Лексико-грамматические тесты
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Лещенко Ирина Ивановна

Лексико-грамматические тесты для контроля знаний учащихся 5-7 классов


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Предварительный просмотр:

Лексико - грамматические контрольные работы к УМК "Enjoy English"
  М.З.Биболетовой для 5-7 классов. 


1. Express the following sentences in the passive.
a) They asked
me my name and address.
b) Peter did his
homework the whole evening.
c) He found his
puppy in the garden.
d) The students discussed
the article at the party.
e) The pupils read
the interesting tales at the party.
f) W .Shakespeare wrote
the tragedy "Hamlet".

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous Tense.
a) He (to write) a letter when I (to see) him.
b) Harry (to do) his work while his brother (to play) games.
c) We (to sing) a song when George (to come) into the room.
d) While the teacher (to give) a lesson, a small dog (to walk) into the room.
e) Jack (to do) his homework when his father (to come) home from work.
f) The rain (to begin) to fall while he (to watch) the game.

3. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:
a) Mother was cooking breakfast from 7 till 8.
b) Mary and Kate were playing chess at 10 on Sunday.
c) I was reading the book when my husband came home from work.


1. ... Thames flows through ... London.
a) a b) the с) -
2. Does ... Peter speak ... German?
a) a b) the с) -
3. When will you have ... dinner?
a) a b) the с) -
4. My uncle built... new house. ... house is small.
a) a b) the с) -
5. Usually she (to paint) pictures in the living room.
a) is painting b) paints
6. Who (to listen) to the radio now?
a) listens b) is listening
7. As a rule, she (to wear) beautiful clothes.
a) wears b) is wearing
8. Jack (to lose) his key. He can't get into the house.
a) has lost b) lost
9. ... you (to see) Ann yesterday?
a) Have...seen b) did...see
10. It's the most interesting film I (ever see)
a) saw b) have seen
11. I (to get) a message from Lily last Saturday.
a) have got b) got
12. When ... you (to buy) the new car?
a) did... buy b) have... bought
13. Are you fond ... reading?
a) through b) of c) over
14. Have you ever been ... Paris?
a) over b) in c) to
15. I cannot write ... this pen.
a) at b) with c) on
16. You can play the piano very well, ... ?
a) don't you b) can you c) can't you
17. You go in for sports, ... ?
a) aren't you b) do you c) don't you
18. I sent a letter to you,...?
a) do I b) did I c) didn't I

Test (Итоговый контроль. V класс)

I. Выбери правильную форму глагола:
a) I ... a new bike two days ago. (buy, will buy, bought)
b) He often ... to Moscow. (went, goes, will go)
c) My sister ... her mother tomorrow. (helps, helped, will help)
d) They ... very happy last week. (will be, are, were)

II. Поставь предложения в:

a) Present Simple:
1) Hobbit got many letters last week.
2) I shell be on duty in two days.
3) The king didn't get along with the mice.

b) Past Simple:
1) The elephants do wonderful work.
2) The king will call his wise men.
3) The mice don't eat with nice manners.

c) Future Simple
1) Piglet cleans his room every day.
2) I am glad to see you now.
3) We learn a lot of  new words every lesson.

III. Составь вопросительные предложения в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени с данным вопросительным словом: What.

IV. Ответь на вопросы в настоящем, будущем и прошедшем времени:
1. How old are you?
2. What form were you last year?
3. Where will you go next summer?
4. How many lessons do you usually have?
5. Who was absent yesterday?
6. Will you go to school on Sunday?


1) Вставь пропущенные буквы:
d....rty, p....rk, sh....rt, t....ank, fa....mer, g....rl, f....r, g....rden, ....hree, d....rk, c....rn, w....ite, w....en, ....hy.

2) Составь предложения из данных слов:
a) Is, her friend, a farmer
b) My cats, nice, are
c) Dark, a park, are
d) A pupil, am, I
e) Can, a girl, well, sing

3) Употреби нужную форму глагола "to be " (am, is, are)
a) My name ... Dick.
b) I ... a teacher.
c) His shirt ... grey.
d) The pigs ... fat.
e) We ... fanny and brave.

4) Найди правильный ответ на каждый вопрос:

a) Can you swim?
b) Do you like cheese?
c) Is the dog strong?
d) Do they run in the park?
e) Are you brave?
f) Can your friends play chess?

a) No, they don't
b) No, they can't
c) Yes, I do
d) Yes, I can
e) No, it isn't
f) Yes, I am


I. Write the verbs in ing-form:
to run, to have, to speak, to knit, to eat, to play, to help, to come, to cook, to ask, to sit, to take, to sleep, to go.

II. Put the verb in the Present Continuous Tense:
1) Listen! Pat (to play) the piano.
2) I (to sit) on a chair now.
3) He (to read) a newspaper.
4) What you (to do) now?
5) Where are they? They (to ski) in the park.
6) We (to listen) to the radio at the moment.

III. Put the verbs in the correct form:
1) My friend (to learn) two foreign languages.
2) Look! The boy (to swim) in the river.
3) His parents (to water) the flowers in the garden now.
4) I (to be) very polite and intelligent.
5) It (to snow) at the moment.
6) What you usually (to do) after lessons?

IV. Translate from Russian into English:
1) Посмотри! Она смотрит телевизор.
2) Я получаю хорошие оценки по математике.
3) Что ты делаешь? Я пишу письмо другу.
4) Послушай! Она говорит по-английски.
5) Моя мама часто шутит. У неё хорошее чувство юмора

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