Сочинения по английскому языку ЕГЭ
материал по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Борханов Фарит Фоатович

Примерные темы сочинений по английскому языку 11 класс ЕГЭ


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Единый язык для всей планеты. За и против

No doubt that learning languages takes up a lot of time. That is why some people think that it would be better to have only one language on our planet. But will it be really beneficial for mankind?

In my opinion, the reduction of the number of languages is a disaster because it will totally destroy our great cultural heritage. With each loss of a language comes a loss of a culture, a loss of a way of life that deserves to be protected and treated as valuable. I also believe that leaving one language for communication will greatly reduce the linguistic diversity of our planet, which is the key to our survival. What is more, it will be rather difficult to choose which language to use and it may even lead to wars.

Many people think that if we have only one language, communication will become easier and there will be no need to learn foreign languages. I cannot agree with them because knowledge of foreign languages makes a person educated and well rounded. You cannot broaden your mind if you see the world only from the perspective of your own culture. Besides, people are a lot more helpful if you speak their language.

In conclusion, I would argue that we should try our best to preserve the linguistic diversity of our planet. I think that larger cultures should have a respect for minority languages, but first of all the younger generation must want to preserve their native language.

Животные в зоопарке. Как вы к этому относитесь. Справедливо ли это

There are a lot of zoos in the world and millions of people visit them every year. But are zoos harmful or helpful to animals which are caged there?

I strongly believe that we should not keep animals in zoos because captivity is not natural for them and it is a constant stress to a wild animal. Keeping animals in zoos harms them by denying them freedom of movement and association. What is more, zoos are like prisons for animals as they live in small cages and do not get necessary food. In addition, animals become very aggressive and unpredictable as they get older and often attack zoo keepers and other people.

However, most people think that zoos help endangered species survive. But this is not true because most rare animals are extremely difficult to breed in captivity. Besides, in zoos, it is almost impossible to meet the animals’ natural needs. Another argument for keeping animals in zoos is that people learn something new about these animals. Actually, zoos do not teach us much because animals do not act the way they would in the wild. I think we can learn more about animals by watching wildlife programs on TV.

In conclusion, I would argue that zoos do not seem to help endangered species and keeping animals behind bars only for the sake of our entertainment is not quite fair. In my opinion, people must create nature reserves, where wild animals will be able to live in their natural environment.

Запрещение машин в центрах больших городов. За или против

There is no doubt that the invention of the car changed the world and nowadays we can hardly find a family without a car. Nevertheless, some people are against cars, especially in the centers of big cities.

In my opinion, cars should not be allowed into the city centers as they add to pollution and poison the air we breathe. We must also think about the people who live in the center and suffer from the noise made by cars. Moreover, the streets in the center are usually narrow therefore people are often stuck in traffic for many hours and, as a result, arrive late at their destination. Final-ly, with ho cars in city centers, there would be no need for large ugly car parks, which would allow more space for parks. However, many people believe we would not be able to survive without cars because most of the products for shops and other businesses are transported by cars. Besides, they are afraid that public transport would be overloaded. I am sure it is possible to solve these problems by introducing a reliable high frequency tram service as well as developing the underground. As for goods, we could use electric vehicles for their delivery.

To sum up, I believe that a clean, reliable and environmentally friendly public service would encourage people to use public transport and help smooth the transition to a car-free zone.

Изучение иностранного языка – лучшее, что может быть, изучать его в стране, где на нем разговаривают. Согласны ли вы

Nowadays people spend lots of money in order to go to an English-speaking country to improve their language skills. But is it really the most effective way of learning a language? In my view, studying in a foreign country has certain drawbacks. Firstly, this way is very expensive as the tuition fee for overseas students is rather high. Besides, when you study abroad, you have to adapt to a very different way of life, which can be quite stressful. What is more, English teachers do not speak Russian so if you don’t know English well, you will not understand their explanation.

It is often assumed that it is better to study a language abroad because you can always use it speaking with native speakers. However, I doubt that we will have lots of opportunities to speak abroad as we do not know many people there. It is also believed that Russian teachers are not as qualified as those in England. I totally disagree with this opinion because Russian teachers can compare two languages and explain grammar rules better.

To sum up, I would argue that the best way to learn a language is to study it in your native country because you can always get the necessary help from your teachers. Moreover, today we have lots of opportunities to improve our skills such as communicating with English pen-friends over the Internet. I think that we should travel abroad so as to practise a language but not to study it.

Иностранные языки. Сейчас в школах изучают по 2-3 языка. За и против

Most people understand that without knowledge of foreign languages it is difficult to survive in the modern world. Therefore they send their children to schools where they can study two or even three foreign languages. However, is it good to study several languages simultaneously? On the one hand, foreign languages are the main part of our culture so they help us to expand our outlook. We cannot broaden our minds if we see the world only from the perspective of our own culture. In addition, learning languages is a good exercise for the intellect. Moreover, if pupils know at least one foreign language, they learn new languages much faster. On the other hand, many pupils find it confusing to learn two or three languages at a time, especially languages that are similar, because children usually mix up lots of words. Besides, some languages are tricky enough to learn. For example, in English there are more exceptions than rules. In this case, children can be overloaded with homework. More than that, some pupils do not know their native language well and learning several foreign languages could prevent them from mastering their own language.

In conclusion, I want to say that learning languages is extremely beneficial and I would like to know different foreign languages. However, I believe children should not learn too many languages at the same time so as not to get confused. They ought to get a solid base in one language before they start learning a new one.

 16. Интернет. За и против We live in the age of information technology and nowadays the Internet is nearly as common as the telephone. No doubt that it is a unique invention, which has influenced all areas of our lives. However, some people consider the Internet one of the greatest evils of our time. On the one hand, the Internet is very useful, because it lets us access a world of facts, figures and knowledge. In addition, with the Internet, it is now possible to speak to friends and relatives any-where in the world cheaply and quickly. Other services are also available through the Internet such as booking tickets or buying things. Moreover, the Internet allows a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements and makes it easier to find a job. On the other hand, the Internet can become a disaster for our society, because people spend hours in front of their computers and neglect their everyday duties. Another worry is the activities of cybercriminals. For example, hackers can steal your money or even your property while cyberterrorists may ‘attack’ the world’s computers, causing chaos, and making planes and trains crash. What is more, leaders of different terrorist or oppositional organizations can use the Internet to find new followers.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that despite the criticisms by some and the fears of others, the Internet seems to have changed our world to the better and we must try to make the best use of it.

Клонирование. За и против

Recent advances in genetic biology have led us to quite a doubtful situation. People all over the world argue whether human cloning research should be controlled by the government as solving problems connected with human cloning is definitely not a piece of cake. In my opinion, human cloning experiments are extremely dangerous because there are huge risks of abnormalities in human clones. Moreover, if clones have been made, they will obviously have serious psychological problems connected with their unusual birth. Finally, there is no doubt that human cloning will change our perception of what is the value of a human life as we might change from having children to manufacturing them. However, scientists claim that human cloning could be very beneficial as therapeutic cloning could provide stem cells for regenerative medicine and tissues for transplantation. Besides, re-productive cloning will probably give parents who are both infertile an opportunity to have children. I am afraid that this technology is not safe enough to use on humans. It is also possible that clones will age quicker since the cell used in the cloning procedure has already been used in a real life individual.

To sum up, we must question whether human cloning is really worth it when weighed against the problems it raises. From my point of view, human reproductive cloning should be under the tight control of the government and the UN because it is dangerous to interfere with nature and the consequences can be really disastrous.

Книги или компьютеры. Кто победит в будущем

The latest advances in information technology make people think that schools of the future will use computers instead of printed books. Although electronic books have not been widely accepted yet, they have certain advantages over traditional paper volumes. But will they be able to replace printed books? In my opinion, students will be widely using computers for studying in the future. To begin with, computers can store lots of books in their memory and modern software allows us to find quickly the necessary information. Besides, with the interactive programs on computers studying will be much more exciting. What is more, electronic books will not degrade overtime like their printed counterparts. On the other hand, lots of disbelievers argue that computers will not replace printed books because a printed book is better for human eyes than a computer screen. In addition, books are cheaper and easier to use since they do not need electricity or the Internet connection. I cannot agree with this because modern computer screens emit no radiation and allow us to read even in low light conditions. Of course we will have to pay for electricity but I think it will be cheaper than to pay for printed books, which are very expensive nowadays.

To sum up, I think computers and printed books will peacefully coexist for years to come, but in the future technological progress will make it possible for students to carry laptops or even palmtops instead of traditional bags with lots of heavy books.

Компьютерные игры. За и против

People have always had different hobbies but technological progress has caused the appearance of computers and computer games, which can keep a child occupied for hours. However, adults consider computer games a complete waste of time. As for me, I believe computer games are more than mindless entertainment. To begin with, computer games can teach people to achieve their aims as they regularly put obstacles and traps in the way of players which are necessary to overcome in order to progress through the rest of the game. Additionally, computer games can be a valuable source of accidental learning that can be applied to school, home, and social events. Moreover, teachers have also started to appreciate educational games as an opportunity to make their lessons more exciting. Nevertheless, quite a few people are against this activity as they find it rather addictive and harmful for children’s health. They argue that computer games make students neglect their school work. However, if we learn to control our computer use and play games for an hour just to relax after a hard day at school, this will not do us any harm. What is more, modern technology made it possible to eliminate the bad effect of computers on our eyes.

To sum up, I believe that computer games have more advantages than drawbacks. They make us persistent, develop our logical reasoning and help us to escape from everyday problems. The thing is to find a right balance between virtual reality and everyday reality.

Космос. За и против исследований в космосе

Space exploration can mean a major leap for mankind. However, it is often criticized because the price for these space experiments is too high, especially while poverty still exists in many parts of the world. On the one hand, space research is extremely beneficial as it advances technology. As a result of this work, we have lots of inventions, which have made our lives much more comfortable. In addition, through the exploration of space, we could find new elements, minerals or even discover new laws of physics and eventually learn more about ourselves. What is more, space exploration will allow us to establish a human civilization on another planet as a hedge against the catastrophe that might occur on the Earth. On the other hand, the benefits of space exploration are not self-evident, no matter how real they are. It costs billions of dollars to fund the projects of space science whereas this money should rather be spent on meeting the needs of the underprivileged. Besides, some of the technology we develop through space science can be used in a destructive manner if it is in the wrong hands. Finally, a travel to space can be dangerous as we may discover something that is extremely harmful for the living beings on Earth.

To conclude, I want to say that space exploration satisfies the human desire for adventure therefore most people are interested in space research. Nevertheless, I believe our governments should find the right balance between social and space programs.

“Improving discipline at school is a big priority”

Many people believe that more attention should be paid to discipline at school nowadays. Others think that strict discipline makes pupils act as robots.

There is no doubt that teachers cannot teach effectively if there is no order at school and pupils cannot learn If schools fail to keep order. There is a problem of tackling basic gaps in the children`s behavior, such as respect for teachers and classmates, keeping order in classes and some others. Pupils are often impatient and they cannot accept any sort of criticism. What is more, some pupils make false statements about teachers. Some parents are sure that teachers should be given the right to remove pupils who cause difficulties.

Other parents are sure that strict discipline does not always help to develop pupils` self- respect, they believe that pupils should be given more freedom in relationship with teachers. They think pupils should be involved in decisions about their school and have a say in how things are run.

To my my mind, there should be an adviser on pupil behavior in every school.

Finally, I should say that measures, some teachers call them“very basic ”, should be taken to improve discipline at school. Teachers should be allowed to press criminal charges against pupils. (204)

2. "Soon everybody will be downloading music from the Internet and concert halls will disappear"

In the age of Internet there are a lot of opportunities to listen to the music you like. Some people like to listen to music at home , others attend concert halls regularly.

To my mind, downloading music may cause an apparent loss in quality, the download can fail and you need permission to do it which can be rather costly. You also lose the excitement and gaiety of people in the concert hall and you have no chance to greet your favourite singer or orchestra . You cannot give flowers to the performer if you stay home.

Although there are a lot of places to go and listen to your favourite music such as music festivals and concert halls , many people prefer staying home as they can have an easy access to music they like from the Internet. They say that downloading music is quick, fun and cheap and you do not need any special equipment. Moreover, legal downloads provide multiple edits, low track pricing and a huge music library.

In my opinion, concert halls will stay forever because people need to go out and relax from the routine life. You can meet your friends before the concert and go to a cafe together, then exchange opinions after the concert.

Summing up, I should say that downloading music has become more popular with young people as they are technically educated and spend a lot of time in the net.

 “The world is a book and those who do not travel, read only a page.”

Many people believe that there are a lot of impressive places all over the world and journeys make people think. Other people believe that they have lots of time for reflection when they get information from the Internet and other means of media.

On the one hand, travelling gives you a better understanding of culture of other people and you can benefit from a little education. People want to go to some places because they reflect their character or because they have something they desperately need. Thus, you should develop the feeling of wanderlust from your childhood.

On the other hand, the unknown is scary for a lot of people. They are afraid of travelling on their own, it seems to them more serious having a long delay at the airport and having to wait for hours can be really upsetting. They watch TV travel programs , read travel magazines and use the Internet to learn about the world sitting home.

To my mind, travel gives us that movement and change which are necessary to our life, we become different people travelling.

To sum up, I should say that people cannot live without travelling, so do not let excuses hold back your travel dreams. (203)

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        “Not many people give up a dull but secure job to fulfill their real ambition.”

Nowadays many people are fairy happy in the existing jobs. Others are always on the lookout for something new to realize their potential.

There is no doubt that people are aware of the fact that the results of the work they do will benefit in the long run. That`s why they work in one place for years, they also know that they live in this extremely competitive world. They try to stay loyal to their company and do not leave it because they have doubts about job prospectives.

A lot of other people love the fact that they do something practical which makes difference, they get a job satisfaction, they feel flexible at work and they want to realize their aims in spite of having much stress in the workplace and problems to solve. Moreover, many young people go abroad to look for other job prospects and to try something different, more effective and well-paid.

In my opinion, it is great when you have a chance to realize your ambitions. Young people should be offered a job while at university, as a result of visiting a job fair. Job fairs are held at many universities each year, they are effective to find out what job young people might be interested in.

Summing up, I should say that some people are very materialistic, they hop from one company to another in search of better salary and benefit packages and thus, they forget about their dreams . (224)

“The young can learn a lot about life from older people”

Many people believe that the old know everything better because they have lived longer. Other people think that old generation has lost touch with all that is important in life.

On the one hand, the society expects older people to be an example of wisdom. It is a good idea to discuss practical details with your parents and turn to them for advice. Some parents are sure that only through experience you can come to a right decision. There are a lot of families where children follow their parents` professions. Not all teens are worse than their parents.

 On the other hand, young people develop and become mature more quickly than their parents and they can recognize the mistakes some parents make. Young people travel around the world and expand their outlook, they are technically more educated and are on the run all the time. Moreover, a lot of young people go abroad to get a proper education there, thus they become more competitive on the job market.

To my mind, parents should be pleased by the way a child`s character develops. They should share teenagers `enthusiasm for the activity and let the child fulfill his potential.

Finally, I can say that parents should encourage their children to realize their dreams and do their best to help them in life.(220)

“Some people think if you want to get a good education, you should go abroad.”

More and more people believe that you can get a better education only if you go to England or America. I would like to consider if it is really so.

On the one hand, studying abroad is more advantageous than studying in a local country because you gain useful experience. Moreover, it can have a positive impact on your Career Development as you become more initiative and acquire quickness in comprehension. It gives you a chance to learn the culture of the other country and improve your foreign language skills.

On the other hand, you can find it rather difficult to implement your knowledge and experience got abroad in your own country because laws and conditions are quite different in different countries. Also it is very expensive to study abroad. Besides, you have to adapt to many things and it can be stressful.

I think every student would like to go abroad to get some life experience and go to the university there to broaden their mind.

Finally, I should say that you have to analyze and compare all pros and cons before making a proper decision where to get your education. It is easy enough to make a mistake when you are so young. Think about what valuable contribution you can make in your own country.(217)

"Electronic books are becoming a threat to the printed ones"

Nowadays electronic books are widely used by a lot of people. They say that printed books will soon disappear forever. Other people believe that printed books are still very popular and the printed book market is rapidly developing.

On the one hand, the development of technology makes electronic books more sophisticated and they are widely accepted .Moreover, they can store a lot of books in their memory, you do not waste time in search of necessary information and studying becomes much more exciting with them. You can read electronic books far from your home- in transport, on the beach, on board a train or plane.

On the other hand, you have a limited number of illustrations with electronic books, you become tired much quicker reading a book on a screen and the screen of any electronic book can be easily damaged. There are a lot of libraries all over the world with printed books, every family has its own library of favourite books and art albums. Therefore, people are not ready to throw them away , they like the touch and smell of the printed book.

Honestly speaking, I like electronic books more as they are easy and convenient to carry-you can carry it in your palm.

Finally , I should say that in the age of technological progress you can find and download the necessary book quicker and saving time is very important at present.(235)

"Technology - is it a good or a bad thing"

Technological progress is changing our life very rapidly. Nowadays we cannot imagine our live without a mobile phone, air conditioners and computers.

On the one hand, modern technology can save much of our time. A lot of people do not go out to shop, they prefer ordering food and goods on the Internet. Technology makes it possible to go outside our solar system and serf the Universe. Moreover, scientists make robots, which can take a lot of boring everyday jobs we do today.

On the other hand, technical progress does a lot of harm to the environment. Global warming has become the problem of the day due to it. Technology also makes us lazier and weaker. People do not like spending their time on face to face communication. Communication in social network with several people at the same time does take less time. In fact, technical progress has a bad influence on the human health. People spend hours in front of the screen not thinking about the consequences. Permanent stay in the same position affects your body. Your eyesight becomes worse.

In my opinion, modern society cannot live without progress and technology. It is a natural way of live.

To sum up , I can say that we need time to get away from the computer and realize that it might be much better to read a book or go to the theatre or cinema.(242)

"When you are good to others, you are best to yourself"

 Nowadays more and more people believe that being useful to other people develops you as a personality. This problem has already become definitely controversial.

 On the one hand, being good to other people may really help you become a likeable and open-minded person. But do not try too hard to be liked. If you are open and sympathetic to others, they may reach for you and thus, you gain a great number of pleasant and useful contacts, which may help you in the future. Moreover, you should be optimistic, never complain and accept any sort of criticism. Remember you may be wrong sometimes.

On the other hand, in modern society some people cannot understand your good intentions. They may start using you for their selfish interests because they think that kindness is a sign of weakness. Other people are not aware of the fact that making friends and influencing people is a gift.

To my mind, if you are tactful, you cannot offend others. Nowadays it is so hard to be rightly understood. Practice being sociable and you will never lose your friends.

 Finally, I should say that when you are on good terms with others and respect people, it develops your mind and character. (209)

““Young people look as if they are wearing a uniform, they are so similarly dressed.””

Some people think that today`s teenagers are victims of fashion and they look similar. Others believe that young people enjoy casual clothes and take no notice of the clothes the designers produce.

There is no doubt that fashion photographs in magazines make a huge impact on young people`s image. Many young people are obsessed with fashion and they prefer to wear what pop or TV stars are wearing. What is more, some young people are afraid that their friends will write them off for wearing unfashionable clothes. Clothes are important to them but they need to be comfortable as well as stylish, they like their clothes to look smart. Unisex clothing is a familiar idea today.

Many teenagers like to wear things which allow them to feel free and have fun. They say styles come and go. They can get away with wearing jeans nearly everywhere. Clothes with a sporty look are very popular among them, they enjoy casual clothes.

To my mind, you should be good at putting together things to make an outfit. Things, you wear, should help other people understand your character better.

Summing up, I can say that clothes are becoming more and more aggressive today. Young people prefer the latest “street style” which makes them look similar.(212)

“Schools are responsible for pupils` career success.”

Many people say that schools do not help young people get into university or secure a well-paid job. Others believe that young people themselves should be more resourceful and initiative in life.

Firstly, schools should deliver good outcomes for pupils. How well children are educated affects their employment prospects. Secondly, there should be a school careers officer to tell all about different jobs available. Thirdly, schoolchildren should be taught to use some tools and machines and be acquainted with the latest achievements in science. Incorporating work experience elements into secondary school education programmes will provide career guidance and training as well as access to jobs.

 Some parents say that schoolchildren cannot rely much on school because certain professions require different qualities and abilities and they should be aware of the fact that entry-level jobs, such as telephone receptionist jobs, are disappearing these days. Thus, pupils should do their best to become well educated, being competitive and ready to work under stress, being a team member- these features are very important.

I strongly believe that young people who spend so much time at school, grow up and develop with it should have the chance to get the feel of different working environments while at school.

In conclusion, I can say that schools should encourage pupils to develop their natural abilities and prepare them for their future working life.( 229)

“Being stuck in traffic jams for much of the journey makes us think of possible developments of the city.”

Some people say that the volume of traffic is increasing and the city government should pay more attention to the improvement of the public transport. Others are sure that people cannot change their habits and will never stop using their cars.

A lot of cities try to discourage the use of private cars in the center. I believe that increasing charges for parking and introducing tougher fines for people who break the law can change the situation for the better. The city government should provide more cheap parking on the outskirts of the city and develop the public transport. Moreover, the rail services and the facilities for cyclists should be improved. There are not enough roads to meet the demands.

Many other people think that people get used to the comfort of their own cars, they say that underground trains run too slowly and there are crowds of people any time of the day. They claim that buses do not come on time and the intervals are long. Therefore, they prefer cars to public transport.

To my mind, cars have become a threat to a healthy life of people in cities, they pollute the air and make our life full of danger.

Summing up, I should say everything seems polluted and risky nowadays. So , the city governments have to make reasonable plans how to solve the problem of traffic jams in our cities.

Sharing an activity is a wonderful way to make friends.”

A lot of people enjoy spending free time together.  Others do not like leaving their home, they say that they are quite satisfied with 2 or three books at hand.

 It goes without saying that if you have much in common with somebody, you start spending more time together. For example, you attend theatre or go to music concerts regularly, take some dancing classes or watch video films at home. When you take up some team sport, like football and hockey, or go in for different competitions and contests, you get a good chance to make new friends. Moreover, if you are a good mixer by nature, it is much easier for you to be involved in different activities and thus, find new friends.

 There are some people who are fond of staying home most of the time. They prefer keeping in touch with others using the Net or just a telephone. They say that having a way with people is also a good way to become friends. They are sure that being ready to help and listen to other people` problems are more important in friendship.

 I strongly believe that when people do something together, they get pleasure from it and it helps them to get new friends and keep them for a long time.

 In conclusion, I should say that if you are active, optimistic and open to people, you are sure to meet new people and become good friends with them.( 244)

“How to be a friend of the Earth.”

There is an opinion that young people should be taught the ecological culture while at school, others believe that distributing natural resources efficiently is enough to preserve our planet.

There is no doubt that young people should learn how to keep our planet clean while at school. They should take an active part in establishing more parks and protecting natural diversity of plant species and their environment. Moreover, collecting wastes separately should become their habit. I believe that if humans no longer caught fish, the number of fish worldwide would eventually increase. We should use alternative power to warm our houses and stop growing food with pesticides and artificial fertilizers.

Some people argue that there are enough resources on our planet to use. Efficient distribution of them is vital, that is why they are against genetically modified food, for example. They believe that love for nature and their planet is in people` genes.

To my mind, we do lack natural resources on our planet. There are a lot of people who starve and die because there is not enough food and water on the Earth. Everyone knows that space programmes are important to find out if there is life on other planets or not.

In conclusion, I can say that the world has become a global village, so we should unite our efforts to preserve our Home. Young people should do their best to keep their Home clean.(233)

“Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.”

Many people think that extreme sports help to develop character, others find them awfully stressful and it is difficult to understand why people put their lives at risk.

No doubt that extreme sports are becoming more and more popular. Many young people get pleasure from hang-gliding, bungee jumping, parkour, scuba diving and many others. These activities often involve speed, height and a high level of physical training. They prepare people to overcome obstacles in an emergency. Moreover, doing extreme sports requires patience, it develops self-control- you learn to control your fear and your moves and it gives the sense of achievement.

Some people consider such activities rather dangerous. They say that people who take them want to satisfy their curiosity and they want to look outrageous. These activities are risky, you can injure your leg or hand. They say there are many other ways to build your character. You can take up swimming or go in for field skiing, for example. These kinds of sport also determine a man`s character.

In my opinion, when you risk, you learn if you can use your head before you act. An extreme sport is also a form of entertainment for young people or a way to spend your free time.

Finally, I should say that such activities are very important for young people, they gain respect of others and it is good to build positive character traits that will last a lifetime.( 235)

“People believe that teenagers lead sad virtual lives , they say it may cause problems”

Nowadays the Internet takes one of the most important places in our lives. Adults have a virtual life as well, but teenagers are more exposed to the influence of the Net. Is it a real problem?

On the one hand, having a virtual life may be dangerous. Children are not able to understand that they often get addicted to computer. They cannot feel where a game ends and reality begins. At the same time, heavy use of the computer is dangerous for your own health: you may have a headache or visual impairment. Prolonged sitting at computer and unhealthy food can lead to obesity.

On the other hand, we live in the information socierty and in the age where information is the main weapon. If you are informed well, you can conquer the world. Therefore, a new generation should use the Net to look for the necessary information. Moreover, having virtual lives helps people to search friends all over the world which have similar interests and thus, avoid misunderstanding and negative reaction from other people.

In my opinion, the Internet is a quick way of getting information. But parents should think of the problems that might come from the freedom of the Internet.

To sum up, I should say that you should find a right balance between virtual reality and everyday live. (220)

"Why should we be spending money exploring space when there are so many problems here on Earth that we need to solve first?"

 Nowadays more and more people think that it is very important to spend much money on space development. Is it a good idea to neglect problems on Earth?

On the one hand, it is really important to foster development of the space industry. Furthermore, it is a good opportunity to gain new knowledge. It would be useful to know about space, rather than just be a victim of it. At the same time our planet has limited resources and space exploration is a necessity to mankind. Staying on Earth will lead to extinction. Some of the reasons are: lack of natural resources, comets, nuclear war and world-wide epidemic.

On the other head, there are so many reasons to spend money in the first place on the needs of our population. Besides that, space exploration has had a lot of waste and lacks purpose. Many people believe that the development of space can lead to global catastrophe or bring disaster upon humanity.

Recently there have been calls to reduce programmes in space. I think it would be a serious mistake.

To sum up, I should say that science unites people and different countries cooperate successfully today for the benefit of people. (200)

"Your health is in your own hands"

Nowadays more and more people believe that their health depends on the environment and the place  they live in. Can it be really true?

  On the one hand, people's health depends on the fact that people cannot feel free and relaxed in a large city. What is more, traffic jams in rush hours are awful. Moreover, people suffer from environmental pollution.  I think they should follow simple rules to be in good health: be a sunny soul and   be positive, change your place and see something breath-taking.

  On the other hand, people's health depends on their style of life. If you have a sedentary office job, do not have free time to do sports and spend enough time in the open air, you can be in poor health. Many of us are getting dependent on computer, we are becoming net addicts.

I think that people neglect their health because they are very busy. They prefer public transport to walking. A lot of people are becoming coach potatoes .

  Finally, I should say that our eating habits are awful as well. Many of us dine out, go to fast food restaurants and have several snacks a day. It does not depend much on the place you live in to be healthy. ( 203)

“Some people think that pupils should be involved in decisions about their school and should have a say in how things are run. Other people think that pupils are too young to take part in such important decisions.”

Nowadays more and more people think that pupils should take part in making decisions about their school life . Other people believe that pupils won`t be able to cope with such difficulties .

On the one hand, it is a good idea to allow pupils to participate in the management of the school. There is no doubt that every schoolchild should be aware of his/her significant role in life , and active participation in the school activities will teach them to gain experience and be successful in future. Some schools set up School Soviets which help the school staff solve different school problems. It will also help school pupils make up their mind in different situations.

 On the other hand, there are some people who are sure that pupils are not ready to make important decisions. They are not able to delegate tasks, so they can be overworked and be at a loss. Moreover, they can fail to demand the job to be well done under some circumstances.

In my opinion, being involved in running the school helps pupils develop managerial skills and not to give up.

Finally, I should say that freedom of speech is very important when you are at school, as it gives pupils the right to express their own opinion. ( 220)

        "Many people enjoy watching television. However, some people believe it can be harm full."

A lot of people like watching television because it brings them closer to other people and it is an effective means to educate them. Others think that it can influence our minds in a negative way.On the one hand, people have a greater choice of what to watch, it gives information on a lot of subjects and it does not require much effort to watch it. Many programs which are broadcast are educational. What is more, you can watch documentaries about environmental and social issues, scientific developments or anything that has won an award.On the other hand, some people say that it gives a false impression about real life. They also believe that there is too much violence on television, which has a bad influence on viewers,especially young people. As a result, children turn to violence through watching television. Moreover, smoking is often shown as a very “cool” thing to do.

I am sure that television does have its good points and everything depends on whether parents can control the programs they watch.

Finally, I should say that education benefits greatly from television. Many TV programs reflect the needs of people and entertain them.

"Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy working people. However, many experts say that it is not completely healthy."

New food outlets are appearing every day to attract people, who are busy, to taste their food. It is difficult to pass them by because their food smells good. A lot of doctors say that such food can be dangerous.

Many people, especially young ones, are fond of such food. Moreover, young people seem to increase their demand for fast food products. Firstly, they say it is tasty and cheap. Secondly, you do not have to do cooking and wash dishes when you eat out, so, it saves a lot of time. Thirdly, people can relax there and enjoy the food. There is also a tendency today to discuss business while you dine out.

Many experts admit that such food is full of chemical additives, so there is a risk of food poisoning. Obesity is associated with fast food dining. Fat is carrying a lot of calories, so it is problematic. What is more, fast food is very high in salt. So, experts say that fast food is going out of fashion because it is unhealthy.

To my mind, fast food has radically changed our eating habits. We are out of home from morning till night, so it is rather convenient to have a snack in the midday or on your way home. Junk food is changing today, as well. A little of what you fancy does you good.

Summing up, I should say that food has an impact on our physical and emotional health. You can limit the amount of fast food and feel happy. (254)

"Animals without owners have the right to live in cities, other people believe that they should be even put down. "

Nowadays you can see a lot of stray animals in the streets of our towns and cities. This problem is vital. Some people are sure that these animals have the right to stay where they are, other people consider them very dangerous and insist on taking strict measures against them.

On the one hand, it cannot be the animal`s fault that it is stray. Many of them become lost and increase the amount of stray animals, others are left by their owners in the streets due to different reasons. Thus, it is our duty to take care of them, cure them and find these animals a new home or put them into the rescue centre. There are plenty of opportunities to reduce the number of homeless animals: local animal shelters should be organized, dogs and cats can be spayed and castrated and then put back in their places. Moreover, stray overpopulation should be made less painful.

On the other hand, many people are against stray animals, they are afraid to get the disease from stray dogs, for example. That is more, they support the “catch and kill” programme. Sometimes they take the stray animal to an animal doctor to put it to sleep.

I strongly believe that every living being has the right to live in the city, and I do not share this pessimistic approach to the problem of stray animals.

In conclusion, I can say that they must have a chance to live among us.(256)

"Animals without owners have the right to live in cities, other people believe that they should be even put down. "

Nowadays you can see a lot of stray animals in the streets of our towns and cities. This problem is vital. Some people are sure that these animals have the right to stay where they are, other people consider them very dangerous and insist on taking strict measures against them.

On the one hand, it cannot be the animal`s fault that it is stray. Many of them become lost and increase the amount of stray animals, others are left by their owners in the streets due to different reasons. Thus, it is our duty to take care of them, cure them and find these animals a new home or put them into the rescue centre. There are plenty of opportunities to reduce the number of homeless animals: local animal shelters should be organized, dogs and cats can be spayed and castrated and then put back in their places. Moreover, stray overpopulation should be made less painful.

On the other hand, many people are against stray animals, they are afraid to get the disease from stray dogs, for example. That is more, they support the “catch and kill” programme. Sometimes they take the stray animal to an animal doctor to put it to sleep.

I strongly believe that every living being has the right to live in the city, and I do not share this pessimistic approach to the problem of stray animals.

In conclusion, I can say that they must have a chance to live among us.(256)

"Many countries have national service, where young adults join the army for a certain period of time after leaving school. Some countries, however, have recently stopped national service. "

There is obligatory military service in many countries, Russia is among them. A lot of countries require a specific amount of military service from every citizen. In our country, for example, all males are liable for one year of compulsory military service up to the age of 27. In other countries young adults are liable for the period about 18 months. There are also nations with fully volunteer military service.

On the one hand, some nations do not normally require mandatory military service from its citizens, if it is not at war, such as Germany, France and some other countries. Many nations have no standing army and have no enforced conscription. Moreover, others have civilian, unarmed service alternative to compulsory military service, such as Finland and Norway. A professional, mobile, high-tech army, able to respond quickly to local and regional conflicts has been created in many countries.

On the other hand, each recruit takes the oath, by that he promises to protect his Motherland, to keep the Constitution and its other laws. People who serve the army are taught to deal with weapons, it helps to keep battle readiness, thus, it protects the country in case of war.

I strongly believe that the option to military service is civilian service where an individual finds a job at some public institution. What is more, the army changes people and their views greatly. I am not sure if it is always for the better.

Summing up, I should say that most men avoid the mandatory draft by taking advantage of some rules to avoid conscription, including university study and health problems; though, I admit that the army makes them more mature. (280)

"School trips –are they educational or a waste of time? Should school trips be encouraged? "

 It is believed that going on school trips adds hugely to education. Some people are against school trips. They say that it takes children away from studies.

On the one hand, some nations do not normally require mandatory military service from its citizens, if it is not at war, such as Germany, France and some other countries. Many nations have no standing army and have no enforced conscription. Moreover, others have civilian, unarmed service alternative to compulsory military service, such as Finland and Norway. A professional, mobile, high-tech army, able to respond quickly to local and regional conflicts has been created in many countries.

Many people are in favour of the idea that trips with schools are invaluable as learning experiences. If they are well designed, they can make a learning process more exciting. The outdoors has so much to offer the young people of today. School trips come in all forms and sizes: from art galleries, museums, walks to the local park to a camping trip out of the city. They are some of the ways to make learning more appealing. Moreover, life skills such as self-reliance and personal confidence are developed in a fun and challenging way. Teachers cannot neglect this vital part of education.

To my mind, a single day in the field can be worth several weeks in a classroom. Learning outside the classroom can empower pupils to become more responsible and sociable.

In conclusion, I should say that school trips should be almost obligatory. It is also an ideal way to meet people from all walks of life. School trips can teach children respect each other and develop team building skills in a society. (270)

"Taking part in afterschool activities allows pupils to be creative and teachers them many skills. Others disagree and say that it is of no importance for them at all”. Is that really so? "

 Doing activities gets pupils to be more social and gain communication skills which is essential for their future. There is something fun about making crafts, films or writing articles for a newspaper. Some people say that not all pupils get access to the activity they need and may feel they are left out. They are sure that pupils should concentrate on learning their lessons well.

On the one hand, many pupils get involved in swimming or take basketball after classes. Some schools encourage their pupils to take part in activities which are designed to increase motivation, pupil self-confidence and raises awareness of their potential as journalists, creators or painters. When pupils are engaged in a range of activities, they are open to new ideas, for example, they can create a photo display relating to school or make a video film .

On the other hand, these activities are normally run after school, they are optional which means that some pupils may miss out. Some pupils may find it difficult to get the right activity for them. Moreover, too many activities often end up having negative effects. Teens may have academic problems.

In my opinion, there are many advantages in doing afterschool activities, which can be beneficial later in life. Pupils have opportunities to improve their leadership while also increasing their self –confidence

Summing up, I should say that children who take part in afterschool activities tend to do better at school. It leads to a better understanding of their abilities, talent and career goals. Some children think they have to be engaged in many activities to be a success. (268)

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