today. 6. It’s a pleasure to walk to the forest on such a day. 7. It is difficult to study French. 8. It is my pen. 9. It is important not to miss classes. 10. Is it hot in summer?

3. Употребите формы  it is или there is/ are  в следующих предложениях.

1. … a  gas-stove in the kitchen. 2. … a gas-stove. 3. … fine today. 4. … an underground station near my house. 5. … nearly 11 o’clock. 6. … a light in the window. Somebody must be at home. 7. … no place like home.




Повелительное наклонение выражает просьбу, приказание, совет,  побуждение к действию. Простая его форма(обращение к 2-му лицу единственного и множественного числа) совпадает с формой инфинитива без частицы  to:

Define the value of angle   b.    Определите величину угла  b.  

Be careful                                   Будь (те) осторожны

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do и отрицания   not,  которые ставятся перед глаголом в форме инфинитива без частицы  to.

Do not (Don’t) heat the water in the vessel.  Не нагревай (те)  воду в этом сосуде.

Когда побуждение к действию относится ко всем остальным лицам, употребляется глагол let  в повелительном наклонении, за которым следует существительное в общем падеже или личное местоимение в объектном падеже ( me, him, her, it, us, them)  и смысловой глагол в форме инфинитива без частицы to. Сочетания такого типа переводятся на русский язык при помощи слов пусть, давай(те), позволь (те) в зависимости от лица:

Let the students take part in this research work. – Пусть студенты примут участие в этой исследовательской работе.            

1.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в повелительное наклонение. Предложения переведите.

1.( to define) and ( to explain) the terms of this equation. 2. ( to draw) a line and (to divide) it into three equal parts. 3. (not to change) the speed of the motor motion. 4. (to present) your paper in time. 5. (not to begin) your experiment now. It’s already late.

2.Переведите предложения на русский язык. Обращайте внимание на артикли.

1.Test the net. 2. Let us test the nets. 3. Let them test nets! 4. Shift   the desk. 5. Let me shift the desk. 6. Let her fix the tent! 7. Let     me help you! 8. Let us help her!

3.Перепишите и переведите предложения со сказуемым в повелительном наклонении.

1.Check the plans of the students! 2. Check the test! 3. Fix the tent! 4. Let us fix the tent! 5. Shift the block! 6. Let him shift the block! 7. Block the net! 8. Lift the box! 9. Let us risk! 10. Plan tests! 11. Test plans! 12. Help the chemist! 13. Let us help to lift the block! 14. Let him help to plan the text! 15. Let us help him to shift the boxes! 16. Plan the help! 17. Help him (to) plan the test

Лексический материал по теме.



My name is … I’m seventeen years old. I live in Volokolamsk ( … )

I’m not very tall (tall, short) and thin (not very thin, rather fat). My face is oval (round, square). I have a fair (dark) complexion. My eyes are blue (black, grey), my hair is blond (dark, chestnut),  straight (curly) and long (short, not very long).

I left school this year and entered to the  collage. I’m a first year student now and I’m going to be a lawer(….). My future specialty is … (Russian and Literature, History, Physics, Mathematics …). I’m eager to get the proper education to be able to do my best to become a good specialist.

I live with my family. It is large (small) and very good. We love each other very much. I like the evenings, when all the members of our family get together after wоrk and study and  have the  opportunity to talk TV, to read books and newspapers. I have some free time, we go for walks, discuss books or films, play talk about different things. We are fond of sport. We like swimming (play tennis, football) and often go to the swimming pool (tennis court, stadium) together


My friend

1My name is Mike. I have many friends. But my best friend is Peter. He is twenty. Now he is a student of a college. Peter studies hard and wants to become a good specialist. Especially he is interested in computers. He often helps me with my English lessons and I’m grateful to him for that.

2Now I want to tell you about his appearance. He is rather tall and strong. He has an oval face, straight nose, dark-brown hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. People find him good-looking.

Peter goes in for sports. He plays football and basketball well. His basketball team is very popular at the college.

3We made friends with Peter when he and his family moved to our house. We have very much in common: we like the same music, we both like reading. In general my friend is a very interesting person: he is intelligent and well-read. Peter has a great sense of humor and I like to spend my free time with him.

1Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Who is my best friend?
  2. Where does he study?
  3. What kind of sport does he like?
  4. How does he look like?

2Прочитайте третий абзац текста и данный ниже вопрос к нему. Из приведенных вариантов ответа укажите правильный.

When did  Mike and Peter make friends?

  1. When Peter came to Mike’s school, the boys made friends.
  2. When Peter’s family moved to Mike’s house, the boys made friends.
  3. When Mike’s family moved to Peter’s house, the boys made friends.  

3Выпишите из текста два предложения, в одном из которых глагол стоит в Present Simple Tense, в другом – в Past Simple Tense.

4Напишите следующие предложения в Past Simple и Future Simple Tense.

  1. There is much snow in winter.
  2. He knows several foreign languages.
  3. I like reading books.

Тема 1.2.

Межличностные отношения дома, в учебном заведении, на работе

Практические занятия Межличностные отношения

 Лексический материал по теме:

  • расширение потенциального словаря за счет овладения
  • интернациональной лексикой, новыми значениями известных слов и
  •  новых слов, образованных на основе

продуктивных способов словообразования.

Грамматический материал: модальные

глаголы, их эквиваленты;

- предложения с оборотом there is/are;

- сложносочиненные предложения: бессоюзные и с союзами and, but.

- образование и употребление глаголов в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite





Словоoбразование с помощью  прибавления префиксов (приставок) и суффиксов к основе слов

                         Основные суффиксы глаголов:

  ate     active -  активный                  to activate - активизировать

  ify     electric – электрический        to electrify - электрифицировать

  ize     character -  характер              to characterize -  (о)характеризовать

  en      deep -  глубокий                     to deepen - углублять


                            Основные префиксы (приставки):

  1. префиксы с отрицательным значением

                не -

 un -       без (с) -           раз (с)  -  

 in -

 im -       не -

 il -         без (с)

 ir –


              не -            

 non –    без (с)

             раз (с)  

 dis –    без (с)

 не -  и др.


mis – означает


 Important – важный

 Limited – ограниченный

 Accuracy – точность

 Possible – возможный

 Legal – легальный

 Responsible – ответст-


 Conductor – проводник

 To close – закрыть

 To connect –соединить


To understand – пони-


 Unimportant – неважный

 Unlimited – безграничный

 Inaccuracy – неточность

 Impossible – невозможный

 Illegal – нелегальный

 Irresponsible – безответственный

 Non –conductor – непроводник (изолятор)

 To disclose – раскрыть

 To disconnect – разъединить

 To misunderstand – неверно


Б) префиксы с разными значениями


 Re -   еще раз


 super –   над

              ниже -

 sub -     под -

              и др.  


              сверх -

 over -    пере –

               над –

 semi -   полу -

              между -    

 inter -    среди -

              взаимо –


en – (для образова-

  ния глагола)

              до -

 pre -     заранее

post -   после –

 Write – писать

 Use – использовать

 Conductive – проводимый

 Way – путь, дорога

 System – система

 To load – нагрузить

 Conductor – проводник

 Action – действие

 Large – большой

 To heat – нагреть


War – война

 Rewrite – переписать

 Reuse – снова использовать

Superconductive – сверхпроводимый


 Subway – подземная дорога

 Subsystem – подсистема

 To overload –перегрузить

 Semiconductor – полупро-



 To enlarge – увеличить

 To preheat – предварительно


 Post-war – послевоенный

1. В каждом ряду найдите глаголы.

  1. standard, standardize, atom, atomic, atomize;
  2. solid, solidify, solidity, solidarity;
  3. long, lengthen, length, sick, sicken, chicken;

  1. Переведите глаголы, помня, что часто суффикс “-ize” соответствует

 «-изировать»,               «-изовать».

Centralize, agonize, economize, characterize, collectivize, organize, apologize, hypnotize, memorize, militarize, philosophize, sterilize, systematize, theorize, unionize, normalize, revolutionize.

3. Переведите  глаголы с суффиксом “-ate”.

Capitulate, circulate, complicate, concentrate,  compensate,  cultivate, demonstrate, emigrate, articulate,  evacuate, expropriate, formulate.

4. Переведите глаголы с суффиксами-(i)fy”, “-en”.  Каким русским суффиксам они часто соответствуют?

  1. to gasify, to falsify, to simplify, to electrify, to modify, to beautify, to satisfy.
  2. Thick (плотный)– thicken, red (красный)– redden, dark (темный ) – darken, hard (твердый) – harden, threat (угроза) – threaten, sick (больной) – sicken, deaf (глухой) – deafen, wide(широкий) – widen, weak (слабый) – weaken.

  1. Выберите слова с отрицательными приставками.
  1. demoralize, dead, democratic, debility, denationalize;
  2. industry, inhuman, inglorious, inactive, Indian;
  3. imbalance, immobility, imperfect, imitation, improbable;
  4. uncle, unable, uncultured, under, unknown, unclean;
  5. disqualification, dispute, dissatisfy, disk.

6. Переведите.

Unpleasant, illogical, to degas, to deforest, to depopulate, irrational, non-cooperation, non-stop, non-effective, incoordination, incorrect, to disagree, to discolour, to decentralize,  uncontrollable, uneducated, unemployed.

7. Переведите.

Form-formal-informal-formalize; possible  - possibility - impossible-impossibility; frequent – frequently-infrequently; advantage-disadvantage-advantageous; conduct-conductor-conductive-conductivity; access – accessible – inaccessible -accessibility-inaccessibility; depend-dependent-independent-dependence-independence.

8. Переведите пары слов.

Centre – decentralize; move – immovable; possible – impossibility; agree – disagreement; to believe (верить) – disbeliever; religion – irreligious; human – inhumanity; communicate – incommunicative; literacy (грамотность) – illiteracy; stable – instable; compensate – decompensation.

Грамматический материал

- предложения с оборотом there is/are;

Конструкция there is/there are

Конструкция there is/there are

  • Предложение с оборотом There is/there are употребляется, чтобы указать на наличие или отсутствие какого-либо лица (лиц) или предмета (предметов) в определенном месте.
  • Предложение с оборотом There is/there are строится следующим образом:

There is/are               подлежащее                   обстоятельство места

There is        a newspaper                on the table                (На столе газета.)

There are                some pencils                on the table.                (На столе несколько


Перевод предложений с оборотом there is/are следует начинать с обстоятельства места.

Глагол to be в предложении согласуется с подлежащим, которое следует непосредственно за ним:

  1. Если в предложении существительное, которое является подлежащим, стоит в единственном числе или является неисчисляемым, то употребляется оборот there is:

There is a man on the roof.                   На крыше человек.

There is a train at 10.30.                        Поезд в 10.30.

There is a picture on the wall.                 На стене картина.

There is a lot of salt in this soup.         В супе много соли.

  1. Если в предложении подлежащее стоит во множественном  числе, то употребляется оборот there are:

There are some big trees in the garden.

There are seven days in a week.                        В неделе 7 дней.

        Отрицательная форма оборота there is/there are образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not , которая ставиться после глагола to be. В разговорной речи употребляются сокращенные отрицательные формы: there isn't, there aren't.

We can't go skiing. There isn’t any snow.         Мы не можем идти кататься на лыжах. Нет снега.  

There aren’t any books on the table.                    На столе нет книг.

The restaurant is very quiet.                                 В ресторане тихо.

There aren’t many people here.                         Здесь немного людей.

        Для выражения отрицания в предложениях с оборотом there is/there are может также употребляться отрицательное местоимение no. В этом случае артикль не употребляется, а оборот стоит в утвердительной форме.

There is no time for this work.                       Нет времени на эту работу.

There is no book on the table.                        На столе нет книги.

There are no interesting films on TV tonight. Сегодня вечером нет интересного фильма по телевизору.

        В вопросительных предложениях  глагол to be ставится перед словом there:

“Excuse me, is there a hotel near here?” “Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.

Здесь есть где-нибудь гостиница?

Are there any letters for me today?” “Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t.

Есть письма для меня?

How many players are there in a football team?

Сколько игроков в футбольной команде?

What’s there for supper tonight? Что сегодня на ужин?

How much money is there in your purse?  Сколько денег в твоем кошельке?

        Существительное в единственном числе, следующее за глаголом to be, употребляется с неопределенным артиклем a:

There is a big tree in the garden. В саду большое дерево.

Is there a sofa in your sitting-room? В гостиной есть диван?

        Существительное во множественном числе употребляется или без артикля, или с местоимениями some/any, наречиями much/many/a lot:

Are there many managers in your firm?   В твоей фирме много менеджеров?

Are there any books on the table?            На столе есть какие-нибудь книги?

        Перед неисчисляемым существительным употребляется с местоимениями some/any, наречиями much/a lot:

There is some grass in the garden.     В саду есть трава.

Is there any milk in the fridge?          В холодильнике есть молоко?

There isn’t much snow in the street.   На улице не много снега.

        Если целью предложения является сообщить, что известный предмет (лицо) находится в определенном месте, то предложение начинают с существительного, обозначающего данный предмет (лицо). Существительное употребляется с определенным артиклем the.

        Когда нужно сообщить о том, что в определенном месте находится какой-нибудь предмет (лицо), то предложение начинается с оборота there is/there are.


The telex is on the desk.                 Телекс на столе.

There is a telex on the desk.         На столе телекс.




There is a car in the garage.

There is not a car in the garage.

Is there a car in the garage?

There was a car in the garage.

There was not a car in the garage.

Was there a car in the garage?

There will be a car in the garage.

There will not be a car in the garage.

Will there be a car in the garage?

1.Вставьте где нужно there is, there are или are there, is there:

  1. ___ a pen under that book? Yes.
  2. What ___ in the corner of the room? ___ a bed.
  3. How many chairs in the corridor? ___ four.
  4. ___ some water on the floor.
  5. ___ many people at the bus stop? No, only one old lady.
  6. ___ three bottles of milk outside.
  7. ___ some milk in the blue jug.
  8. ___ a dictionary in here? Yes, in fact two.

2.Составьте предложения:

  1. (a there table is on telegram the)                      
  2. (for there any are letters me?)                          
  3. (flight there 6.00 is a for at Moscow?)              
  4. (lot are a of stars space and planets there in)    
  5. (in firm are there new some colleagues my)    
  6. (there not is a this university city in)                
  7. (are there any sentence this not mistakes in)    

                3. Заполните пропуски конструкцией there is, there are.  

Переведите   предложения на русский язык.

  1. …seven faculties at our Institute.
  2. … a kitchen and two rooms in my flat.
  3. … twenty-five students in our group.

4. Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными.

1. There are many parks in our city.

2. There was a lecture on literature yesterday.                                          

   3.There will be a new plan tomorrow.          

5.Прочитайте текст, найдите конструкции there is/there are, выпишите их и переведи The Farm

The farm is in the country, it is not in the town. It is a warm day, it is not a cold day. The sun is in the sky. There are some white clouds but they are small and the sky is very blue. There is a mountain not far from the farm, and near the mountain there is a river. There are a few boys in front of the farm. All the boys are in the river except one. He is on the green grass. There are one or two big trees and some small trees on the farm. The small trees are apple trees. There are red apples on the apple trees. These apple trees are in the garden of the farm house. There are a lot of apples on the trees. There are flowers round the door and windows of the farm house. There are a lot of animals on this farm. There are horses in the field near the river. One of the horses is black, the others are brown. In the next field there are some sheep, in the next one there are some pigs, and near to the pigs there are some cows. Some of the cows are brown, others are black and white. All the sheep are white except one. It is black. There is a horse and cart in front of the farm house. There are cabbages and potatoes in the cart. There is a field of yellow corn behind the farm house.

II-Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты

Modal Verbs

Модальные глаголы, в отличие от других глаголов, не обозначают действия или состояния, а указывают на отношение к нему говорящего.

Модальные глаголы выражают способность, возможность, долженствование, необходимость, допустимость и т.д.

Модальные глаголы употребляются в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола без частицы to (за исключением модальных глаголов ought и to be).

Помимо особого значения, модальные глаголы отличаются от других глаголов еще рядом особенностей:

1. Они не изменяются по лицам и числам (не имеют окончания -s в 3-м лице единственного числа): He can do this work. (Он может выполнить эту работу.)

2. У них нет неличных форм – инфинитива, причастия и герундия.

3. Образуют вопросительную и отрицательную форму без вспомогательного глагола.

I can't play chess.

Я не умею играть в шахматы.

May I take your pen?

Можно взять твою ручку?

Модальные глаголы в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола образуют в предложении составное глагольное сказуемое.

The teacher must know her students well.

Учитель должен хорошо знать своих учеников.

Общий порядок построения предложений с модальными глаголами


S + MV + V (…)


S + MV + not + V (…)


? / MV +  S  + V (…)

S –subject (подлежащее)

MV – modal verb (модальный глагол)

V - notional verb (смысловой глагол)

Can (Could) be able to

Мы используем модальный глагол can, чтобы выразить умственную или физическую способность кого-либо совершить действие.

Could – прошедшее время глагола can.

Модальный глагол

Модальное значение






Способность совершать действие (mental or physical ability to do smth.)

(может, умеет, способен)

I can speak four languages.

Я могу говорить на четырех языках.

My grandfather could speak four languages.

Мой дедушка мог говорить на четырех языках.

My son will be able to speak four languages.

Мой сын сможет говорить на четырех языках.


Разрешение (permission)


You can go now if you want.

Вы можете идти сейчас если хотите.





Просьба (request)

Вы не могли бы?

Can you tell me the way … ?

Вы не могли бы мне подсказать дорогу?

Could you give me your book?

Вы не могли бы дать вашу книгу?

Couldn’t you lend me some money?

Вы не могли бы одолжить мне денег?



Сильное сомнение. (Strong doubt)


Can she really mean it?

Неужели она действительно имеет это в виду?


Модальный глагол

Модальное значение


Can (could)


to be able

1. Способность,



Быть в состоянии,


He can speak English.

   Он умеет говорить по-английски.

She couldn't come.

   Она не смогла прийти.

I shall be able to come tomorrow.

   Я смогу прийти завтра.

2. Сомнение, предположение

It can rain.

   Может пойти дождь.

May (might) Эквивалент

to be allowed

1. Возможность, разрешение

May I come in?

   Можно войти.

The children were not allowed to go in before the bell.

   Детям не разрешали входить в класс до звонка.

The children will be allowed to go for a walk.

   Детям разрешат пойти погулять.

2. Сомнение, предположение

The weather may (might) change.

   Возможно, погода изменится.



1. Долженствование, моральная необходимость

You must know your subject.

   Ты должен знать предмет.

2. Предположение (уверенность)

She must be still working.

   Она, должно быть, до сих пор работает.

3. Запрещение

You mustn't eat too much ice-cream.

   Ты не должен есть так много мороженого.

Have (to)

Необходимость, вызванная обстоятельствами

I have to work hard now.

   Мне приходится много работать.

Do you have to work hard now?

   Тебе приходится много работать?

I had to work hard yesterday.

   Вчера я должен был много работать.

Tomorrow I will have to work hard.

   Завтра я должен буду много работать.


Совет, рекомендация

You should follow my advice.

   Тебе следует воспользоваться моим советом.

She shouldn't miss classes.

   Ей не следует пропускать занятия.

To be (to)

Необходимость, связанная с долговременностью или планом

He is to arrive on Monday.

   Он должен приехать в понедельник.

Is he to come at 5?

   Он должен прийти в 5?

The meeting was to last 3 hours.

   Собрание должно было продлиться 3 часа.

Ought (to)

Необходимость, обязанность, долг

She ought to know how to behave.

Она должна знать, как себя вести.

You ought to help her.

Ты должен помочь ей.

Needn't =

Don't have (to)

Отсутствие необходимости

You needn't do it now.

Тебе не обязательно делать это сейчас.

He doesn't need to buy the tickets.

Ему не нужно покупать билеты.

1. Вставьте глагол can, could или to be able to:

  1. he understand what you were talking about?
  2. My sister…….play tennis now.
  3. I……walk when I was less than a year old.
  4. …. you tell me what time it is, please? (Polite)
  5. My grandfather……walk without any help last night.
  6. I would like to…….play the piano.
  7. How long have you……drive?
  8. I'll……..help you later.
  9. Can you help me? I…….never understand this.

2Вставьте may/might/be allowed to:

  1. It … rain, you’d better take a coat.
  2. He said that it … rain.
  3. We … as well stay here till the weather improves.
  4. … I borrow your umbrella?
  5. Candidates … not bring textbooks into the examination room.
  6. He knows our address he … come and see us.
  7. … I come in? – Please do.
  8. When he was a child he … (they let him) do exactly as he liked.
  9. I think I left my glasses in your office. … you ask your secretary to look for them for me?
  10. I … never see you again.
  11. He … be on the next train.
  12. The police … ask a driver to take a breath test.
  13. You ought to buy now; prices … go up.
  14. We’d better be early; there … be a crowd.
  15. You … use my office.
  16. You ought to go to his lectures, you … learn something.
  17. Two parallel white lines in the middle of the road mean that you … not overtake.
  18. Warning: No part of this book … be reproduced without the publisher’s permission.
  19. He has refused, but he … change his mind if you asked him again.
  20.  … I see your passport, please?

3 Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на  значение модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов.

1. Much attention must be given to the education and upbringing of children

2. They had to get up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

3.He was very busy yesterday and was not able to finish his work.

4.I can't say that it is easy to combine work-and studies.            

5. We are allowed to take examinations in advance.

6. She was not able to do it better.

7. He was right and I had to agree with him.                            

8. She was not allowed to take this book.

2. Поставьте предложения в вопросительной форме.

1. He can win a great victory.

2. She may ask them about it.

3. I must meet my brother after school.

3. Поставьте предложения в отрицательной форме.

1. I can repair the watch myself.

2. He may select any book on  the shelf.

  3. She must go now.



Сложносочиненное предложение состоит из равноправных простых предложений, не зависящих друг от друга. Простые предложения, входящие в состав сложносочиненного, соединяются сочинительными союзами: and и, аbut ноor или и др. Они обычно отделяются запятой.

He speaks English, and his sister speaks German.

The signal was given, and the steamer moved slowly from the dock.                                                            

Два или несколько простых предложений, как и в русском языке, могут соединяться в сложносочиненное предложение и без союзов. В этом случае между простыми предложениями можно по смыслу вставить союз and и, а. Между предложениями, входящими в состав бессоюзного сложносочиненного предложения, ставится точка с запятой:

The signal was given; the steamer moved slowly from the dock.

Сигнал был дан; пароход медленно отошел от пристани.

1. Переведите бессоюзные дополнительные придаточные предложения. Не забудьте, что в русском сложноподчиненном предложении наличие союза обязательно.

  1. Everybody knows Kurchatov was the founder of the atomic might of Russia.

  1. It is  known Kurchatov has educated numerous young scientists and engineers in the new field of science – nuclear physics.
  2. It was evident the neutron was the key to splitting the atom.
  3. Kurchatov understood it was considerably easier to use the nuclear chain reaction for destruction than for the production of energy . He was sure there was a way to control this reaction.
  4. We know his great ideas have become immortalized in the broad development of thermonuclear research in our country.

IV-образование и употребление глаголов в Present, Past, Future   Simple/Indefinite





Утвердительная форма: Vs ( speak, speaks [s]; open, opens [z];study,studies [z], watch, watches [iz])
Вопросительная форма        Отрицательная форма

Do you (1, we, they) know English?

You (I, we, they) do not (don't) know English.

Does she (he) live in Moscow?

She (he) does not (doesn't) live in  Moscow

Примечание: V= инфинитив глагола без частицы to. Present Indefinite употребляется для выражения действий, событий, фактов, которые происходят обычно, постоянно, регулярно в настоящем времени часто с наречиями неопределенного времени: always - всегда, as a rule - как правило, sometimes - иногда, usually -обычно, often - часто, seldom - редко и другие, которые, как правило, ставятся перед смысловым глаголом.

Например: I go to work every day.

We are students.

She usually drinks coffee in the morning.

They do not (don't) often go to the theatre.

It does not (doesn't) rain here in spring.

Does she always help you?


Утвердительная форма:      Правильные глаголы - V ed (wanted,

                                               studied [id], worked [t], moved [d].
                                              Неправильные глаголы: 2 форма
                                                 глагола (V2)
(см. таблицу неправильных глаголов).

 I wanted to become a doctor. He moved to Moscow last year. They came a few minutes ago. It happened long ago. The doctor examined him. She did her work very well. They had a difficult test.

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма

I (he, she, it, we, you, they) did not (didn't) arrive in time.

Did I ( he, she, it, we, you, they) arrive in time?

What did you (I, he, she, it, we,
they) do?        

Past Indefinite употребляется для выражения действий, событий и фактов, относящихся к прошлому. Как правило, время действия или указано, или понятно по контексту: Например: She finished medical school in 1998.

Spring came early.

Did you see them in the office?

We had a five minutes' break after the lecture.

When did he finished school?



I, we


have a lesson at nine.

He, she, it, you, they


go to London in September. be at home tomorrow. help us to make the experiment.

 Вопросительная  и    отрицательная формы

Например: Shall I study it?

When will you help me?

I shall not (shan't) finish this work tomorrow.

Future Simple употребляется для выражения действий, событий или фактов, относящихся к будущему. Например: The seminar will begin at 10.

•I shall speak to him tomorrow.

The operation will be difficult.

1.  Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.     

1. My mother lives with us. 2. Next summer we shall go to the country. 3. He graduated from the Institute two years ago. 4.My sister skates well. 5. I saw him yesterday.

2. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.1. She studies at Moscow University. (Where)

2. We came on Sunday. (When)

3. I  usually read newspapers in the morning.


3. Поставьте глаголы, заключенные в скобках, в Present, Past u Future Indefinite.

1. He (to write) letters on Sunday

2My father (to work) at a plant

а) Поставьте глагол  “to go” в Present Simple, согласуйте его в лице и числе с подлежащим:

  1. The girl …
  2. We …
  3. The students …
  1. The schoolboy …
  2. I …
  3. You …

б) Какая из следующих форм глаголов   “to go” и  “to listen”  являются  Past Simple?

 I форма

 to go

 to listen

II форма



III форма



       в) Поставьте глагол  “to go” в Future Simple, согласуйте его в лице и числе с подлежащим:

        1. The girl …

  1. We …
  2. The students
  1. The schoolboy …
  2. I …
  3. You …

4 Выделите сказуемое, определите его время (Simple) и переведите предложения:

  1. They listened to the radio in the evening.
  2. Our specialists will take part in the construction of a spaceship.
  3. The radio broadcasts different kinds of programs.
  4. In his childhood he wanted to be a machine-operator.
  5. We shall go to this lecture tomorrow.
  6. Electricity brought people new conditions of life.

5. Раскройте скобки, поставив сказуемое в нужное время (Simple) по смыслу или по указанию. Согласуйте его с подлежащим.

  1. Children (go) to school when they are 7.
  2. Past. At ten o’clock the secretary (open) the door.
  3. He (enter) the Institute next year.
  4. Yesterday at the meeting the rector (speak) of the needs of the Institute.
  5. Present. He usually (go) to his office by car.
  6. Future. He (cross) the street and (go) to the city park.



Today, the blatant bigot, the leader of a lunatic fringe, and the hate-monger, each with his tiny entourage, find it relatively easy to attract publicity. TV producers and radio executives, seeking for sensationalism, often extend a welcome to such controversial characters. “Yes,” said the host of one of the program, “we invite bigots, but it is only for the purpose of making them look ridiculous by displaying their inane policies to the public.” Some civic minded organizations have answered, however, that the hosts are not always equipped to demolish those guests, and even if they were, the audience would still be exposed to the venom they spew forth.

Suppose a bigot wished to organize a meeting in your neighborhood. Since we cherish freedom of speech, we are loath to deny the request, even if he preaches hatred. As a result they are given opportunity to rent halls, conduct meetings, publish abusive literature, and solicit contributions. What can be done about them? One astute observer, Prof. S.Andhil Fineberg, advocates the “quarantine method.” His plan is to give such groups no publicity and to ignore them completely. Without the warmth of the spotlight, he feels that the bigot will freeze and become ineffectual. Debating with such warped minds is not feasible and only tends to exacerbate the situation.

The quarantine method for handling bigots implies to scrutinize the nefarious activities of hate-mongers and to be prepared to furnish information about them to amicable inquirers. When a rabble-rouser is coming, those organizations should privately expose him to opinion-molders. In addition, constructive efforts should be taken to induce people to involve themselves in projects for improving intergroup relations. Bigger than the vexatious immediate problem is the need to find out the cause for such bigotry and to counteract this sinister malady that afflicts a segment of our society.

New words:

blatant – крикливый, вульгарный

bigot – фанатик, слепой приверженец, изувер

fringe – выходящий за рамки общепринятого

virulent – вредный, полный злобы                nefarious – нечестный, низкий

venom – яд, злоба                                        amicable - дружелюбный

demolish – порицать                                vexatious - досадный

spew – изрыгать                                        sinister - зловещий

inane – глупый, дурной                                malady - болезнь

loath – несклонный                                afflict - причинять страдание

solicit – просить, умолять                        segment - часть

astute – проницательный                        advocates - придерживаться

scrutinize – внимательно рассмотреть        exacerbate – раздражать


During my first weeks at the new school (I was a new principle) I observed that cheating was rampant. I had always considered it rather inane to cheat on a test because of my code of ethics, and because so much was at stake. Apparently the other students didn’t concur. In fact, even the presence of a proctor did not intimidate them. Far from being a clandestine activity, the cheating was open and obvious.

I determined to do something about the flagrant cheating at our high school. I issued bulletins and began to admonish those teachers who did not proctor alertly. Under duress, the faculty reported the names of the culprits. Several crib sheets were turned in as tangible evidence of the cheating. My inexorable campaign against the wrong-doers seemed to be paying off.

The cheating scandal came to a head when Art Krause, our football captain, made the egregious mistake of getting caught cheating on a midterm exam. If Art were suspended for his part in that sordid affair, our chances for winning the city championship would go up in smoke. The distraught coach asked me (as the principle) to overlook Art’s duplicity, but I replied in an acrimonious fashion that the players had been given “a plethora of athletic instruction but a paucity of moral guidance.”

I summoned a representative group of teachers and student leaders to my office in order to elicit their reactions to the suspension of the football captain. I told them that cheating was a pernicious disease that could not tolerated at our school. I didn’t want to discipline Art Krause so severely, but unless strict measures were taken, the student body would construe the incident as an open invitation to cheat with impunity. “We may lose a football game,” I said, “but we can salvage our self-respect.”

New words:

rampant – сильно распространенный                duplicity - двойственность

ethics – этика, моральный кодекс                        acrimonious - язвительный

inane- дурной, глупый                                        paucity- малое количество

to be at stake- быть поставленным на карту        elicit - извлекать

clandestine’ – секретный, тайный                        pernicious - вредный

flagrant – откровенно плохой                                tolerate - выносить, терпеть

admonish – предупреждать                                construe - истолковывать

duress – силовое воздействие                                impunity - безнаказанность

inexorable – неумолимый, неустанный                culprit - виновный

egregious – грубый, вопиющий

distraught – быть вне себя от гнева (в бешенстве)

proctor – проктор, надзиратель (в университете)

Тема 2.1

Повседневная жизнь, условия жизни, учебный день, выходной день

Практические занятия учебный день, выходной день

Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал:

- имя существительное: его основные функции в предложении; имена существительные во множественном числе, образованные по правилу, а также исключения.

 артикль: определенный, неопределенный, нулевой. Основные случаи употребления определенного и неопределенного артикля. Употребление существительных без артикля

I.Грамматический материал:

- имя существительное: его основные функции в предложении; имена существительные во множественном числе, образованные по правилу, а также исключения.

  1. Стандартные случаи образования множественного числа существительных

a fact – facts

a cat – cats



a day – days

a girl – girls

a plane – planes



a dress – dresses

a box – boxes

a place – places



a city – cities

a family – families



a leaf (лист) – leaves

a shelf (полка) – shelves

a knife (нож) – knives

a wife (жена) – wives

a life (жизнь) – lives



a chief (начальник) – chiefs

a roof (крыша) – roofs

a belief (вера) – beliefs

a relief (рельеф) – reliefs

a still life (натюрморт) – still lifes



  1. Особые случаи образования  множественного числа существительных

a man (мужчина) – men

a woman (женщина) – women

a foot (нога) – feet

a tooth (зуб) – teeth

a mouse (мышь) – mice

a child (ребенок) – children

phenomenon (явление) – phenomena

a sheep (овца) – sheep

  1. Существительные, употребляемые только в единственном числе

wheather – погода

furniture – мебель

information – сведения

advice – совет(ы)

news – новости

money – деньги

knowledge – знания

progress – успехи

hair – волосы

love – любовь

anger – злость

work – работа

  1. Существительные, употребляемые только во множественном числе

contents – содержание

wages – зарплата

clothes – одежда

goods – товары

politics – политика

suburbs – окраина

slums – трущобы

trousers – брюки

spectacles – очки

tropics – тропики

memoirs – мемуары

scales – весы

I.Образуйте форму множественного числа следующих существительных и распределите их по соответствующим колонкам таблицы, учитывая произношение окончаний этих существительных во множественном числе:

Cliff, brush, song, room, bath, spot, pen, rose, record, baby, church, book, fox, meal, room, proof, bridge, potato, boy, mirage, cat, nose, peach, girl, bus, fork, beach, desk, shirt, leaf, class.





2.Какую форму множественного числа вы выберете для следующих существительных:

  1. desk
  1. desks
  2. deskes
  1. leaf
  1. leaves
  2. leafs
  1. class
  1. classis
  2. classes
  1. man
  1. mans
  2. men


  1. potatos
  2. potatoes
  1. goose
  1. gooses
  2. geese
  1. photo
  1. photos
  2. photoes
  1. city
  1. citys
  2. cities

3.Выпишите из текста существительные во множественном числе, определите их начальную форму (единственное число):

1.Tom’s farm is in the country. 2. There is a farm house with flowers round the door and the windows. 3. There are a lot of animals on the farm.4.  There are horses, cows, sheep, hens and pigs. 5. The man near the door is farmer Tom. 6. His wife is working in the garden, and his two sons are playing in the yard with their dog and four puppies. 7. Tom’s daughter Mary is in the room. 8. She is drawing a picture.        9. There are eight mice and a big cat on the picture.

4Поставьте предложения во множественное число:

  1. Is it a flower?
  2. This is not a watch.
  3. It’s a great party.
  4. Is the leaf yellow?
  5. The fish is not good.
  6. She is a good-looking woman.

II.-артикль: определенный, неопределенный, нулевой. Основные случаи употребления определенного и неопределенного артикля. Употребление существительных без артикля

                                                   Артикли Неопределенный a\an



Перед существительными в единственном числе (можно подставить один,  какой-то, любой)

I see a dog.

Перед существительными в единственном числе, когда они употребляются впервые.

I can see a book on the table.

C существительными, являющимися частью составного именного сказуемого.

My brother is a doctor

Перед числительными  a dozen, a hundred, a thousand, a million.

Перед выражениями a lot of,  a great many of.

I have read a lot of about this subject.

С существительными после оборота

 there is, it is, this is

There is a new music school in our street.

Определенный артикль the



Перед существительными, когда ясно о чем идет речь

Open the window, please.

Перед существительными, употребляющимися в контексте не впервые.

I saw a new film on TV yesterday. The film was not very interesting.

Перед прилагательными в превосходной степени.

Minsk is the largest city in Belarus.

С именами прилагательными, превратившимися в существительные со значением множественного числа.  

The rich, the poor, the young, the blind.

При существительном, обозначающим фамилию, когда речь идет о всей семье в целом

The Browns spend their holidays in Italy.

С названиями  водных бассейнов, горных цепей, групп островов, пустынь.

The Thames, The Black Sea,  The English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean.

C названиями некоторых исторических зданий (учреждений), музеев, театров, библиотек, организаций, английских газет.

The Kremlin, the British Museum, The National Gallery, the United Nations Organization, The Times.

С названиями сторон света.

The North, the South, the East, the West но from East to West, From North to South.

В словосочетаниях

In the morning, in the evening, in the night, in the afternoon.

Перед существительными, обозначающими предметы,  единственные в своем роде.

The Sun, The Earth, the sky, the world, the air.

Перед прилагательными:  following, last, next, same, very, only.

Answer the following question.

Перед порядковыми числительными

Gagarin is the first cosmonaut of the world.

                                                  Отсутствие артикля



Перед существительным, которое имеет определение в виде местоимения, именем собственным в притяжательным падеже, количественным числительным.

Give me your plan, please.

This man is Jon’s father.

Where is room six.

Перед существительными в о множественном числе, которые являются частью составного именного сказуемого.

We are friends.

Перед неисчисляемыми существительными, если перед ними нет уточняющих определителей.

Do you like tea or coffee?

С названиями дней недели, месяцев и времен года.

Winter begins in September.

С именами собственными

Pushkin Street, France, Peru is in South America. London Zoo.

С существительными обозначающими название наук и учебных предметов.

My favorite subjects are English and Economics.

1.Переведите словосочетания:

A poor man, the poor, a rich man, the rich, a sick man, the sick, a blind man, the blind a deaf man, the deaf, a wounded man, the wounded.

2.. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление артиклей:

1. A very large organization employs many managers.

2. Sociology is the systematic study of social behavior and human groups.

3. The most important resources of any organization are its human resources – people.

4. A large bank, borrows and lends money.

5. A college obtains money in the form of tuition.

6. The business Plan is probably the most important document that any company must have.

7. The Internet is a network of networks.

8. Gross Domestic Product or GDP is the amount of money a country makes from goods and services inside the country for a certain period of time, usually for a year.

9. In October production rises.

10. Every company, both in Great Britain and the United States, is required, under the law, to have a company secretary.

3Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

  1. This is ___ tree. ___ tree is green.
  2. I can see ___ boy. ___ boy is playing.
  3. I have ___ bicycle. ___ bicycle is black.
  4. We wrote ___ dictation yesterday. ___ dictation was long.
  5. She has ___ ball. ___ ball is ___ big/
  6. I got ___ letter. ___ letter was from my ___ friend.
  1. 4Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:
  1. This is ___ pen. ___ pen is red.
  2. I have ____ sister. My sister is ___ student.
  3. He is not ___ pilot.
  4. Her children are at ___ school.
  5. I see ___ book in your ___ hand. Is ___ book interesting?
  6. She bought ___ cake. ___ was very tasty/
  1. 5Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:
  1. It gets very hot here in ___ afternoon.
  2.  ___ Archaeological Museum is closed on Monday.
  3. Her children are at ___ school.
  4. Is your brother at ___ home?
  5. Are you ___ worker? – No, I am ___ student.
  6. There is ___ big sofa in ___ room and little lamp over ___ sofa.
  7. Лексический материал по теме

Текст1 Philip's Working Day

Philip is a student. He studies English. He studies hard. He wakes up at 7 and goes to the bathroom. In the bathroom he washes, shaves and cleans his teeth. Then he dresses. He puts on his suit; shirt and shoes. At 8 he goes to the kitchen. He has breakfast. For breakfast he has tea, bread and butter and bacon and eggs. During breakfast he listens to the radio.After breakfast he puts his books into the bag, puts on his coat and hat and goes to his college. He goes there by bus. He gets to his college at 9.                                      II

When he comes to the college, he takes off his coat and hat and goes to the classroom, He greets his friends and sits down at his desk. He takes his books out of the bag and puts them on the desk. When the teacher comes into the classroom, the students stand up. The lesson begins. At the lesson the students write, read and speak English. They ask questions and answer the teacher's questions.

During the break they play table-tennis or talk about new films, books and sport.After classes Philip goes home. At home he rests and then he has dinner with his mother. For dinner they have soup, meat of fish. After dinner he does his homework. Then he watches TV or reads a book. At 10 he says goodnight to his mother and goes to bed.


My day off

1. The last two days of the week are Saturday and Sunday. They are called the weekend. People don’t go to work on weekends. But students and pupils have only one day off. It is Sunday.

2. My name is Jane. Weekend is my favourite time of the week because I don’t go to the college. On Sunday I wake up later than usual. After breakfast I help my mother to clear away the dishes and wash them.

3. On Sunday I usually go shopping. After dinner I do my home- task. In the evening we get together. We have supper, watch TV, read books.

4. Last Sunday my friends and I went to the Zoo. There were many funny animals there. It was very interesting to spend time there.

4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

  1. What is weekend?
  2. What day is the day off for students?
  3. When does Jane wake up on Sunday?
  4. What does the family do in the evening on weekends?

5. Дайте русские эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосочетаниям, выпишите из текста предложения, в которых они употребляются.

to be called, favourite time, wake up later, to clear away the dishes, to get together, to spend time.

6. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова, подчеркните в них суффиксы. Переведите на русский язык.  

student, later, dinner, funny, interesting.

7. Прочитайте 4 абзац текста и данный ниже вопрос к нему. Из приведенных вариантов ответа укажите правильный.

What did the friends see in the Zoo last Sunday?

  1. They saw many monkeys there.
  2. They saw many funny animals.
  3. They saw a giant elephant.

8. Выпишите из текста два предложения, в одном из которых глагол стоит в Present Simple, в другом – Past Simple Tense.

9. Напишите следующие предложения в Past Simple и Future Simple Tense.

  1. I meet my friends in the evening.
  2. I go to the baker’s and buy bread.
  3. I clear away the dishes.

10. Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме.

  1. Tom has dinner at 3 o’clock.
  2. I go in for sport.
  3. In the evening we read books.


Тема 2.2.

Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового образа жизни

Практические занятия правила здорового образа жизни

 Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал:

- числительные;

- система модальности.;

- образование и употребление глаголов в Past, Future Simple/Indefinite.

Грамматический материал:

- числительныеI.Numerals

В английском языке числительные делятся на количественные и порядковые:















The first

The second

The third

The fourth

The fifth

The sixth

The seventh

The eighth

The ninth

The tenth

The eleventh

The twelfth










The thirteenth

The fourteenth

The fiftenth

The sixeenth

The sevententh

The eighteenth

The nineteenth








The twentieth

The twenty-first

The twenty-second

The thirtieth

The fortieth







The fiftieth

The sixtieth

The seventieth

The eightieth

The ninetieth

The hundredth


101 — one hundred and one.

375 — three hundred and seventy-five.

269 — two hundred and sixty-nine.

3016 — three thousand and sixteen.

7234 — seven thousand two hundred and thirty-four.

4300981 — four million three hundred thousand and eighty-one.

Fractions and decimals:

1 ¼ — one and a quarter                1.25 — one point two five

1 ½ — one and a half                        1.5 — one point five

1 1/3 — one and a third                1.75 — one point seven five

1 ¾ — one and three quarters                1.33 — one point three three


26 % — twenty-six per cent

More than 50 % is the majority; less than 50 % is the minority


+ — addition         6 + 4 = 10 (six plus/and four equals/is ten);

– — subtraction 6 – 4 = 2 (six minus four equals/is two);

× — multiplication 6 × 4 = 24 (six times/multiplied by four equals/is twenty-four);

: — division 4 : 2 = 2 (four divided by two equals/is two).

С днями недели употребляется предлог ON: I saw her on Sunday. AT — со словом weekend: I will go there at the next weekend.

Months: January, February, March, April, October, November, December (названия месяцев начинаются с большой буквы).

Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter

С месяцами и временами года используется предлог IN: My birthday is in December, in winter.

Мы можем говорить об отрезках времени, используя следующие выражения:

In the past people didn’t have computers.

People may travel to Mars in the future.

We’ll be with you in a moment. (a very short time)

Ann is in London at the moment. (now)

See you soon! (=in a short time)

We met recently. (= not long ago)

Годы обозначаются количественными числительными:

1800 — eighteen hundred

1907 — nineteen o seven

1966 — nineteen sixty-six

2000 — twenty hundred / two thousand

2005 — two thousand five

Слово year не употребляется после обозначения года, но может употребляться перед ним: in the year nineteen twelve.

Даты обозначаются порядковыми числительными на письме и в чтении: the eleventh of March.

1Запишите эти числа по-английски:

  1. 567                              
  2. 3 August
  3. 969 - 64 - 85 (telephone  number)
  4.  (In) 1907
  5. 13.07.2007
  6.  3,000,000,000
  7. 2,359,000                    
  8. 7,082
  9. 11.06                          
  10. 9 May                          
  11. 4:1 (the result in a football match)
  12. 711 - 02- 26 (telephone  number

2Образуйте порядковые числительные:

20, 7, 14, 40, 15, 6, 16, 60, 18, 80, 9, 19, 90, 100, 103, 705, 1000, 1015.

3Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Две тысячи рублей.
  2. Тысячи людей.
  3. Триста сорок метров.
  4. Сотни лет.
  5. Тысяча четыреста километров.
  6. Двенадцать студентов.
  7. Пятьдесят автомобилей.
  8. Три четверти часа.
  9. 2 1/2 часа.

Контрольные упражнения и тесты

1Ответьте на вопросы и запишите ответы:

  1. How many minutes are there in two hours?
  2. How many kilometers are there in a mile?
  3. What is your normal temperature?
  4. How much do you weigh?
  5. How many days are there in a year?
  6. When were you born?
  7. What is your telephone number?
  8. What is the number of your flat?

2Запишите ответы:

1) 47 and 34 is___

2) 33 multiplied by 4 is___

3) 45 times 4 is___

4) 314 plus 216 is___

5) 112 minus 45 is___

6) Add 12 and 4, multiply by 8, then subtract 40 and divide by 11. You have got___.

7) 90 divided by 6 is___

8) Divide 66 by 11, multiply by 5, add 20,and subtract 18. You have got___.

3Запишите время словами:

  1. 10.15
  2. 20.20
  3. 17.15
  4. 09.45
  5. 11.50
  6. 22.35
  7. 15.55
  8. 05.05
  9. 18.30
  10. 06.4

4Запишите следующие количественные и образуйте их порядковые  числительные:

14, 31, 46, 88, 97, 123, 678, 779, 1050, 384, 2134, 41,425,712, 2, 032, 678, 75, 137.

  1.  Пятьдесят килограммов.
  2.  Триста автомобилей.
  3.  Шестьдесят один грамм.
  4.  Два миллиона тонн.
  5.  Сотни ящиков.
  6.  Тысячи книг.
  7.  Двести восемьдесят один доллар.
  8.  Три тысячи рублей.
  9.  Сорок фунтов.
  10.  Тридцать четыре доллара и десять центов.
  11.  Сотня велосипедов.
  12.  Триста лет.

Test – минимум 9

  1. Запишите даты словами:
  1. 8/XII.1939
  2. 12/IV.2001
  3.  2/VIII.1940
  4. 6/III.1987    
  5. 31/VII.2003
  6. 22/VI.1941

Переведите на английский язык:

25 км; 163 тысячи гривен; 90 картин; 200 миллионов людей; 3500 автомобилей; 4 тысячи машин; сотни лет; десятки журналов; тысячи студентов; миллионы людей.

2....Напишите словами количественные числительные и образуйте от них порядковые числительные:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 25, 28, 30, 33, 42, 50, 57, 63, 72, 84, 96, 111, 132, 153







I (we, you, they) ask.

He (she, it) asks.

am asked.

He (she, it) is asked.

You (we, they) are asked.


Do I (we, you, they) ask?

Does he (she, it) ask?

Am I asked?

Is he (she, it) asked?

Are you (we, they) asked?


I (we, you, they) do not ask.

He (she, it) does not ask.

am not asked.

He (she, it) is not asked.

You (we, they) are not asked.






Обычное, регулярно повторяющееся действие в настоящем (часто со словами every day каждый деньusually обычноoften частоnever никогда и т. п.)

I often write letters to my sister. Я часто пишу письма своей сестре.


Общеизвестные факты, неопровержимая истина

Water freezes at zero. Вода замерзает при 0°С.


Ряд последовательных действий в настоящем (часто со словами at first сначалаthen затем, потомafter после и т. п.)

come to the office, look through the mail and then write letters. Я прихожу на работу, просматриваю почту, а потом пишу письма.


В придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов: if еслиwhen когда, as soon as как толькоbefore прежде чем и др. вместо Future Indefinite

As soon as I write the letter, I’ll post it immediately. Как только я напишу письмо, я сразу же его отправлю.


Единичное, конкретное действие в будущем (обычно намеченное к выполнению, запланированное, с указанием времени в будущем, часто с глаголами, обозначающими движение)

He comes tomorrow. Он приезжает завтра.

When does the ceremony take placeКогда состоится церемония?


Действие, совершающееся в момент речи, с глаголами, не употребляющимися во временах группы Continuous (to see, to hear, to recognize, to want, to understand и др.)

see a ship in the distance. Я вижу судно вдали.








I (he, she, it, we, you, they) asked.

I (he, she, it) was asked.

You (we, they) were asked.


Did I (he, she, it, we, you, they) ask?

Was I (he, she, it) asked?

Were you (we, they) asked?


I (he, she, it, we, you, they) did not ask.

I (he, she, it) was not asked.

You (we, they) were not asked.






Действие в прошлом, произошедшее в какой-либо указанный момент

Yesterday I wrote a letter to my sister. Вчера я написал письмо своей сестре.


Регулярно повторяющееся действие в прошлом (часто со словами every day каждый деньoften частоat first сначала и т. д.)

He wrote letters to his parents every day. Он писал письма родителям каждый день.


В этом случае часто вместо Past Simple употребляется оборот used to + инфинитив, который также может указывать на длительность периода действия в прошлом

He used to play football. Раньше он играл в футбол.


Последовательные действия в прошлом

He came home, had his dinner and went to bed at once. Он пришел домой, поужинал и сразу лег спать.

Форма глагола в Past Simple действительного залога образуется прибавлением к основе правильного глагола суффикса -ed (to start начинать — started начал), а для неправильных глаголов — совпадает со второй формой (to begin начинать — began начал).






Нечитаемая конечная -е отбрасывается

to place размещать —

placed разместил


Если слово заканчивается на -y, а перед ней стоит одна согласная, то -y меняется на -i-

to cry плакать — cried плакал


Если же перед -y стоит гласная, то -y не изменяется

to play играть — played играл


Если слово заканчивается на одну согласную, а перед ней стоит краткий ударный слог (обычно одна ударная гласная), то конечная согласная удваивается

to stop останавливаться —stopped остановился


Двусложные или многосложные глаголы, оканчивающиеся на одну согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком, удваивают конечную согласную только в том случае, если ударение падает на последний слог

to permit разрешать — permitted разрешил;

Но: to limit ограничивать — limited ограничил (последний слог безударный)


Если глагол оканчивается на -l, то -l удваивается независимо от того, падает ли ударение на последний слог или нет

to traveпутешествовать — travelled путешествовал,

to canceотменять  cancelled отменил,


По правилам орфографии, принятой в США, -l удваивается только в том случае, когда ударение падает на последний слог

compelled заставил;

Но: traveled путешествовал,

canceled отменил


d ]

После звонких согласных (кроме d) и гласных

lived [livd], informed [infо:md]

t ]

После глухих согласных (кроме t)

helped [helpt], asked [а:skt]

id ]

После d и t

waited [‘weitid], intended [in’tendid]









I (he, she, it, we, you, they) will ask.

(I (we) shall ask.)

I (he, she, it, we, you, they) will be asked.

(I (we) shall be asked.)


Will I (he, she, it, we, you, they) ask?

(Shall I (we) ask?)

Will I (he, she, it, we, you, they) be asked.

(Shall I (we) be asked.)


I (he, she, it, we, you, they) will not ask.

(I (we) shall not ask.)

I (he, she, it, we, you, they) will not be asked.

(I (we) shall not be asked.)

N. B.

Форма вспомогательного глагола shall является устаревшей, в разговорной речи не употребляется (всегда используется вспомогательный глагол will):

will answer you question. Я отвечу на Ваш вопрос.

Употребление shall в качестве вспомогательного глагола для образованиябудущего времени можно встретить в официальных и устаревших текстах, старых учебниках.

Однако shall употребляется в вопросительных предложениях, когда требуется узнать мнение собеседника о целесообразности совершения действия:

Shall I open the window? Мне открыть окно?

Помните, что shall может быть не только вспомогательным, но и модальным глаголом со значением долженствования ("должен"). Для этого случая характерно употребление с 3-м лицом единственного числа:

He shall do it! Он должен сделать это!

I'll be back! Я вернусь!

Краткие отрицательные формы: will not = won't (shall not = shan't - практически не используется):

That won't do any good! От этого толку не будет!






Действие, которое совершится или будет совершаться в будущем. Это время может обозначать как однократное, так и повторяющееся действие (часто с такими обстоятельствами времени, как tomorrow завтраin a week через неделюnext month в следующем месяце и т. д.)

He will return to Moscow in a few days. Он вернется в Москву через несколько дней.


Выражает ряд последовательных действий в будущем

They will come home, have their dinner and then go to the cinema. Они придут домой, пообедают, а затем пойдут в кино.


Общеизвестные факты, являющиеся неопровержимой истиной, сообщающие о том, что будет верно всегда, при всех условиях, в любой момент будущего

Water will boil at 100° C. Вода (за)кипит при 100 °С.

Winter will follow autumn. За осенью (по)следует зима.

III. Определите время сказуемого:  a) Present Simple; b) Past Simple; c) Future Simple:

  1. The scientist made lots of experiments.

10. The student will continue research in a laboratory.

11. Students do research at the institute.

12.When did the researcher develop his theory?

13.How does the lecturer explain this complex process?

IV. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола:

14.We … new multipurpose machine tools last week.

a) get; b) gets; c) got; d) will get

15. Next term we … to study two new subjects.

a) begin;  b) begins;  c) began; d) will begin

16. At present our workshop … two kinds of measuring instruments.

a) produce; b) produces; c) produced;  d) will produce

17.   … you work at a plant now?

a) do; b) did; c) does

лексический материал по теме


One must keep fit to do well at the University. One has to get up early to get to the University in time, one has to spend long hours indoors attending lectures and seminars or reading in the library. One has to stay up late getting ready for seminars, writing essays or doing exercises for one’s English class. So, one should be strong and healthy. What are the ways to keep fit?

First of all you must miss no chances of outdoors activities as an antidote to our sedentary lives. Of course, there is your physical training class but that’s definitely not enough. Skating or skiing in winter and swimming in summer must become part of your everyday life. Second, exercise. You must exercise whenever you can – in the morning, after your classes, in the evening. Jogging has become quite popular nowadays and a lot of people run before breakfast. If you’re too busy in the morning, find some time for it in the evening. Third, regular meals are a must if you want to keep fit. Try to avoid going without any food for hours. Some students actually live on sandwiches. Remember that an apple, a glass of milk or just a raw carrot that you brought from home is a better snack than sandwiches or coffee. Forth, and this is very important, smoking is something you must give up for good if you want to keep fit.

There is nothing new on all this. It’s everything your mother told you, but sometimes you didn’t listen. The key word is everything. You must work on everything at once – exercise, diet, health habits. These are basic principles. Try to build in at least a few routines that will last, something you’ll do every day from now on.

And besides, some astonishing new discoveries about the effect of exercise on the central nervous system were made recently by medical experts. Last year a team of doctors did a series of tests on some of the competitors in a race. It was discovered that during the exercise a morphine-like substance is released into the blood stream.

If this theory is correct and exercise can be used as a way of elevating the mind, creative artists should take note as their type of work can often result in long periods of mental exhaustion.

Laurence Olivier, the actor, did weightlifting for an hour before he went on stage because he felt it enabled him to give a better performance. Edna O’Brien, the Irish novelist, enjoys yoga and running. She believes that any exercise that moves the body must also move the brain!

Тема 2.3.

Город, деревня, инфраструктура

Практические занятия Город, деревня, инфраструктура

Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал:

- образование и употребление глаголов в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite.

Грамматический материал:- образование и употребление глаголов в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite.

1.Раскройте скобки, используя правильную форму глагола:

  1. My friends (live) in the US.
  2. Vicki (watch) a lot of television.
  3. Carol (teach) Spanish.
  4. We (use) the Internet at work.
  5. My Dad (read) the newspaper every day.
  6. Kevin (work) for a big company.
  7. I really (like) football.

2.Выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. Jane don’t/doesn’t eat meat, but she eat/eats fish.
  2. Tom like/likes rock music, but he doesn’t/don’t like rap and he hate/hates jazz.
  3. “Do/Does your Mom like/likes shopping?”
  4. “Yes, she does/do. She love/loves it.”
  5. Ricardo come/comes from Argentina.
  6. Janet work/works for a French bank, but she doesn’t speak/speaks French at work – she speak/speaks English all the time.
  7. “Do/Does you play football?” - “No, I doesn’t/don’t. But I watch/watches it on TV.”
  8. Sue teach/teaches English at a language school, but she doesn’t likes/like her job.

3.Сделайте предложения отрицательными:

  1. Fred plays tennis.
  2. Tony works for a German company.
  3. They speak Chinese.
  4. Monica lives with her parents.
  5. My parents like rock music.
  6. My dog likes cats.
  7. John teaches Italian.

4.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

  1. She gets up at seven. What time_______?
  2. They live in San Francisco. Where__________?
  3. Tom travels to Europe every month. How often_______?
  4. They get home at about eight. What time_______?
  5. Rachel has lunch in a small cafe near her office. Where__________?

5.Выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. What time do/does you get/gets up in the morning?
  2. My dog always sleep/sleeps in my bedroom.
  3. My husband don’t/doesn’t usually start work before nine.
  4. After college I don’t/doesn’t usually go/goes home.
  5. Do/Does you have/has dinner at home every night?
  6. My Dad finish/finishes work at about six.
  7. Do/Does your sister work/works on Saturdays?
  8. When do/does they usually have/has lunch?

  1. 6.Выберите правильную форму глагола to be (was/wasn’t или were/weren’t):
  1. He was/were born in Texas.
  2. Rachel wasn’t/weren’t happy at elementary school.
  3. His father was/were a mechanic.
  4. They was/were always noisy.
  5. My sister was/were a quiet child.
  6. My favorite food was/were ice-cream.
  7. I was/were good at math.
  8. My brothers was/were good at sports but I wasn’t/weren’t.
  9. There was/were 4.4 billion people in the world in 1980.
  10. My best friend at school was/were Jim.

 7.Сделайте предложения отрицательными:

  1. I knew the answer.
  2. He left his passport at home.
  3. They were at home.
  4. It rained all weekend.
  5. I got up at eight.
  6. My girlfriend gave me a wonderful present.
  7. He was in Rome last week.
  8. We had a lot of time.
  9. I went to a disco last night.
  10. She came back from Turkey two days ago.

8.Исправьте ошибки:

  1. How much sugar you bought?
  2. Steve didn’t liked the film.
  3. Did they went to Greece?
  4. She not lived in Canada.
  5. Did you found your money?
  6. I didn’t had breakfast this morning.
  7. Did you slept well?

Контрольные упражнения и тесты

1Вставьте на место пробела did, was или were:

  1. What ___ your favorite subject at school?
  2. When ___ did you learn to read?
  3. Where ___ you born?
  4. When ___ you start school?
  5. ___ you like school?
  6. Where ___ you live when you ___ a child?
  7. Who ___ your first teacher?

2Поставьте слова таким образом, чтобы получилось вопросительное предложение:

  1. last night/What/on TV/was ?
  2. was/your grandmother’s name/ your/What ?
  3. for class/were/late/Why/ you ?
  4. were/Where/from/they?
  5. at college/ Was/yesterday/Alex ?
  6. job/was/What/his ?

3.Сделайте предложения отрицательными:

  1. I got home late last night.
  2. They lived in Mexico.
  3. He worked for a computer company.
  4. I stayed in a hotel.
  5. She was born in Moscow.
  6. We had a good time at the party.
  7. They left a week ago.
  8. Tom was very angry.

4.Поставьте слова таким образом, чтобы получилось вопросительное предложение:

  1. Christina/swimming/Did/go ?
  2. they/did/Where/stay ?
  3. the hotel/like/you/Did ?
  4. from/they/did/Spain/come back/When ?
  5. a good time/ you/Did/have ?
  6. buy/What/you/did?
  7. to the beach/Alex/did/go/When ?

  5.  Раскройте скобки, используя правильные формы смыслового и    

    вспомогательного глаголов в Past Simple:

  1. We (meet) three years ago.
  2. I (not see) John yesterday.
  3. Claire (come back) from Germany last month.
  4. When they (get) married?
  5. I (have) breakfast at seven this morning.
  6. Where you (stay)?
  7. It (not rain) much during our vacation.
  8. He (want) to become an artist.


6. Раскройте скобки, используя правильные формы смыслового и вспомогательного глаголов в Past Simple:

  1. The building of the trade centre (begin) a month ago.
  2. It (be) bitterly cold yesterday. I (put) on my warm coat but I (catch) a cold still.
  3. The postman (bring) the morning mail only at 10 o'clock.
  4. I (see) you the other day coming out of the library with a stack of books. Are you preparing for the exams?
  5. We (have) a picnic yesterday, but the rain (spoil) the whole pleasure.
  6. You (go) to the South when you (be) a child?

7. Выберите правильный вариант ( did, was или were):

  1. What did/was/were you do last night?
  2. Those people did/was/were from Japan.
  3. When did/was/were he born?
  4. I didn’t/wasn’t weren’t study English at school.
  5. Where did/was/were you this morning?
  6. Why did/was/were she get up so early?
  7. Did/Was/Were you a happy child?
  8. My parents didn’t/wasn’t weren’t stay in a hotel.

Практические занятия: Город, деревня, инфраструктура

Лексический материал по теме.


Physical features of the country make an important part of the people's environment. Man changes it not only by cutting down the forests and draining the marshes to make the land suitable for cultivation but also by building houses in the places where it is convenient to live. The villages and towns make our immediate surrounding which is more important for our happiness than natural environment.

"God made the country, man made the town." This saying reflects the English sentimental feelings about villages — the proper birthplace of human civilization. While it is possible to say when any town or city appeared, the beginning of most villages is obscure. Once upon a time, perhaps, men found that this place was a pleasant spot, with good soil below the hill and above the flood level of the river; or it may have been that here were the crossroads of traders and travellers. Or there were some other reasons for them choosing the particular place to build a village...

There are about 13,000 villages in England. Nearly all of them existed before the Norman Conquest. Some of them are called "street villages" as they have been built along the road, with houses on both sides of it. Some villages are round and are called "green villages" because the houses are clustering around "the village green" — a wide stretch of grass with a well or a pump and a playground. And the third type of village is called "scattered village", as the houses are just "scattered" without any system around a middle meeting point consisting of a crossroads, a shop or two, and a village school perhaps. Usually, there are two focal points in any village: the church with a vicarage (the house of the vicar) and the manor house where the squire lived. He represented government, and particularly the King. Usually the squire was a farmer himself and owned much of the land.

With all sentimental feelings about a village, most Englishmen live in towns. Nowadays less than 10% of English people are classified as "rural" but, as a matter of fact, less than  half of them really live in villages. Much more of them live along the roads between the towns, in the so-called "ribbon developments" — long rows of similar-looking two-storied houses stretching out along the road — neither town, nor village.

In urban areas the houses cluster together, forming the districts of reasonably clean and comfortable for living but similar-looking houses. Some of them stand alone in their own grounds and are called "detached". (If it has only one storey, it is called a bungalow.) Another arrangement is called "semi-detached" ("semi"), when two houses are-built back-to-back and some space is left between the pairs. The third type of arrangement is when many houses joined together with no gap between them, a front room and a back room on each of its two or three floors. In Victorian times this arrangement was called "terraced houses". Nowadays the new houses of this type are usually called simply "town houses". In the 1960s many local town councils began to build blocks of flats to save space in densely populated areas of Britain. But the people did not like the new high buildings and by 1973 the projects had been stopped. The new houses built in most urban and suburban districts are small again. The majority of people live in the so-called "tenements" — large buildings divided into flats. Those who can afford it, move to the "housing estates" where the houses are more expensive and comfortable. After World War II, there appeared in Britain many so-called new towns with modem community centres, broad streets, and well-planned houses, each with a small garden.

To buy a house, a person does not usually need to have all the money to pay for it. There are so-called "building societies" (the house purchasing banks) from which it is possible to borrow up to 90 % of the value of the house. A borrower pays back the loan on a monthly basis for about 20 years, after which the house becomes his property. In case of the borrower's inability to pay in time, the house becomes the lender's property. This arrangement is called "mortgage". Local authorities may also give mortgages up to the full value of the house. Usually they are far away from crowded central parts of cities and can be reached only in your own car, as there are no bus-stops or underground stations nearby. That is why the English people can never understand Russian visitors who sometimes proudly say that they live "in the centre of the city". The city centers are not prestigious places to live in. The proper place for living is the suburbs, or "subtopia" (the blend of words "suburb" and "Utopia").


1) Find in the text the following concepts, check your ability to explain them in English, and add them to your working vocabulary:

blocks of flats, a housing estate, the new towns, building societies, mortgage, subtopia.

2) Write out from the text the sentences or their parts, which contain the words and phrases given below and translate them into Russian:

draining the marshes, to be obscure, focal points, rural, no gap between them

Тема 2.4.


Практические занятия Досуг

 Лексический материал по теме. Грамматический материал:

- образование и употребление глаголов в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite,

  • использование глаголов в Present Simple/Indefinite для выражения
  • действий в будущем

- придаточные предложения времени и условия (if, when).

. Грамматический материал:

-использование глаголов в Present Simple/Indefinite для выражения действий в будущем

Способы выражения действия в будущем

(Future Simple, to be going to, Present Continuous)

Future Simple

The Future Simple (будущее простое время) образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола will и первой формы смыслового глагола.

Утвердительное предложение

Полная форма

Краткая форма

I will work.

I'll work/

He/she/it will work.

He/she/it'll work.

We/you/they will work/

We/you/they will work.

Отрицательное предложение

Полная форма

Краткая форма

I will not work.

I won't work.

He/she/it will not work.

He/she/it won't work.

We/you/they will not work.

We/you/they won't work.

Вопросительное предложение

Will you work?

Will he/she/it work?

Will we/you/they work?

The Future Simple употребляется:

  1. Для предсказаний, основанных на том, во что мы верим и думаем.

Robots will do most of the work in the future.

Обычно с глаголами think - думать, believe - верить, probably – вероятно и т.д.

I think, it will rain tomorrow.

  1. Если решение рождается в момент речи, беседы.

It's cold in here. I'll close the window.

I'm thirsty. I'll have a glass of water.

  1. Вопросительное предложение Will you…? употребляется для просьбы.

Will you post this letter for me please?

Краткие ответы:         Yes, I/you/he… will.
                                         No, I/you/he… won't.

Выражения, с которыми употребляют The Future Simple:

Tomorrow, next week/moth/year, tonight, soon, in a week/moth и т.д.

Оборот "to be going to…" – собираться что-то сделать

Утвердительное предложение

I am (I'm)

going to travel

He/she/it is (it's)

We/you/they are (they're)

Отрицательное предложение

I am not (I'm not)

going to travel

He/she/it is not (isn't)

We/you/they are not (they aren't)

Вопросительное предложение

Am I

going to travel?

It he/she/it

Are you/we/they

Краткие ответы:         Yes, I'm (you are, he is и т.д.)
                                No, I'm not (you aren't, he isn't и т.д.)

Оборот "to be going to" употребляется:

  1. Для выражения наших планов и намерений в ближайшем будущем.

I am going to buy a new bag. – Я собираюсь купить новую сумку.

He's going to spend the weekend in Kiev.

Он собирается провести выходные в Киеве.

  1. Для предсказаний основанных на том, сто мы видим или знаем.

Look at him. He's going to jump out of the train. – Посмотри на него. Он собирается выпрыгнуть их поезда.

The sky is very cloudy. It's going to rain tonight. – Небо облачное. Вечером будет дождь.

The Present Continuous Tense (настоящее длительное время) образуется:

и один из случаев его употребления – выражение запланированного и организованного действия в ближайшем будущем.

I'm seeing my doctor next week. – Я встречаюсь с моим доктором на следующей неделе.

1Заполните пропуски, используя will или to be going to и раскройте скобки:

  1. There are dark clouds in the sky. It _______ (rain).
  2. I think he _______ (come) tomorrow.
  3. The wind is blowing wildly. That tree _______(fall) down.
  4. I believe, the children _______ (not/enjoy) this party.

     2Используя данные слова, составьте предложение с will или to be going to:

  1. A:I want to go camping next weekend at Blue Bird Lake.

B: Who ________ drive you there?

  1. A: It's cold in here.
    B: __________________________ I/turn on/heat.
  2. A: Mum, I'm hungry.
    B: __________________________ I/make/you/a sandwich.
  3. A: What are Maggie's plans for the summer?
    B: __________________________ She/travel/Italy
  4. A: Jimmy didn't study hard for his history exam.
    B: __________________________ He/not pass/it.

3Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Future Simple, to be going to или Present Continuous:

  1. Я встречаюсь завтра в 10 часов с менеджером.
  2. Они собираются пожениться в следующем месяце.
  3. Я не думаю, что они поженятся.
  4. Завтра вы пишете сочинение (a composition) на уроке. Повторите тему "Мое свободное время".

Контрольные упражнения и тесты

1Напишите три предложения о том, что вы запланировали в выходные, используя Present Continuous, как в примере:

  1. I am cleaning my room.

2Напишите три предложения о том, что вы собираетесь делать на следующей неделе, используя to be going to, как в примере:

  1. I'm going to visit my grandmother.

3Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

  1. Ann can't meet us on Saturday. She'll work/she's working.
  2. Do you think Mary will phone/is phoning us tonight?
  3. They'll go/they're going away tomorrow working. Their train is at 8.40.
  4. What will you do/are you doing tomorrow evening? - I'm watching a Football match.
  5. She will have/she is having lunch with Doug this afternoon.
  6. They will move/they are moving to a new flat on March 12.
  7. Why are you wearing those old clothes? - Because I'll paint/I am painting the Kitchen today.

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Future Simple, to be going to или Present Continuous:

  1. Кто собирается посмотреть этот интересный фильм?
  2. Я думаю, они закончат эту работу завтра.
  3. Я уезжаю завтра в 10 часов утра.
  4. Посмотрите на Аню. Она собирается играть на пианино.
  5. Они, вероятно, (probably) не приедут вечером.
  6. Она обедает с Томом вечером.


1. Заполните пробелы, используя Future Simple, to be going to или Present Continuous:

  1. They _____ (play) golf this afternoon.
  2. I think, I _____ (phone) her back later.
  3. The sky is cloudy. It _____ (rain).
  4. They _____ (leave) tomorrow morning.
  5. We probably _____ (do) shopping tomorrow.
  6. She _____(fly) o Florence on May 15th.

2. Заполните пропуски, используя Future Simple, to be going to или Present Continuous:

  1. I think, the dog _____ (find) his way back home.
  2. Look at that man an the ladder!
    Oh, no! He _____ (fall)!
  3. Where _____ (you/go) for your holidays, now that summer is there?
    Nowhere. I _____ (study) for my exams in September.
  4. My suitcase is so heavy!
    Give it to me. I _____ (carry) it for you.
  5. I bought some warm boots because I _____ (go) skiing.
  6. I'm busy tonight. I _____(clean) my flat.
  7. Toni’s back from holiday.
    Is he? I _____ (give) him a ring.

3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

  1. A: Let's go to the carnival, shall we?

B: Yes, good idea. I expect it be fun.

it'll be; b) it's; c) it's being

  1. A: Could I have a word with you, please?

B: Sorry, I'm in a big hurry. My train … in fifteen minutes.

is going to leave; b) leaves; c) will leave

  1. A: Have you decided about the course?

B: Yes, I decided last weekend. … for a place.

I apply; b) I am to apply; c) I'm going to apply

  1. A: I'm trying to move this cupboard, but it's very heavy.

B: Well … you, then.

a) I help; b) I'll help; c) I'm going to help

  1. A: Is the shop open yet?

B: No, but there's someone inside. I think  … .

a) it opens; b) it's about to open; c) it will open

  Выражение будущего действия

в придаточных предложениях времени и условия

1. Придаточные предложения времени отвечают на вопросы when? когда?, how long? как долго?, since when? с каких пор? и т.п. Они соединяются с главным предложением союзами:

when - когда

whenever - всякий раз когда

while -в то время как, когда, пока

as - когда, в то время как, по мере того как

after - после того как

before -до того как, прежде чем

till, until - пока, до тех пор пока... не

as soon as - как только

as long as - пока

since - с тех пор как

by the time (that) - к тому времени когда и др.

2. Сложноподчиненным предложением с придаточным предложением условия, называемым для краткости условным предложением, называется такое сложное предложение, в котором возможность выполнения действия, выраженного в главном предложении, зависит от определенных условий, выраженных в придаточном предложении. Придаточные предложения условия соединяются с главным предложением союзами:

if - если

in case - в случае

supposing (that), suppose (that) -если, предположим (что)

unless - если... не

provided (that), providing (that), on condition (that) - при условии если, при условии что

Особенностью придаточных предложений времени (а также условия) является то, что в них никогда не употребляется глагол-сказуемое ни в одном из будущих времен. При необходимости выразить будущее действие в придаточном предложении используются настоящие времена:

If I see him tomorrow, I shall ask him about it.

Если я его увижу завтра, я спрошу его об этом.

They will be glad if you go and see them.

Они будут рады, если вы навестите их.

If he has time, he will go there.

Если у него будет время, он поедет туда.

I’ll buy that novel when it comes out.

Я куплю тот роман, когда он выйдет.

By the time you come, I shall be ready.

К тому времени, как ты придешь, я буду готова.

While you are having dinner, I shall be reading the newspaper.

Пока вы будете обедать, я буду читать газету.

When I come back, I’ll call you.

Когда я вернусь, я позвоню тебе.

1Раскройте скобки, употребляя Future Simple or Present Simple:

  1. I (go) and see Venice as soon as I (reach) Italy.
  2. If you (not be) at home by six, I (eat) without you.
  3.  If mother (not go) to the market early, she (not get) fresh fish.
  4.  If Adam (sell) his car, he (afford) a holiday in Florida.
  5.  I (take) an umbrella in case it (rain).
  6.  If Martine (not win) it (be) the end of his sport career.

2.Подберите начало предложения в колонке А и окончание предложения в колонке В и запишите соответствующие цифру и букву:

                А                                                В

As soon as I graduate from the Institute ...

you’ll be through with my work

As so long as he behaves ...

I won’t  go to the Institute

As long as I live ...

we’ll tell you everything

... when it gets dark.

I’ll be greatly surprised

... unless she returns.

we’ll start for the mountains

... till it is too late.

I’ll leave for the country

... if you hurry a little.

he won’t have a flat of his own

Until you are serious ...

he’ll get into trouble

If he doesn't do it at once .

we won’t not to listen to

Контрольные упражнения и тесты

1Раскройте скобки, употребляя Future Simple or Present Simple:

  1. He (become) an architect after he (graduate) from the University.
  2. I (have) to stop my daughter before she (get) into trouble.
  3. Mum (visit) you when the baby-sitter (arrive).
  4. She (relax) after she (hear) the results of the interview.
  5. My elder sister often (develop) a strong headache when the weather (change).
  6. Tonight the old man (go) to bed as soon as the sun (set).

2Раскройте скобки, употребляя Future Simple or Present Simple:

  1. Many people (be happy) when this ugly war (come) to an end.
  2. Life (seem) wonderful to you again as soon as all your worries (be over).
  3. The weather certainly (change) for the better after the rain (stop) and the sky (clear up).
  4. He (not recover) soon unless he (take) the prescribed medicine.
  5. I (be) happy if my dream (come) true

3 Раскройте скобки, употребляя Future Simple or Present Simple:

  1. I (accompany) you with pleasure as soon as I (finish) my report.
  2. The performance (be) a great success if he (play) the leading role.
  3. If this time (be) convenient for you, we (meet) tomorrow.
  4. We (not complete) the work this week in case he (get) ill.
  5. We (not start) till he (arrive).
  6. If he (leave) now, he (miss) the rush hour.
  7. As soon as he (return) from the beach, we (have) dinner.
  8. I (phone) you when she (come).

4 Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Если я забуду зонтик, погода испортится (to spoil).
  2. Мама будет мне звонить, если меня не будет дома.
  3. Когда я пообедаю, я пойду гулять.
  4. Передайте ей мою информацию, когда она придет.


Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1, He___here till he___everything.

a)   will stay, doesn't do

b)   will stay, does

c)   stays, will do

d)   stays, will not do

2. In case the weather___good, they___fishing.

a)   will be, will go

b)   is, go

c)   will be, go

d)   is, will go

3. Unless he___, we___to the theatre.

a)   doesn't come, won't go

b)   comes, won't go

c)   won't come, don't go

d)   doesn't come, don't go

4. I___you the keys to the car as long as you___the speed.

a)   will give, won't exceed

b)   give, won't exceed

c)   will give, don't exceed

d)   give, don't exceed

5. I don't know if they___new people. If they___I___you of it.

a)   will hire, will, will inform

b)   hire, do, inform

c)   hire, will, will inform

d)   will hire, do, will inform.

6. I___ anywhere till my son___all his exams.

a)   won't go, doesn't take

b)   don't go doesn't take

c)   won't go, takes

d)   won't go, will take

7. If she___and we___at home, ask her when she ___the magazine.

a)   phones, are not, will bring

b)   will phone, will not be, will bring

c)   phones, will not be, brings

d)   will phone, will not be, brings

8. I___the article when I___home and___you up when it___ready.

a)   will translate, will come, will ring, will be

b)   will translate, come, will ring, is

c)   will translate, will come, ring, will be

d)   translate, will come, ring, is

9. He___me the book providing I___it not later than Saturday.

a)   will give, will return

b)   give, return

c)   will give, return

d)   give, will return

Лексический материал по теме



After lessons I have a break for dinner. As usual I have a short rest, listen to music or read newspapers and magazines. Then I go to the library where I prepare for my seminars, make the notes on history or literature and do my lessons. Twice a week I have sport trainings on my favourite kind of sport. It is track-and-field athletics. My friends and I devote much time to public activity at the collage.I have free time only after supper in the evening. My parents and I like to watch interesting programmes on TV. Besides we have tape-recorder and play-recorder that's why there is much music in our house. My family reads much. We have a good library at home. I like knitting in evening and I have many self-made things


I study 5 days a week. Sunday is my day off. As usual I get up later this day because on Saturday I watch TV till late in the evening. My mother is also free on Sunday. She cooks a very nice breakfast for the whole family. It is our family tradition to cook our favourite dishes on weekend.Sunday- is the only day when we have much time for leisure.My mother likes sewing and after breakfast she is busy with new things for my sister and me.We watch morning TV sitting in the cosy armchairs. My brother is listening to his tape-recorder. There is always much music in our house. Usually I knit while listening to my favourite music. We have many books and I like reading on weekend. After Sunday dinner we often go to the cinema to see an interesting film, we often discuss them while walking home. Sometimes we invite our friends and they accept our invitation with pleasure.They like to visit us.After supper we read or watch TV. If an interesting play is on we go to the drama theatre. My mother likes opera and I like ballet. There is a musical theatre in our city and we often go there.Some of us prefer to see an art-exhibition or a museum. My father and my brother are great fans and like to go to the football matches or watch TV sport reviews.In summer we spend the weekend in the country. In winter we go to ski and to skate. So we can say that we had a good rest on our weekend and can begin next III.  

Тема 2.5.

Новости, средства



Практические занятия, средства массовой


 Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал:

- образование и употребление глаголов в Present Continuous/Progressive, Present Perfect;

- местоимения: указательные (this/these, that/those) с существительными и без них, личные, притяжательные, вопросительные, объектные;

Упражнение 18.3

Переведите на английский язык: 

  1. Они будут смотреть фильм, как только дети лягут спать.
  2. Как только он придет, я ему все расскажу.
  3. Я с ним поговорю до твоего приезда, но я не уверен, последует ли он моим советам.
  4. Я буду вам очень благодарен (grateful), если вы продиктуете (dictate) мне эту статью.
  5. С вашей стороны будет очень глупо, если вы не воспользуетесь данной возможностью.
  6. Поезд прибывает через час. Если вы поедете на машине, вы встретите ее.

Упражнение 18.3

Переведите на английский язык: 

  1. Они будут смотреть фильм, как только дети лягут спать.
  2. Как только он придет, я ему все расскажу.
  3. Я с ним поговорю до твоего приезда, но я не уверен, последует ли он моим советам.
  4. Я буду вам очень благодарен (grateful), если вы продиктуете (dictate) мне эту статью.
  5. С вашей стороны будет очень глупо, если вы не воспользуетесь данной возможностью.
  6. Поезд прибывает через час. Если вы поедете на машине, вы встретите ее.

Грамматический материал

- местоимения: указательные (this/these, that/those) с существительными и без них, личные, притяжательные, вопросительные, объектные

 The Pronoun



I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they



My,     your,    his,  her,    its,   our,    your,    their

Mine,  yours,  his,  hers,  its,  ours,  yours,   theirs



It, this/these, that/those, same, such



who (whom), whose, which, that

(в вопросительных предложениях)



who (whom),  whose,  which that

(в определительных придаточных)




who (whom), whose, which, that

(в дополнительных и других придаточных предложениях)



myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself,

ourselves, yourselves, themselves



each other, one another



no, nobody, (no one), none, nothing

(в отрицательных предложениях)



Some, any, no (и их производные), all, both, each, every (и его производные), other, one, much, many, (a) little, (a) few, either, neither

Формы личных местоимений

Subject Pronouns

Object Pronouns















He (she) drinks milk sometimes.

Who is it?

Give it to him (her). He likes it.

It’s me (him, her, them).

Специальный вопрос начинается с вопросительных местоимений:

what — что, какой?  which — который?  who — кто?  whom — кого?  where — где, куда? when — когда? why — почему? whose — чей? how — как?  how many, how much — сколько? how long — как долго?

Структура специального вопроса: I shall do it tomorrow → When will you do it?

Различие между what и which:

What color shall we choose? — Какой мы выберем цвет (краски)? (вообще).

Which color did you like: blue or white? — Какой цвет тебе понравился: синий или белый? (конкретный выбор)

1. Найдите в тексте местоимения и определите их тип:

My friends and I are all having trouble with our cars. My best friend Charlie is having trouble with his. The brakes don’t work. He tried to fix them by himself, but he doesn’t know anything about cars. Finally, he took the car to his mechanic. The mechanic charged him a lot of money, and the brakes still don’t work! Charlie is really annoyed. He’s having a lot of trouble with his car. And he can’t find anybody who can help him.

2.Заполните пропуски местоимениями this, that, these, those.

  1. All ... is very interesting.
  2. ... are TV sets of the latest type.
  3. There are no richer art museums in this country than ... of St. Petersburg.
  4. ... will do.
  5. Try one of ... .
  6. In ... days I was living with my parents.
  7. ... students who failed the exam will have to take it again.
  8. ... is my coat and ... is yours.

3. Перепишите предложения, подчеркнув в них местоимения. Укажите разряд местоимений. Переведите предложения.

  1. Who can better know my weakness than I?
  2. He has never got anything interesting to say.
  3. None of those dogs are ours.
  4. The child fell and hurt himself badly.
  5. Please tell me about your new friends.
  6. Who wrote the book about the famous Russian sportsmen?
  7. Is there anybody in the room? I see nobody.
  8. On the way home he fell down and hurt himself.

9. All my sisters live in Summerville, but none of them were born there.

10. What are you looking for?

11. The boy refused to tell us anything.

12. That is this week’s number one hit.

13What is her father? Where does he come from?

14Nobody seemed to know him well.

15Every day he comes here, and each time he asks me the same questions.

16Is there anything between him and Ann?

II.Образование и употребление глаголов в Present Continuous/Progressive, Present Perfect

1.Выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. Ann goes/is going shopping for fruit every Saturday.
  2. He doesn't speak/isn't speaking five languages.
  3. Do they play/are they playing in the garden at the moment?
  4. John and Mary hate/are hating adventure holidays.
  5. Mrs Parker teaches/is teaching History at Lawton High school.
  6. Melissa doesn't like/isn't liking min-skirts.
  7. Water boils/ is boiling at 100C.
  8. What do you do/are you doing this Saturday night?

2.Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous:

  1. Я сейчас читаю.
  2. Он пьет чай каждое утро.
  3. Она спит сейчас.
  4. Моя мама работает в офисе.
  5. Вы сейчас работаете?
  6. Они сейчас обедают?
  7. Что вы делаете каждое утро?

3.Сравните времена Present Continuous and Present Simple и раскройте скобки:

  1. I (to read) now.
  2. He (to sleep) now.
  3. We  (to drink)  tea now.
  4. They    (to    go)    to school now.

  1. I    (not    to    sleep) now.
  2. She (not to drink) coffee now.

  1. We (not to watch) TV now.

  1. They   (not  to  eat) now.
  2. My mother (not to work) now.

  1. You      (to     work) now?
  2. He (to play) now?
  3. They (to eat) now?
  4. Your     sister      (to rest) now?
  5. What you (to do) now?
  6. What you (to read) now?
  7. What they (to eat) now?
  8. What your brother (to drink) now?
  1. I (to read) every day.
  2. He (to sleep) every night.
  3. We (to drink) tea every morning.
  4. They   (to   go)   to   school   every morning.
  5. I (not to sleep) in the daytime.
  6. She   (not  to  drink)   coffee  after lunch.
  7. We  (not  to  watch)  TV  in  the morning.
  8. They (not to eat) at the lesson.
  9. My mother (not to work) at an office.
  10. You (to work) every day?
  11. He (to play) in the afternoon?
  12. They (to eat) at school?
  13. Your sister (to rest) after school?
  14. What you (to do) every morning?
  15. What you (to read) after dinner?
  16. What they (to eat) at breakfast?
  17. What your brother (to drink) in the evening?

Past Simple (V2 + (-ed))

Present Perfect (have/has + V3 (-ed))

Мы используем Past Simple

Мы используем Present Perfect

— для выражения постоянных или повторяющихся действий в прошлом, а также прошлых привычек или состояний

Long ago, they built most houses out of wood.

He always caught the same train.

— с указанием на период времени, который уже закончился

I read the newspaper this morning (утро уже закончилось).

— если действие уже совершилось в прошлом, с такими обстоятельствами времени, как a year ago, last Sunday, last week, yesterday, etc.

Watson and Crick identified the structure of DNA in 1953.

— для выражения действий или состояний в прошлом, результат которых связан с настоящим моментом, когда результат действия или состояния очевиден в момент речи

They have bought a new house (они могут прямо сейчас идти и жить в нем)

It’s just started to rain (дождь начался и можно промокнуть)

You have spilt the coffee all over my trousers — look!

They’ve polluted the river (как результат, рыба погибла).

— для обозначения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего момента или закончилось к настоящему моменту*

I have lived in Balashov all my life.

— для повторяющихся действий в прошлом, с такими обстоятельствами времени, как often, rarely, seldom

He’s often been to France.

— с периодом времени, который еще не истек

We’ve built 20 new schools this year (год еще не кончился).

He has done a lot in his short life (он еще жив и молод)

— для выражения действий с такими словами, как already, before, ever, never, often, recently, still, yet, etc. Часто для выражения фактов, связанных с жизненным опытом.

Rain has already ruined the tomato crops.

Have you ever seen a UFO?

They haven’t sent an astronaut to Mars yet. 

I have never been to the USA.

Have you ever been to London?

Выбор между Present Perfect и Past Simple зависит от того, связано ли действие, свершившееся в прошлом, с настоящим моментом или нет:

She often took the bus (Она часто ездила на автобусе, но не делает этого больше).

She has often taken the bus (Она часто ездила на автобусе и может сделать это снова).

Present Perfect не употребляется с обозначениями истекшего периода времени: yesterday, a minute ago, last month.

4.Употребите: the Present Indefinite, the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.

  1. You ever (to be) to the picture gallery?-Yes, I (to be). I (to visit) it once when was a youth and the pictures (to make) a great impression on me. Since then I (not to be) here.You already (to see) the new Indian film? - Yes, I (to see) it. I (to manage) to see it yesterday. I (to go) to the cinema in the evening and (to get) two tickets easily.You always (to take) books from our library? - Yes, as a rule, I (to take).I (not to see) Jane lately. When you (to see) her last? -1 (to meet) her two days ago. I (to think) that she (to change) very much.        
  2. You (to have) dinner already? -No, not yet. The Waitress (to take) my order fifteen minutes ago and (not to bring) me anything yet.Where you (to get) this fine new bicycle from? - My parents (to give) it to me as a birthday present.

.5 Прочитайте и переведите

1. Look! Dick has bought a record. 2. Pat hasn’t given me the book yet. 3. I’ve just come from a very important meeting. 4. He has not thought about university yet. 5. They have received a lot of letters. 6. He has forgotten her name. 7. John is hungry because he hasn’t had any breakfast. 8. We have done exercise No 2. 9. I have just spoken to my boyfriend on the phone. 10. She has planned an expensive holiday. 11. I haven’t written to my wife yet. 12. My parents have just gone out for the evening. 13. Bill has asked me for some money. 14. Helen has brought the mail. 15. Our team has won the game. 16. He has paid a lot of money for his house. 17. Oh, dear, it’s going to rain and I’ve left my umbrella at home. 18. The course has already begun. 19. I have drunk three cups of coffee. 20. Oh, I’ve cut my finger. 21. I have not sent a letter to my mother yet. 22. She hasn’t seen her parents yet. 23. I have never met him before. 24. Andrew has chosen a good present. 25. I’ve been to Paris, but I haven’t been to London yet. 26. George has taken a lot of books from the library. 27. Victor has told us an interesting story. 28. Mr Robinson has taught us English. 29. He has spent his holidays in the Caucasus. 30. They have sold their car. 31. I have made a lot of mistakes in my test. 32. Roger has lost his ticket. 33. I remember that I have put the magazine on this shelf. 34. Lucy has drawn a nice picture. 35. I have broken my umbrella. 36. Robert has become an engineer. 37. I haven’t read the article yet. 38. Have you eaten your steak? 39. Have you heard this opera before? 40. Have the police found the man yet? 41. Has he lent you any money? 42. Has Bill shown you this new car? 43. Have you signed the documents? 44. Have you caught much fish today? 45. Have you ever swum in the Atlantic Ocean?

6. . Выбери нужную форму глагола в  Present Perfect  или Past Simple

        1. We (have travelled, travelled) about the Crimea last year. Mr. Winkle knows so much, because he (has travelled, travelled) a lot. 2. I (have seen, saw) Pete in the library today. She (has seen, saw) this film last Friday. 3. Alec (has met, met) the mechanic two hours ago. I just (have met) the doctor. 4. The children already (have decided, decided) what to do with the books. Yesterday they (have decided, decided) to help villagers. 5. Helen speaks French, because she (has been, was) in France. She (has been, was) there last year. 6. The rain (has stopped, stopped) and the sun is shining in the sky again. The rain (has stopped, stopped) half an hour ago. 7. Mary (has bought, bought) a new hat. I (have bought, bought) a pair of gloves yesterday. 8. The wind (has blown, blew) off the man’s hat, and he can’t catch it. 9. The weather (has changed, changed) and we can go for a walk. The wind (has changed, changed) in the morning.

7 . Выбери нужную форму глагола в  Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

        1.  Wait for me a little. I (am eating, have eaten) my breakfast now. 2. Nick (is writing, has written) a letter. When he finishes, we shall go to the post office. 3. Mary (is putting, has put) plates, forks, knives and cups on the table, so we shall have dinner. 4. Look at the child. He (is carrying, has carried) a basket full of plums. 5. Bob (is washing, has washed) his hands and is ready to help you with the dinner. 6. The family just (is having, has had) tea. 7. It is 12 o’clock. Vladimir Petrovich (is having, has had) his lunch. 8. We already (are doing, have done) this exercise. Shall we read the text? 9. Tom’s sister (is learning, has learnt) the English rhyme and now she may go for a walk with her friends. 10. I just (am walking, have walked) through the field.

8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы

 в Present Indefinite, Present Perfect, Present Continuous,
Past Indefinite или Future Indefinite.


1. Our classes usually_________________ (begin) at 8.30 in the morning.

2. The first lesson _________________ (not to begin) yet.
3. I _________________ (spend) my last weekend well.

4.1 think we_________________  (travel) to the seaside next summer.
5. The pupils _________________ (have) a break now.


1. My mother _________________ (buy) a lot of bananas yesterday.

2. We just_________________  (eat) all the bananas.

3.I think she _________________ (buy) some more bananas tomorrow.

4. Usually my dog_________________  (not to eat) fruit.

5. My dog_________________  (eat) meat now.


1. We never _________________ (swim) in the ocean.

2. We _________________ (swim) in the lake very often last summer.

3. My friend certainly_________________  (swim) in the Black Sea next month.

4. We usually _________________ (go) swimming to the swimming pool.

5. Look at the boys! They_________________  (swim) on such a cold day.


1.I already _________________ (be) to many countries.
2.I _________________ (be) in London last year.
3.I _________________ (travel) to Canada now.

4. We hope we_________________  (visit) our American friends next summer.

5. We _________________ (visit) them every year.


1. The children _________________ (not to learn) the poem yet.

2. They _________________ (forget) to write down their homework yesterday.

3. They _________________ (get) bad marks tomorrow.

4. They _________________ (read) interesting books now.

5. They usually_________________  (do) their homework in the evening.


1.I just_________________  (have) breakfast.

2.I _________________ (eat) my breakfast a minute ago.

3. He_________________  (have) his breakfast now.

4.I know that we_________________  (have) breakfast at school next


5. When... you usually_________________  (have) breakfast?


1.I already _________________ (see) the monument to Pushkin.
2.I _________________ (see) it when I travelled to Moscow last summer.

Лексический материал по теме



Te mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform 1 us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views.

Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively, but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information.

It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren't interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn't usually make headlines. Bad news does.

Some people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people's private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is — should this be allowed?

The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that's an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it's much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers.

Still, many people prefer the radio. It's good to listen to in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house.

Newspapers don't react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information.

The Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don't have to wait for news time on TV.

1. Do the media play an important part in your life?

2. Do you think that the media influence our life?

3. Millions of people get most of their news from television. What about you?

4. Do you read newspapers?

5. When do you usually listen to the radio?

6. Do you agree that most news we get from the media is bad news?

7. Do you think it would be nice if all news printed in newspapers and shown on TV was good news?

8. Do you think that journalists are given too much freedom?

9. If people have died in a plane crash, should their bodies be shown on TV?

10. How do paparazzi  earn their living?

11. Are you interested in politics? Don't you think that some politicians use the media to influence their voters?

12. What is the main advantage of the Internet?


The British Press

The British press consists of different kinds of newspapers.

The national papers are the ones sold all over the country, with a large readership or "circulation, giving general news; they are produced in the capital city, London. In recent years, the circulation of the general newspapers has gone down. Some papers had to close because they weren't making enough money. Some newspapers have started up in the last twenty years – for instance The Sun and The Daily Star.

There are two main types of national papers – the "popular" papers and the "quality" papers. The popular papers are smaller in size, with lots of pictures, big headlines^ and short articles. They are easy to read and often contain little real information; sometimes, they give more space to opinions than to "hard news". They usually have "human interest" stories – stories about ordinary people and events, which are included because they are amusing or odd. Examples of this type of newspapers are The Daily Mail, The Sun and The Daily Mirror.

"Quality" papers appeal to the more serious reader, who wants to read about politics and foreign affairs. These papers, such as The Daily Telegraph, The Тimes and The Guardian are bigger in size(they're called "broad-sheets"), with longer articles and a wider coverage of events. They have different pages for home news, foreign affairs, feature articles, fashion, business, sport and so on.

People in Britain buy more papers on Sunday than on Weekdays. The Sunday papers have a higher circulation than the dailies. The quality ones have different sections and a colour magazine (usually full of advertisements).

Тема 2.6.

Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология)

Практические занятия климат, погода, экология)

 Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал:

- сложноподчиненные предложения с союзами because, so, if, when, that, that is why;

- понятие согласования времен и косвенная речь.

- неопределенные местоимения, производные от some, any, no, every.

- имена прилагательные в положительной, сравнительной и превосходной степенях, образованные по правилу, а также исключения.

  • наречия в сравнительной и превосходной степенях, неопределенные наречия,


Грамматический материал

I- неопределенные местоимения, производные от some, any, no, every.













что-нибудь, что-либо,




кто-нибудь, кто-либо,





кто-нибудь, кто-либо,




где-то, где-нибудь, куда-то, куда-нибудь,


куда угодно



что-нибудь,  все,

что угодно



кто-либо, кто-нибудь, всякий, любой





всякий, любой




где угодно,

куда угодно



ничто, ничего


никто, никого

no one

никто, никого


нигде, никуда







все, каждый


везде, повсюду,


1.  Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.

t. Some students of our group study French.

2. Have you any English books at home?

3. Give me some bread and milk.

4. There is no ink in my fountain pen.

5. Some three hundred delegates will gather in our city.

6. If you have any questions, ask them now.

7. There are some letters for you.

8. He has got some 2000 books at home.

9. There is something in what he says.

4. None of them knew these facts.

5. There is hardly any information in this report.

6. I knew nothing about their troubles.

II.- имена прилагательные в положительной, сравнительной и превосходной степенях, образованные по правилу, а также исключения.наречия в сравнительной и превосходной степенях

Группы прилагательных





beautiful, clean, clever, cold, fat, hot, kind, warm, old, tall, small, short, tall, big, well-known, new

есть степени сравнения

American, Russian, woolen, golden, middle, left, right, dead, weekly, daily, empty, full, medical

нет степеней сравнения

Degrees of comparison










(одно-, двусложные прилагательные) -er,-est









the cleanest

the hottest

the happiest

the gayest

Аналитическая (многосложные прилагательные)

more, most



more comfortable

more serious

the most comfortable

the most serious

Прилагательные angry, clever, common, friendly, gentle, handsome, polite, narrow, cruel, simple, pleasant могут иметь и синтетические, и аналитические формы:

simple— simpler / more simple — the simplest / the most simple

Нерегулярные степени сравнения:

good — better — best

bad — worse — worst

little — less — least

much/many — more — most

1Перепишите следующие предложения,  содержащие разные формы сравнения, и переведите их на русский язык:  

1. The more we study, the more we know.

2. The days in winter are not so long as in summer.

3. This article is the most interesting in the magazine.

.4 Things went from bad to worse.

5. This is the least useful of the four books.

6. His speech was as long as it was dull

.2 Переведите следующие предложения, включающие конструкцию типа

the more ... the less.

1. The more you read, the faster you'll learn to understand books and papers in

a foreign language.

2. The more he thought about it, the less he understood.

3. The less you talk, the better.

III- понятие согласования времен и косвенная речь

 Reported Speech.  Reporting questions

Косвенная речь используется для передачи чужой речи. После глаголов, вводящих косвенную речь (reporting verbs) в форме настоящего времени, время глагола в придаточном предложении не меняется:

She says «I love him». →  She says she loves him.

Если глагол в предложении, вводящий косвенную речь, употреблен в прошедшем времени, форма в придаточном смещается на один шаг:

Present Continuous → Past Continuous

«It is raining in my town». → She said it was raining in her town.

Past Continuous → Past Perfect Continuous

«I was sleeping,» she told me. → She told me that she had been sleeping.

Present Simple → Past Simple

«I want to buy it,» he told me → He said that he wanted to buy it.

Past Simple → Past Perfect

«I saw your sister». →  He said he had seen my sister.

Present Perfect → Past Perfect

«You’ve won the second prize,» the man announced → The man announced that they had won the second prize.

Present Perfect Continuous → Past Perfect Continuous

«I have been driving for five years,» he said → He said that he had been driving for five years.

Future Simple → Future in the Past

«We’ll buy you a car,» parents promised. → Parents promised that they would buy me a car.

Изменения в обстоятельствах места и времени при изменении прямой речи в косвенную:

here                                there

now                                then

this / these                        that / those

today                                that day

tomorrow                        the next day/the following day

yesterday                        the day before/the previous day

last week                        the week before

next week                        the following week

ago                                before

Если при переходе в косвенную речь меняется субъект предложения, то используется придаточное с союзом that:

«We’ll go with you.» → They agreed to go with me.

«You can go with us!» → They agreed that I should go with them.

Модальные глаголы would, could, might, ought, should не меняются в косвенной речи, остальные меняются следующим образом:

must → had to            «I must go.» → He said he had to go.

can → could                «I can do it». →He said he could do it.

may→ might               «I may do it». → He said he  might do it.

Reporting questions

Косвенные вопросы начинаются со следующих выражений:

Can you tell me what time the film starts? (сравни: What time does the film start?)

I’d like to know where I can buy tickets? (сравни: Where can I buy tickets?)

Could you tell me if / whether she is going to call me tonight? (сравни: Is she going to call me tonight?)

Could you tell me how to get to the theatre? / how I get to the theatre? (сравни: How do I get to the theatre?)

В косвенных вопросах не ставится знак «?». Грамматические формы изменяются так же, как и в утвердительных предложениях с косвенной речью; порядок слов такой же, как и в утвердительном предложении. Союзы if или whether используются для общих вопросов (yes/no):

«Are you okay?» → He asked me if I was okay.

«Where do you live?» → He wanted to know where I lived.

«Are you a headmaster?» → He asked me if/whether I was a headmaster.

Косвенное выражение вежливой просьбы, совета или предупреждения строится по схеме:

ask/tell/advise/warn + object (дополнение)+ infinitive

«Listen, please!» → He asked/told us to listen.

«Be careful!» → He advised/warned us to be careful.

1 Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

  1. He said he didn’t expect anybody to come in the evening.
  2. She said she had seen that magazine in our library.
  3. The professor asked Eric whether he had had any experienced in physics  


     4He says he will drive a car himself.

5She thinks (that) they will speak about great achievements in nuclear physics.

6We asked him if such minerals occurred in Pamirs.

7The professor asked him why he had chosen, of all professions, nuclear physics.

8They thought that no accidents could happen through human weakness.

2 Перепишите предложения; используйте косвенную речь. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. Charlie said “My father isn’t very well”. Charlie said that …
  2. Charlie said “I can drive a car”. Charlie said that …
  3. Charlie said “I am not enjoying my job very much”. Charlie said that …
  4. Charlie asked me “Do you often go to the library?”. Charlie asked me …

5Helen said “I can read English”. Helen said that …

6Helen said “I am expecting visitors”. Helen said that …

7Helen asked me “Do you live in London?” Helen asked me...

     8  Helen said “My parents are well”. Helen said that …

- сложноподчиненные предложения

1. Переведите  предложения, обращая  внимание на союзы.

  2.  1. I arrived in New York, where I was to change trains. 2. Mark Twain wrote many short stories and novels. 3. His father died when he was twelve and the boy  had to find a job. 4. He arrived in our country in 1940 and stayed there till the war broke out. 5. That she has returned home is quite natural. 6.  If  these people knew who I was they would help me. 7. As I was saying this my friend’s smiling face appeared at the door. 8. I was walking quietly so that nobody could hear. 9. He is as young as his brother.

2.Соедините предложения, употребив соответствующие союзы и      местоимения.


 1.My neighbor … is a doctor has moved to a new flat. 2. Do you remember the day … he arrived in Moscow? 3. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the person … I have borrowed the pen from. 4. The man … you see at the desk is my secretary. 5. Where is the shop … sells gloves? 6. The book … you have given to me is very interesting. 7. The shop … we buy our food is closed. 8. Mother said to her son … he must help her about the house.

Лексический материал по теме.


Seasons and weather

1. There are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Each of them lasts three months.

2. Summer is my favourite season. Then summer comes, the weather gets warmer and sometimes it can be hot. In summer people spend much time in the open air. They find time to go to the forest or to swim in the river. Last summer I had a rest at the sea-side.

3. Autumn is the time when fruit and vegetables become ripe. The weather is still warm and the leaves change their colour from green to yellow and red. But then it gets colder. The leaves fall from the trees and cover the ground. Then winter comes.

4. Winter is usually a cold season. It often snows. The sun sets early and rises late. The days are short, the sky is often grey.

  1. Spring begins in March. The weather gets better and the sun shines brightly. The days become longer. The birds return from the South and make their nests.  


  1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
  1. How many seasons are there in a year?
  2. What season is the hottest?
  3. When does the autumn come?
  4. What season is the coldest?


The weather is a subject we can always talk about.  It often changes and brings cold and heat, sunshine and rain, frost and snow. One day is often unlike the next. In summer the sun shines, often there is no wind and there are no clouds in the sky which is blue and beautiful. We can see stars and the moon at night and people like walks, outdoors games and sports in the fresh air.

When autumn comes, the days become shorter and colder. It gets dark earlier and often heavy clouds cover the sky bringing rain with them. Sometimes there is a heavy rain, so that an umbrella or a raincoat is necessary if we don’t want to get wet through. At last frost and snow come.

Fields, forests and houses are covered with snow and rivers and lakes with ice. But spring again brings sunshine and warm winds. Sometimes it snows but snow will not remain long, it  will melt in the warm sun. Spring will bring bright sunshine, green grass and flowers.

We usually say: «A nice day», «Not a bad day» if the weather is fine. We can say: «It looks like rain», «It looks like snow» or «It’s bad weather» when the weather is cold.


Environmental Protection in Our Country 

 The protection of nature has become one of the most burning problems of the 20th century. The Earth provides people with mineral resources, rivers, forests, fields — everything that makes the foundation of industrial and agricultural production.

 The development of industry has had a bad influence on the nature of the whole world. People often do things which pollute land and waters greatly. It is very dangerous because it damages health of the people.

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in April 1986 caused radioactive contamination of a vast area around the plant.

 Soviet statements indicate that 31 people died as a result of the accident but the actual number of deaths caused by the radiation is still unknown. More than 100,000 Ukrainian citizens were evacuated from the city of Chernobyl and other areas around the reactor site.

Environmental protection is a great concern of the Ukrainian Government. The Ministry of Environmental Protection was founded in Ukraine.

 Their tasks are to control the state of the environment and sources of pollution, to protect the water resources of Ukraine, to extend the network of nature reserves and to maintain co-operation with international ecological organizations.

Campaign for environmental protection is supported by public organizations and individuals. The Ukrainian Green Party is very active today.

 "Zeleny Svit" is the Ukrainian ecological newspaper. It calls on people to protect the natural wealth and to use it in a more careful and economical manner for the benefit of the present and future generations.

Тема 2.7.

Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее



Практические занятия Образование в России

 Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал:

- глаголы в страдательном залоге, преимущественно в Indefinite Passive.

- инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты и способы передачи их значений на родном языке.

- признаки и значения слов и словосочетаний с формами на -ing без обязательного различения их функций.

Грамматический материал:

I.- глаголы в страдательном залоге, преимущественно в Indefinite Passive. The Passive Voice

Пассивный залог — The Passive Voice — употребляется:

— с большинством переходных глаголов (глагол + прямое дополнение), когда само действие более важно, чем субъект этого действия (производитель):

This helicopter was designed in Russia;

— когда производитель действия неизвестен:

The manuscripts were found in 19th century;

— если информация о субъекте действия важна, то она вводится предлогом by:

This wedding cake will be baked by the best cooks.

Образование: To be + V3 (Past Participle)

Present Simple

I am surprised by this message.

Past Simple

I was surprised by this message.

Future Simple

I will be surprised by this message.

Present Perfect

The letter has been written by a woman.

The letter has been written by a woman.

Present Continuous

These students are being examined now.

Past Continuous

He was being examined this time yesterday.

Present Perfect

We have been shown this film twice.

Past Perfect

had been

Future Perfect

I/he shall/will have been

Глаголы sell, wash, wear, bake, read употребляются в активном залоге, хотя и с пассивным значением: These novels sell well. The cloth wears well.

Если в предложении два возможных субъекта, предмет или лицо, то подлежащим в пассивном залоге становится лицо: I was given a prize.

Пассивный залог может употребляться с модальными глаголами, предложение строится по следующей схеме:

Modal verb + be + Past Participle

must/can/should be/may/might + Participle II

Active Voice

Passive Voice

I can do it.

He should do it.

They must do it.

He has to do it.

You may do it.

They might do it.

It can be done by me.

It should be done by him.

It must be done by them.

It has to be done by her.

It may be done by Ann.

It might be done by them.

1.    Перепишите      предложения,  определите в каждом из них видовременную   форму   и   залог   глагола-сказуемого, переведите предложения.

1The letters are sent every day.

2 The letters have been sent before you came.

3 The letters were being sent at this time yesterday.

4 The letters will have been sent before you come

5   New metro lines are built in Moscow every year.

6. The Intourist Hotel has been built near the National Hotel.

7. A lot of beautiful buildings have been built in Moscow lately.

8. Will another building of the university be built in the near future?

2 Translate into Russian.

1 . The skates haven’t been brought back. 
2 . At the station he was met by the man from the travel bureau. 
3 . I am often invited to the theatre. 
4 . This book was translated into French. 
5 . The work was being done from 4 till 5 yesterday. 
6 . The truth had been told. 
7 . A new medicine was prescribed by the doctor. 
8 . The large shopping centre is being built in our town. 
9 . We will be invited to his place, I’m sure. 
10 . The teacher was interrupted. 
11 . The telegram was received yesterday. 
12 . America was discovered by Columbus. 
13 . The letters have been typed by the secretary. 
14 . Tennis was being played from 4 to 5 yesterday. 
15 . The dishes are often washed by me. 
16 . Your luggage will be brought by the porter. 

2. Open the brackets using the Passive Voice.

1 . The telegram (receive) tomorrow2 . I (give) a very interesting book last week

. 3 . He always (laugh at . 4Nick (invite) to the conference last week.

 5 . Flowers(sell) in the shops. 

6 . This text (translate) from 5 p.m. till 7 p.m. yesterday. 

7 . Our mother already (give) a present. 

8 . The letter (send) before they arrived. 

9 . His new book (finish) by next year. 

10 . Many houses (burn) during the fire. 

11 . Doctors (give) a new pay rise by the government. 

12 . Usually I (pay) my salary twice a month. 

13 . Switch on the radio. The President’s speech (broadcast) now. 

14 . My husband just (offer) an interesting job in this firm. 

15 . For two years Tyler (tell) that his brother was dead. 

16 . The injured man couldn’t walk and had (carry). 

признаки и значения слов и словосочетаний с формами на -ing




Конечная нечитаемая буква -e отбрасывается

to take брать - taking

Однако читаемая конечная -е не отбрасывается

to see видеть - seeing

to be быть - being

Сочетание букв -ie стягивается в букву y

to lie лежать - lying

Конечная -y при прибавлении -ing всегда сохраняется

to copy копировать - copying

Если последний слог краткий и стоит под ударением, а слово оканчивается на одну согласную, то эта согласная перед -ing удваивается

to sit сидеть - sitting

to commit совершать -


Если же последний слог не ударный, то удвоения конечной согласной не происходит

to differ различаться - differing

to limit ограничивать - limiting

6. Определите формы с окончанием -ing и переведите предложения на русский язык:

             1) I don't like being spoken to in such a manner.

2) You can master the language by speaking English every day.

3) You surprised me by not having done this work in time.

4) I thought of the question being discussed at the meeting.

5) She never did a thing without asking somebody's advice.

6) Reading aloud is very useful.

7) She likes being invited to the theatre.

8) I heard the singing of a bird.

9) She does not like reading aloud.

10) He likes being told such stories.

11) It being very late, we had to return home.

12) The meeting was held at the beginning of the working day.

The Infinitive (Инфинитив) — to stop, to go — неличная, неспрягаемая форма глагола. Его признаком служит частица to.

Формы инфинитива




to ask

to write

to be asked

to be written


to be asking

to be writing


to have asked

to have written

to have been asked

to have been written

Perfect Continuous

to have been asking

to have been writing

Инфинитив может выполнять функции:

— подлежащего (It is useless to discuss this question);

— обстоятельства цели (Laws were not made to be broken);

— определения (Forget it. It isn’t worth to worry about);

— дополнения (She had learned to dance at this school);

— части сказуемого (The cabin was not easy to find).

Инфинитив всегда употребляется после:

— глаголов afford, agree, arrange, begin, decide, expect, hope, intend, learn, manage, offer, need, plan, pretend, promise, propose, refuse, seem, start, threaten, want, would like/love, would prefer, regret, remember, try, forget, allow, ask, command, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, invite, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remind, reach, tell, want, warn: My sister want to study literature.

— прилагательных anxious, boring, dangerous, hard, eager, easy, good, strange, pleased, prepared, ready, able, usual, common, difficult: It is dangerous to drive in this weather.

II- инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты и способы передачи их значений на родном языке

COMPLEX SUBJECT Субъектный инфинитивный оборот

Субъектный инфинитивный оборот (сложное подлежащее) состоит из

  1. существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в именительном падеже и
  2. глагола (обычно в страдательном залоге) + инфинитив.

Оборот переводится на русский язык придаточными предложениями.

Не is known to be a good engineer. Известно, что он хороший инженер.

Не is said to have graduated from the University. Говорят, что он закончил университет.

The experiments were reported to be successful. Сообщили, что эксперименты были успешны.

В субъектном инфинитивном обороте могут употребляться глаголы:

to see        видеть

to hear        слышать

to say        сказать

to expect        ожидать, полагать

to think        думать, полагать, считать

to report        сообщать

to suppose        предполагать

to believe        полагать

to consider        считать, полагать

to assume        допускать

to know.        знать

которые могут стоять в любом времени в страдательном залоге.

Неопределенно-личным предложениям русского языка в английском языке чаще всего соответствуют пассивные обороты, как например:

It is reported that... Сообщается, что ...

It was supposed that... Предполагали, что ... Субъектный инфинитивный оборот употребляется также в сочетании с некоторыми глаголами, которые могут стоять в действительном залоге, а именно с глаголами:

to prove, to appear, to seem казаться to turn out        оказаться

to happen        случаться

This exercise turned out to be very difficult. Оказалось, что упражнение очень трудное.

The weather appeared to have improved. Казалось, что погода улучшилась.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения:
  1. Advertising is considered to be the most important marketing tool.
  2. Mobile phone appears to be the most universal means of communication.
  3. Tungsten is believed to be the most heat resistant metal.
  4. He was seen to come to work early.
  5. You are supposed to be able to read English texts without a dictionary.
  6. The carbon content in steel is assumed not to exceed standard values.

.1.  Перепишите и переведите предложения,  обращая внимание на

функцию инфинитива.

1. То see is to believe.

2. It was a difficult problem to solve

.3. To greet the teacher the students stand up when the teacher enters  the


4. She is sure to be accepted to the University.

5. He wanted me to read this.

6. We are glad to have seen you.

7. То fulfill this plan is not an easy task.

8. She was the last to speak at the meeting.

9. To come to my office in time I must leave at 7.30.

10. Here is a good house to live in.

11. She is sorry to keep you waiting.

12. This is. a list of words to be learnt.  

2Переведите следующие предложения. Помните,  что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1. They want him to become a journalist

2. He is said to know several foreign languages.

3 The computer is expected to save the scientists a lot of time.

4. We consider Lomonosov to be the founder of the Russian literary language.

5. I don't want to smoke here


Лексический материал по теме


Every society has its own characteristic attitude toward past, present and

future, and it is clearly reflected in the way the society prepares its young for adulthood. In stagnant societies, the past crept forward into the present and repeated itself in the future. In such a society, the most sensible way to prepare a child was to arm him with the skills of the past – for these were precisely the same skills he would need in the future. “With the ancient is wisdom,” the Bible admonishes.

Thus father handed down to son all sorts of practical techniques along with a clearly defined, highly traditional set of values. Knowledge was transmitted not by specialists concentrated in schools but trough the family, religious institutions, and apprenticeships.

The mechanical age smashed all this, for industrialism required a new kind of man. It demanded skills that neither family nor church could, by themselves, provide.

Mass education was the ingenious machine constructed by industrialism to produce the kind of adults it needed. The problem was inordinately complex. How the pre-adapt children for a new world – a world repetitive indoor toil, smoke, noise, machines, crowded living conditions, collective discipline, a world in which time was to be regulated not by the cycle of sun and moon, but the factory whistle and the clock.

The solution was an educational system that, in its way structure, simulated this new world. This system did not emerge instantly. Even today it retains throwback elements from pre-industrial society. Yet the whole idea of assembling masses of students (raw material) to be processed by teachers (workers) in a centrally located school (factory) was a stroke of industrial genius. The whole administrative hierarchy of education, as it grew up, followed the model of industrial bureaucracy. The very organization of knowledge into permanent disciplines was grounded on industrial assumptions. Children marched from place to place and sat in assigned stations. Bells rang to announce changes of time.

The inner life of school thus became a perfect introduction to industrial society. The most criticized features of education today – lack of individualization, the rigid systems of seating, grouping, grading and marking, the authoritarian role of the teacher are precisely those that made mass public education so effective an instrument of adaptation for its place and time.

Young people passing through this educational machine emerged into an adult society whose structure of jobs, roles and institutions resembled that of the school itself. The schoolchild did not simply learn facts that he could use later on; he lived, as well as learned, a way of life modeled after the one he would lead in the future.

In the technological systems of tomorrow – fast and self-regulating – machines will deal with the flow of physical materials; men with the flow of information. Machines will increasingly perform the routine tasks; men the intellectual and creative tasks. Machines and men both, instead of being concentrated in gigantic factories and factory cities, will be scattered across the globe, linking together by amazingly sensitive, near-instantaneous communications. Human work will move out of the factory and mass office into the community and the home…

We have noted that the basic organization of the present school system parallels that of the factory. For generations, we have simply assumed that the proper place for education to occur is in a school. Yet if the new education is to simulate the society of tomorrow, should it take place in school at all?

As levels of education rise, more and more parents are intellectually equipped to assume some responsibilities now delegated to the schools. Many parents are clearly more capable of teaching certain subjects to their children than are the teachers in the local schools. With the move toward knowledge-based industry and the increase of leisure, we can expect a tendency for highly educated parent s to pull their children at least partway out of the public education system, offering them home instruction instead.

This tend will be sharply encouraged by improvement in computer-assisted education, electronic video recording, holography and other technical fields. Parents and students might sign short-term “learning contract” with the nearby school, committing them to teach – learn certain courses. Students might continue going to school for social and athletic activities or for subjects they cannot learn on their own or from their parents and family friends.

Discussion often centers on the design of secondary and higher education programs that make use of “mentors” drawn from the adult population. Such mentors would not only transmit skills, but would show how the abstractions of textbooks are applied in life. Accountants, doctors, engineers, businessmen, builders and planners might all become part of an “outside faculty” in another dialectical swing, this time toward a new kind of apprenticeship.



Most schools in Britain are day schools: the children go to school in the morning, at about nine o'clock, and go back home in the afternoon at about four o'clock, usually having their dinner at school. At boarding-schools the children go home only for the holidays. The boarding-schools' academic reputation is based on the facts of smaller classes and traditions of sixth-form work. Other things being equal, academic standards are likely to be higher in boarding-schools. The child's whole environment is an academic one. He can concentrate without distraction. The pattern of daily life allows for sports and recreation, but it also makes time for private work. Day-school "homework" is no substitute for "prep".

What is more, the boarding-school child has teachers and libraries at hand. Local public libraries are no substitute: they are enormous in accessibility and quality, and in any case are not designed specifically for school children. The time that many day pupils spend in dreary and wasteful daily travel is better spent.

It is not only academic facilities that are better in boarding-schools. The child has without effort a vast range of choice. Normally, there is more room for sports, more time for hobbies. Playing fields are adequate and on the sport, school societies have a recognized place. In short a boarding-school child's time is organized so that he can get the most out of work and play.

The upper and middle classes have been sending their sons and daughters to boarding-school for generations. Nearly all the public schools are boarding-schools.


1. Is the boarding-schools' academic reputation based on the facts of smaller classes and traditions of sixth-form work?

2. Is the child's whole environment an academic one?

3. What does the pattern of daily life allow for?

4. Whom and what does the boarding-school child have constantly at hand?


1. academic standards - соответствие университетским нормам

2. "prep" — школ. разг. приготовление уроков

3. public schools - закрытое частное привилегированное учебное заведение для мальчиков


School rules – O.K.? You mustn’t smoke or wear make-up. You must do your home work on time. You mustn’t fight in the playground. Even if you like school, it seems that someone is always telling you what to do.

This is why a lot of children don’t like school. A now a few teachers believe this is why some kids don’t learn. People learn better and faster when they have more choice in what they learn, and when and how they learn it.

At White Lion Street Free School, people believe that school should teach what children need and want to learn. School should help a child to think for himself or herself. After all, when you leave school, you have to make important decisions – by yourself.

There is no punishment for missing school. But many kids spend more time here than other children spend in ordinary schools. This school is open in the evenings and some weekends. The kids complain, if holidays last longer than two weeks.

There are no compulsory lessons. Each child has one adult who follows his progress through school. Together they decide what he/she needs to learn next, and the child does this in his/her own time. Sometimes kids work on their own, sometimes with adults, sometimes in a group.

A lot happens outside school. They believe you can’t learn everything in one building. They visit local factories, markets, shops, fire and police stations. They talk to people about their job, visit exhibitions, go roller-skating and horse-riding, make trips to the country or the sea and go camping.

It’s not a very big school – only 50 kids, between the ages of 3 and 17. There are very few Free Schools in England.

Afternoons are for a great variety of things. Adults “advertise” what they are doing in their rooms on certain days. The kids choose which group to join. There are no special times when they must start a lesson. Each day there is a list of activities they can choose between. (From “Mozaika”).

Тема 2.8.

Культурные и национальные традиции,

краеведение, обычаи и праздники

Практические занятия краеведение, обычаи и праздники

 Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал:

- предложения со сложным дополнением типа I want you to come here;

- сложноподчиненные предложения с союзами for, as, till, until, (as) though;

- предложения с союзами neither... nor, either... or;

- дифференциальные признаки глаголов в Past Perfect, Past Continuous, Future in the Past;

- признаки инфинитива и инфинитивных оборотов и способы передачи их значений на родном языке.

Грамматический материал

Простые и сложные формы инфинитива.

Выберите правильную форму инфинитива:

11. We expect them... us this summer.

  1. to visit
  2.  to have visited
  3. to be visiting
  4. to be visited

12. We were glad... the summer in the Crimea.

  1. to spend
  2. to have spent
  3. to be spent
  4. to be spending

13. It seems ... outside, take your umbrella.

  1. to rain
  2. to be rained
  3. to have rained
  4. be raining

14. I heard him... to somebody loudly.

  1. talk
  2. to talk
  3. talking
  4. to be talked

15. They seem ... still.

  1. to have  worked
  2. to be working
  3. to be worked
  4. to work

16. Newspapers are expected ... twice every day.

  1. to bring
  2. to be brought
  3. to have brought
  4. to have been brought

17. Millions of Russian people are known … during the Great Patriotic War.

  1. to die
  2. to have died
  3. to be dying
  4. to have been dying

18. We want the new car … by the next Monday.

  1. to repair
  2. to be repaired
  3. to have repaired
  4. to be repairing

предложения со сложным дополнением типа I want you to come here


и сказуемое        

Объектный падеж с инфинитивом

I know

I know

I know

I know

John to translate this text

John to have translated this text

this text to be translated  by John

this text to have been translated by John

Я знаю

Я знаю

Я знаю

Я знаю

что Джон переводит этот текст

что Джон перевел этот текст

что этот текст переводится Джоном

что этот текст был переведен Джоном

2. Translate the following.

  1. I know John to be the best economist in our department.
  2. I know John to have come from Moscow.
  3. We consider our manager to be a skilled man.
  4. Everybody knows our manager to be always right.
  5. He considers his knowledge to be excellent and up to date.
  6. They knew John to be knowledgeable enough to assess the plan.
  7. We expect the contact to have been signed.
  8. We expect the contract to be signed.
  9. I believe our staff to be honest people.
  10. They found the terms of the contract to be acceptable.
  11. I know John to have expressed his intention to do so.
  12. The documents revealed our manager to have been involved in the affair.

Обратите внимание на конструкцию “объектный падеж с инфинитивом”, в  которой  объектный падеж выражен местоимением.

Pattern 3


и сказуемое

Объектный падеж с инфинитивом

I know

I know

I know

him to live in London

her to be a student

them to have graduated at the University

Я знаю

Я знаю

Я знаю

что он живет в Лондоне

что она студентка

что они окончили университет

Обратите внимание на изменение конструкции “объектный падеж с инфинитивом” и  ее перевод, когда сказуемое предложения выражено глаголами  to see,  to hear, to observe, to watch, to feel.

3. Translate the following

  1. We know him to have come back from the US.
  2. We knew him to have spent there two years.
  3. We expected him to tell us a lot of interesting things.
  4. The manager declared her to be unsuitable for the job.
  5. She expected them to offer her a job.

Pattern 4


и сказуемое

Объектный падеж с инфинитивом

I saw

I heard

He watched

John enter the house

her play the piano

them write a test

Я видел

Я слышал

Он наблюдал

как Джон входил в этот дом

как она играет на пианино

как они писали контрольную работу

4. Translate the following.

  1. We saw John enter the conference hall.
  2. I heard him speaking over the telephone with the manager.
  3. I watched him arrive by taxi at 10.
  4. I observed his aid take his luggage from the taxi.
  5. He heard them discuss the plan during the break.
  6. Have you noticed anybody enter the building?
  7. Did you see him attend the lectures yesterday?
  8. I saw our manager go downstairs.
  9. The surprised visitors saw him come in sight.

Обратите внимание на перевод конструкции “объектный падеж с инфинитивом”, когда сказуемое предложения выражено глаголами волеизъявления.

Pattern 5


и сказуемое

Объектный падеж с инфинитивом

He wanted

They wish

I should like

us to write this text

this work to be done quickly

him to be invited to the party

Он хотел

Они желают

Я хотел бы

чтобы мы написали эту контрольную работу

чтобы эта работа была выполнена  быстро

чтобы он был приглашен на вечер


5. Translate the following.

  1. They wanted me to come on Sunday.
  2. The manager wishes this work to be done quickly.
  3. I should like her to be invited to the meeting.
  4. I like people to tell the truth.
  5. Do you want him to come?
  6. The manager ordered us to be ready by 10 o’clock.
  7. The inspector demanded all regulations to be observed strictly.
  8. I would like him to leave this post.
  9. They want me to take part in the talks.
  10. Our regulation requires this operation to be performed every month.

- дифференциальные признаки глаголов в Past Perfect, Past Continuous, Future in the Past;

1 Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.

  1. John (to write) the label when the bell (to ring) and a short man (to enter). A dog (to follow) him.
  2. There (to be) silence while the man (to look) John up and down.
  3. I (to see) the light in your windows as I (to pass).
  4. During the dinner while he (to eat) his piece of cold meat, his aunt (to help) herself to wine.
  5. While he (to read) a newspaper she (to sit) studying him, and by the look in her eyes he (to see) that she (to reflect) on something concerning him.
  6. Jim half (to dream) still when he (to come) to the place of his destination.

2Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect.

  1. They (to complete) all the preparation for the fancy-dress ball by 5 o'clock.
  2. On leaving the hospital the man (to thank) the doctor who (to cure) him of his disease.
  3. In the morning all the passengers (to feel) good after the night they (to spend) in the comfortable sleeper.
  4. During my last visit to the picture gallery I (to find) that I no longer (to like) the pictures which (to impress) me when I first (to see) them. Evidently my taste (to change).
  5. Last night he (complete) the experiment which he (to begin) some months before.
  6. They (to be) friends for some ten years before I (to meet) them.

No sooner she (to open) the drawer than she (to find) the photo which she (to think) she (to lose) long before

3Выберите правильный вариант:

  1. Why were you so tired yesterday? – Because I … all morning.

a) jog                                b) had been jogging        c) had been jogged

  1. It was the first time I … a live match.

a) was ever seeing                b) had ever been seeing        c) had ever seen

  1. Michael … for a bus when he heard a strange voice.

a) waited                        b) was waiting                c) had waited

  1. It … while we were in London.

a) were raining                b) raining                        c) was raining

  1. I … the whole of War and Peace by the time I was seven years old.

a) was reading                b) had read                        c) had been reading

  1. My brother and I … swimming almost every day last summer.

a) went                        b) had been going                c) had gone

  1. Jack … chess before, so I showed him what to do.

a) hadn’t played                b) hadn’t been playing        c) wasn’t playing

  1. When we got to the airport, I realized I … my passport at home!

a)had been leaving                b) had left                           c) left

  1. I saw you yesterday from the bus. Where … you … at that time?

a) was; hurrying                b) were; hurrying                c) are; hurrying

  1. I wanted to say goodbye to Jerry, but he … .

a) was already left                b) had already left                c) already left

- предложения с союзами neither... nor, either... or;

-IV предложения с союзами neither... nor, either... or;

Переведите на русский язык:

  1. Both Linda and Alice play tennis.
  2. Neither Linda nor Alice play(s) tennis.
  3. He doesn’t like either Linda or Alice.
  4. Both Tim and John like football.
  5. Either he was too busy or he didn’t know about the party.
  6. Neither Tim nor John like(s) football.
  7. Neither Phil nor the other boys know the truth.

Составьте предложения, используя both … and:

  1. George has lunch in the canteen. (Gerald)
  2. John has a hangover this morning. (Alan)
  3. Ann got a parking ticket. (Alice)
  4. Mary's taking photographs. (Michael)
  5. Brian should go to bed earlier. (Jane)
  6. Philip will have to take lessons. (Pat)
  7. James had better change his shoes. (Mark)
  8. Jack must go. (his wife)
  9. Hugh liked the Albert Hall. (Mary)
  10. Emily offered to help. (Jean)
  11. Bill should take a holiday. (Peter)
  12. Richard has just got home. (Philip)

Лексический материал по теме.

Wales - a Land of Songs

In the west of Britain lies one of the most beautiful parts of the British Isles - Wales. The mountains and valleys in Wales are very beautiful. There are many sheep and cattle-farms in the green valleys. Central and North Wales are farming regions, while the valleys of South Wales are the industrial part of the country. They are rich in coal, and the mining villages have grown into busy towns around iron, chemical and oil works. Cardiff, the capital of Wales, is also a big port. It exports a lot of coal.

Wales is a very popular place for spending holidays. Every year, thousands of people take their holidays at the seaside on the North Wales coast or, if they prefer, enjoy peace in villages far from town life. Some people choose Snowdonia. This is a national park around Snowdon, the highest peak in the Welsh mountains and it is ideal for walking or hiking holidays.

Wales has been called a Land of Song. The Welsh people are famous for their good voices and it is difficult to find a village where there is not at least one choir. Singers, dancers, musicians and poets come from all over the world to compete for the awards at music festivals in Wales. They often wear their colourful national costumes. At the festival Welsh girls wear their national dress - a tall black hat, a red skirt and a white apron. In summer, the streets of this small country are full of visitors speaking many languages. One of the foreign languages heard will be English, because in North Wales many of the people speak Welsh as their native language. Today only about a quarter of the Welsh population speaks this old language as their first language, but many more who use English can understand Welsh as well. Welsh people are proud of national language. In many of their schools they now use and teach their national language.

Тема 2.9.

Общественная жизнь (повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения)

Практические занятия Общественная жизнь

 Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал:

- глаголы в страдательном залоге, преимущественно в Indefinite Passive; -сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными типа If I were you, I would do English, instead of French.

- глаголы в страдательном залоге

Passive Voice




Perfect Progressive



 Is            V3ed



Is            V3ed



Has been V3-ed

Have been V3-ed







        being   V3ed


  Had been V3-ed



Will be   V3ed


Will have been                                              



. Open the brackets using the Passive Voice.

1 . The telegram (receive) tomorrow. 
2 . I (give) a very interesting book last week. 
3 . He always (laugh at) 
4 . Nick (invite) to the conference last week. 
5 . Flowers (sell) in the shops. 
6 . This text (translate) from 5 p.m. till 7 p.m. yesterday. 
7 . Our mother already (give) a present. 
8 . The letter (send) before they arrived. 
9 . His new book (finish) by next year. 
10 . Many houses (burn) during the fire. 
11 . Doctors (give) a new pay rise by the government. 
12 . Usually I (pay) my salary twice a month. 
13 . Switch on the radio. The President’s speech (broadcast) now. 
14 . My husband just (offer) an interesting job in this firm. 
15 . For two years Tyler (tell) that his brother was dead. 
16 . The injured man couldn’t walk and had (carry). 
17 . She (ask) to come here tomorrow, too. 
18 . The museum (not open) by last April. 
19 . Brian told me he (rob) in the street. 

II.-сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными типа If I were you, I would do English, instead of French


В английском языке есть конструкции, которые используются, чтобы сказать о вероятности, возможности/невозможности свершения событий в настоящем или будущем.

First Conditional — выражает реальное условие. Используется, чтобы говорить о событиях, которые возможны в настоящем или будущем.

Conditional clause / Придаточное условия

Main clause / Главное предложение

If + Present Simple

Will + infinitive

If it rains,

we will stay at home.

If I see Peter

I’ll tell him all the news.

Possible condition


Обратите внимание:

Глагол to be имеет форму were для всех лиц:

If I were you (but I am not you) I would marry him.

Second Conditional — выражает нереальное условие на настоящий момент. Используется, чтобы говорить о ситуациях, которые маловероятны в настоящем или будущем.

Conditional clause / Придаточное условия

Main clause / Главное предложение

If + Past Simple

Would + Infinitive

If I had enough money,

I would retire.

Вместо would можно использовать модальные глаголы:

If I lost my job, I might go abroad for a while.

If I won £ 10000

I would travel round the world

Possible, but not probable


Условие нереально, потому что:

— оно теоретически возможно, но практически маловероятно:

If I were Prime Minister I would raise teachers’ salaries;

— это невозможное предположение, не имеющее отношения к действительности:

If you came from my country you would understand us better.


First Conditional: — What will you do if you run out of money?

                         — If I run out of money I’ll call my mother.

Second Conditional: — What would you do if you saw a ghost?

                        — If I saw a ghost I would talk to it.

Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

If I came later I would be late for the lesson. 2. If he had known the time-table he

wouldn’t have missed the train. 3. It would be better if you learned to drive a car.

4. I wish I had known this before. 5. I would have sent a letter to you if I had

known your address. 6. If I had met you yesterday I would have told you about

it. 7. If I were in your place I wouldn’t buy the tickets beforehand. 8. If I had

known that you needed help I would have helped you. 9. We wish you .

 Раскройте скобки.

Не (go) out when the weather (get) warmer. 2. I (wait) for you until you (come) back from school. 3. I’m afraid the train (start) before we (come) to the station. 4. We (go) to the country tomorrow if the weather (to be) fine.

  1. We (not pass) the examination next year if we not (work) much harder. 6. If you (not drive) more carefully you (have) an accident. 7. You (be) late if you (not take) a taxi. 8. I (finish) reading this book before I (go) to bed.
  1. You must (send) us a telegram as soon as you (arrive).

We (have) a picnic tomorrow if it (be) a fine day. 11. We (go) out when it (stop) raining. 12. We (not to have) dinner until you (come).

The Participle I  The Participle II

Причастие I (The Participle I) является неличной формой глагола и имеет окончание -ing (stopping). Оно занимает промежуточное положение между глаголом и прилагательным, а также частично между глаголом и наречием. Причастие I имеет форму времени и залога, но время действия, выраженное Причастием I, имеет относительное значение,
т. е. обозначает одновременность или предшествование по отношению к действию, выраженному глаголом в личной форме (He looked at the carpet while waiting for her answer). Глагольные свойства Причастия I совпадают с глагольными свойствами герундия, оно может:

— иметь прямое дополнение (Opening the door, he went out on the street);

— определяться наречием (The children were really excited about opening their presents) .

Функции определения и обстоятельства являются общими как для Причастия I, так и для герундия. НО: герундий в этих функциях всегда употребляется с предлогом, а Причастие I — без предлога либо с союзами when или while (в роли обстоятельства времени). Do you know the woman talking to Tom?  Feeling hungry, I decided to make myself a sandwich. Причастие I употребляется для образования сложных глагольных форм группы Continuous (When I arrived at the party everyone was dancing.).

Причастие II  (The Participle II) также является неличной формой глагола и имеет окончание -ed, у неправильных глаголов оно соответствует V3. В предложении Причастие II может быть:

— определением (Books borrowed from the library must be returned in two weeks.);

— обстоятельством  (Deeply affected, he left the room.);

— частью сказуемого (The gate was locked.).


1. Образуйте Participle 1 от следующих глаголов:

To talk, to come, to know, to say, to change, to hear, to show, to arrive, to do, to open, to give, to laugh.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод причастий. Определите их функцию в предложении:
  1. Leaving the cinema the people were talking about the film.
  2. The boy was looking at me smiling.
  3. Walking slowly along the street he met his friends.
  4. Two smiling girls sat on the bench talking gaily.
  5. There were many people standing at the bus stop.
  6. I am talking to my old friend.

  1. Образуйте Participle II от следующих глаголов:

To use, to write, to repeat, to discuss, to invite, to attack, to bring, to play, to leave, to give, to open, to spend, to see, to take.

4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод причастий. Определите их функцию в предложении:

  1. He stopped before a closed door.
  2. A car driven by an old man came along the road.
  3. This film was shown last night.
  4. The man called Peter  came up to us.
  5. We could not see the sun covered by dark clouds.
  6. Have you already heard the latest news?

5. Раскройте скобки, используя Participle I и Participle II:

  1. This is a letter (to address) to you.
  2. (to go) through the perk, I met him.
  3. I like to read stories (to write) by this author.
  4. (to translate) this article we learned some interesting facts.
  5. She found the key (to lose) by me yesterday.
  6. Do you know the boys (to play) tennis?

Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:

Not have a clue — not to know (anything).

A cog in the machine — someone who does a small and possibly unimportant job in a large organization.

Be at a low abb — to be at a low level or in a bad situation.

Bust a gut — to work very hard.

Hang in there! — continue doing what you are trying to do.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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