A lesson of romance
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Данилова Анна Леонидовна

Сценарий урока,посвященного празднованию Дня Святого Валентина


Файл конспект17.16 КБ
Файл приложение№112.01 КБ
Файл приложение№212.47 КБ
Файл презентация199.93 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект  урока по английскому языку с использованием компьютерных медиаресурсов

Автор: Данилова Анна Леонидовна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «КСОШ №1»

Класс: 8

Тема: A lesson of romance

Цели урока:


  1. развитие навыков неподготовленной устной речи;
  2. тренировка орфографических навыков;
  3. тренировка навыков чтения.


  1. развитие познавательных процессов: памяти, воображения, внимания;
  2. развитие мыслительных навыков;
  3. развитие и формирование интеллектуальной сферы.


  1. воспитание инициативности и активности в беседе;
  2. воспитание желания общаться на английском языке;
  3. воспитание этики взаимоотношений.

Оборудование:  экран, ноутбуки, мультимедийная презентация, тексты для чтения.

Ход урока:

  1. Орг. момент:
  • Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? Smile! Now I see that you’re fine! So, let’s begin our lesson! But at first let’s look at your computers (слайд №2). What does it represent? What feelings does it represent in your minds?
  • Right you are! These feelings are love and romance! These feelings are always “ in fashion”. Million words are written and said about love, but, nevertheless, people will speak about it eternally, because they love and they are loved!
  • Tell me, please, do we celebrate a holiday of love?
  • Right! It’s St. Valentine’s Day, the most romantic and sentimental!
  • So, as you see, our lesson today is devoted to love, romance and St. Valentine’s Day! Today we’ll speak about this holiday, its traditions, we’ll make our own love stories, we’ll try to create valentines and play an amusing game! I hope it’ll be an interesting lesson!
  • By the way, do you know the history of St. Valentine’s Day? When do we celebrate it?
  1. Развитие навыков чтения:

- I see you know just some facts. Now I give you texts about the history of St. Valentine’s Day. You read them and make 5 questions that begin with the words: who/ what/ how/ when/ where. Is the task clear? Let’s begin! (см. приложение №1)

- In pairs ask each other these questions!

- Well done!

3) Активизация лексики и развитие орфографических навыков:

All of you celebrated St. Valentine’s Day at least once in your lives. Imagine the atmosphere of this day. What do you associate with this day? Tell us these words and then write them down on the blackboard! Read all the words, please!

4) Развитие навыков неподготовленной монологической речи:

- Now let’s try to make short story using these words. One by one in a chain make your sentences! Begin your story like this: Valentine’s Day is special!

5) Физкультминутка

- You look a bit tired! Let’s have a rest and play a game called “Heart attack”. One by one you choose a heart-shaped card with an instruction that you should follow! (Приложение №2)

6) Составление синквейнов:

- As we said, on St. Valentine’s Day people send greeting cards called valentines. Have you ever created them? You will get scissors and pieces of pink and yellow paper. Follow the instructions, please! (Слайд №5)

- To sign a valentine we’ll write cinquaine poems. It’s a kind of poem that consists of 5 lines (слайд №6)

- Read your poems aloud, please!

- Good! Now you may send these nice cards to your lovers!

7) Домашнее задание:

Remember your, remember your last St. Valentine’s Day or, maybe, St. Valentine’s Day that you like most of all and still remember it. At home you’ll have to write a composition about it. Use words and expressions we use at the lesson today. Is the task clear?

8) Подведение итогов урока:  It’s pity, but the lesson comes to the end. I think you like the lesson. Now you know the history of Valentine’s Day. I hope you felt the atmosphere of this day. You made your own valentines and wrote cinquaine poems. I’d like to thank you for your good work at the lesson.

Предварительный просмотр:

Приложение №1

Valentine's Day history

The origin of Valentine’s day goes back to the days of the Roman Empire, when Emperor Claudius II was the ruler. In an attempt to have more soldiers for his army, he tried to recruit every man possible, but when he saw that the men refused to leave their wives and family, he decided that all marriages should be forbidden.

But there was a priest who started to marry couples in secret. When Claudius II found out about the secret marriages, he put Valentine in jail, where he spent the rest of his life. When he died his friends recovered his body and buried it on a church yard in Rome.

One more version says that Valentine helped everyone, even Christians, this was forbidden by the Emperor, who put him in jail. While he was prisoner, Valentine felt in love with one of the jailer's daughter, and every day he used to send her love notes signed : "From Your Valentine". Sadly one day the Emperor ordered that he should be beaten up with cubs to death, it is believed that he died on February 14th, and to honor him, Pope Gelasius set aside this date. But the King Henry VIII declared the day officially a holiday on 1537.

As time passed by Valentine became a Saint for all the lovers, and people around the world started to celebrate love during this day (on February 14th).

Предварительный просмотр:

Карточки для проведения игры «Heart attack»

  • Show the kiss
  • Show the hug
  • Show cats in March
  • Lovers
  • Beating heart
  • The heart in love
  • Big love
  • A priest
  • Valentine card
  • Romantic poem

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

A lesson of romance St. Valentine’s Day

Слайд 2

What feeling is it?

Слайд 3

Do you know the history of St. Valentine’s Day? When do we celebrate it?

Слайд 4

Who...? What..? How..? When..? Where..?

Слайд 5

How to make a post card Bend the piece of red paper in two; Then bend on the diagonal; Cut off the corners. It looks like half of the flower; You can open and close two sides; In the middle we’ll sign it.

Слайд 6

How to write a cinquaine poem Line 1: Write a noun. Line 2 : Write 2 adjectives describing the noun. Line 3: Write 3 verbs describing what the noun might do. Line 4: Write a phrase describing the noun. Line 5: Write a synonym of the word on line 1.

Слайд 7

Thank you for your for your good work!!!

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